

【作者】 王亚欣

【导师】 班班多杰;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 宗教学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 突出文化内涵、讲究文化品味、寻求文化享受已经成为当代旅游的主要内容和发展趋势。从游览、观光的低层次、初级旅游需求到追求文化参与、文化体验的深层次、高境界的旅游消费转换,促使中国旅游积极探寻现代转型之路。藏传佛教源远流长、博大精深,是藏族传统文化的精髓,也是藏族文化旅游资源中最宝贵的财富,是藏区旅游的特色和优势所在。党中央要求我们对宗教教义进行符合社会进步要求的阐释,既要符合宗教教义,又要符合社会进步要求。本论文在这一理念的指导下,旨在探讨藏传佛教文化旅游的当代价值、现实意义、社会功能以及实现其诸内容的方法和途径。随着现代旅游业的兴起,旅游学也逐渐形成并成为当今热门学科,引起了学术界和诸多部门的极大关注,产出了一大批研究成果。这些成果为本课题的研究提供了许多可资借鉴的理念,对本课题的研究有很大的启发。本课题便是在这样的语境下,从理念、思路、资料、设计等诸多方面对藏传佛教文化旅游做了新的探讨,提出了富有创新性的观点和独到的见解。有关宗教文化旅游的研究,国外多从社会学、人类学、民族学的角度出发,从旅游者的行为、旅游的社会影响等方面进行分析和阐述,鲜有人从旅游学的角度对旅游主体和旅游客体及其两者的互动关系做系统的理论阐释和把握。国内则多集中在对典型地域的宗教文化旅游个案或个别旅游现象做具体分析,而未能对旅游主体的需求与旅游客体的供给互动关系做深入探讨,对藏传佛教文化旅游的研究亦是如此。而这正是包括藏传佛教文化旅游在内的旅游学及其分支学科所要探讨和解决的关键问题。本论文以藏传佛教文化为研究对象,运用宗教学、旅游学、文化学的多维视野,通过对西藏自治区拉萨市、日喀则市,甘肃省甘南藏族自治州,四川省阿坝藏羌族自治州,云南省迪庆藏族自治州等藏传佛教文化旅游地的多次考察、调研,采用参与式观察、深度访谈和调查问卷等方式,获取了大量第一手藏传佛教文化旅游资料,结合搜集、梳理、分析的大量藏传佛教文化及其旅游方面的藏、汉文历史文献,对藏传佛教文化旅游的当代价值、藏传佛教文化旅游资源的开发、藏传佛教文化旅游产品的设计等三大课题进行了深入分析、探讨和总结。提出了藏传佛教的终极境界对旅游者提供心灵启迪和精神慰藉,藏传佛教的伦理思想和道德规范有助于提升旅游者的人格品性和人际和谐,藏传佛教的“十明”文化丰富旅游者的文化知识和思想情操等观点。以藏传佛教文化旅游资源开发的问题意识为指向,从藏传佛教文化旅游资源的类型、特点、开发的意义和条件等方面提出了:“保护性开发”的原则和遵循“保护第一,开发第二;文化开发,品质提升;经典开发,精品打造”的构想。以藏传佛教历史、思想、文化为依托和根据,以当代旅游市场的需求为导向,在潜在需求市场细分理论和旅游体验理念的指导下,提出了在整合资源、产品设计、市场营销三大原则基础上的基于潜在需求市场细分的藏传佛教文化旅游体验游设计方案和藏传佛教文化自助游线路。本研究的特色和创新之处表现在:首次在学术界以藏传佛教文化旅游的主位和客位的互动为主线,从藏传佛教的历史、思想、文化结合的角度,较为全面和深入地论述了藏传佛教文化旅游的当代价值、资源开发、产品和线路设计的理论、现实和操作课题,提出的解决问题的思路和方法具有重要的学术性和现实针对性,对解决当今藏区旅游的理论和现实问题具有积极的指导意义。

【Abstract】 It has become a tourism fashion of emphasizing cultural content, paying attention to cultural taste, and pursuing cultural enjoyment. The change from the excurse, low level sight-seeing, and primary tourism demand to the pursuit of cultural participation, high level cultural experience, and high level tourism consumption pushes China’s tourism tries to find out the transition road actively. The Tibetan Buddhism is the soul of Tibetan culture, the most valuable treasure of Tibetan cultural tourism resources and it is the characteristics and advantages of tourism in Tibetan zone. It has realistic significance and academic value to study cultural tourism of Tibetan Buddhism.The studies on religionary cultural tourism in foreign country mostly deeply analyze tourist behavior, tourism’s social impacts, etc. from sociology, anthropology and ethnology perspective while few researchers systematically make theory annotation from tourism view. The subject and object of tourism the interactive relationship between them have scarcely been studied from the viewpoint of tourism. The studies in China mostly focus on case studies of religionary cultural tourism in typical areas or some religionary culture’s exceptional tourism phenomena. The interactive relationship between subject requirement and object supply of tourism, especially Tibetan Buddhism cultural tourism, has not been deeply discussed. In fact, this is a core which need tourism and its branch, including Tibetan Buddhism cultural tourism, to research.Starting from the philosophical logical relationship, this study follows the train of thought of noumenon, methodology, and result and applies religious study and tourism study’s methods. Based on the investigation in Tibetan Buddhism cultural tourism destinations, including Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in southern Gansu, Lhasa, Shigatse in Tibet, Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomic Prefecture in Sichuan province, and Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan province, etc., this research obtains many first-hand materials through formal interview and questionnaire survey, and studies Tibetan Buddhism cultural tourism from three aspects. Chapter one is about the contemporary tourism value of Tibetan Buddhism culture. Based on the summary of the concept and characteristics of Tibetan Buddhism cultural tourism and considering people’s current value orientation as well as the contradiction between supply and demand in cultural market, this chapter deeply discusses the contemporary tourism value of Tibetan Buddhism culture in order to improve tourists’ideological state and sentiment. Chapter two is about the exploitation of Tibetan Buddhism cultural tourism. This chapter expatiates the realistic significance and advantages to explore the resources of Tibetan Buddhism cultural tourism firstly, based on the summary of concepts, types and characteristics, summarizes the status quo of tourism resource exploitation of Tibetan Buddhism culture secondly, stresses the main problems during tourism exploitation thirdly, and proposes the methods and suggestions to inherit and carry forward Tibetan Buddhism culture as well as carries out the integrated benefits including economic, sociological, and cultural benefits. Chapter three is about tourism product construction and classic itinerary design. Based on the clarification of Tibetan Buddhism cultural tourism product, this part comprehensively analyzes the exploitation conditions of Tibetan Buddhism cultural tourism and characteristics of market demand. In addition, this parts designs tourism product pedigree for Tibetan Buddhism culture "based on potential tourism market segmentation" and classic self-organized expedition itinerary.According to the principle of scientific provableness and audacious innovation, this research is innovative from several aspects. First, it distinctly proposes and clarifies the basic characteristics of Tibetan Buddhism cultural tourism, namely stressing cultural character, functional character, and special character. On one hand, this is because of Tibetan Buddhism’s abundant cultural connotation and profound cultural anecdotes, which cannot be understood by general tourists. On the other hand, temples’main function is the sites for religious activities where is not suitable for mass tourists to access. Second, it explicitly proposes the protective principle for Tibetan Buddhism cultural tourism resources’exploitation and suggests to put Tibetan Buddhism culture’s protection to the first place and to put exploitation to the second place. The key point of Tibetan Buddhism cultural tourism exploitation is deeply discovering culture, scientifically annotating culture, and effectively presenting culture. The emphasis is the construction and improvement of tourism service and facilities. In addition, based on the integration of tourism resources in the whole Tibetan area, the resource exploitation of Tibetan Buddhism cultural tourism should be scientifically evaluated, confirm its prominent exploitation objects, and concentrate financial resources, material resources and human resources to create distinctive and extractive tourism attractions and scenic spots. Third, it clearly puts forward the high-quality product design notion for Tibetan Buddhism cultural tourism, namely guided by market, according to the principle of combining education with travelling, laying equal stress on travelling and education, it should carefully design and create various typical tourism products and classic itinerary with strong social functions. Forth, it is the first time that starting from the philosophical logical relationship, following the train of thought of noumenon, methodology, and result, as well as combing the religious study, cultural study, and social study’s point of view, this study transits the inner thinking value of Tibetan Buddhism to direct consumable tourism products and exerts its positive social functions through tourism activities by deeply discovering the inner and profound cultural meaning and applying the theory and methods of resource exploitation and product design in tourism study.

【关键词】 藏区藏族藏传佛教文化旅游
【Key words】 Tibet areaTibetanTibetan BuddhismCulture Tourism

