

【作者】 张焕玲

【导师】 赵望秦;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 近年來,宋代詠史詩的研究有所升溫,但還是主要對詠史名家的作品進行賞析,或對其整體藝術特色進行宏覲分析,而對宋代詠史組詩豐富的思想意蕴、多樣的藝術表現及較高的文獻價值等卻很少有涉足者,更沒有專門從未代燦爛而富有特色的文化視角來探討詠史組詩創作及其在詠史創作史上所產生的深遠影響的論文。而事實上,宋代詠史組詩的創作在整個宋代詠史詩的創作中更具有時代特色。今據《全宋詩》統計有宋一代的詠史詩有7349首,據《全宋詩訂補》統計另有詠史詩41首,共計7390首,其中包括聯章詠史組詩448題。而大中型的詠史组詩原有50種,現存31種,小型詠史組詩更是数量眾多。從創作群體看,上至皇帝宰輔,下至普通文人都有詠史组詩的創作;從吟詠內容看,既有古代史、近代史,還有當代史及家史,而詠經、詠子之作更具特色。形式上既有傳統的五、七言古體、樂府體、五、七言近體,還有新創的集句體、楚辭體及六言體詠史組詩。有鑒於此,本文以宋代詠史組詩為切入點,綜論其傳承與接受,梳理其發展概貌,深入考察其與宋代社會政治、科舉考試、訓蒙教育、史官文化以及其他文體、藝術之間密切而微妙的互動關係,並探討其所具有的文獻價值。本論文的主體部分由緒論篇、思想篇、藝術篇、敘錄篇、校證篇五部分組成。第一部分為緒論篇,由兩章組成。第一章先界定詠史詩之概念和範疇,從数量規模及具體內容方面界定本文具體論及的詠史組詩,接著回顧宋代詠史詩的研究現狀並概述本文旨趣;第二章先有條理地追溯宋前詠史詩的發展進程,次介绍宋代詠史詩的整體發展情況,最後詳述宋代大中型詠史組詩的發展概貌。第二部分為思想篇,由八章組成。從宋代歷史文化的廣闊視野出發,考察社會政治、史官文化、思想學術、科舉教育、地理之學及通俗文藝等與詠史詩之間的互動關係,以期揭示這種文學現象產生發展的深層原因。第一章主要研究宋代政治與詠史詩發展之間的互動關係。“文變染乎世情,興廢系乎时序”,宋代的最高統治者不僅重視編僎前代史書,以古鑒今,而且以極大的熱情廣泛閱讀經史書籍並大量賦寫詠史詩。上有所好,下必趨焉,因此,宋人喜史、愛史、寫史、詠史的社會風氣逐漸形成。在帝王的愛好提倡和时代學風的影響下詠史創作成為才、學、識兼備的知識分子的標誌,備受尊敬,從而出現了許多大中型詠史組詩。此外,宋人強烈的忠君愛國思想和歷史責任感,使他們的詠史詩呈現出焦慮憂患、慷慨激昂及頗具現實性的鮮明特色,無形中折射出宋代政治格局、政治事件的變遷。第二章側重探討宋代史官文化與詠史詩的互動關係。詠史詩的創作以史學的發達為前提,反過來,詠史詩的繁榮在很大程度上又推動著史學知識的傳播和普及。宋人編撰的大暈史著為統治者和普通民眾提供了優秀的歷史教科書,推動了兩宋歷史教育的發展,為詠史創作的繁榮奠定了基礎,而且它所代表的史官文化心態也滲入到了詠史創作中,使詠史詩正傳播和接受的過程中逐漸實現了與史論、史評等史學論著融合的特色,並成功地完成了由抒情言志到論史鑒世,從资鑒勸誡到訓蒙教育,從文人雅賞到市井娛樂的功能轉换。第三章重點分析宋代科舉考試與詠史詩之關係。科舉考試中經史內容的強化,提高了士子窮經研史、創作詩賦的熱情,為詠史詩創作的繁榮提供了得天獨厚的文化氛网,而詠史詩創作又間接為科舉考試服務,它不僅有效地訓練了舉子構思布篇的藝術技巧及對經史知識運用掌握的嫺熟度,而且為創作新穎動人的應制詩賦先行熱身。文人競相以歷史學識相標尚,他們的歷史理性精神和邏輯思維能力遠遠超過了前人,所關注的歷史内容也更加全面深刻,共同促成了史論體、翻案體詠史詩的極大繁榮。第四章著重論述宋代蒙學教育與詠史詩的密切關係。宋代的教育發展遠超前代,在科舉考試的指揮棒下,經史教育在宋代頗受重視,各級教育工作者都進一步強化了經史教學,並且在繼承唐代詠史詩體蒙學教材編撰的基礎上也創作了一系列的詠經、詠史體訓蒙教材,在一定程度上直接推動了詠史詩創作的發展和繁榮。第五章集中探討宋代學術思想與詠史詩創作的互動關係。宋代統治者對儒、釋、道兼容並蓄的態度使學術文化較前代更為發達,而思想文化的特色也表現在宋人詠史創作的各個方面,其中以理學、佛學、道學的影響較大。理學要求史學灌輸封建名分及封建倫理道德,對詠史創作主旨、人物歸類訐價及史學思想也產生一定的影響,同時宋代理學家還用詠史詩來闡發經學義理,以史證經,凸現了時代特徵。在三教合一的時代思潮影響下,宋代士大夫浸染釋、道,並以之貫通其人格及文學創作,以詠史詩的形式來詮釋和體現三教合一的思想觀念:而釋、道人物也往往博通經史,好論古今治亂得失,創作了不少詠史詩。第六章深入探析宋代方誌與詠史詩之間頻繁的互動關係。宋代地理之學大興,地方誌编撰體例完備、內容豐富、統合古今,多列古跡祠墓、亭臺山水等目,為詩人提供了豐富的創作素材和旅遊導向,而文人雅士亦以詩言地理,每於一邑古跡,一區名勝,各有所题,自注其下,往往使丘壑增色,山河生輝。兩宋时期據文獻可稽的史地雜詠多達二十四種,在命題、體制及風格上,承晚唐五代大型咏史织詩的餘風流韻,多以地名為題,詩作已漸漸由純粹的詠史轉向了憑(?)古跡和略顯一方文獻,開創以聯章組詩形式紀詠地理古跡之新體。它們的刊刻流傳無形中成為歷史名勝之傳媒,而地方誌在修撰時也有意大量引此類詩歌為證,又增強了歷史名勝的人文底蕴。再加上史地雜詠有资後世編纂地方誌時考證之用,在為方誌廣泛引用的基礎上,其史地價值也逐漸被讀者所了解認識,其至漸漸融入地理著述中。二者形成相輔相成、相得益彰地互動關係。第七章只體論述宋代孝文化與詠史詩之間的關係。宋代統治者非常重視利用孝經教化百姓,用父子之情來鞏固君臣之義,使孝成為兩宋影響最大的基本道德規範。因此,宋代出現了計多“篤孝”人物和孝文化著作。以詠史題材歌頌歷代孝道和孝行的聯章組詩當以林同《孝詩》、方昕《集事詩鑒》為集大成,不僅補充和發展了儒家經典中孝道觀念,而且在教化普及孝悌文化方面發揮了不可替代和不可估量的重要作用,可謂有韻之孝史。第八章主要分析宋元講史平話及明清歷史演義小說與詠史詩之間的關係。宋代史官文化的發達及詠史詩的繁榮為講史藝人演說歷史創造了一種濃厚的文化氛圍,並為他們的創作提供了豐富的歷史素材,再加上宋賢邵雍、司馬光、蘇軾、楊萬里、劉克莊等人的詠史詩與宋元講史及明清歷史演義小說的創作目的和软化功能有着高度的一致性,從而在講史平話及歷史演義小說中被廣泛引用,而講史平話及歷史演義小說又成為史官文化和詠史詩傳播的载體。第三部分為藝術篇,由三章組成。第一章從宏觀上集中論述宋代詠史詩在主題思想、命題方式、體裁創新、題材擴展及藝術手法等方面所取得的成就。第二章為大型詠史組詩個案分析,精選王十朋、劉克莊、林同、鄭思肖、陳普五人的詠史詩集,具體探討各家在詠史詩創作方面的主要藝術成就。第三章以曾極、方信儒的作品為典型個案,以點帶面,探析宋代史地雜詠的藝術特色。第四部分為敘錄篇,由兩章組成。為了能比較全面地勾勒出宋代大中型詠史組詩或詩集創作的概貌,本文不僅在收集大量第一手文獻资枓的基礎上對宋代現存的大中型詠史組詩的作者生平、版本流傳、主要思想內容及學術價值進行梳理及考證;還對那些原作已佚但還有零散篇章及相關資料的大中型詠史組詩進行了整理搜羅。敘錄所論及的作者及其时代,參考《全宋詩》的斷限,在章節安排上,先考證現存較全的,次輯考散佚之作:而每章又以類相從,先詠史詩集,次史地雜詠、詠史宫詞、詠經子之作,每一小類又以時代先後為序。在敘錄撰寫過程中陸續發现的零章斷篇只要是《全宋詩》及《全宋詩訂補》遺收的,均補輯附于文後。第五部分為校證篇,通過對文字校勘、本事笺證,力求為學界進一步深入研究宋代詠史組詩而提供文字準確可靠、閱讀利用方便的文本。本篇所搜集的現存或獨立成卷或有單行本的大中型詠史組詩,盡可能選取現存善本,參校其他版本,凡遇異文訛字,為保持底本原貌一律不改,出校指出,如果明顯有誤,則加案斷,以【校記】別之;凡原作有自注或他人之注者,僅在其下指出本事出處,以【今案】指出;原作既無自注,又無他注者,則為其略作解題或笺注,以【解题】或【箋證】別之。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the study of history commenting poems in Song Dynasty has intensified to some extent, but the research still focus on the appreciation of the great masters’works or the macro analysis on the overall artistic features. However, people seldom conduct research on the history commenting poem sequences in light of their rich thought implications, multiple artistic expressions and high academic values, let alone the professional thesis elaborating the poem-composition from the unique Song culture perspective and its far-reaching influence in history. In fact, the composition of poem sequences in Song era is brilliant for its character of times throughout the whole historical poem composing history. According to the Full Song Poems and The Revised Edition, there are over 7000 history commenting poems in Song Dynasty, among which the original 50 kinds of medium and large sequences turn into 31 in present, the small poems are even more. In terms of writing group, both authorities and the masses are able to produce works; the content refers to the history from ancient, modern to contemporary times and family history as well. Besides, the Confucian and philosophical chants are renowned for unique features. Concerning the form, multiple styles ranging from five and seven characters old verses, Yue-Fu modern verses through new merging poems, Chu Ci to six-character history commenting poem sequences. In view of the above-mentioned cases, taking history commenting poem sequences in Song period as starting point, the dissertation discusses their inheritance and acceptance and lays out the developing process. Furthermore, a thorough analysis has been implemented around the close and subtle interrelationship between the composition of poems and various factors including political society, imperial examinations, historical education, official historian culture, and other styles and arts. And the investigation of their documentary values is also involved in the dissertation.The body section of the dissertation is composed of five parts, namely introduction, thought, art. catalogue and description, and revision.The first part is the introduction which consists of two chapters. The first chapter delimits the concept and category of the history commenting poem, and draws forth the concrete suite poems in point by defining their quantity, scale and contents. Then, it reviews the current research on the history commenting poems in Song Dynasty and summarizes the purport of the present dissertation. The second chapter first lays out the developing course of the history commenting poems before Song era, next introduces their overall development in Song Dynasty, and finally expatiates on the status of the small and medium-sized poem sequences in Song period.The second serves as the thought part which is composed of eight chapters. Taking the history and culture in Song Dynasty as perspectives, this section probes into the interaction between the history commenting poems and various factors including social politics, official historian culture. academic idea, imperial education, geographic study, popular literature and art, etc. By doing this, underlying reasons for the birth and development of this kind of literary phenomenon are expected to be revealed. The first chapter mainly investigates the interrelationship between politics in Song Dynasty and history commenting poems. "Change of writing style in association with changes of times", the development of history commenting poems in Song era closely related to the social culture then. Imperators in Song Dynasty not only highlighted the redaction of the historical records so as to draw lessons from the past, but played an exemplary role by reading historical works extensively and writing history commenting poems largely. Under the emperors’advocate and the influence of academic atmosphere then, people in Song Dynasty tended to love and write history-relevant materials. Moreover, composition of the history commenting poems was perceived as the symbol of intellectuals with talent, learning and knowledge who deserved wide respect at that time. Besides, People’s strong sense of patriotism and responsibility indirectly affected the subjects and styles of the composition. As a result, the history commenting poems then were characterized by taking wording, argument and talent as poems respectively. Also, emotions like fidget and vehemence and the realistic feature could be read through the poems which, in turn, invisibly reflected the instable and changeable political situation in Song Dynasty. The second chapter elaborates the mutual relationship between official historian culture and history commenting poems. The prosperity of historical study serves as the premise of the production of poems on history, the boom of which, in turn, promotes the transmission and popularization of historical knowledge to a large extent. Large amounts of historical masterpieces compiled by people in Song Dynasty were regarded as the excellent textbooks on the part of authorities and the masses then, which facilitated the historical education during the whole Song period and greatly boosted the prosperity of the writing of historical poems. What’s more, the culture of official historian represented by those masterpieces was also embodied in the composition, making the poems on history gradually integrated with historical works like historical essays and criticisms in the spreading and accepting process. Also, the course witnessed the successful transformation of the poetic functions from expression of emotion and ideal to lessons-acquisition from history, from dissuasion to education, and from elegant appreciation to mass entertainment. The third chapter focuses on the analysis of relation between imperial examinations in Song Dynasty and history commenting poems. The intensification of Confucian and historical contents in examinations facilitated scholars to study relevant classics and poems, which laid solid cultural and physical foundation for the composition of poems on history. The creation of poems on history, in reverse, indirectly served the imperial examinations by not only training candidates with skills in texts ideation and arrangement, and helping them understand and apply what they have learned, but also laying the groundwork for the production of novel and vivid poems. Scholars attached great importance on historical knowledge. Their historical rational consciousness and spirit far surpassed the former poets’, and what they have valued about history was rich and comprehensive in contents. All of the above-mentioned premises contributed to the great prosperity of history commenting poems in history essay and cassation styles. The fourth chapter mainly discusses the substantial connection between education in Song times and history commenting poems. Education in Song Dynasty far excelled that in former era. Under the authority of imperial examinations, Confucian and historical education were highly valued during this period. Educational scholars have put the establishment and study of Confucian and historical courses into important schedules and published a series of textbooks about history commenting poems on the basis of inheriting the similar teaching material in Tang Dynasty, which to some extent boosted the development and boom of the creation of poems on history. The fifth chapter probes into the interrelation between academic thoughts in Song Dynasty and the composition of history commenting poems. The inclusive attitude adopted by authorities in Song period towards Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism made the academic culture then more flourishing than ever before. The construction of ideology and culture were also revealed in aspects of composition of poems on history of which the most influential were idealist philosophy, Buddhism and Taoism. The idealist philosophy required the historical study to inculcate feudal ideology and ethic, as a result, exerting certain impact to the intention of poem-composition, categorization and estimate of personalities and historical ideas. Meanwhile, philosopher in Song period also used poems on history to interpret the truth and contents of Confucian classics and explained their philosophical thoughts in the remarks of the rise and fall of dynasties. They demonstrated Confucian thoughts with historical evidences and had an insight into the features of the age. Under the ideological trend of integration of three religions, officials in Song Dynasty, who have been exposed to the Buddhism and Taoism, implemented the thoughts in the literature creating process and attempted to explain and represent the integrated idea through history commenting poems by introducing plenty of historical personalities of Buddhism and Taoism into composition. However, the Buddhist and Taoist figures, more often than not, were proficient in Confucian and historical classics and tended to critiqued gain and loss in both ancient and modern times. So they not only produced large numbers of history commenting poems, but also made the Buddhist recorded utterances and cases the history-intoned poems, praising Buddhist characters and representing the delicate ideas of Buddhism. The sixth chapter intensively discusses the frequent interaction between the local records in Song Dynasty and the history commenting poems. Geography has achieved the thriving status in Song stage. The compilation of local chronicles was defined by complete styles, rich contents, integration of ancientry and present, illustration of historical sites, graves and pavilions, etc, which provided poets with abundant writing stuffs and tourism guidance. Refined scholars also described landscapes through poems. They would make inscriptions on any historical site or scenic spot they visited, making the sceneries more attractive and bright. The Song Dynasty saw the 24 kinds of geographic and historical poems, of which the wide-spread were One Hundred Poems Composed in Gu Su and Jin Ling by Yang Bei, Historical poems in Kuai Ji by Hua Zhen, One Hundred Poems Composed in Nan Hai by Fang Xinru, One Hundred Poems Composed in Jin Ling by Zeng Ji, etc. These works followed the propositional, structural and stylistic features of the masterpieces in the late Tang and Five Dynasties like History Commenting Poems by Hu Zeng, Nostalgic Poems in Liu He by Jia Pang and Ding Quo Poems by Li Xiong. The form of poem has shifted gradually from the pure history-commenting style to the historical sites-intoned type with combined Ci. The inscriptions on landscapes invisibly served as the media of historical spots, also the inscribed poems were vastly quoted as evidences when local chronicles were revising, which strengthened the humanity implications of these historical sites. When later generations compiled their local chronicles, they could utilize the geographical and historical poems as evidences. In this case, the wide quotation of the local records would lead to the fact that the value of these poems would be gradually realized by readers or even included in the geographic masterpieces. Accordingly, the local chronicles and geographical and historical poems supplemented and facilitated each other. The seventh chapter investigates the connection between the filial piety culture in Song period and history commenting poems. Authorities at that time attached great importance to the tradition of filial piety. They educated the masses with book of filial piety and made use of affection between father and son to consolidate the king-subject relationship, making filial piety the most influential ethic criterion throughout the whole Song Dynasty. Therefore, this period witnessed many earnest filial persons and masterpieces about filial piety culture. Among the history-intoned poem sequences in Lianzhang style eulogizing filial activities in past dynasties, the most illustrious masterpieces are Filial Poems by Lin Tong and Appreciating Collection of poems on filial piety by Fangxin. The books complemented and developed the filial tradition in Confucian classics and played an indispensable role in spreading the filial piety culture as well. Thus they were praised as the collective representation of Chinese filial history. The eighth chapter chiefly analyzes the relevance between the history commenting poems and the historic Pinghua in Song and Yuan Dynasty together with the historic novels in Ming and Qing periods. The developed official historian culture and prosperous historical poems have set up a kind of strong cultural atmosphere for storytellers and offered them rich historical stuffs. Besides, the high degree of consensus between the two literary forms in composing purports and educational functions made the poems on history widely applied in the historic Pinhua and novels, the acceptance and transmission of which, in return, acted as the carriers contributing to the dissemination of official historian culture and history commenting poems.The third part refers to the artistic dimension, including three chapters. The first chapter concentrates on the accomplishment the history commenting poems has obtained in aspects ranging from the main idea, way of proposition through genre innovation, theme expansion to artistic technique, and so forth. The second chapter conducts a case study of the large-scale suites of history commenting poems. In this section, anthologies committed by Wang Shipeng, Liu Kezhuang, Lin Tong, Zheng Sixiao and Chen Pu have been elected for the discussion of their major achievements in poem-composing sphere respectively. The third section takes the works of Zeng Ji and Fang Xinru as cases in point so as to probe into the artistic characteristics of the geographical and historical poems in Song times.Part four serves as the catalogue and description which consists of two chapters. In order to roundly describe the outline of the large-sized history commenting poem sequences or composition of anthologies, the present dissertation makes a collation and textual research on the existing medium and large suites of poems in light of authors’ life stories, circulated versions, main ideas and academic values on the basis of collecting plenty of firsthand documentations. Furthermore, the thesis gathers and arranges the scattered texts and relevant materials about the poem sequences which were nearly lost in history. The authors and their era involved in catalogue and description are quoted from the Full Song Poems. Concerning the chapter arrangement, this part firstly conducts textual research on the relative intact works. then the scattered materials. Meanwhile, each chapter is designed according to different literary genres, following the sequence of history commenting poems, geographic and historical chants, history-intoned Gong Ci, and Confucian and philosophical classics. Works of any of the four genres is illustrated by chronological order. The fragmentary materials successively found during the catalogue and description composing process are enclosed at the end of the dissertation on condition that they are originally included in Full Song Poems or its revised version. The fifth acts as the revision part. This section involves the existing medium and large suites of poems in independence or offprint edition. The collected texts, to the largest extent, are extracted from the present rare books and other versions, during which any variant entries are by no means revised for the sake of retaining their original appearance. Nevertheless, if the originals display obvious mistakes, revision marked by [Revision] is needed; if notes, by author or others, occur in original texts, then modified comments represented by [Present explanation] are located beneath; moreover, remarks signified by [interpretation] or [annotation] are illustrated in the texts on condition that there is no any notes in originals.


