

A Genetic Study of the Yun-qi from the View of the Occultism

【作者】 呼兴华

【导师】 邢玉瑞;

【作者基本信息】 成都中医药大学 , 中医基础理论, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 运气学说乃借五运及六气的推移变化来说明天道—气化—气候—物候(包括病候)对应关系的一种学说。运气学说本身确实包含有一些人类通过生活经验就能感知的自然变化的规律,而包含更多的则是人类通过生活经验无从感知,只有通过一种建构于特定的天人关系背景之上,以阴阳五行学说为理论主体的复杂系统才能演绎的“天道”之“气数”。术数是先秦两汉时期思想知识系统不可或缺的组成部分,在秦汉时期政治、军事、医疗、社会生活等各方面都具有举足轻重的地位。从术数的角度窥测运气学说的发生,有其学术性与必要性。目的:本研究尝试链接术数与运气学说相关的知识群组,将运气学说回置于与其理论发生相关的、特定的术数背景下,加以综合的、动态的考察。以揭示术数对于运气学说理论体系构建的作用与影响,深层次理解运气学说的发生机制。方法:采用发生学研究方法,通过文献研究来系统梳理和把握术数与运气学说的关系,综合哲学、医学、社会学、考古学等学科有关术数研究成果,剖析运气学说思维方式方法、理论要素之形成,以及经典术数与运气学说发生的关系。结果:通过对与运气学说发生相关数术方法的分析与整理。可以发现,运气学说的形成过程中有多种术数因素的参与。其中,术数思维之人与天地相参、法象天地、以术演道等思维方法奠定了运气学说的思想方法之始基;在术数思潮的影响下,古代哲学之元气、阴阳、五行、干支的结合完备了运气学说的主体理论框架。最终,干支符号在阴阳、五行思想的引导下参与运气学说的构建,并在“天五地六”的框架下,成为运气学说推演的最终工具。比较而言,经典术数之占候术、卦气学、式占等,与运气学说在对人与自然关系的阐发上,以及对气象、物候及人体生理、病候等材料的组织方法存在着许多相似。式占的原始思维直接渗入,或被掺杂进运气学说的发生之中。结论:运气学说是在术数方法之间的交流互动与原理互渗之中所构建的一种知识与技术的形态。就其本质而言,是古人出于对“天命”的敬畏,综合当时已有的在“气候”、“物候”、“病候”等方面的认识,糅合各种古代哲学元素与术数方法,实现了由术数创造而医学理论化与模型化的转变。最终,向人们展示一个意构的、天人彼此关联的、充满理数的、气化联系的、循环往复的世界。

【Abstract】 Yun-qi theory of Chinese traditional medicines also called to be Five Movements and Six Climates,as a great wisdom born of experience. It was widely considered to be a theory of the ancient Chinese People’s understanding the relationship between physiology and pathology with investigate astronomy, phenological phenomena and pale climates in ancient China. In fact, the physiological and pathological law of human body is directly affected by the law of nature, so that, Yun-qi combines the weather, season and time with the modulating mechanism of the whole body which has great significance on guiding treatment of the prevention of disease, regimen and health care. The explanation to "Yun"and "Qi" always full of strong mysticism color, so that it drowned its true colors on a certain degree. The designation and change of Yun-qi should be by certain means. Therefore, the theory is a controversial topic. Many hypotheses have been described, but none can be confirmed completely. To some certain extents, it seems that both a school of theory and a cult. In a word, the nature and necessity for genetic study of the Yun-qi form the view of the occultism.Objective: The thesis has analyzed the theory of Yun-qi and its contributions to the development of TCM. Compares and analyzes the intensions and extensions of the term Yun-qi used in the occultism and TCM and other concepts related to it on the basis of the knowledge of formal logic. On the basis of the theory that the occultism were made, this article analyses the causes and times why and when Yun-qi came out in TCM in order to explain the following view, by introducing the related concepts into Yun-qi. Comprehensively analyze and expound the different recognition about the theory of Yun-qi with theoretical study method combined with genetic method.Method: In this paper several methods including ancient Chinese philosophy、folklore、sociology、archaeology, etc. Then, in accordance with the achievement of comprehensive the occultism research and experiences, study the theoretical foundation of Yun-qi.Contents: The content of this paper include:Application of comparison and induction in the different models of the occultism in Yun-qi; Introduces the main content and its features of Yun-qi and discusses its background——from the primitive form and the derivative process to the cultural connotation; Analyze and design for construction element and the regional features and evolutional track of Yun-qi.Result: It can be found through the analysis & summing-up of occultism principle of Yun-qi, there are many factors of occultism involved in the formation of Yun-qi.Just like the idea of correspondence between man and universe,imitate appearances of heaven-earth nature,and with technology instead of theory deduction,etc.which lay a foundation for Yun-qi.Comparatively speaking,under the influence of occultism, Primordial Qi、Yin Yang、Wu Xing in the ancient Chinese philosophy, and locations and the tradition of soothsaying and conjuring: Five Notes of ancient music and Tai Shao lay foundation of Yun-qi. Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches (Gan Zhi) as the thinking frame of basic theories in Yun-qi; Celestial-Five and Terrestrial-Six of the occultism. Ancient Image-Number and Time-Space View, the Dao (Way) of San cai in Zhouyi, Theory & Action of Qi, etc, are blank materials of Yun-qi;The means of divination of the occultism, the Gua-qi theory of the Han Yi tradition, the theory of confucianist divination of Han Dynasty, Schema of Divination,etc, are lays a foundation and provides conditions for the theoretical construction of Yun-qi.The original thought of Schema of Divination directly into the process of happening of Yun-qi.Conclusion: The thinking of Yun-qi is a form of knowledge and technology which is cross-reference of the ancient medical theories and occultism. Construction of Yun-qi should be based on different operative interaction between the methods of occultism. Initiating motivation of Yun-qi is "Circulation theory". In essence, Yun-qi is state of theorization and modeling by all kinds of the philosophic concept and combination of occultism, which realized by the authors of Seven Major Theories. Finally, showed us one world which is an imaginary, man and universe connected with each other, and full of digital sequence, a circular system of Qihua genetic cosmology.

【关键词】 阴阳五行卦气象数式占术数运气发生学
【Key words】 Yin YangWuXingGua-qiImage-NumberSchema of DivinationOccultismYun-qiGenetics

