

【作者】 丛琳

【导师】 张学昕;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 迟子建是当代文学史上一个个性独特的作家,其小说创作具有特殊的美学品格,从二十世纪八十年代初期步入文坛开始,在近三十年的持续写作中,她始终保持着旺盛的创作力及独立的审美风格。本论文的主要研究目标,是尝试全面梳理和分析迟子建的小说创作,以小说的诗学品质这样一个更为开放的美学视野作为切入点进入迟子建的文本世界,从其小说创作的文化背景、小说母题、人物形象谱系、叙事策略、小说的价值和意义等方面进行细致考察,以文本细读的方式对其重要作品进行个案分析,从而揭示出迟子建小说创作的历程以及期间经历的变化,挖掘其小说创作的文学史价值。论文以美学、文化学、叙事学、哲学、心理学、主题学等方面的研究成果作为理论基础,采用宏观概括与微观剖析相结合的方式,将迟子建的小说置于一定的时代与历史环境中进行全面的艺术考察。本论文共五章,从最基本的文学元素出发,论述迟子建建立在生命意识基点上的小说诗学品质的发生、表现及价值意义。诗学是使迟子建成为一个独特的“她”的原动力,她在文本中铺衍出属于自己的文学世界,并使她的小说创作不再停留在简单的现实层面,而是不断向着诗的境界提升。这种诗学品质已经成为迟子建的生命存在方式,她笔下不仅包括童年的美好回忆和故乡的边地风情,以及人性的淳朴和善良,还有那些困境中对未来的憧憬,艰难人生中的诗意眺望,以及那些对生命与死亡的形而上的沉思,她既要赞颂生命中的美好,也能包容降临其中的不幸,因为在迟子建看来,幸或不幸都是生命必然经历的过程,都是命运对人类的赐予。持续写作三十年间,迟子建的内心也日趋平静与超然,她的作品也在逐渐向经典逼近。她始终坚守着一个信徒对于文学的虔诚守护,在写作中不断地寻求突破,引领读者进入独特的诗性审美世界。

【Abstract】 Zijian Chi is a unique writer in Chinese contemporary literature history whose novels have a special aesthetic characteristics. She had kept a strong creativity and independent aesthetic style all the time since she began writing in the early 1980s.Through a more open and aesthetic vision that is poetry characteristics of her novels, the essay trys to sort out and analyse her works from the aspects of cultural background, novel motive, characters pedigree, narrative technique, the value and the meaning. The essay also make case study of her important works through detailed reading to reveal the creating process and changes that she experienced during the period and tap the value of her novels as literature. Basing on the research results of aesthetics, culturology, narratology, philosophy, psychology and thematology, the essay adopts the method of combining macro and micro analysis to conduct a comprehensive study of her novels under the certain times and history environment.The thesis consists of 5 chapters,starting from the most basic element of literature to discuss the occurrence, manifestation and value of the poetry characteristic of her novels. The poetry characteristic is the original motivation which makes Zijian Chi a unique writer. She constructed her literature world and promoted his novels to the poetry realm other than stay in a simple practical level. The poetry characteristic has become the way that her life existed. Her novels reveal the beautiful recall of the childhood, folkways and customs of hometown, the simplicity and goodness of human nature, prospect of future confronting with difficulties and metaphysical meditation of life and death. She not only celebrated the goodness of the life, but also tolerate the misfortune. Because she thought that goodness and misfortune are both necessary processes everyone shall experience and both of them are the gifts from destiny.In the past 3 decades, She kept writing and became calmer and calmer with each passing day. And her works also became approaching classic. She always kept faith with her literature just like a believer and kept seeking for breakthrough of her works in order to lead her readers into a unique and aesthetic world of poetry characteristics.

  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】624

