

Effect of Varieties and Cultivation Techniques on Maize Yield and Silage Quality

【作者】 冯鹏

【导师】 孙启忠;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 草地资源利用与保护, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本试验于2008~2009年连续两年在内蒙古赤峰市和林西县进行,研究了43个品种与种植密度、混播、施肥、水肥、收获期等栽培技术对玉米产量及青贮质量的影响,结果表明:1.对株高、叶长、叶宽、叶片厚度、黄叶数、绿叶数、单株叶重、单株茎重、单株穗重和产量10个产量构成要素进行主成分分析,结果表明,产量为第一主成分,株高为第二主成分。以产量和株高为指标进行聚类分析,将43个玉米品种聚为4个类群。2. 43个玉米品种中,科多8号发酵品质表现较好,pH值和缓冲能最低,乳酸含量和原料WSC含量最高,青贮料ADF和NDF含量较低,是调制高品质青贮饲料的首选玉米品种。3.中种植密度鲜草产量、CP产量显著高于低、高种植密度。青贮饲料ADF、NDF、EE含量均随种植密度的增加而提高,CP和WSC随密度的增加而降低;青贮降低了原料的硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐含量,种植密度对硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐含量无显著影响。比较产量、发酵品质、营养成分、硝酸盐类物质含量,中种植密度为适宜种植密度。4.中北410与豌豆不同播种量混播,混播处理中以中北410 2.5kg与豌豆3 kg处理CP含量最高,ADF、NDF最低;中北410与秣食豆不同播种量混播,混播处理中以2kg中北410与4kg秣食豆处理产量最高,中北410 1kg与秣食豆5kg混播CP含量最高,ADF、NDF最低。5.沙打旺与科多8号混贮,随沙打旺混贮比例的增加,混贮各处理pH值,CP含量递增,ADF、NDF递减;实验各处理青贮料较青贮原料黄曲霉毒素含量增加,玉米赤霉烯酮、亚硝酸盐、硝酸盐含量减少;玉米与沙打旺1:1混贮处理发酵品质、营养成分及氨基酸含量较高,且有毒有害成分含量较低,为理想的混贮处理。6.科多8号施碳酸氢铵750 kg/hm~2及有机肥30000 kg/hm~2处理产量最高;科多8号施碳酸氢铵750 kg/hm~2处理pH值最低,原料可溶性碳水化合物含量最高,缓冲能最低。龙丹13号施碳酸氢铵750 kg/hm~2及磷酸二铵225 kg/hm~2处理植株高度和产量均最高;施有机肥30000 kg/hm~2处理pH值最低,原料可溶性碳水化合物最高,青贮料ADF和NDF含量最低,为最佳的施肥处理。7.在一定范围内,灌水利用效率随灌水量增加而降低,田间灌水量过大,玉米的水分利用率降低,所以要合理控制灌水量,以利于节水灌溉。施尿素225 kg/hm~2,灌水2070.30 m~3/hm~2处理产量最高,达到87229.87 kg/hm~2,且该处理乳酸含量高,营养品质较好,为理想的水肥组合。8.收获期对青贮玉米产量表现相同趋势,乳熟前期>乳熟后期>开花期,乳熟前期收获pH值、缓冲能均低于其他时期收获,乳熟前期收获原料干物质和可溶性碳水化合物含量最高,ADF、NDF含量最低;乳熟前期收获青贮料粗蛋白含量最高,ADF、NDF含量最低,且亚硝酸盐含量最低,说明乳熟前期是适宜的青贮收获时期。

【Abstract】 The experiment was conducted in Lin Xi and Chi Feng of Inner Mongolia in 2008 and 2009, which studied the effect varieties and planting density, mixed seeding, fertilizing and harvesting dates on yield and quality of silage. The results showed as below:1. Plant height, leaf length, leaf width, yellow leaf, green leaf, leaf weight, stem weight, spike weight and yield were analysised. The results showed that yield is the first principal component, plant height is the second principal components. With clustering analysis, 43 corn varieties are gathered into four groups.2. Fermentation quality of Keduo 8 was best, its pH value and buffering capacity were the lowest, lactic acid and water-soluble carbohydrate of herbage were the highest, and ADF and NDF of silage was lower.3. Forage nutritive quality of whole plant corn changed, and acid detergent fiber and neutral detergent fiber and ethertract increased significantly, crude protein and water-soluble carbohydrates decreased. Ensiling reduced herbage’s nitrate and nitrite. Combining the yield, fermentation, nutrition parameters, nitrate and nitrite, 80 000 plant/hm~2 was the ideal planting density.4. Zhongbei 410 and peas were sowed in different sowing rates, CP content of 410 2.5 kg and peas 3 kg were the highest, ADF and NDF were the lowest. Zhongbei 410 and oddersoy bean were sowed in different sowing rates, yield of 410 2kg and oddersoy bean 4kg were the highest.5. Special silage corn of Keduo 8 and Astragalus adsurgens were mixed and silaged. With the proportion of Astragalus adsurgens Pall. increasing, pH and the crude protein content would increase as well, while the neutral detergent fibre and acid detergent fiber had a descending trend. The content of lactic acid of corn mixed with Astragalus adsurgens 1:1 treatment was highest. The mixed silage could raise the amino acid content of the silage. The aflatoxin of treated silages were higher than those of raw silage respectively, while the zearalenone, nitrite, nitrate were lower. The influence of silage on inorganic elements like lead, arsenic, chromium was not significant. These results indicated that nutrient and amino acid content of the mixed silage of corn mixed with Astragalus adsurgens 1:1 treatment were relatively high and less poisonous elements were contained, which was the ideal mixed silage treatment.6. Yield of Keduo 8 fertilized N 750 kg/m~2 and 30000 kg/m~2 organic fertilizer treament was the highest. Water-soluble carbohydrate of herbage and the buffering capacity were lowest. The plants height and yield of Longdan 13 of fertilized N 750 kg/m~2 and diammonium phosphate 225 kg/m~2 treatment were highest.7. The yield of irrigate water 2070.30 m~3/ hm~2, fertilize urea 225 kg/hm~2 treatment was highest, as much as 87229.87 kg/hm~2. The yield and silage quality of the treatment of irrigate water 2070.30 m~3/hm~2, fertilize urea 225 kg/hm~2 was the best combination.8. Yield of maize varieties in the harvesting dates showed same trend, premilk stage > late milk stage > flowering stage. The pH and buffer capacity of premilk stage were hightest, the DM and WSC of herbage were the highest, ADF and NDF was the lowest. The CP content of premilk stage were the highest, ADF and NDF was the lowest, the nitrite content were the lowest. Premilk stage was the ideal harvesting dates.

【关键词】 玉米栽培技术产量青贮质量
【Key words】 MaizeCultivation techniquesYieldSilage quality

