

Yan Fu and the Evolution of Modern Literature

【作者】 惠萍

【导师】 关爱和;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 严复是中国近代文学史上一位以翻译非文学作品而名列文学史的大家。现有的文学史除了描述进化论的影响外,通常强调严复的翻译思想及其翻译作品的文学特色,这些都尚不足以充分说明严复在近代文学史上的独特地位和复杂影响。有鉴于此,探讨严复的文学理念、梳理严复与近代文学变革之间的关系、厘清严复在文学史上的地位和影响,不失为推动严复文学研究的尝试之举。严复影响近代文学变革的方式大致为:传播现代思想引发中国传统文学理念变动,进而影响近代文学的全面变革。依循这个理路,本文拟在中国近代社会思潮和文学思潮发展变迁的背景下,运用史论结合的方式从历史学、文化学、社会学、心理学、传播学等角度分析、考察严复独特的哲学思想和文学理念,并在此基础上梳理出严复与近代文学变革之间复杂的关系。本文主体部分共分四章:第一章,结合中国近代社会的变局和最后一代士人群体的抗争和努力,考察严复独特的人生追求和学术路径,最后总结出他在近代社会转型中的思想贡献。严复在进化论传播到中国的过程中充当了“舆论领袖”和“信息把关人”的角色。他精心整合了中国传统的变易思想和几种西方进化论,形成了带有严氏风格特色的进化论——天演哲学。译著《天演论》的公开出版标志着天演哲学的初步成型。天演哲学为从传统走向现代的国人提供了一副明晰的人生指示图,即个体处理与物、他人及自身关系的普遍原则:个体与物的关系适用“物竞天择、适者生存”的世界观和方法论;个体和他人的关系适用“自由为体、民主为用”的原则,二者冲突时“己轻群重”;个体和自身的关系适用科学的理念和方法。天演哲学在近代社会转型中发挥着思想启蒙的作用。第二章,结合近代中国救亡图存的社会思潮,考察严复文学功用观的形成及其影响。严复强调文学“救亡启蒙”功用的同时,也肯定文学审美意义上的“无用之用”。严复在借鉴西学对中国传统学术进行批判的过程中形成了较为明确的学术分科思想,为文学从其他学科中独立出来提供了理论依据。严复的“美术”思想影响了近代“纯文学”观念的萌生。在功利和审美之间的抉择,奠定了严复在近代纯文学观念确立过程中的独特地位和影响。第三章,在近代文学雅俗流变的背景下,考察严复的雅俗观及其在近代文学雅俗变迁中的地位和作用。中国以雅文学为本位的传统、西洋留学生的“身份焦虑”、天演进化思想的影响,导致严复在诗文创作和翻译中刻意“崇雅避俗”。不过,从他与“小说界革命”、“文界革命”和五四“白话文运动”的关系来看,尽管严复主观上坚持雅文学的立场,客观上却开启了文学通俗化的道路,这种独特的影响缘于他的启蒙立场以及他所传播的现代思想。第四章,结合严复的哲学思想和文学观念,从清末民初文学革命的发生、文学进化观的形成和“人的文学”观念的确立三个方面,来探讨严复与近代文学变革之间复杂幽微的关系。严复凭借对近代社会的全面影响,自然会影响近代文学的发展和变迁,在实践中他却对文学革新运动采取了疏远甚至反对的态度。这种“自洽”和“悖离”反映了严复作为传统士大夫面对现代思想时的矛盾心情,同时也反映了进化思想在中国演变为“革命”思想的复杂历程。严复最早明确表示进化论可以运用于文学领域,促进了文学进化观的形成。文学进化观不但影响了中国近代文学从杂文学体系向纯文学体系的转变,而且也奠定了中国近现代文学史的书写基调。严复的“鼓民力,开民智,新民德”思想为“人的文学”观的诞生奠定了理论基础。无论是理论上的“自洽”、还是表面上的“悖离”,抑或实际过程中的“推动”,严复与近代文学变革之间的复杂关系,既展现了近代知识分子在古今中外文化交流碰撞之际为救亡图存所做的艰苦努力,也反映了近代文学从传统向现代嬗变的艰难轨迹。

【Abstract】 Yan Fu is the literary master in modern literary history due to his translation of non-literary works. Besides the description of the influence of his evolutionary theory, the present literary history normally focuses on Yan Fu’s translational thoughts and the literary features in his translation, which does not fully present Yan Fu’s unique position and influence in and upon modern literary history. Therefore, the dissertation attempts to explore Yan’s literary notion, illustrate the relationship between Yan and modern literary evolution, and clarify his status and influence in literary history.Yan Fu influences modern literary revolution in the way of spreading modern thoughts to bring changes to Chinese traditional notions, so as to influence modern literary revolution as a whole. According to this concept, under the background of modern Chinese social and literary trend of thoughts, the present dissertation applies the combination of history and theory from the perspectives of history, culture, sociology, psychology and communication science, to analyze and inspect Yan’s specific philosophic theory and literary notion, upon which the relationship between Yan Fu and modern literary evolution can be clarified.The body of this dissertation is divided into four chapters:In Chapter one, the paper combines the changes in modern Chinese society and the fights and efforts of the last generation of scholars, explores Yan’s special experience in life and study, and concludes his contribution during the transformation of modern society. Yan Fu plays the role of“leadership”and“guard”in the spreading of evolutionary theory in China, and he integrated the Chinese traditional thoughts of transformation and several western evolutionary theories and formed an evolution theory of his own style: the philosophy of natural selection. The publication of Tianyan Lun symbolizes the come into being of his philosophy of natural selection. The philosophy of natural selection provides for people transforming from traditin to modern time a clear life guidance, this is, the general principle of oneself dealing with the objects, the others, and himself: the relation between oneself and the objects is applicable for the world view and methodology of“Natural Selection, the Survival of the Fittest”; the relation between oneself and the others is for the principle of“Freedom as the System, and Democracy as the Employment”, and the self will surpass the others when there is conflict; and the relation between oneself is for the scientific concept and method. This phiosophy exerts enlightening function in modern social transformation.In Chapter two, the paper combines the social trends of national salvation to explore the formation and influence of Yan Fu’s functional view on literature. While emphasing the function of literature in saving and enlightening, Yan affirmed“the use of the useless”of literary aesthetics as well. In the process of drawing lessons from the western criticism on Chineses traditional study, Yan Fu formed his comparatively evident academic thoughts of separating subjects, and thus provided theoretical basis for literature separating from other subjects, and his thoughts on“the Fine Arts”influenced the emerging of“Pure Literature”in modern time. The selection between function and aesthetics paved the way for Yan Fu’s unique status and influence in the formation of modern pure literary notion.In Chapter three, under the background of development of modern literary refinement and popularity, the paper studies the status and function of Yan Fu’s view on refinement and popularity in the development of modern literature. The tradition of refined literature as the major part in China, the identity anxiety of overseas students, and the influence of natural selection thought made Yan Fu adovate refinement and aviod popularity in his translation and creation of poetry. However, in the view of his relations with fictional revolution, literary revolution, and the May Fourth modern Chinese movement, although Yan Fu insisted refined literature subjectively, he objectively opened the way to the popularization of literature, and such a unique influence is due to his enligtening principle and the modern thoughts he spread.In Chapter four, in accordance with Yan Fu’s philosophical thoughts and literary view, the paper studies the complicated relations between Yan Fu and modern literature evolution from the perspective of the appearance of literary revolution in the period of late Qing and early Republic of China, the formation of literary evolutional view, and the establishment of the view of“literature of man”. Yan Fu’s overall influence upon modern society naturally influences on the deveopment and evolution of modern literature, however, he stands aloof from and even rejects the literary revolution movement. His attitudes of“rationality”and“alienation”expresses the controversial feelings of traditional scholars while facing to modern thoughts, and also reflects the complicated process of evolution theory transforming revolutionary thoughts. Yan Fu was the earliest to figure out that evolutional theory can be applied to literary field and he promoted the formation of literary evolutionary concept, which not only impacts upon Chinese modern literature in transforming from mixed literary system to pure literary system, but also settles the tune for modern Chinese literary history. Yan Fu’s thoughts of“encouraging the people’s ability, educating the people’s intelligence, and refreshing the people’s virtue”provided the basis for the birth of the view of“literature of man”.Either the theoretical rationality, or the superfical alienation, or the practical promotion, the complicated relationship between Yan Fu and modern literary evolution not only illustrates the painful efforts made by modern scholars in national salvation during the turn of cultural conflict between the old and the new, home and abroad, but it reflects the rough traces of modern literary transformation from tradition to modernization.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 09期

