

Study on "Harmony Thought" of Chinese Traditional Culture and Its Permeation, Influence and Promotion to TCM

【作者】 李国臣

【导师】 谢克庆;

【作者基本信息】 成都中医药大学 , 中医医史文献, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 目的:探讨中国传统文化中的“和谐思想”,研究其对中医药的渗透、影响、和推动作用。方法:采用文献研究的方法,整理“和谐”文字的起源、字音、字形、字义及文化内涵;发掘、阐述、探讨中国传统文化中周易、儒学、道家、佛家以及墨子、管子、淮南子等其他思想家对“和谐思想”的表述、尊崇和实践应用;研究“和谐思想”在关于形与神、人与自然、人与社会相互关系的认识方面,在阴阳、气血、营卫、藏象的理论构建方面以及在治法、组方、用药方面,对中医药的全面渗透和深远影响。研究在新的历史时期、新的情况下,“和谐思想”在中医各流派关系、中西医关系、医患关系等新问题解决方面所起到的思路指导和实践推动作用。结果:1、和、谐两字均出现较早,从不同乐器、音符、音调间的配合与统一,引申为相应、协调、调和、恰到好处。2、《周易》认为阴阳、三才是和谐的。3、孔子、孟子、二程等儒家,老子、庄子等道家,佛教各流派以及墨子、管子等思想家都阐述、尊崇和谐思想,佛道儒三家也是和谐相处的。4、中医药理论认为人的形与神和谐、人与自然和谐、人与社会和谐。5、中医药理论认为人身阴阳、气血、营卫、脏腑是和谐的关系。6、在中医药的治疗方法、方剂组成、临床用药中“和谐思想”发挥重要的指导作用。7、“和谐思想”是当今正确合理解决中医各流派关系、中西医关系、医患关系的重要指南。结论:“和谐思想”起源较早,是中国传统文化的重要组成部分,《周易》、儒家、道家、佛教及其他各派思想家都对其作出阐释、演绎、并致力于实际应用。“和谐思想”对于中医药的理、法、方、药、有着全面深入的渗透、影响。在新的形势下,将对中医药的发展、提高继续发挥指导、推动作用,焕发出新的生命力。

【Abstract】 Objective:To explore harmony thought of Chinese traditional culture and study its permeation influence and promotion to TCM cause.Methods:With the literature research methodology,to collate the origin, pronunciation, glyph, meanings and the cultural connotation of the word "harmony".to excavate,illustrate and explore those expression,worship and practice abouf"Harmony thought" of ZhouYi, Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism and other thinkers such as Mozi,Guanzi,Huainanzi in Chinese traditional culture.To study the three aspects of "Harmony thought" deeply permeating,influncing TCM:The cognition of relationship between the body and the spirit,Human and Nature, Man and society;The theory strucuture ofYinyang,Qi-blood YingWei,Zangxiang;How to treat,form formula,use herbs. In the new historical period, new cases,to study"Harmony thought" how to direct and promote Problem resolution in TCM various schools relationship, Doctor-patient relationship andrelationship between TCM and western medicineResults:1、Harmony glyph originateed long before,the meanings of which extendedfrom cooperating and uniting of different musical Instruments, notes, tone to corresponding, coordination, harmonic, harmony, proper.2、The ZhouYi think that Yin and Yang, three elements of natrue is harmonious.3、"Harmony thought" was illustrated,worshiped by Thinkers including confucianists such as Confucius Menci,Chenghao,Chengyi, Taoists such as Lao-tse, Zhuangzi, Buddhists from various schools and Philosophical schools such as Guanzi,Mozi. Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism are in the harmonious coexistence.4、TCM think that the relationship between the body and the spirit,Human and Nature, Man and society is harmonious. 5、TCM think that the relationship between Yin and yang,Qi and blood,Ying and Wei, Zang and Fu is harmonious.6、"Harmony thought" play an important guiding role in therapeutic method,Formula composition,Clinical medication. 7、"Harmony thought" is an important guide in Correct reasonable solution about the relationship in TCM various schools relationship, Doctor-patient relationship and relationship between TCM and western medicine.Conclusion:Harmony thought originating earlier is an important part of traditional Chinese culture.ZhouYi, Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism and other thinkers allexpressed,worshiped and practiced harmony thought.Harmony thought has comprehensive thorough penetration, influence to the principle, the method,the formula,the medicine of TCM.In the new issue,Harmony thought will continue to play an important guiding and promoting role to the development and improvement of TCM. meanwhile it gives new vitality.

【关键词】 和谐思想中医药传统文化
【Key words】 Harmony thoughtTCMChinese traditional culture

