

【作者】 李军平

【导师】 潘蛟;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 人类学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 林耀华是享誉海内外的社会学家、人类学家、民族学家,在不同的历史发展时期为中国乃至世界的人类学等相关学科的发展作出了重大的贡献。本论文以林耀华发表在各大期刊和报纸的诸多文章为主要研究材料,不仅如此,笔者还对曾经在林耀华身边的一些人进行访谈,比如他所带的博士以及他的家人,得到更多对于论文有价值的材料,在此基础上,对林耀华的有关学术思想进行探析,并由此挖掘出其中有价值的部分。本论文共分6部分:第一章,导论,主要阐述论文选题背景及意义,相关的研究综述以及论文所采取的研究理论与方法等。第二章,介绍林耀华汉人社会研究。首先分析和阐述林耀华汉人社会形成的学术背景,论证林耀华的汉人社会和当时社会学中国化之间的关联,然后介绍林耀华汉人社会研究形成的社会背景,论证当时的乡村建设运动与林耀华汉人社会研究之间的关系,再次分析林耀华汉人社会作品所产生的社会和学术影响。第三章,介绍林耀华的少数民族研究。首先阐述林耀华由汉人社会研究转向边疆少数民族研究的背景,中国当时为满足抗战需要对边疆研究而兴起的“边政学”,近代凉山“夷患”,西南大后方建设,林先生的研究经费来源等,乃至当时的国际社会影响等;其次,阐述了林耀华少数民族作品所产生的社会和学术影响;再次,阐述了林先生进行的少数民族识别问题;最后,描述了林先生对于凉山彝家的现代化做出的贡献。第四章,介绍林耀华的社会发展史研究,林耀华在原始社会史和经济文化类型方面做出了重要的贡献。这一章把这两部分归纳在一起,其目的是为了阐释林耀华关于社会发展史的学术思想。首先阐述林耀华社会发展史形成的学术背景,当时苏维埃学术研究对林耀华的影响等;其次阐述林耀华社会发展史研究形成的社会背景,比如跟当时的国家构建理论以及当时的国家需要有关系,新中国刚刚成立的国家话语控制权和构建理论的需要必然影响到林耀华的社会发展史研究,再次阐述林耀华社会发展史研究所产生的社会和学术影响。第五章,阐述林耀华对中国人类学、社会学等相关学科的建设所作出的努力,特别是在文化大革命后,他对这些学科所作出的贡献。结语部分,对林耀华的学术思想进行总结,并在此基础上提出笔者的一些评述,附录部分是访谈笔录。

【Abstract】 Lin yaohua, a world-renowned Anthropologist, Sociologist, etc, made great contribution to such subjects as Anthropology, Sociology,etc, for China and the world as a whole, the dissertation is chiefly based on a combination of lots of precious research data from the periodicals and the interviews conducted to his families and fellow students still alive, with a view to making an in-depth study of his academic works..The main contents are as follows:the introduction part is to illustrate the significance of why this title has been chosen, what is more, the general picture of the relevant researches and the research methodologies adopted to analyze this dissertation, the second section is to demonstrate Lin’s research on the Han society, specifically, in this section,the first is to analyze the academic background behind Lin’research on Han society, and to find out the relations between Lin’s research on Han people and the idea on how to localize the sociology at that time during the 1930s-1940s, the second is to introduce the social background, say, to prove the relation between his research and the activity on the construction of the village then, the last is to summarize the above-mentioned ones, and to give the general and logic conclusion. The third section is to be making an analysis of his minorities research, the first is to give a profound proof of the academic background in this field, as we can know, Lin’s study in this field involves many aspects, ranging from the research on the Yi people in Liangshan region before the founding of New China, to the large-scale minorities recognition initiative and the follow-up study of Liangshan people after the establishment of New China. From this point of view, just from one angle, Lin’s study in this field is closely linked with some arguments on how the Liangshan people was originated,the second part is about the social background, if taking his masterpiece Liangshan yijia as an example, completed before the founding of PRC, we can deduce that it is interlinked with times on how to reinforce the national frontiers, and how to build the vast southwest region, a support area, in order to fight against the Japanese invaders, the last part is concerning what impacts Lin’s relevant research exerted on the society, the forth section is about Lin’s research on the society development, specifically, great contribution was made in the study of primitive society and economy and culture geography. The first section is about the academic background, at that time, the thinking from the former Soviet-union had big impacts on China. the second one is on the social background, say, to some large extent, Lin’s study at that time was largely connected with how the then society should be developed, the last part is talking about the influences of his works. The fifth section is about the huge contribution made by Lin to such areas as Anthropology, Sociology, etc, the last section is the summarizing one, which is to generalize his academic thinking, it is hope that the author shall give some comments. Appendix are the interviews.


