

【作者】 褚萍

【导师】 施正一;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族经济, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪80年代以来,创业(entrepreneurship)引起了学术界与公共政策决策者们的密切关注。从世界范围来看,当人类进入21世纪后,创业已经成为各国经济发展的源动力。创业的核心要件就是把思想转化为经济机遇的活动。创业是创新和变化的源泉,创业刺激了生产力和经济竞争力的提高。“创业型经济”不仅带动了区域经济的发展,而且在创业中实现了就业的增长和技术进步。政府通过制定有效的创业政策和创业机制来促进创业活动的开展。随着科学技术的进步,市场自由化导致了全球竞争的不断加强。学界既有的研究表明,“创业型经济”的主要对象是发达国家,创业政策也主要受到发达国家政策决策者重点关注。事实上,面临着“贫困、就业”等难题的发展中国家,更应该通过创业活动和发展创业型经济努力获取国家竞争优势,尤其是中国,应该充分借鉴欧美经验,大力倡导并积极推动创业活动和创业型经济发展。正因如此,近几年中国从学术界到政府都非常关注和重视创业活动和创业经济。所谓创业是指为了满足市场需求,而进行开创新企业或改进原企业的一种市场活动。而创业型经济(Entrepreneurial economy)是相对于管理型经济(Managed economy)而言的,它是基于企业家的创意和创新,以新办“创业型公司”为主要途径,微观上实现企业家个体价值,宏观上促进国家经济发展的一种经济形态。创业型经济表现为创业活动多,创新发明与专利多,创业型中小企业多。与传统经济相比,创业型经济具有较高的创业启动与退出率,较高的研发投入和人力资本投资、较高的经济增长等特征。改革开放以来,特别是全球性经济危机发生以来,中国正在掀起一股空前强劲的创业热潮。目前已经形成了一定的创业规模效应。到2006年,中国已经新增创业企业60多万家,新增注册资本1万亿元,每天平均有1500多个企业诞生,有30亿资本下海淘金。创业型经济得到了长足发展。中国创业型经济发展的主要特征:一是机会型创业占主流;二是创业活跃程度高;三是高科技、高成长型创业企业发展态势迅猛;四是创业地域特征明显。中国西部地区地域辽阔,资源丰富,基础设施较为落后,经济发展水平相对较低,市场发育程度和市场机制不健全。作为中国经济不可或缺的西部地区,要改变落后状态必须从提高内生素质入手,寻找新的动力源,必须要关注经济增长的核心和潜力因素——创业,这不仅关系着西部地区未来的经济前景,也将对中国经济产生重要影响。因此,发展创业型经济,探索适宜的创业型经济发展路径,是西部地区提高内生竞争能力的必然选择。本论文的研究目标在于:基于目前国内外学界现有研究状况,以马克思主义经济学、古典经济学、新古典经济学、熊彼特创新理论等为基础,力图从创业型经济的经济学属性出发,分析了中国的创业活动和创业型经济发展历程及西部地区创业型经济发展现状,探索了创业型经济在西部地区发展的矛盾与瓶颈,在立足于对西部地区创业型经济进行SWTO分析基础上,提出了西部地区发展创业型经济的对策建议。论文的创新主要体现在:一是突破了学术界从管理学视角研究创业活动及创业型经济问题,而是从经济学视角切入,运用经济学原理系统研究创业型经济及相关问题,并给出创业型经济的经济学解释和经济学属性;二是运用经济学理论研究创业带动地区经济发展的实现过程,并深入挖掘其实现条件;三是在政策设计方面,在借鉴西方发达国家经验基础上,从政策目标、总体框架、具体实施重点、工具选择等方面对西部地区发展创业型经济的政策体系进行了较为深入探讨,提出了适合中国西部特征的创业型经济发展的政策框架,体现了集成政策体系的特点。

【Abstract】 Since the 1980s, entrepreneurship caused people’s attention in academic and public policy. From a global perspective, when mankind enters the 21 century, entrepreneurship has become a source power in national economy. The core element in entrepreneurship is to turn ideas into economic activities. Entrepreneurship is the source power of innovations and changes, and entrepreneurship stimulates productivity and economic competitiveness."Entrepreneurial economy" not only promotes the development in regional economy, but also realizes employment increase and technological improvements. Through the publication of effective entrepreneurship policy and mechanisms, government helps to promote the development of entrepreneurship activities. With the development of science and economy, market liberalization increases global competitiveness. The existing academic research shows that "entrepreneurial economy" mainly targets developed countries, and entrepreneurial policy mainly causes the attention of policy makers in developed countries. In fact, developing countries which are faced with "poverty, employment" and other problems should also gain competitive advantages through entrepreneurial activities and entrepreneurial economy. China, especially, through the fully learning of Europe and America’s experience, should advocate and promote entrepreneurial activities and entrepreneurial economy. For such reasons, both the academic and government in china have paying attention to entrepreneurial activities and entrepreneurial economy. The so said entrepreneurship is a market activity of opening new enterprises or reforming the original enterprises in order to satisfy market demand. But entrepreneurial economy is relative to managed economy. Based on the creativeness and innovativeness of entrepreneurs, the main route of entrepreneurial economy is to open entrepreneurial companies, realizing the value of entrepreneurs on microeconomic perspective, and promoting the development of national economy on macroeconomic perspective. The entrepreneurial economy shows more entrepreneurial activities, more innovation, more patent, and more medium and small sized entrepreneurial enterprises. Compared with the traditional economy, the entrepreneurial economy has high rates in business start and exit, needs more in investment and human capital investment, and more economic increase.Since the reform and open up policy, especially after the global economic crisis, China is set off an unprecedented forceful entrepreneurship wave. Now China has formed a certain scale of entrepreneurship. By 2006, China has added more than 60 million entrepreneurial enterprises, increased 1 trillion yuan new registered capital.There are 1,500 enterprises coming into being on average a day, and 3 billion capital investing into market. Entrepreneurial economy has made a rapid progress. The main features of entrepreneurial economic development in China:Firstly, the opportunities style entrepreneurship is dominant; Secondly, high degree in entrepreneurship; Thirdly, high-tech, high-growth style of entrepreneurship tend to rapid development; Fourthly, significant geographical features of entrepreneurship. China’s vast western region owns abundant resources, but its infrastructure is lagging behind and its economic development is low relatively, and market development and the market mechanism are not perfect. As indispensable part of China’s economic, if the western region wants to change the lag behind state, we must starts with improving the quality of the inner site, looking for new sources of power. Meanwhile, we must focus on the factors of economic growth in the core and the potential entrepreneurship, which not only matters the future of the western region economic prospects, but also have an important impact on china’s economic. Therefore, to develop the entrepreneurial economy and to explore the appropriate paths of entrepreneurial economic development are inevitable choice for western region to improve its inner competitiveness.The goal of this thesis:Based on the current existing statue of academe research at home and abroad, Marxist economics, classical economics, new classical economics, and Schumpeter’s theory of innovation,etc, the thesis tries to start with the economic nature of entrepreneurial economy, analyzes China’s entrepreneurial activities and entrepreneurial economic development and the western region development status of entrepreneurial economy, and explores the contradictions and bottlenecks of entrepreneurial economy in the western region. Based on the entrepreneurial economy SWTO analytical basis, this thesis proposed the countermeasures of development of the western region’s entrepreneurial economy.This thesis’s mainly innovations:Firstly, instead of analyzing entrepreneurial activities and entrepreneurial economy from the perspective of management which is used by the academe, the thesis analyzes from an economic perspective, using economics theory to explore entrepreneurial economy and the related issues, and explaining entrepreneurial economy and economic attributes; Secondly, using economic theory, the thesis explores the implementation process of entrepreneurship which gives impetus to the development of the economy, and digs the conditions of its implementation deeply; Thirdly, in policy design, the thesis uses the experience of Western developed countries for reference. From the aspects of the policy objectives, the overall framework, the key of specific implementation, tool selection and other aspects of western development policy system, the thesis explores the entrepreneurial economy in western region more deeply, puts forward the policy framework of the development of entrepreneurial economy which is suitable for China’s western region, and reflects the characteristics of integration policy system.


