

【作者】 芦兰花

【导师】 邢向东;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 湟水是黄河上游最大的一级支流,湟水流域位于青海省东部,包括西宁市、湟中县、湟源县、大通回族土族自治县、平安县、化隆回族自治县、互助土族自治县、乐都县、民和回族土族自治县、循化撒拉族自治县十个市县。明以前湟水流域的主体民族是少数民族,汉族大多数是明代以后迁入的。湟水河流域是一个多民族聚居区,除汉族外主要有藏族、回族、土族、撒拉族、蒙古族等少数民族。由于多民族长期杂居,藏语及阿尔泰语系语言对汉语方言有不同程度的影响。湟水流域汉语方言语音特点有:古全浊声母多读不送气音;古端透定见溪群晓匣声母一部分字今读[ts][tsh][s];古端精见组字在齐齿呼韵母前大部分地区端组分立,精见合流,但是在[i]韵母和[i]介音前读音不同,部分地区[i]韵母前端精见合流,读舌尖音,[i]介音前端组分立,精见合流,个别地区端精见完全合流;知庄章组字部分地区知庄章三组合流,一般读[ts]组音,部分地区知二组声母和庄组声母合流,一般读[ts]组音,知三组声母和章组声母合流读[ts];泥来母基本不混;日母逢开口呼读[z],逢合口呼读[(?)]或读[z];遇摄一等精组字的韵母多读[y]/[y(?)]/[(?)],帮、端、泥组和见系字韵母一般读[(?)];止开三端组、泥组、精组、见系字韵母读[(?)];知庄章组字韵母读[(?)];阳声韵多读鼻化韵韵母,深臻曾梗通摄字部分地方有后鼻韵尾,部分地方读鼻化韵;宕江摄舒声字部分地方合口呼读开口呼;部分地区德陌(麦)三韵字有介音;儿缀音变有儿化和儿尾两种形式,儿尾分布较广泛,儿尾有拼合型和融合型,儿尾多分布于和少数民族语言区的结合部;部分地方有三个声调,三个声调平声不分阴阳;部分地方四个声调,四个声调的地方阳平和去声合并厉害,但是调类还存在。本文重点讨论的是湟水流域汉语方言声母、韵母、声调的历时演变。重要的语音演变有:古全浊声母的演变;中古端、精、见组字在齐齿呼韵母前的读音演变;知庄章组及日母的演变;泥母、疑母、影喻微母的演变;阴声韵的演变;深臻曾梗通摄的演变;中古德陌麦三韵的演变;声调的简化及其原因;儿缀音变的类型和成因。主要的观点有:湟水流域元音高化现象很突出,多数地区[i][u][y]舌尖化为[(?)][(?)][(?)],元音的舌尖化和摩擦化是一种拉链式音变,辅音声母发音时阻塞、摩擦很重,送气音的送气成分很强是导致高化的原因;深臻曾梗通摄多读鼻化韵,少数地区读后鼻韵尾,由于深臻和曾梗通摄合流,所以,鼻尾韵的演化ang快,en慢,与陕西关中不同;部分地区德陌(麦)三韵字带i介音与山西、陕西移民带来的晋语有关;根据知庄章声母的今读,民和、乐都、循化方言可以考虑归入兰银官话。本文选择湟水流域19个方言点进行了全面、深入、详细地考察,第一次全面、系统地展示该地区方言的语音面貌,并且对一些重要的语言现象进行横向的比较,分析这些现象形成的原因。关于湟水流域汉语方言的来源,多认为来源于江淮官话,本文通过与江淮官话及周边方言的比较,对“江淮官话说”提出质疑,并认为本流域方言主要来源为中原官话。

【Abstract】 Huangshui is the largest tributaries of the upstream of Yellow River. Huangshui basin located in the eastern part of Qinghai province, including ten Counties:Xining City, Huangzhong County, huangyuan County, Datong County, Hualong County, Pingan County, Huzu County, Ledu County, Minhe County, Xunhua County. Before Ming Dynasty, The dominant people in this area are the minority. Most Han people moved here after that time. Huangshui basin is a multi-ethnic place, apart from the Han nationality, there are Tibetan, Hui, Tu, Salar, Mon golians and other ethnic peoples. Because of multi-ethnic inhabited here for a long-term, Tibetan and Altai phylum’s language have influenced on Chinese dialect of this area in some degrees.The Chinese dialect voice in Huangshui basin has many features. Classical voiced initials are not aspirated. Classic initials partly pronounced[ts][tsh][s], such as’Duan-Tou-Ding Jian-Xi-Qun-Xiao-Xia etc. In most places, classic words in’Duan-Jing-Jian’group,’Duan’group discrete, and’Jing-Jian’group combined. There are three groups combined in’Zhi-Zhuang-Zhang’ group and pronounce [ts] in some places, in other place, initial in the group of the second Grade Rims in the’Zhi’and ’Zhuang’are combined which can be pronounced [ts], initial in the group of the third Grade Rims in the’Zhi’and’Zhang’are combined which can be pronounced [ts].’Ni-Lai Mu’groups are not mixed basically.’Ri-Mu’group pronounce [z] in open-mouth case and [y] or [z] in close-mouth case. The vowel in the first division of’Yu’cores and’Jing group is always read[y]/ [y(?)]/[(?)]], and the group of’Bang-Duan-Ni’group and’Jian’series is usually read [Υ]. The vowel in the group of’Zhi-Kai-San-Duan’,’Ni’,’Jing’, and’Jian’series is usually read [ι]. The vowel in the group of’Zhi-Zhuang-Zhang’is pronounced [f].Yang Sheng rhymes are mostly read Nasal rhyme vowel, the word in the core of’Sheng-Zheng-Zeng-Geng-Tong’has rear Nasal rhyme in some place, and in others places has Nasal rhyme. The word in the group of’Tang-Jiang-She-Shu-Shen’is pronounced by open-mouth. The three-rhyme word such as’De-Mo (Mai)’has’i’medial sound. Phonetics change of er-suffixed include er-suffixation and er-ending, er-ending distribute rather wide and include cohere and fusion types, er-ending is widely distributed in minority language and Chinese language’s fringe area. Part places have three tones, and level tone doesn’t distinguish yin and yang. Part places have four tones, and the second and fourth tone merged completely, but the tone category still exists.The important discussion in this article is to study the dialect’s historic development of initial, vowel and tone in Huangshui basin. The important voice development include:classic voiced initials, the pronunciation of medieval’Duan-Jing-Jian’group that read before even-mouth vowel, ’Zhi-Zhang-Zhuang’and’Ri-Mu’group initial,’Ni’,’Yi’and’Yin-Yu-Wei’group initial, Yin vowel final, the combination in’Shen-Zhen-Zeng-Geng-Tong’group, short tone in medieval ’Zeng-Geng-Shen’group and three-rhyme word such as’De-Mo (Mai)’, the simplification and reason about tone, types and factors of sound change about er-suffixed. The main viewpoints:First, there is a highlight phenomenon that vowel is raised, most areas read[i][u][y]as[ι][Υ][?], vowel raising and clashing is a kind of sound change of Drag Chain; there is a heavy stop and clash tone in initial consonant, aspirate strong is the reason that vowel is raised. Second, ’Shen-Zhen-Zeng-Geng-Tong group usually pronounce with nasalization, other places read with nasal finals. Due to the combination between’Shen-Zhen’and’Zeng-Geng-Tong groups, [ang] develop quickly and [en] slowly in nasalization, the voice is different from Gunazhong’s. Third, three-rhyme words with’i’medial sound such as’De-Mo (Mai) are relate to Jin dialect that bring about by the migrant who came from Shannxi and Shanxi province. Last, on the basis of present pronunciation about’Zhi-Zhuang-Zhang’group, the dialect of Minhe, Ledu and Xunhua can be classified into Lan-Yin Mandarin.The article was based on the investigation of Huangshui basin 19 dialect spots. Through completely, deeply and detailedly investigate the article totally and systematically demonstrated the voice feature in this area, and also compared some important language phenomenon with other areas and analyzed the reasons of this phenomenon. Most people think that the Chines dialect in Huangshui basin comes from Yangzi River and Huai River dialect. The article proposes query about this viewpoint through compared with Yangzi River and Huai River Mandarin and circum them, and think that the Chines dialect in Huangshui basin mainly comes from central plains Mandarin.

【关键词】 湟水流域方言语音演变接触
【Key words】 Huangshui basindialectsvoiceevolutioncontact

