

The Research on Development Mechanism of Agricultural Circulation Economy in China

【作者】 翟绪军

【导师】 尚杰;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 任何产业经济的发展都是不断创新的结果,而每一次创新,都意味着其机制的重置。研究农业循环经济发展机制,既要从理论上挖掘出可以激活的积极要素进而促进机制优化,又要从现实中找出农业循环经济发展机制内部相互关联与影响的各参与主体,包括政府、涉农企业、农户、社会公众等,并极力促成这些微观主体由彼此互为博弈对象转为影响机制结构和发展的最积极、最活跃的变量因素,达到全社会“尊自然、顺规律、借机理、立人纪”,共同参与和支持农业循环经济发展。目前,我国农业资源配置紧张、农业生态环境承载力恶化,农业循环经济发展缓慢,其重要原因是没有形成良好的定位和发展平台,造成参与主体利益不协调,发展目标不一致的现象。针对这些问题,本文从理论研究和实践探索角度对农业循环经济发展机制进行研究。本文首先界定了农业循环经济及其发展机制的内涵,对循环经济、改造传统农业、农业循环经济、可持续发展理论进行阐述。通过研究农业循环经济发展历程,以及农业循环经济发展现状、存在问题、发展机制的制约性因素分析,为农业循环经济发展机制研究找出主要矛盾和设计重点方向,其次,农业循环经济的发展需要适宜的机制促进其良性运转,文章运用机制理论并结合农业循环经济的相关基础理论,为农业循环经济经济发展机制进行了总体框架设计,包括农业循环经济微观参与主体、激励机制、运行机制。文章在将农业循环经济的微观参与主体的理论假设从传统的“经济人”到“生态人”,进而演变为“生态经济人”后,运用博弈论分析,明确微观参与主体之间具有非对称不合作的博弈关系,认为是否参与农业循环经济在于政府、涉农企业、农户、社会公众能否结成联盟,形成合作博弈,其中,政府与涉农企业是既需要合作又需要政府约束企业行为的关系;政府对农户则有对其进行政策倾斜,扶持农户的意向;而农户与涉农企业从需求关系角度是一对矛盾的关系,涉农企业既需要作为基层生产者的农户的支持,又要从作为消费者的农户获得利益,不可避免地降低了结盟的可能。第三、文章把农业循环经济发展机制细分为激励机制和运行机制。农业循环经济发展的激励机制包括政府职能激励、涉农企业与农户利益激励、社会公众责任激励;农业循环经济发展的运行机制包括市场机制、行政机制和社会机制。特别是针对在农业循环经济发展中需要对微观参与主体进行有效激励,运用委托代理理论分析政府、涉农企业、农户三者之间的关系,形成政府作为委托人、涉农企业作为代理人,农户作为重要参与人的三方委托——代理关系,由于假设参与主体风险均为中性情况下,为防止涉农企业基于利润最大化的目标隐藏私人信息欺骗其他参与主体,政府必须采取一定奖励与惩罚的激励约束手段。同时由于农户增强环境敏感性之后,涉农企业在考虑目标多元化的前提下,会接受政府、农户的激励措施和监督职能。然后,将农业循环经济中对微观参与主体及其激励机制、运行机制中产生影响的重要因素指标化,建立起26个指标的农业循环经济发展机制评价指标体系,运用基于实码加速遗传的投影寻踪评价方法从定量的角度对农业循环经济发展机制进行总体评价,增强对农业循环经济发展机制效果的可判性。并结合评价结果提出三方面促进农业循环经济发展机制的对策。通过本研究,不仅可为政府、涉农企业和农户、社会公众等参与主体的决策行为和建立发展联盟提供重要指导价值,还能够为国家和涉农企业制定和落实促进农业循环经济发展政策制度和长远发展规划,提供科学的参考依据,以期实现我国农业循环经济的可持续发展。

【Abstract】 All the developments of any industrial economics are building on the incessant innovations, and every innovation means the replacement of the mechanism. Researching the development mechanism of agriculture circular economy needs both excavating from the positive elements can be activated in theory and thus promoting the mechanism of optimization, but also to find out the mutual contact and influence of main participation of agricultural circular economy development mechanism from the real, including government, agriculture-related businesses, farmers, public, etc., and tries to arrange these microcosmic body from each other mutual game objects to the mechanism of the effect of structure and development of the most active and the most active variables, and finally the whole society should reach an agreement and takes part in,surports the development of agricultural circular economy.Currently, the tension of agricultural resources, deterioration on capacity of agricultural ecological environment, agricultural circular economic slowdown in China, the most important reason is not having a favorable orientation and development platform results the phenomenon that interests incoordination of participation body and inconsistent development goals.For these problems, the paper studies on development mechanism of agricultural circular economy from the theoretical study and practical exploration.This paper defines the agricultural circular economy and its development mechanism, and it states the theory of circular economy, the theory of transformation of traditional agriculture, agro-ecological economic theory,the theory of sustainable development. Accoding to the analysis of Development of Agricultural Circular Economy, status of agricultural development of circular econom, problems and restrictive factors in the development of mechanisms, this paper find the principal contradiction and design of key directions for development mechanism of agricultural circular economy. then the agricultural development of circular economy requires appropriate mechanisms to promote the healthy functioning. It uses the theory of mechanism and some related basic theory of agricultural circular economy to design the overall framework for development mechanism of agricultural circular economy economic, including micro-economy in the main agricultural cycle, incentive mechanism and operating mechanism. It defines that the theoretical assumptions of micro participation body in the agricultural circular economy transfer from the traditional "economic man" to "ecological people" and then evolve into "ecological and economic man", using game theory analysis, clear relationships between micro participating bodies with asymmetric not cooperative game, and argue that joining in agricultural circular economy or not depends on that the government, agribusiness, farmers, the public can form a coalition to form a cooperative game or not.Thereinto, the government and agriculture-related businesses need to cooperate and been restrained the enterprise’s behaviors by the government, the government has the intention to incline its policies to farmers and supports them; in the view of demand relationship, the relations of farmers and agriculture-related enterprises is inconsistent, agribusiness needs both the support of primary producers and benefits from farmers as consumers, it will inevitably reduce the possibility of an alliance. Third, this paper subdivided the development mechanism of agriculture recycling economy into incentive mechanism and operating mechanism. The incentives of agricultural circular economy development includes incentives of government function, the incentives involed the interests of agribusiness and the farmers and encouraging of public responsibility. Operating mechanism of the development of agricultural circular economy includes Market mechanisms, administrative mechanisms and social mechanisms.the article builds the mechanism of incentives and operation, particularly needs to stimulate the micro participation bodies in the development in the agricultural circular economy, use the agent theory of government to analyse the relationship among government, agribusiness and farmers, forming three principal-agent relationship that a government as a client, agriculture-related enterprises as agents, farmers as important participants. Due to the assumption that the main involved risks are the neutral case, in order to prevent agro-enterprises targets based on profit maximization and to hide private information to deceive others involved in the main, the government must take certain incentive constraint means of rewards and punishment. At the same time, because enhancing the environmental sensitivity of the farmers, the agriculture-related businesses will accept incentives and oversight functions of the government and farmers under considering the premise of diversity.Then, we make the important factors indexing, which influence micro participation body and its incentive mechanism and operation mechanism, in the agricultural circular economy, including 26 establishment indicators of evaluation index system about the agricultural development circular economy system, using projection pursuit method which based on real coding genetic to assess agricultural circular economy from the quantitative view generally, enhancing interpretability of the effect on development mechanism of the agricultural circular economy.presented in three areas to promote agricultural development of circular economy measures.And combining evaluation results,we put forward three aspects countermeasures of promoting agriculture circular economy development mechanism.Through this research, it should offer some important suggestions to the government, agribusiness, the farmers and all the participation body for their decision-making behavior and the establishment of developing league, furthermore it should provide scientific basis to the government and agribusiness about making and implementing the institution and long term development plan of agricultural circular economy, to realize the sustainable development of agricultural circular economy in China. Then, we make the important factors indexing, which influence micro participation body and its incentive mechanism and operation mechanism, in the agricultural circular economy.


