

Studies of Anti-smuggling Armed Forces of Changlu Salt Area in 1912—1928

【作者】 毕昱文

【导师】 郭贵儒;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 长芦盐场,历史久远,盐产丰富,是北洋政府时期中国七大重要海盐产区之一。芦盐主要行销直隶、河南两省引岸。长芦私盐,历史久远,种类多样。按照私盐产生的根本原因,可分为“体制内私盐”和“体制外私盐”两种。其对官引形成了巨大冲击,严重影响着长芦盐税收入。私盐盛行与长芦盐政有着密切关系:芦盐盐制以引岸专商制为主,以官运官销制为辅。引岸专商制弊端丛生成为私盐盛行的主要原因。其他社会性因素也成为私盐的产生原因。为了遏制私盐,增加盐税收入,北洋政府采用了法律、行政、武力等诸多手段。其中,投入财力最大、最为倚重的措施是扩编长芦缉私营,武装缉私。长芦缉私营的前身是光绪三十年成立的长芦盐巡营。北洋政府时期屡经扩编,由晚清时期单一步兵兵种的武装逐步扩展到拥有步兵、骑兵、巡河、巡海炮船兵等兵种的长芦缉私营。其形式上仿照清末陆军军制组建,但就其职责而言,则属于警察性质,是现代缉私警察的雏形。兵役制上实行募兵制,但革退替补制度并不完善,在一定程度上影响了其缉私效果。领导体制上,分为上级和缉私营内部领导体制。其中,上级领导体制实行长芦盐运使负责行政、长芦盐务稽核分所负责财经的二元领导制。貌似严密的领导体制实际存在一些领域的监管缺位,严重影响着缉私营战斗力。在缉私营内部,实行缉私统领负责制,由此带来了“人治”色彩浓重、缉私低效等弊端。长芦缉私营经费提供方式分为两种:步前营、步后营、步左营、马前营、飞舰轮船、飞艇轮船、巡河炮船等营经费均由财政部提供;马后营经费则由长芦盐商摊捐。缉私营经费管理受到了由“善后大借款”债权国代表组成的盐务稽核总所和长芦稽核分所的监督与控制,并在其监管下,逐步走上正规化、制度化轨道。缉私营薪饷(额定收入和额外收入)及军需(枪械、驻房、船只维修)等,均受到了稽核所严密监控,在管理上逐步形成了比较规范的管理模式和管理制度,成为缉私营步入近代化的重要标志。长芦缉私营职责为查缉私盐、保护芦引产销安全、维护芦盐盐税收入。所以,其主要活动就是巡查长芦各场坨、行盐孔道及销盐引岸。在各巡防区域和驻防地点,缉私营兵力布署状况,也在一定程度上影响了其缉私效果。在各滩坨和行盐孔道,其缉私方式主要以巡查为主;在各硝私产区,则以平毁盐池、缉查私盐方式进行。对缉获私盐及附属物品处置,盐务稽核总所和长芦稽核分所进行了有建设意义的改革,分离了缉私营的执法权与处置权,有效降低了其腐败行为的发生。长芦缉私营存续期间,军风纪难称严明。营队管理上,营官吞没军饷、坐吃空额、生活腐败;对下属的胡作非为缺乏监管,甚至颠倒是非、袒护庇佑;在缉务上,目兵粗暴执法,欺压良善,监守自盗,护私放私,藉端勒索,失职渎职现象普遍存在。究其原因,有许多制度性因素,比如其管理机制、领导体制、替补制度、兵弁结构等等,也与北洋政府时期社会背景紧密相连,是缉私营各种制度、上级部门监管机制及社会状况综合作用的结果。没有良好的纪律做保证,缉私营的缉私行动自然难以出现北洋政府所期望的结果。

【Abstract】 In the period of Beiyang Government, Changlu salt area was one of the seven important areas producing sea salt in China. Changlu salt was mainly sold in Zhili and both sides of Henan Provinces. Changlu salt system was mainly businessman monopoly and supplemented by official transportation and official marketing system. The drawbacks of businessman monopoly was the main reason why illegal salt became prevalent. Moreover, the burden of heavily taxed salt, high prices of the salt , coupled with the ring was a foreign enemy force, political instability and the people of extreme poverty made Changlu illegal Salt prevalent. Changlu salt smuggling had a long history and they had many kinds. According to the fundamental causes of illegal salt, it can be divided into two kinds. One is "illegal salt within the system", and the other is " illegal salt outside the system " . Illegal and other illegal salt nitrate had a tremendous impact on the officials, and they had a serious impact on Changlu salt tax revenue. In order to curb the illegal salt and increase the salt tax revenue, the Beiyang Government adopted the legal, administrative, and many other means. Among them, and invested in the largest and most rely heavily on anti-smuggling measures is the establishment of Changlu camp. In addition, the salt area also had guards and the salt store had patrols so as to carry on salt smuggling investigation by military means. This is the first chapter.Changlu anti-smuggling camp was based on Changlu salt patrol camp founded in guangxu dynasty three decades. Changlu salt patrol camp was expanded many times from the Beiyang Government and it was a single infantry arms from the late Qing period and it was gradually extended to become gun smuggling Changlu ECM’s camp armed infantry, cavalry, patrol river, sea patrol boat. The form of the system was modeled on established Qing Army, but as far as its duties was concerned, the nature belonged to the police and it was the prototype of the modern anti-smuggling police. Volunteer forced on the implementation of military service, but the replacement system was not perfect and it affected the effectiveness of its anti-smuggling to a certain extent. It was divided into a higher level leadership and anti-smuggling operation leadership in leadership system. Among them, in the higher-level system it was of dual leadership, Changlu salt transportation official was responsible for administration and Changlu Salt Branch was responsible for financial auditing system. In seemingly strict leadership structure there existed the actual absence of supervision of some areas and it seriously affected the combat effectiveness of the anti-smuggling operation. In the internal of anti-smuggling operation the head was responsible for the implementation of the anti-smuggling, which brings the "rule of man," a strong sense of other defects. This is the second chapter.Changlu provided funding for anti-smuggling operation mode was divided into two types: camp before step, camp after step, camp left step, camp before the horse, flying ship boat, airship ships, gun boats, river patrol were financed by the ministry of finance and horse share of business funds were donated by the salt merchants of Changlu. Fund management was supervised and controlled by the anti-smuggling operation by the "Loan in the aftermath," creditor representatives Changlu Salt and audit by the audit branch of general supervision and control, and in their supervision, it was gradually regularized and institutionalized. Anti-smuggling soldiers’additional revenue was divided into fix income and extra income and their army needs of main arms and munitions, in room, vessel maintenance, etc were closely monitored by the audit, and the management had gradually developed a more standardized management model and management system, as an important symbol of the anti-smuggling operation into modernization. This is the third chapter.Duties of Changlu anti-smuggling camp were to investigate Changlu salt smuggling , protect the safety of production and marketing and maintain Changlu salt revenue. Therefore, its main activities was to inspect the salt areas of Changlu, sales channels and businessman monopoly security and tracked down illegal salt. The status of the deployment of anti-smuggling camp guards stationed in various regions and locations also affected the effectiveness of its anti-smuggling to some extent. At the beach lump in all channels and lines of salt, their anti-smuggling methods were based mainly on inspections; In the area of the nitrate private property was in the manner of destroying Salt areas and tracking down illegal salt. On the disposal of seized illegal salt and the their accessory things, salt audit headquarters and Changlu audit branch had carried out a constructive reform, separating enforcement powers from the disposition powers of the anti-smuggling camp and effectively reducing its frequency of private salt disposal of corruption on the disposition of illegal salt. This is the fourth chapter.During the operation of Changlu anti-smuggling camp, it was difficult for us to say that military discipline was strict. On camp management, camp officials swallowed their pay, sat on vacancies and they lived corruptively ; they were lack of supervision of abusing the subordinates, and even upside down, shielding blessing; On the aspects of tracking down illegal salt , the guards carried out the law violently, oppressed the good, embezzlement, protected illegal salt and let it alone, went on extreme blackmail, and existed dereliction of duty widespread. There are many institutional factors for the reason, such as its management system, leadership system, replacement system, soldiers structure, etc., but also it was related closely with social background of the Northern Government and it was the combined result of the systems of Changlu anti-smuggling camp, monitoring mechanism of the higher authorities and social conditions. Without the guarantee of good disciplines, it is hard for the anti-smuggling activities of the anti-smuggling camp to live up to the expected result of the Beiyang government. This is the fifth chapter.


