

The Effect of Facial Expression and Familiarity on the Attentional Blink

【作者】 段海军

【导师】 霍涌泉;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 基础心理学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 人类希望能够快速有效地识别目标刺激,然而当两个目标刺激快速地连续呈现时,人类的这种能力似乎已经达到了极限。在快速序列视觉呈现(Rapid Serial Visual Presentation, RSVP)中,快速连续地呈现不同的刺激,如果第一个目标刺激(T1)后很短时间内(10-500ms)呈现第二个目标刺激(T2),对T2的辨认能力下降,这种现象称为注意瞬脱(Attentional Blink, AB)。注意瞬脱已成为近年来注意研究的焦点和前沿课题。作为一种普遍存在的人类认知缺陷,注意瞬脱现象在不同的实验情景和大多数的被试中都得到了证实,如在字母、数字、单词、字符、几何图形、图片、听觉和触觉等刺激材料中均发现了注意瞬脱效应。注意瞬脱不仅可以作为考察工作记忆和注意关系的有效工具,而且还有助于我们揭示信息是如何进入人的意识觉醒水平的认知加工机制。注意瞬脱的相关研究结论能够运用于社会实践,如心理评估、外形设计和警示信号等。它对发展和临床康复治疗也有重要价值,可以帮助解释认知老化、精神分裂症、抑郁症、多动症与阅读障碍等问题。注意瞬脱研究主要有两种范式:快速序列视觉呈现范式(rapid serial visual presentation, RSVP)和双靶范式(two-target paradigm)。在RSVP范式中,目标被嵌入大批的干扰项中。每一个目标由下一个目标掩蔽,目标出现在相同位置。而在双目标范式中,两个目标各自被临时的线索掩蔽,并前后出现在屏幕的不同位置上。以往研究大多从空间维度考察了面孔加工和注意之间的关系,但从时间维度上进行的研究相对较少,本研究使用RSVP(?)范式从时间维度上考察面孔认知加工过程中的注意瞬脱效应。在RSVP实验中,每个刺激流由13个分心刺激和2个目标刺激构成,每个刺激的呈现时间均为100ms,每个项目都会紧随着前一个项目呈现。T2和T1之间设置5种时间间隔(SOA),分别为Lag2(SOA=200ms) Lag3(SOA=300ms), Lag4(SOA=400ms), Lag5(SOA=500ms)和Lag6(SOA=600ms)。本研究分为2大系列,共由9个实验组成。表情和熟悉性是面孔识别过程中受关注最多的两个因素。注意瞬脱效应既可能受T1表情的影响,又可能受T2表情的影响。研究一通过设置高低两种认知负荷、设置表情判断和性别判断两类任务、以及设置相同和不同的两种加工通道,系统考察了面孔表情对注意瞬脱效应大小的影响,并以ERP为指标,考察了面孔表情效价影响注意瞬脱效应的时间进程和认知加工机制。研究二通过改变T2的不同熟悉性以及T1和T2之间潜在的语义关系,系统考察了面孔熟悉性对注意瞬脱效应大小的影响,并以ERP为指标,考察了面孔熟悉性影响注意瞬脱效应的时间进程和认知加工机制。研究一:面孔表情效价对注意瞬脱效应的影响实验1考察了面孔-面孔同一加工通道下,当T1是中性面孔时,T2面孔的表情对注意瞬脱效应的影响。结果表明,当第二个目标刺激是愤怒面孔时,注意瞬脱效应减弱了。实验2考察了面孔-面孔同一加工通道下,当T2是中性面孔时,T1面孔的表情对注意瞬脱效应的影响。并通过设置性别判断和表情判断两种任务,考察表情对注意瞬脱效应的影响是否依赖于任务设置。结果表明,面孔-面孔同一加工通道下,当第一个目标刺激是负性的愤怒面孔时,注意瞬脱效应增强了。面孔-面孔加工任务下,T1表情对注意瞬脱的影响不是简单的依赖于任务和独立于任务的关系,愤怒表情对注意瞬脱效应的影响并不依赖于任务设置,而高兴面孔对注意瞬脱效应的影响依赖于任务设置。实验3考察了面孔-场景不同加工通道下,当T2是场景时,T1面孔的表情对注意瞬脱效应的影响。结果表明,面孔-场景加工通道下,当第一个目标刺激是愤怒面孔时,注意瞬脱效应增强了,T1和T2在知觉结构上的差异促进了有限的资源更加合理的分配。实验4考察了高低两种认知负荷条件下T2表情对注意瞬脱效应的影响,进一步探讨注意瞬脱效应是否受到当前可利用的认知资源的限制。结果表明,认知负荷对注意瞬脱的影响与面孔表情的效价有关。高兴表情和中性表情对注意瞬脱效应的影响受认知负荷的限制,而愤怒表情对注意瞬脱效应的影响并不受认知资源的限制。实验5采用ERP技术,考察了T2面孔的表情影响注意瞬脱效应的神经机制。ERP结果表明,前知觉和后知觉阶段的ERP成分均受到了面孔情绪效价的调节,N1和P2反映了对愤怒表情加工的注意偏向,愤怒表情比高兴和中性表情诱发了更大的N1波幅和P2波幅。晚期成分中愤怒表情比高兴和中性表情诱发了更大的P3波幅。研究二:面孔熟悉性对注意瞬脱效应的影响实验6以熟悉面孔和陌生面孔为材料,考察了在启动范式下熟悉面孔是否存在知觉表征和语义表征两种表征方式,为实验7和实验8熟悉面孔的语义启动实验提供理论依据。结果表明,熟悉面孔既存在知觉启动,也存在语义启动,而不熟悉面孔仅仅存在知觉启动;知觉结构和语义表征对重复启动的贡献与加工阶段有关,知觉结构在初始阶段起作用,随后作用逐渐减弱。而语义表征存在于信息加工的整个过程。实验7以明星夫妻面孔为材料,考察了RSVP范式下目标刺激T1和T2之间潜在的语义关系对注意瞬脱效应的影响。结果表明,和T1有语义关系的T2刺激的注意瞬脱效应消失了。说明目标刺激之间潜在的语义关系能够突破注意的瓶颈。实验8考察当T1为陌生面孔,T2为影视明星面孔时,面孔的熟悉性对注意瞬脱效应的影响。行为实验结果表明,当第二个目标刺激是名人面孔时,注意瞬脱效应减弱了。ERP实验结果表明,感知觉阶段的ERP成分未受到面孔熟悉性的调节,早期成分未反映出对熟悉性面孔加工的注意偏向。晚期成分中的P3能够把熟悉性面孔和不熟悉面孔区分开来。概括以上的两个研究,本研究得出了以下结论:1.注意瞬脱效应既受T1表情的影响,又受T2表情的影响。当存在注意资源的竞争时,威胁性刺激(愤怒的面部表情)比非威胁刺激能得到更优先的加工。2.面孔表情对注意瞬脱效应的影响与加工通道有关。同一加工通道下,存在中枢加工的占用,更容易引发心理不应期。而在不同的加工通道下,T1和T2在知觉结构上的差异能促进有限的资源更加合理的分配。面孔表情效价对注意瞬脱效应的影响也与任务设置有关。愤怒表情对注意瞬脱大小的影响并不依赖于任务,而高兴面孔对注意瞬脱的影响依赖于任务。3.从注意瞬脱的时间进程上来说,前知觉和后知觉阶段的ERP成分均受面孔情绪效价的调节。在认知资源有限的情况下,大脑在知觉早期阶段就能够实现愤怒表情和其它表情的加工分离。4.面孔的语义表征即使在相当短的时间间隔下也能产生启动效应。目标刺激T1和T2之间潜在的语义关系能有效地突破注意的瓶颈。5.熟悉性是突破注意瓶颈的有效方式。感知觉阶段的ERP成分并不受面孔熟悉性的调节,在认知资源有限的条件下,大脑在前知觉阶段无法实现对熟悉性面孔和陌生面孔的加工分离。对熟悉性面孔的加工分离出现在晚期的认知评估阶段。

【Abstract】 The attentional blink(AB) refers to the finding that people have difficulties in identifying the second of two masked targets (T1and T2) within a rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) stream of distractors if T2 is presented within approximately 500 milli-second after T1. Humans are endowed with capabilities enhancing the quick and efficient detection of stimuli significant to the organism. however, These capabilities appear to reach their limits when two such tagets occur in rapid succession. The AB has become central in the study of attention in the past two decades. Especially,in recent years the underlying cause of the AB has emerged as a topic of intense debate. This AB effect is very robust and can be obtained under a wide variety of task conditions and in the great majority of subjects. The AB has been demonstrated with a wide range of stimuli, including letters, numbers, words, symbols, geometric shapes, pictures, colors and with auditory or tactile stimuli.The AB has proven to be a useful tool in the study of interaction between working memory and attention. Questions that exploration of the AB seems well suited to answer are how a stimulus can break into the area of conscious awareness. Fundamental knowledge obtained from the AB has even been used to study information processing in practical applications such as psychological assessment, inter face design and warning signals. Finally, it has had a large impact in developmental and clinical settings, helping to elucidate cognitive limitations in elderly and people suffering from visual neglect, schizophrenia, depression, ADHD, and dyslexia.The attentional blink has been studied by means of two paradigms:rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP), in which targets are embedded in a stream of central distractors, and the two-target paradigm, in which targets are presented eccentrically without distractors.Most studies of visual attention have addressed the question of how multiple stimuli are processed when they are presented simultaneously in a single spatial array. Therefore, we use a rapid serial visual presentation paradigm to investigate the characteristics of attention form time dimension. In present study, we used RSVP paradigm, on each trial, participants were presented a sequence of 15 Stimuli,2 target face(T1 and T2) and 13 distractor Stimuli, at the center of a black screen. Each probe was presented for 100 milli-second with no break between the faces. We presented 1,2, 3,4, or5 distractor Stimuli between T1 and T2, corresponding to five temporal lags ranging from a stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) of 200 ms to a SOA of 600 ms.This study explored AB effect in face recognition. It included a series of nine experiments for two parts.Expression and familiarity are recognized as two important factors in the processing of the faces recognition. The attentional blink effect maybe under the influence of the T1 expression, but also can be affected by the T2 expression. The study 1 used high and low cognitive load, setted expression judge task and gender judge task, and used the same or different processing channel, examined the influence mechanism of the face expression to the attentional blink effect systematically. What’s more, used the ERP as indicators, examined the time processing and cognitive mechanism of it. The study 2 used repeated target or unrepeated target condition, by changing the nature of the familiar of T2, and the potential semantic relation between T1 and T2, System to examined the influence mechanism of the familiarity to the attentional blink effect systematically, and also used the ERP, examined the time processing and cognitive mechanism of it.The study 1:the influence of the face expression on the attentional blink effectIn the experiment 1, using a rapid serial visual presentation paradigm, we investigated whether an emotional T2 reduces the AB when preceded by a neutral Tl. Our results indicate that emotional T2 have strong effect on the AB and that aversive T2 attenuated the AB in the presence of a neutral.In the experiment 2, using a rapid serial visual presentation paradigm, we investigated whether an emotional T1 reduces the AB when offside by an neutral T2. In Experiment 3-a, participants had to judge T1’s gender; hence, the face pictures were task relevant, but attention was not explicitly directed to their emotional expression. In Experiment 3-b, participants had to explicitly judge the facial expression of T1 stimuli; thus, the face pictures were task relevant, and attention was directed to their emotional expression. Our results indicate that an emotional T1 has strong effect on the AB:First, angry faces induced a stronger AB than neutral faces when faces were task relevant and attention was directed to the facial expression. Second, with identical physical stimulation, the enhancement of the AB by angry faces disappeared when participants’ attention was directed to a nonemotional facial feature.In the experiment 3, using a rapid serial visual presentation paradigm, we investigated the effect of angry, happy and neutral face stimuli on the report of trailing scene targets. When the emotional expression of the face stimuli had to be indicated, fearful faces induced a stronger attentional blink than neutral faces. Under different processing conditions, the different cognitive structure of T1 and T2 make more rational distribution for limited resources.In the experiment 4, setted low cognitive load condition and high cognitive load condition, we investigated whether AB depends on currently available attentional resources. Our results indicate that observers detected faces presented during the attentional blink period that could depict either an angry or a happy expression. Perceptual load of the blink-inducing target was manipulated by a happy expression and a neutral expression. The privileged access of fearful faces to awareness does not occur mandatorily, but instead of depending on attentional resources.In the experiment 5, using ERP and a rapid serial visual presentation paradigm, we investigated the neural mechanism of an emotional T2 reducing the AB when preceded by a neutral T1.ERP components are modulated by facial express valence in the early phase of perception and cognitive evaluation. Early anterior N1and posterior P2 reflect the bias for processing the angry expression, the angry expression elicited larger amplitude than happy and neutral expressions. The amplitude of N170 in short interval condition can distinguish the emotional facial from neutral face stimuli. The amplitude P3 can distinguish among emotional facial expression such as angry expression, happy expression, and neutral faces.The study 2:the influence of the face familiarity on the attentional blink effectIn the experiment 6, in order to investigate the contribution of perceptual structure and semantic representation on face repetition priming, we explored priming effects of recognizing familiar and unfamiliar faces and how this priming is influenced by face inversion. The results are as follows:(1) Familiar faces show priming of perceptual structure and semantic representation, whereas unfamiliar ones only show priming of the perceptual structure; (2) The contribution of perceptual structure and semantic representation is not dissociated but combined, and the semantic priming effect is larger than the perceptual priming in familiar faces; (3) The contribution of perceptual structure and semantic representation is related to process stages. Perceptual structure and semantic representation evokes larger repetition effects during early stage of processing, and semantic representation evokes greater repetition effects during the later stages of processing.In the experiment 7, using a rapid serial visual presentation paradigm, in order to investigate the contribution of potential semantic representation between T1and T2 to the AB, we explored priming effects of recognizing star spouse and nonstar spouse faces. The results indicates that under Lag2 condition, the AB of the T2 stimuli of semantic relationship with the T1 have disappeared, which suggests that potential semantic representation between Tland T2 can break through the bottleneck of attention.In the experiment 8, we investigated the effect of face familiarity to the AB when the T1 is stranger face and the T2 is star face. The behavior results indicate that the AB of the T2 stimuli has reduced. And the ERP data shows that ERP components are not modulated by facial familiarity valence in the early phase of perception and cognitive evaluation. However, the amplitude P3 can distinguish familiar face form unfamiliar face.The thesis can make the following conclusions based on the above nine experiments:1.The AB effect is influenced by both the T1 expression and the T2 expression and processing of threat stimuli can be enhanced under conditions of limited attentional resources.2. Face expression exerts effect on the AB through different processing passageways. Under the same passageway, the occupying of central processing is likely to initiate the psychological refractory period. However, under different processing conditions, the different cognitive structure of T1 and T2 make more rational distribution for limited resources.3. From the occurring of the AB effect, ERP components are modulated by facial express valence in the early phase of perception and the later phase of perception. Under the limited cognitive resources, fearful faces can be separated from other emotional faces in the early phase of perception.4. Semantic representation of faces can motivate the priming effect in the very short time intervals and potential semantic representation between T1and T2 can break through the bottleneck of attention.5. The face familiarity has proven to be a useful tool in breaking through the bottleneck of attention. In the other hand, ERP components are not modulated by facial familiarity valence in the early phase of perception and cognitive evaluation. However, the amplitude P3, the indicator of the later phase of perception, can distinguish familiar face from unfamiliar face.


