

Research on Deficiency and Perfection of Legal Systems on National Forest’s Management

【作者】 周孜予

【导师】 曹玉昆;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 国有林是我国经济社会发展的战略资源,国有林法律管理是我国现代林业建设的重要内容。虽然我国国有林法律管理经过长期发展取得了较大成功,但经营管理体制不顺、行政过多干预国有林管理等弊端积重难返,已经严重制约了国有林的可持续发展。建立健全国有林法律管理制度是国有林适应社会主义市场经济体制的重要保障。本文从构建缺失的国有林法律管理制度及提出完善现有法律制度对策两个方面进行研究,为实现国有林可持续经营与科学管理、适应市场经济运行环境下对国有森林资源的要求,促进传统林业向现代林业的跨越式发展,提供理论支撑。本文所定义的国有林法律管理是指在国有林可持续经营与管护活动中,从事国有林经营与管护的国家机构、国有企业及其他经济组织和个人依据我国《森林法》等国有林法律法规体系所赋予的权力与职责、权利与义务对涉及国有林可持续经营与管护的人力、物力与财力及其他资源进行协调或处理,以达到实现现代林业的活动过程。第一,梳理了我国国有林法律管理制度的演进脉络,发现林业法律、法规在我国国有林法律管理中一直占据着非常重要的地位。同时,虽历经演变,但我国目前的国有林法律管理制度依然存在:相关制度设计存在局限性、相关法律制度欠缺、相关法律规范存在冲突、国有林发展的立法理念亟待确立及制度有效实施的保障机制不健全等问题,客观上阻碍了我国国有林的经营管理与保护及国有林区经济的可持续发展。第二,运用模糊综合聚类等定量分析方法对国有林法律管理制度的实施效果进行评价及对缺失原因进行分析。研究表明:影响国有林法律管理制度实施效果主要是五大类因素;导致国有林法律管理制度缺失则主要在于国有林法律管理制度供给不足、国有林法律管理制度的路径依赖以及国有林法律管理制度有效需求不足等方面原因。在此基础上,本文提出从构建欠缺的国有林法律制度、完善现有的法律制度两个方面以建立健全我国国有林法律管理的制度体系,形成了本论文重要的研究结论与创新主体。第三,提出了国有林法律管理制度缺失的立法体系。制定《国有林经营管理法》,提出其应以生态效益优先为价值引领,涵盖国有林经营管理、风险防范、经济激励、法律责任制度等主要内容;制定《森林资源资产评估法》,提出其应该以诚信原则等为基本指导,以国有林评估监督管理、资产评估准则、市场准入等制度为主要内容;制定《森林保险法》,提出其应以促进森林保险事业的可持续发展为价值取向,以近因与公平竞争等为基本原则,包括政策性森林保险、专项基金与保险诉讼时效等制度为主要内容。第四,提出了完善我国国有林经营管理具体法律制度的对策建议。主要包括:建立跨部门的国有林调查与监测体制;明晰国家职能、健全国有林地所有权、国有林下资源归属权制度;健全与完善国有林用益权与流转法律制度、完善国有林担保物权制度、健全国有林权属登记制度;完善生态效益补偿制度等。第五,提出了国有林法律管理制度有效实施的配套保障机制:公正的纠纷解决机制及广泛的公众参与机制、民主决策机制和有力的执行机制、完善协调机制和构建有力的行政监督机制、强有力的社会监督机制等。建立健全国有林法律管理制度是一项艰巨、漫长的系统工程。随着社会的不断发展与进步,法律法规条款的建立与完善是一个必然的过程,本文的研究有助于弥补我国现阶段森林法律体系中有关国有林经营管理制度的缺陷与不足,为促进国有森林资源依法持续、科学的发展,提高政府部门管理国有森林资源的效率,实现对国有林的规范、高效管理提供理论支撑。

【Abstract】 National forest is the strategic resource of our economic and social development, and managing national forest by law is the important sector of our modern forestry construction. Although it is successful to manage national forest by law, there are some besetting obstacles such as not smooth system of operation and management, excessive administrative intervention and so on, which have conditioned the sustainable development of our national forest. So it is the magnitude guarantee of national forestry rights reformation to explore the managing national forest by sound legal system. This study is to supply theory support to managing national forest sustainablely, meeting the demands to national forest in market economy and advancing the development by strides from traditional forestry to modern forestry by constructig the lost legal management systems of national forest and perfecting present legal systems.This paper defines legal management of national forest as apractice process in which state organs, state-owned enterprises, other economic organizations and individuals coordinate or deal with manpower, material and funds involving sustainable managing and maintaining national forest on the basis of powers and duties, rights and obligations entrusted by laws and regulations such as Forest Law and so on.First, this paper briefly retrospects the course of evolution of the systems of national forest management, which tells us that forestry laws and regulations play a very important role in the course. Evolution goes on, but the systems are unsound in the followings:limited design of relative legal systems, lacking related legal systems, conflicts of relative legal norms, lacking legislative idea of national forest development, and impact assurance mechanisms of effective enforcement of systems, which is a bar to the management and protection of our national forest and sustainable development of national forestry economy.Second, quantitative anlysis methods, such as fuzzy comprehensive cluster analysis and so on, are used on the implementing effects of national forest management by law and on the causes of the institutional lack, it is found that mainly five kinds of factors influence the implementing effects of national forest law. And the reasons that cause the lack of the legal systems of national forest management are the lack supply of the systems, the path dependence of the systems, the insufficient demand of the systems and so on. Based on this, this study puts forth the countermeasure systems which perfect management system of our national forest by constructig the lost legal management systems of national forest and perfecting present legal systems, which forms the important conclusions and innovation main body of the study.Third, to construct the legislative system of national forest management is brought out. They include National Forest Operation and Management Law, which takes ecological benefit first as value orientation, and it’s about the systems of national forest operation and management, prevention of risks, financial incentives, legal liability and so on; Forest Resources Property Assessment Law, which looks credit principle as basic guide, is about the systems of supervision on evaluation to national forest, evaluation criterion of property, market access and so on; Law of Forest Insurance, which takes promoting sustainable development of forest insurance as value oriention, is about the systems of policy-related forest insurance, special fund, insurance legal proceedings and so on.Fourth, some suggestions are put forth to perfect the exact legal systems of national forest management, which include mainly establishing cross-departmental system of national forest investigation and monitoring t; clearly specifying national functions, perfecting the ownership of national forest land; clarifying the ownership of resources under trees; improving the legal systemof.usufruct and conversion; perfecting the system of secure real right, improving the registering system of ownership and obligation; perfecting the ecological benefits compensation systems and so on.Last, assurance mechanisms of legal management systems of national forest being implemented effectivrly are put forth. They include:fair disputes solving mechanism and vast public participation mechanism, democratic decision-making mechanism and powerful enforcement mechanism, inter-departmental coordination mechanism and extremely effective administrative supervision mechanism, perfect law supervision mechanism and so on.It is a long, complicated and difficult system engineering to establish a perfect legal management system of national forest. As society advances and makes progress unceasely, the legal system must be established and perfected. This study will help to make up the drawbacks of the management systems of national forest in our present forest law system, and will also help to provide theoretical proposals to promoting sustainable development of national forest, raising governments’efficiency of governing national forest resources, regulating high efficiently national forest.

  • 【分类号】D922.63;F326.2
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】414
  • 攻读期成果

