

A Study on Beijing-Suiyuan Railway (1905-1937)

【作者】 段海龙

【导师】 冯立昇;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 科学技术史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 京绥铁路由京张铁路展筑而成,东起北京西至包头,建于1905—1923年间。京张铁路开我国自主建设铁路之先河。通过对史料的解读,认为晚清政府对修建铁路的态度经历了拒绝、尝试、兴建的过程,军事顾虑是促成其转变的重要因素;甲午中日战争后,我国铁路建设借贷外资有殖民侵略性质,工程师一度依赖洋人;外人与外资的渗透使得中国铁路路权旁落,铁路自办的呼声日益高涨。兴建铁路的政策为自办京张铁路提供了良好背景。值得一提的是,外国人修建淞沪铁路并非欺骗而是官员默许的结果,民众对铁路进入中国的态度与政府拒绝的态度不同。以原始文献为主要参考资料,详细探究了京张铁路资金筹备、人员安排、路线测量和道路施工情况,从技术层面对隧道修建和桥梁架设做了细致描述。京张铁路资金来源主要为关内外铁路余利,少量由政府调拨;主要工程人员除詹天佑、颜德庆为留美幼童外,陈西林、俞人凤、翟兆麟、柴俊畴都为天津北洋武备学堂铁路工程班学生。詹天佑反复勘测路线,采用“之”字形路线,缩短隧道长度,成功跨越八达岭。开井法加速了开凿八达岭隧道的进程。在有限的条件下选择了最佳路线,成为京张铁路成功的关键。在筑路过程中,詹大佑尽量就地取材,通过开设临时厂矿、用片石替代水泥等,节约了资金。京张铁路是铁路技术由我国独立实施的成功案例。本文认为詹天佑带领的筑路人员的努力是京张铁路成功的决定因素,同时政府支持作用甚大。探究京张铁路的厂房、水塔建筑过程和支线建设。通过分析京张铁路成功的原因,认为在当时国力衰微的情况下,京张铁路的成功得益于国内一统、技术人员克己奉公。从资金筹备、路线勘测着眼,探讨其建筑过程,对张家口至包头段铁路的修建进行考察,重点对南口机厂和张家口机厂在不同时期的情况进行了深入分析。张绥铁路选线既考虑了工程难度,更考虑了将来经济效益和交通衔接问题。由于北洋军阀时期国内局势动荡不安,资金不能及时到位,工程两次停工,丰镇之后工程通过八次募集,方修筑完成,期间借贷日本资金。由于工期紧张、资金拮据,工程质量没有得到保证,站房、信号等设施直到南京政府时期才有所改善。认为张绥铁路在人员、资金筹备等方面是京张铁路的延伸,由于所处历史时期不同,资金到位情况、工程质量、工程进度与京张铁路存在很大区别,表明社会环境是影响技术实施的重要外因。通过考察京绥铁路车辆购置与各时期管理运营情况,认为京绥铁路作为西北交通干线,对西北地区与内地之间的贸易往来有巨大作用,催生了集宁这座城市,使包头由一小镇转变为大城市,影响了大同和呼和浩特的城市格局,积极促进了沿途及周边地区近代化进程,为促进我国西北地区的经济发展、城市形成及赈灾抚边起到重要作用。由于所处时期动荡,管理人员随着军事和政治局势变化而变换,管理一度混乱,军事干扰严重影响了京绥铁路的正常运营。京绥铁路的规章制度、《京张铁路工程纪略》、《京张铁路标准图》及《平绥技术汇刊》是京绥铁路留给后人的重要史料。首次对《平绥技术汇刊》整体分析,认为该刊重在介绍国外先进铁路技术,技术引进及时,具有现实指导作用。对京绥铁路遗存进行了初步实地考察,发现京张段铁路部分建筑受到了重视和保护,但仍面临消失状态;张绥段有民国时期的建筑遗存,需要进一步的更为彻底的调研、深入探讨其工业遗产价值。认为有近百年历史的京绥铁路是我国百年发展变化的见证者,是铁路技术在我国实现本土化的实例,在工业遗产方面有着重要的科技价值、历史价值和经济价值,但目前缺乏完整的调研与保护,需要各部分协作,组织成规模的调研小组对京绥全线进行考察评估与保护。通过挖掘、整理原始史料,对比解读,并结合实地考察,本文认为:京绥铁路实现了铁路技术在中国的完全本土化,并由此证明包括修筑和管理在内的铁路技术的成功实施需要良好的外界环境、充足的资金、技术精湛团结协助的团队等诸多因素共同保证。近代铁路对于沿途社会经济产生了巨大影响,京绥铁路见证了百年历史,有必要对其遗存价值作深入的调查和研究。

【Abstract】 The so-called Beijing-Suiyuan (Jing-Sui for short) Railway means from Beijing to Baotou. It was built on the base of Beijing-Zhangjiakou (ab. Jing-Zhang) Railway in 1905-1923 years, while the latter is the first self-directed railway in the modern history of China.Through classifications and analysises of relevant historical literatures, we think that the government of the late Qing Dynasty has ever experienced different attitudes on building railways from refusing to trying before accepting. In this process, military concerns are an important factor; After the Jiawu Sino-Japanese War, foreign loans for railway constructions are kind of colonial and invasive in nature, and domestic engineers were seriously dependent on. the foreigners’help for a long period of time; As outsiders and foreign funds gradually infiltrated into the Chinese railway rights, the voice of calling for self-management was rising. Additionally, the established policy for the railroad construction provides a good background for the Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway. One thing to be mentioned is that the construction of Song-Hu railway by Foreigners was due to the connivance from Chinese officials, instead of deceit. Actually the public had different attitudes contrary to the refuse of the government at that time.Taking original literatures as main references, this thesis investigates raising-funds, personnel arrangements, route measurements and construction progresses in order to make detailed descriptions for the construction of tunnels and the design of bridges from the view of technology. Most of sources of funds are found to be from the profit margin of the Guangneiwai Railway, and a small amount of them were allocated by the government; Among main engineers, except for two young Children, Zhan-Tianyou and Ye-Deqing who had studied in America, the rest of them were all from the Tianjin Beiyang Wubei school, such as Chen-Xilin, Yu-Renfeng, Zhai-Zhaolin, Cai-Junchou. Zhan-Tianyou repeatedly surveyed possible routines and then determined to adopt the zigzag line to shorten the length of the tunnel so as to successfully stride across the Badaling. The opening-well method speeded up the process of excavating the Badaling tunnel. Under limited conditions, these engineers chose an optimized route which is the key to success of the Jing-Zhang Railway. In the process of constructing railroads, Zhan-Tianyou tried to save money by using local materials, setting temporary factories and mines, replacing cement with rubble and so on. The Jing-Zhang railway is a successful example of independent implementations of railway technology in China. This thesis argues that Zhan-Tianyou and his leadership were critical factors, while the government’s full support also played an important role.The authors investigate the building processes of workshops and water towers and branch lines along the Jing-Zhang Railway. Through analyzing the reasons of success, we think that the realization of the Jing-Zhang Railway benefited from the national unity and unselfish dedication of all technical workers even at that time when the whole national strength was still very weak.To start with fund raising and route survey, we inspect the construction process of the Zhangjiakou-Baotou Railway with emphasis on the analysis of the Nankou factory and Zhangjiakou factory for their different times. The route selections of the Zhang-Sui railway not only considered the difficulty of the project, but also took into account future economic benefits and traffic connections. As the domestic situation was unsettled and turbulent at the times of Northern Warlords, the funds could not be in place in time, and the project was suspended twice. After the Fengzhen railway, the rest projects were completed by raising funds eight times and Japanese loan funds also were used during that period. Because of tight deadlines, financial shortages, unguaranteed project quality, some facilities, e.g., the stations and signals can only be improved until the times of the Nanjing Government. The personnel and funds preparation for the Zhang-Sui Railway are the extensions of the Jing-Zhang Railway. However, due to different historical periods, there existed big differences on the availability of funds, project quality and process. It indicated that the social environment was an important external factor for technology implementations.By examining purchases and management operations of railway vehicles, we find that, as one of the main traffic lines in the northwest region, the Jing-Sui Railway was thought to play a huge impact on the trade exchange between the Northwest and the internal mainland and thus gave birth to the city of Jining and made Baotou turn a big city from a small town and also affected the urban patterns of Datong and Hohhot. The Jing-Sui Railway also actively promoted the process of modernization of the surrounding areas and played important roles on the economic development in Northwest China, city formation and relief aid. Since the social situations were very unsettled in that period, managers were frequently changed with the military and political situation and consequently the management work was once chaotic. So the military interferences seriously affected the normal operation of the Jing-Sui Railway. The rules and regulations of the Jing-Sui Railway, such as ’Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway engineering notes’,’Jing-Zhang Railway standard drawings’ and ’Ping-Sui Railway technology proceedings’ are important historical materials that were left to future generations. By the overall analysis of the ’Ping-Sui Railway technology proceedings’ for the first time, it is found that this journal focused on foreign advanced railway technology. So the timely introduction of new technology has a role of realistic guidance.From on-site visiting the remains of the Jing-Sui Railway, we find that parts of Jing-Zhang Railway have received special attention and protection, but still face vanishing; Till now, the Zhang-Sui Railway has the building remains during the Min-guo times, which needs further more thorough research and in-depth studies of the value of its industrial heritage. We think that the nearly one-century-old Jing-sui Railway is a witness of Chinese developments for a recent hundred year. It is a model that the railroad technology is locally realized in China and thus has important values in science, history, and economics in the aspect of industrial heritage. However, due to lack of complete research and protection, it needs mutual collaborations from different relevant departments and some well-organized research groups to make an overall assessment.Through "analyzing, sorting and comparing the original historical references with combination of on-site survey, this thesis concludes that since the Jing-Sui Railway China has realized the railway technology localization in our domestic land. From this work, it can be proved that many factors together can guarantee successful implementations of railway technology, such as good external environments, adequate funds, and skilled and cooperative teams as well as construction and management. The modern railways have played a tremendous impact on socioeconomics along their passing ways. The Jing-Sui Railway has witnessed centuries of history of China, hence, it is necessary to make an in-depth investigation on the values of its remains.


