

Research of Social and Historical Change in Right Wing-Junwang Banner of Ongniud

【作者】 梁文美

【导师】 齐木德道尔吉;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古大学 , 专门史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 内蒙古蒙旗社会历史变迁是清代蒙古史、内蒙古近现代史研究的重要课题,也是内蒙古地方(区域)历史文化研究的重要内容之本文以清代及民国时期的内蒙古昭乌达盟翁牛特右翼郡王旗(位于今内蒙古赤峰市南部。翁牛特右翼郡王旗旗地,即当今赤峰市红山区、元宝山区、松山区和翁牛特旗部分地界)为研究范围,以深入研究翁牛特右翼郡王旗的社会历史变迁为主要目的。全文由三部分组成:第一部分,主要论述翁牛特部的政治变迁。对翁牛特部源流(翁牛特部先祖、翁牛特语义等问题的考辨),翁牛特部的历史渊源,翁牛特右翼郡王旗的形成、组织机构的设置,翁牛特右翼郡王旗王府、王爷局子、司法以及翁牛特右翼郡王旗与清朝政府的权利与义务关系等进行了考证。第二部分,主要论述翁牛特右翼郡王旗的社会历史变迁。内容包括清代及民国初期、日伪时期“旗县分治”与“废县存旗”以及日伪投降后的翁牛特右翼郡王旗的政治变迁、农业变迁、工业变迁、矿业变迁、商业变迁、交通通讯业变迁、宗教变迁、教育变迁、文化艺术变迁等。清初,内蒙古扎萨克是一元化的盟旗制,直属理藩院管理。随着汉族移民的增加,不仅引起塞外民族结构和经济地理的变化,同时也给这里的行政管辖带来新问题,因此,翁牛特右翼郡王旗出现了旗县分治、蒙汉并立的行政建制交叉存在的现象。自清朝顺治(1644年)年间起,到清朝咸丰(1851年)年间止,经二百年的演变,翁牛特右翼郡王旗的游牧地,几乎全部农耕化,土地也私有化了。清代翁牛特右翼郡王旗财政兼有清朝地方政府和封建领地双重性质。该旗是内地汉人移民开荒、佃种土地数目最多的蒙旗之一,形成了蒙古人为地主、汉族人为佃户的基本形态。汉民的移入和农垦的发展,使移民开垦在翁牛特右翼郡王旗辖境内不断扩大,该旗由于在清政府放垦之前即已开垦殆尽,故在清末放垦时,已无地可放。汉民的移入和农垦的发展,也使这一地区的统治机构发生了变化。随着“移民实边”政策的实行,晋、冀、鲁、豫、直隶的汉族移民开始“下关东”、“跑口外”,落户于翁牛特右翼郡王旗。于是,该旗的工业、矿业、商业、交通通讯业也得到快速发展;佛教、道教、基督教、伊斯兰教也在该地区迅速传播、发展;该地区的教育、文化艺术也有很大发展。第三部分,专门研究翁牛特右翼郡王旗行政建制的消失,包括社会的、历史的原因及影响。主要由两部分组成:一是从翁牛特右翼郡王旗的末代王爷看翁牛特右翼郡王旗的衰落,二是日本投降后翁牛特右旗行政建制的消失。

【Abstract】 The social and historical change of Inner Mongolia’s leagues and banners is a major task for the research of Inner Mongolia History in Qing Dynasty and Modern History of Inner Mongolia, but also an important part in research of Inner Mongolia’s regional history and culture.This paper gives a deep description of social and historical change in Right Wing-Junwang Banner of Ongniud (now located in the south of Chifeng, Inner Mongolia), in zhaowuda League, during Qing Dynasty and Republic of China. It takes Right Wing-Junwang Banner of Ongniud as the scope of the study, which is now known as Hongshan District, Yuan Baoshan Distirct and Songshan District in Chifeng and some parts in Ongniud Banner.The whole text consists of three parts:The first part is mainly to discuss the political changes in Ongniud Tribe. The paper is to do some textual research from many respects, which include the origin of Ongniud Tribe (ancestors of Ongniud, research of Ongniud Tribe’s language), history of Ongniud Tribe, formation, organizations and settings of Right Wing-Junwang Banner of Ongniud, mansion, police station and judicatory of it and the relations of rights and obligations between Qing Dynasty and Right Wing-Junwang Banner of Ongniud.The second part is mainly to talk about the social and historical changes, including agricultural and industrial change and changes in mining, business, transport and communication, religion, education, arts and culture in Qing Dynasty and early period of Republic of China, "counties governed separately" and "abolish county but banner" during the Puppet, and after the surrender of the Japanese.Early in Qing Dynasty, Zhasake in Inner Mongolia carried out unified Tribe-Banner System, which managed directly by the Court of Colonial Affairs. With the increase of immigrants of Han nationality, it not only cause changes in national structure of area beyond the Great Wall and changes in economy and geography, but also bring in some new problems to the administrative jurisdiction. Therefore, the cross phenomenon of administrative structure emerged, with counties governed separately and Mongolia ethnic group and Han group coexisting.Since Emperor Shunzhi in Qing Dynasty from 1644 to Emperor Xianfeng in 1851, after two hundred years of evolution, land for nomadic ethnic group in Right Wing-Junwang Banner of Ongniud was almost turned into farming land and also privatized. In Qing Dynasty, local government finance and manors of feudal lords exist side by side in Right Wing-Junwang Banner of Ongniud. This banner was one of the places that the largest numbers of wastelands were opened up by Han Chinese immigrants and also had the largest number of land rents in general with the basic form that mongolians as lords, and the Han people as tenants.The immigrants of Han people and the development of land reclamation and cultivation made agricultural reclamation in Right Wing-Junwang Banner of Ongniud by immigrants expand constantly. Before government of Qing Dynasty began to set people to reclaim wasteland, all the land were already opened up. Therefore, there was no wasteland for people in Right Wing-Junwang Banner of Ongniud to open. The immigrants of Han people and the development of land reclamation also caused changes in governing structure in this area.With the policy of making immigrants go to border for strengthening border forces, people who directly affiliated to Jin, Ji, Lu and Yu began to go to the area east of Shanhai Pass-northeast China and began to go to area west of Inner Mongolia. These immigrants settled down in Right Wing-Junwang Banner of Ongniud. And then, industry, mining, business and transportation and communication in this banner developed quickly. Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity, Islam also spread rapidly in the region. Education, arts and culture also gained rapid development greatly.The third part is to research the disappearance of the administrative and organizational system specially, including social and historical causes and effects. Mainly consists of two parts:one is from last prince in Right Wing-Junwang Banner of Ongniud to study the declining of Right Wing-Junwang Banner of Ongniud and the second is to discuss the disappearance of the administrative and organizational system after the Japanese surrendering.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 内蒙古大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期

