【作者】 黄玲;
【导师】 李强;
【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2011, 博士
【摘要】 越南在地理生态上与中国唇齿相依,两国边疆地区在民族主体和文化传统上呈现为同根异枝的发展样态。学界以往多从汉文化对越南文学的影响进行探讨,关注越南的汉文学和越南文学的经典,对中国汉文学在越南的传播和影响有深入研究。但越南民族文学潜隐的骆越民族文化传统却尚未得到足够关注。本研究是宏观指导下的微观研究,在深入历史、观照全局的前提下,以中越跨境民族民间叙事文学为切入点,运用比较文学学术理念,采用文学人类学研究思路,将文本细读和田野调查相补充,对三个各具特点又同具共性的文学个案进行比较分析,重返中越民族文学发展之真实的历史场景和文化语境,并观照中越跨境民族现实生存和精神诉求,由此得出了一些新材料、新论点。第一章首先梳理了越南民族与中国民族的族群关系与文化渊源,指出中越跨境民族在族源上的同根异枝和在文化上的多层共生。由此提出“中越跨境民族文学”是居住在中越两国的跨境民族之文学,具有多层涵义:第一层涵义是指文学卞体是中国与越南两国的跨境民族。不仅仅包括中越两国少数民族,两个国家的主体民族也彼此跨境而居。第二层涵义是指其文学具有汉族、骆越和越南民族等多元文化的融合。第三层涵义是指内容上包括口头文学和书面文学两部分,尤其偏重口头文学和书面文学中的民间叙事文学。本研究以民间叙事文学为切入口,对中越跨境民族文学进行比较研究。跨境民族不是一个孤立静止的存在,而是在两个国家的地域范围内跨境迁徙,在不同性质的文化中游走出入。研究中越跨境民族文学涉及到中越两国众多民族间的源流、迁徙、演进和发展。而民间叙事的性质又使得这些文学叙事,成为祖先历史记忆、民族文化传统、民间社会现实和民众真实情志的多元集成。第二章中越侬智高传说,通过对历史文献和口头传说的搜集,并辅以笔者走访中越边境进行调查所获的田野材料,进行比较分析和文化解读。越南北部民族的侬智高传说与中国壮族侬智高传说不同,其结构模式为英雄神话与史实人物的结合,叙事内涵上偏向于神话叙事,演述祖先历史记忆和民族文化传统,如“断头再植”和“竹育兵马”神话母题的原型及其衍化,真切展示了跨境民族的生命历程,还原了骆越民族的深层传统。越南侬智高传说作为富有生命底蕴民间叙事文学,为国家话语借用并提升为国家英雄;在民间叙事里却是对生命崇拜的弘扬,成为越南北部民族所敬奉的祖先神,生殖神和农业神;这对于中国民族文学的多元重建也是一个有机的补充和丰富。第三章比较中越《金云翘传》,民间性契合是阮攸将中国青心才人的《金云翘传》移植到越南的原因。但青心才人的写作是边缘个体在主流话语中争取言说权力的策略,阮攸《翘传》是通过女性命运来关怀社会民生和反思民族文化。从阮攸《翘传》具有深度模式:越南传统的女性信仰与母道信仰。阮攸用六八体喃诗传来叙事抒情,是将[民族叙事与女性叙事结合起来,翠翘成为越南民族的文学原型,蕴藉着牺牲和救赎的精神,也成为对权力中心和男权话语进行反抗的叙事文学释放出鲜明的民间性质。《翘传》在京族地区传承,为跨境民族寻求主体认同和身份定位提供了文化资源。第四章:中国京族民间流传着一首用京语演唱用喃字记录的叙事长诗《宋珍歌》,其来源是越南喃字长篇叙事诗《宋珍菊花》。本文通过将京族《宋珍歌》和越南《宋珍菊花》与《宋珍新传》进行互文解读,来凸现中越双边民众被遮蔽或遗落的文化交往和精神建构。《宋珍歌》整个叙事中,贫家子与富家女的爱情婚姻是一条贯穿的主线,叙事核心是“家庭”,并以“家庭”为基点,展开了对“家庭”之上的“国家”与“家园”之外的“异域”之集体想象,是跨境民族面对前后两个国家主体,在现实生存、情感想象和文化认同层面的复杂境遇与应对策略。《宋珍歌》对中国民间故事的聚合拓展了民间叙事文学的叙事张力,生动表达和诠释了他们祖先所蕴育、发展并承袭下来的生存智慧与民族精神,释放出乐观的理想主义色彩。第五章是分析总结和规律探讨。本研究所选的跨境民族文学都具有口头传述、跨境传承和活态演绎的特点,这些文学叙事不仅指向历史也存在当下,并对未来富于启示。中越跨境[民族文学的精神核心是民间性:包括民间文化的滋养和民生关怀的触动。其叙事模式也带有民间特征:主人公是一位民间英雄,蕴藉着民族传统的文化原型与神话意象,采用“远行——归家”的情节结构,体现出跨境民族迁徙时对故园和家庭的深层情感,以及面对新的国家主体的自我意识和认同诉求。中越跨境民族文学还具有丰富的文化内涵:其一是民间历史的记录,这一文学是建构在民间立场上的想象和虚构,反映民众真实的生活和情感,呈现出与国家意识形态主宰下的主流话语相异趣的一面。其二是民族传统文化的活化石,这些古老鲜活、质朴丰富的民间叙事,有一些在本国被遮蔽或者遗落的原始信息却在跨境民族的文化场域中得到较好保存。其三是多元共生的文化场。在中越跨境民族文化交流的历史过程中,蕴藉着汉文化、骆越文化、越南文化的累积,充满了民间叙事、文人叙事和国家话语的互动,呈现为多种文化的“共在形式”。本论文具有如下特点:1、本论文将跨境民族文学的比较研究提升到了一个新高度,不再囿限传统的异同比较和渊源追溯,而是在此基础上,去把脉中越跨境民族文学互动共生的深层原因,得出民间性是中越跨境民族文学的精神契合点。而且通过对民间社会和民族历史的全面观照,发现了中越跨境民族在民间叙事、文人叙事和国家话语中生存发展的智慧的文化策略和独立的精神诉求。2、本论文可以说是将文学研究置放在跨文化、跨学科的背景下进行的所作的一系列实实在在的文学解读和文化阐释。在具体研究过程中,本论文以民间叙事文学为切入点,以口头文学和书面文学为基点,运用古代典籍文献为参照,文本细读与田野考察相结合、文学分析与文化阐释相印证,所提出的问题和取获得的结论为学界今后研究提供了新材料和新依据。3、本论文既有对越南民族文学的经典文本进行全新阐释,也有在跨境民族的民间叙事文学解读中对中越文学交流图景的新发现。这些研究弥补了当今学界对越南文学和民族文学重视不足、研究不够的缺憾。本论文通过阐释中越跨境民族的文学现象和文化内涵,通过探讨中越跨境民族民间叙事文学的发展衍变,去触摸中越民族文学互动与创生的发展脉络。民间叙事中丰富质朴的文学表现,展现出越南民族文学与中国骆越文化深层的文化渊源,也一定程度上激活了中越两国主体民族和中心地区被遮蔽或遗落的民间文学,充实了我国多民族文学的丰富内涵。本论文尝试为比较文学和世界文学提供了一个新的研究领域和研究范例,意在抛砖引玉,以期引起更广泛深入的探讨。
【Abstract】 Vietnam, being a neighboring nation of China, finds her development pattern in her ethnic culture, especially along the border with China, similar to that on the other side of the border. The previous studies focus on the influences which the Chinese culture has on Vietnamese literature, and stress has been given to the texts of classical literature and Sinology literature in Vietnam. However, these studies neglect Luo-yue cultural tradition in the Vietnamese literature. Through reviewing the flowing history of the Sino-Vietnamese ethic group, and comparing the literature of the Si no-Vietnamese transnational ethnic groups, the present paper goes a step further in pointing out that Luo-yue culture is the deep-rooted background of Vietnamese national culture. Basing on Luo-yue culture study, we can find out the spirits pursuits which show their folk literature narration of the Sino-Vietnamese ethic group expresses not only their reality and feeling, but also self-awareness of nationality and living ideal. Thus we can get a clear understanding of multi-level culture exchange between China and Vietnam.Firstly, the conception of the folk narration literature of the Sino-Vietnamese transnational ethnic groups is very complex. The Sino-Vietnamese transnational ethnic groups include not only the minority nationality of the South China and the North Vietnam, but also the main nationality of the Sino-Vietnamese. The folk narration is the multi-level integration which consists of primitive religion, ancestral memory, folk belief, ethnic group tradition and living and emotion of the masses of the people. The present paper selects three pieces of literature for case study:the legend of NongZhigao, the Kim Vien Kieu and the tale of Songzhen, which are the typical folk narration literatures of the Sino-Vietnamese transnational ethnic groupsThe first literature piece is the NongZhigao legend which is popular in the border area between China and Vietnam as a national hero. By comparing the history document and verbal legend about the story of NongZhigao, and providing the felid material which the writer herself has done in the Sino-Vietnamese border area, she is to explain the culture intension. The structural mode of NongZhigao legend in the nationality of the north Vietnam consists of a national hero myth and historical figure. Its narration is myth narration which is to tell the ancestor history memory and the national culture heritage.Tyuen Kim Vien Kieu is the most important work of Vietnamese literature so far, which was adapted from Jin Yun Qiao of the Chinese work and it is popular in Vietnam and other countries in the world. The work carries with it an implication of the feminine faith and Mother deity worship. In the text, national narration and feminine narration are mixed, and the girl who was named Cuiqiao turned to a literature archetype which supports the national spirits of Vietnamese, and affords cultural resources for the Sino-Vietnamese transnational ethnic groups’self-identity.In the folk society of the Jing nationality of China, there is a long narrative poem, the Song of Songzhen, which is sung in the language of the Jing nationality and written in the language of Nam. It sounds a love story, but the implication expresses the real life and feeling when the border nationality’s faced with two countries subjects of the China and Vietnam. Thus, we can return to observe the Vietnamese long narrative poem, Songzhen and Juhua,in which we can vividly experience the literature spirits of nationality literature of Vietnam. It is a type that Vietnamese literature adapts from folk literature of China and these Chinese culture factors are nationalized to the national literature of Vietnam.Based on the analysis of the three cases, we can sum up some rules about the literature of the Sino-Vietmanese transnational ethnic groups. The characteristic of the literature is of folk narration. In the course of its spreading, there are of verbal narration, transnational inherit and living adaptation. The story tells us a folk hero which contains some culture archetype and myth imagination, leaving home-returning home is the story’s plot. These literatures express the deep feeling of their homeland and family when these transnational ethnic groups emigrated. At the same time, these literatures expressed the self-awareness and self-identity when the transnational ethnic groups were faced with the new state subject. So the literature of the Sino-Vietmanese transnational ethnic groups have colorful connection which are not only the record of folk history and living fossil of national tradition, but also the multi-level culture field of and intergrowth which consists of the Han culture, the Luo-yue culture, vietnamese culture, and are full of the folk narration, literati narration and national trend.Through comparing and analyzing the literature cases, the paper intends to reveal the ethnic tradition and cultural archetype of the Sino-Vietmanese transnational ethnic groups. There are some obvious features and rules which the literature of the sino-vietmanese transnational ethnic groups inherited form the Luo-yue cultural tradition. To a certain degree, the folk narration literature which may be lost or obscured in the cultural mass of the Sino-Vietnamese main nationality can be activated. Meanwhile, the nationality literature of Chinese can be enriched. In a word, the present study explores an important value not only in the theory of the comparative literature but also in the development of nationality literature and the friendly communication between the two cultures along the border.
【Key words】 Sino-Vietnam Transnational Ethnic Groups; the legend of Nongzhigao; Tyuen Kim Vien Kieu; the tale of SongZhen; the folk narration;