

【作者】 王继霞

【导师】 李继凯;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪初回族报刊文学的出现,标志着具有现代意义的回族文学诞生。它从宏观上结束了回族古代文学格局单一、民族特质匮乏的创作局面。近百年来,它逐渐形成回族化题材、非回族化题材两大创作类型。它们相随挺进、不断拓展,共同成就了回族文学独特的文化品性、精神浓度和艺术创新,建构起一个内涵丰富、特色鲜明、意旨深远的文学价值世界,昭示出关系文化传承、文明演进的诸多启示。然而长期以来,学术界对包括回族文学在内的、处于“边缘”之境的少数民族文学的价值认识不足,有意无意的遮蔽、怀疑、贬低的现象比较普遍。据此,本课题从价值论视角,在价值创造→价值形成→价值实现的动态链条中,探究百年回族文学价值的生成、发展、思想资源、理论意义等问题,旨在破除“文化眼镜”所带来的对民族文学的“误读”、“怀疑”,证明、彰显“边缘”文化的生命力和价值,寄语未来重构中华文学版图、开创多元文化格局的世纪性命题。绪论主要阐述了课题缘起、研究设想、既往研究成果等,指出在回族文学整体研究失衡、资料散逸严重、批评话语陈旧的现状下,本课题具有拓荒补白的开创性意义。第一章从价值创造角度,论述了回族作家主要的价值取向和抒写姿态。通过对张承志、石舒清等散、聚区回族作家民族性立场的剖析,指出民族性抒写的重要意义,并进一步分析了造成它发展滞缓的原因;通过对回族作家与他民族作家在多元文化立场中借鉴、交流等方面的考察,指出统一的多民族国家的社会背景、文化土壤等对回族作家主体价值世界的建构产生了重要影响,从而拓展和深化了相关问题的研究,揭示了价值创造的内在机制。第二、三、四章从具体价值内涵角度,阐释了回族文学的精神文化价值、审美艺术创新及社会政治意义。对两世并重、崇尚清洁的回族文化理念的诗意抒写,赋予了回族文学素朴端庄、浪漫激切的诗性特质,提升了它的精神含量和文化品质,契合了“历史理性—人文关怀”并重的文学精神价值旨归,为当下人文精神重建提供了新的视角和资源。小说中置身于圣俗之间的“阿訇”、求索着自我的“母亲”、遭遇着文化纠葛之痛的“少年”;诗歌中“清真寺”、“黄土地”等寄寓着回族精神幽微的意象;散文中独特有致的语体创造,共同建构起融丰富的人学观念、宇宙意识、精神蕴藉于一体的审美世界。它对于中国文学审美理念、诗学理论,有一定补充拓展功效,有助于文学、文化的混融创新。20世纪是政治风云变化多端的时代,回族文学不可避免地被赋予了丰富的政治内涵。对此的开掘、阐释为我们当下的政治文化建设、精神文化建设等提供了一些新思路。本文以回族题材电影文学、节庆题材小说为例作出具体分析,指出爱国爱教主题是百年回族文学核心政治价值的体现。第五章从价值实现角度,考察了百年回族文学的传播历程,并以“清真书局”(网上书店)和《回族文学》(期刊)为个案加以研究。提出重视口耳相传的传统传播形式等促动文学价值实现的具体举措。余论总结指出回族文学与主流文学既相契合、一致,又有所突破、创新的特点,是回族开放、独特的生存文化系统的缩影。它不仅成就了该民族文学在多民族文学版图中的重要意义,也从根本上弘扬了回族于坚守民族文化根坻与汲纳多重文化资源的双重路径中、谋求发展进步的优秀人文传统。同时,还对回族文学的持续发展提出了若干建设性意见。

【Abstract】 The appearance of Hui press literature in the early 20th century marked the birth of Hui literature of modern significance. It terminated the overall situation of creation of ancient Hui literature which was in undiversified pattern and lack of ethnic particularity. Over the past century, it has evolved into two types of creation gradually, Hui themes and non-Hui themes. They has grown together, and brought jointly the unique cultural quality, spiritual concentration and artistic innovation of Hui literature, created a multi-dimension world of literary value, and revealed inspirations of cultural inheritance and civilization evolution. But for long, there has been insufficient awareness in the academic circle about the value of literature of ethnic minorities including Hui literature, which is at the "edge". Intentionally or unintentionally, they are covered, suspected or preached down at large.Therefore, this research is designed to probe into such issues as the generation, evolution, ideological resource, and theoretical meaning of the value of centennial Hui literature on the dynamic chain of value creation→value formation→value realization, from a viewpoint of value theory. This aims to eliminate the "misreading" and "suspicion" about literature of ethnic minorities caused by "cultural glasses", prove and highlight the vitality and value of literature at the "edge", expect to reconfigure the territory of Chinese literature, and created centurial themes in multi-culture patterns.The preface discusses the origin, design considerations and previous outcomes of the research, pointing out that due to the overall unbalanced study on Hui literature, dissipated study data, and out-of-date comments, this research plays a pioneering role.From a viewpoint of value creation, Chapter 1 discusses the main value orientation and writing posture of Hui writers. Through analyzing the ethnical standpoint of Hui writers including Zhang Chengzhi and Shi Shuqing in scattered and converging areas, this chapter points out the important meaning of ethnical description, and further analyzes the causes of delayed development of ethnical description; upon investigation on exchange between writers of Hui and other ethnical groups in multiple culture, points out that the uniform social background and culture soil in a multi-ethnical-group country produces effect on the structure of primary value world of Hui writers, extends and deepens the study on relevant issues, and reveal the inherent mechanism of value creation.Chapter 2,3 and 4 elucidate the spiritual and culture value, aesthetic and artistic innovation, and social and political meaning of Hui literature from the viewpoint of value connotation.The poetic description on ideas of Hui culture which highlights both worlds and advocates cleanliness endows Hui literature with simple, elegant, romantic and passionate poetic particularity, improving its spiritual content and culture quality, matching the purport of spiritual value of literature that highlights on both "historical sense and humanistic care", providing a new visual angle and resources for current rebuilding of humanistic spirit.In novels, "Ahong" who stays between the holy and earthly worlds, the"mother" who is self-seeking, and the "boy" who suffers the pain of cultural entanglement; in poems, the "mosque", "yellow land" and so on contain the profound imagination about Hui spirit; in essays, the creation in unique type of writing builds an aesthetic world integrating abundant humanistic concepts, universe awareness and spiritual implication. It plays certain supplementary and expanding effect on aesthetic concepts and poetic theories of Chinese literature, and helps literary and cultural blending and innovation.The 20th century is an era with changing political events. It is unavoidable for Hui literature to be politically meaningful. This paper provides concrete analysis with Hui-theme movie literature and festival-theme novels as examples, pointing out that the love to one’s country and education is the core political value.From the viewpoint of value realization, Chapter 5 examines the spreading course of centennial Hui literature, provides a case study of Muslim Publishing House (online bookstore) and Hui Literature (periodical), and provides specific measures for promoting the realization of literature value in a manner of traditional oral and aural spreading.My paper concludes that Hui literature corresponds to mainstream literature while making breakthrough and innovations. It is an epitome of Hui survival culture system which is open and unique. The paper specifies the great significance of Hui literature in the literature territory of multiple ethnical groups, and carries forward the excellent humanistic tradition of Hui nationality in standing fast to ethnical cultural tradition and seeking for advancement. At the same time, the paper makes some constructive suggestions on the sustainable development of Hui literature.


