

The Study on Entrepreneur Social Capital Within Industrial Cluster Impact on Entrepreneurial Opportunities Value

【作者】 崔祥民

【导师】 梅强;

【作者基本信息】 江苏大学 , 创新管理与中小企业发展, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 产业集群拥有较为健全的创业机制和优越的创业环境,产业集群内创业者有可作参考的成功创业者经历,有丰富的可共享信息,有便利的创业条件和较低创业风险,产业集群为研究创业现象和过程提供了恰当的环境条件。创业机会是创业活动的逻辑起点,是创业过程中必不可少的环节之一,是创业初始最关键的活动之一。创业意味着创业机会的识别、评价与开发进而实现经济层面的价值创造,作为创业活动的发生的必要条件,所识别的创业机会价值决定着创业绩效。创业者资源禀赋匮乏,仅有未经核实的人力资本,为了克服信息不对称和不确定造成的种种障碍,创业者通常会诉求于其社会资本。在此背景下,研究产业集群内创业者社会资本对创业机会价值的影响具有重要意义。本研究运用文献综述法、演化博弈法、问卷调查法、统计分析法、结构方程模型等方法对产业集群内创业者社会资本对创业机会价值影响进行了理论研究和实证研究。本研究首先根据创业现象的观察和理论回顾,确定了本文研究的任务,然后分析产业集群内创业者社会资本的内涵及投资演化,并在前人研究基础的上提出了创业机会价值的概念,在理论分析的基础上,构建了产业集群内创业者社会资本对创业机会价值影响模型,并对模型进行了验证和分析。在此基础之上,从现实实践角度出发,提出了基于创业者社会资本、信息能力的创业机会价值提升策略。本文研究可分为四大部分:第一部分为论文的第二章、第三章和第四章,在综述前人相关文献成果的基础上,对本研究涉及的自变量和因变量的内涵进行了研究。在自变量的研究中,本研究在前人研究的基础上采用二维视角分析了产业集群内创业者社会资本的构成,总结了产业集群内创业者社会资本的特征;运用演化博弈的方法分别探讨了水平聚集型产业集群和纵向聚集型产业集群创业者社会资本投资演化趋势及影响因素。在因变量的研究中,本研究对各种理论视角下的创业机会概念进行了介绍,提出了信息观的创业机会概念,创业机会的本质是信息,创业机会发现过程本质是创业信息的收集、识别过程。然后,在分析了创业机会价值提出背景、前提、理论溯源、理论基础的基础上提出了创业机会价值的概念,分析创业机会价值的特征和创业机会价值影响因素。最后,以平衡计分卡作为理论基础提出了由经济价值、市场价值和利用价值三个一级指标构成的创业机会价值度量体系。第二部分为论文的第五章,在前面章节研究的基础之上重点分析了产业集群内创业者社会资本对创业机会市场价值、利用价值和对经济价值的影响效应。产业集群内创业者社会资本之所以对创业机会价值有如此重大的影响是因为存在信息机制、反馈机制与学习机制。第三部分为论文的第六章、第七章和第八章,在对相关研究框架与研究范式综合分析的基础上形成了本文研究的整体分析框架,在分析了产业集群内创业者社会资本与信息能力的关系、信息能力与创业机会价值的关系的基础上针对横向社会资本、纵向社会资本与集群社会资本提出了三个概念模型,每个模型各提出了12条假设。接着,本研究以沛县生态鸭产业集群和邳州板材产业集群的创业者为调查对象,对产业集群内创业者社会资本与创业机会价值关系进行实证研究。在对调研数据进行信度分析的基础上,对变量进行探索性因子分析和验证性因子分析,然后用AMOS7.0对概念模型进行了实证分析,对假设进行了检验,检验结果表明三个模型各有9条假设通过检验,3条假设未通过检验。第四部分为论文第九章,本研究从产业集群内创业者实际出发,对创业者横向社会资本、纵向社会资本与集群社会资本以及创业者信息获取能力和信息处理分别给出了提升措施以提升创业机会价值。本文的主要创新点是:第一,提出创业机会价值的概念,验证了创业机会价值度量体系;第二,采用双维度视角,开展创业者社会资本研究;第三,建立了以信息能力为中介的创业者社会资本影响创业机会价值概念模型并对模型进行了验证。

【Abstract】 Cluster has a more robust mechanism and superior entrepreneurial environment, and industry clusters’entrepreneurs have successful entrepreneurs’experience for reference. They also have a wealth of market information, convenient business conditions and lower business risks. Industry cluster supplies the appropriate environmental conditions for the study of entrepreneurial phenomena and processes. Entrepreneurial opportunity is a logical starting point of entrepreneurial activities, an essential part of the entrepreneurial process, and one of the most critical business activities of the initial entrepreneur. Entrepreneurial opportunities for business mean identification, evaluation and realizing the value creation in the economic level. As a necessary condition for the occurrence of entrepreneurial activity, the characteristics of entrepreneurial opportunities identified determine the entrepreneurial performance. Entrepreneurs lack in resource endowment, and only have the human capital without verification. In order to overcome the obstacles caused by asymmetric information and uncertainty, the entrepreneur will usually appeal to their social capital. In this context, the research on the influence of industry cluster entrepreneurs’social capital on the value of entrepreneurial opportunities is important.The paper researches theoretically and empirically into the influence of entrepreneurial social capital on the value of entrepreneurial opportunities within industrial clusters with methods including literature review, evolutionary game, questionnaire, statistical analysis, structural equation model and so on. This study, first, according to the observation and theoretical review of entrepreneurial phenomena, identifies the task, and then analyzes the connotation and investment evolution of entrepreneurial social capital within industrial clusters. On the basis of previous research, the concept of the value of entrepreneurial opportunities is proposed. Based on theoretical analysis, the model of the influence of entrepreneurial social capital on the value of entrepreneurial opportunities within industrial cluster is built, verified and analyzed. On this basis, from a realistic perspective of practice, methods to enhance the value of entrepreneurial opportunities are proposed based on entrepreneurial social capital and information capabilities. This paper can be divided into four parts:The first part is the second chapter, ChaptersⅢandⅣ. Based on the review of the previous literature, the contents of the independent variables and the dependent variable are studied. For the independent variables, with two-dimensional perspective, this study proposes of the concept of social capital matrix within the cluster on the basis of previous studies, summarizes the entrepreneurial characteristics of social capital within cluster and analyses the entrepreneurial social capital’s composition of the industrial cluster. It uses evolutionary game theory to talk about the evolution trend and influential factors of social capital of cluster horizontal and vertical industrial cluster together entrepreneurs. In the study of dependent variables, this study introduces the concept of entrepreneurial opportunity under a variety of theoretical perspectives, raises the concept of entrepreneurial opportunities in the information view—the essence of entrepreneurial opportunities is information and the nature of the discovery of entrepreneurial opportunities is the collection, identification process. Then, the concept of the value of entrepreneurial opportunities is put forward on the base of the background, the premise and theoretical source. And it analyzes the characteristics and the influential factors of entrepreneurial opportunities’value. Finally, it puts forward an entrepreneurial opportunities posed system based on the theoretical foundation of the Balanced Scorecard, including the three first-level indicators of economic value, market value and use value.The second part is the fifth chapter. Based on the previous section, the study analyzes the effect of the social capital within the cluster on the market value, use value and economic value of entrepreneurial opportunities. The presence of information system, feedback mechanisms and learning mechanisms explains the reason why the entrepreneurs’social capital within cluster has such a significant impact on the value of business opportunities.The third part is chaptersⅥ,ⅦandⅧ. The overall analytical framework of this study is formed based on the comprehensive analysis of related research framework and research paradigm. It analyzes the relationships between entrepreneurs’social capital and ability of information, information capabilities and business opportunities, and then according to the horizontal social capital, vertical social capital and social capital of clusters, proposes three conceptual models, each with12 hypothesis. Then, this study diagnoses entrepreneurs of the ecological duck industry clusters in Peixian and industrial clusters of sheet in Pizhou for the survey to empirically research the relationship between social capital of industrial cluster and the value of entrepreneurial business opportunities. On the basis of reliability analysis of research data, exploratory factor on the variable analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, then the conceptual model with AMOS7.0 empirical analysis of the hypothesis tested, the test results show that the three models hypothesis by examining each of nine, three assumptions have not passed the test.The fourth part is chapter IX. This study, from the reality of entrepreneurs within industry clusters, gives measures to enhance the horizontal social capital, vertical social capital and social capital in industrial clusters of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs’ability to obtain information and information processing to promote the value of entrepreneurial opportunity.The main innovations are:First, it proposes the concept of the value of entrepreneurial opportunities, and demonstrates the value of entrepreneurial opportunities Metrics.Second, carries out research by entrepreneurs two dimensions of social capital perspective, Third, it establishes the model of the impact of entrepreneurs’social capital on the value of entrepreneurial opportunities with the information capacity as an intermediary and conducts an empirical study.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江苏大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 09期

