

【作者】 黎文丽

【导师】 傅绍良;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 唐代文学与唐代政治、文化、制度结合的研究是近年来的一个亮点。本文拟详考唐代基层文官之一——校书郎的具体情况,以文史结合的方法入手,探究唐代士人刚入仕时的一些工作状况和文学创作,考察校书郎生涯对于其生活经历、思想发展及创作特点的影响。绪论部分主要考察了文章选题的拟定及研究现状,说明了开展唐代校书郎与文学研究的方法和思路。第一章考察了唐代校书郎的设置特点、任职途径。校书郎,是一个官名,掌校雠典籍、订正讹误。唐代秘书省、弘文馆、崇文馆、集贤殿、司经局,皆有校书郎之职。校书郎的设置时间、品秩、员数,诸馆不尽相同。校书郎隶属于各馆,其地位高下也体现了各馆的政治地位、发展状况。汉代的兰台,除有御史中丞领侍御史在殿中处理行政事务,还有众多名儒、学者在其中负责典校秘书或从事撰述。他们对汉代文献典籍的保存整理工作以及东汉的文学创作起到了很大的促进作用。第二章分析了唐代校书郎的设置和官品。校书郎之职多为校勘、整理图籍。校书郎在唐代虽然是九品小官,但任官资历要求很高,需进士或同等条件。有很多士人是进士登第后又中博学宏词科、书判拔萃科或者制举才被选拔任命的。流外和视品官出身者被禁止充当此官。通过对文献资料的梳理,可知校书郎入仕途径主要有科举、门荫、迁转、上书论事或献著述、荐举授官等方式。随着政治形势的变化和权力中心的转移,文馆的政治地位不断变化,校书郎的地位也随之变化。校书郎的仕宦前景极佳,不少人由此官拜相。唐代从校书郎起家的诗人或文士当中,就有三十五位官至宰相。第三章结合校书郎任职制诰分析了唐代校书郎的文学素养,任职校书郎者大都是文才出众、秀逸超群之人。任职制诰不仅能反映职务性质、工作情况、被授官员的才能,而且任职制诰的文字体现了撰写者的文才。任职制诰具有一定的文学性内涵,还有可能折射出一定的文学思潮和创作风气。唐代校书郎很多以文学见长,说明朝廷对任用官员的综合素质要求较高,体现了文学与德行、文学与儒术并重的现象。第四章论述了唐代校书郎作为各馆的基层文官,所做的工作与图书紧密相连,主要从事些具体的图书校雠、整理编次等事务,为唐代政治文化建设做了基础性的工作。校书郎通过校雠、编著、酬唱等活动得以广泛地接触社会,增加生活体验,并且用诗文记下自己的体会和感受。校书郎在任职期间创作的文学作品,有很多唱和诗、送别诗,在一定程度上丰富了唐代文学的题材和内容。第五章探讨了校书郎的生存状态、迁转情况以及文学创作情况。唐代文学家中有些风云人物都经历过校书郎一职,他们在仕途上以校书郎起家并官至宰辅,其经历体现了部分唐代文士的迁转历程。从校书郎起家,确实是一个良好的升迁起点。校书郎虽然处于唐代官员阶层的低层,但是俸禄的供给还是比较稳定的。从政治地位上看,校书郎虽为九品小官,但也处于学士之列。任职校书郎既是士人仕途上的第一步,也是他们实现自己人生理想的重要一步。但是,理想和现实的矛盾也常常会引发他们不安于现状、不满于才高位卑的惆怅之感。本章还就校书郎迁转过程中形成的送别诗、政论散文进行了分析。唐代士人在迁转过程中要离开原来熟悉的环境,去往新的、未知的地域,因此就形成了大量的送别诗。这些送别诗体现了士人的心态和社会生活状况。第六章选取几位有代表性的文学家校书郎任职期间的创作为研究对象,探究其任职期间的生活情状,考察校书郎生涯对于其生活经历、思想发展及创作特点的影响。校书郎一职往往是士人踏上仕途的首任官职,对于他们来说有着重要的意义。盛唐时期的王昌龄任校书郎期间约有23首作品,他将心中的壮志和感慨融入诗歌创作,使诗歌充满了新颖奇特、含蓄蕴藉的特点。中唐时期的白居易自贞元十九年至元和元年都在秘书省任校书郎,他的诗文创作约有38首,体现了他积极进取的政治心态,也表现出白居易内心向往的闲适心态。李商隐在秘书省工作的时间较长,曾两入秘省,任过校书郎、正字,他的诗文绮丽、朦胧、晦涩,含蓄婉曲地表达了自己的复杂心态。不论是盛唐、中唐还是晚唐,深受儒家正统理念影响的有识之士都怀抱着治国平天下的雄心壮志,只是不同时期会有不同的表现方式。

【Abstract】 Research by combining the literature of the Tang Dynasty with the politics, culture and system of the Tang dynasty has been a bright spot in recent years. This paper makes a detailed study of Jiaoshulang, one of the grass-roots civil servant in the Tang dynasty—their specific circumstances by means of the combination of literature and history to explore some of the working conditions and literary creation at the beginning of their officialdom, and probe the impact of Jiaoshulang lives upon their life experience, ideological development and writing features.The introduction part mainly makes an analysis of the determination of paper research orientation and the research present situation and makes an explanation of the research method of and the thinking approach to Tang Dynasty Jiaoshulang and literature studies.The first chapter makes an analysis of Jiaoshulang’s establishment characteristics in the Tang Dynasty as well as way of appointemnt. Jiaoshulang, an official name, takes charge of the book collation and error revision. The Imperial Libarary, the Hongwen Guan, the Chongwen hall, the Jixian palace, Si Jingju in the Tang Dynasty all has duty of Jiaoshulang. With regard to Jiaoshulang’s establishment time, grades and salary, number, various halls have a different record. Jiaoshulang is subordinate to various halls. Its status height has also manifested the political status and development condition of various halls. Han Dynasty’s Lantai has numerous famous Confucians and men of letters responsible for collation or compilation in addition to historian officials in charge of other historians in handling administration in the palace. They play quite a promoting role in the preservation and sorting work for class ancient books in Han Dynasty as well as the literary creation in Eastern Han dynasty.The second chapter makes an analysis of the Tang Dynasty Jiaoshulang’s establishment and the official grade. The duty of Jiaoshulang is mainly collation and the sorting of pictures and books. Though Collator was a minor post at Grade 9, the entry qualification was high and required at least a jinshi degree or equivalents. Many men of letters who are successful candidates in the highest imperial examinations are appointed only after succeeding in the imperial civil service examination system, the Erudite Literatus branch or a selection system. Those who began their career in liu-wai or "out-of-the-current" clerical offices were barred from serving as Collator. Upon the review of bibliography, one can find out that Collator can only have access to officialdom through such means as imperial examination, family ties, entry-post, submitting articles on state affairs or writing books, recommendations from others, etc. With the change of political situation and the shift of power focus, the political status keeps changing and so does that of Collator. The career prospects of a Collator were excellent. Many people are appointed Chief Ministers on this basis. Of Tang poets or literati who started out as Collator, thirty-five later became Chief Ministers.The third chapter makes an analysis of Jiaoshulang’s literary accomplishments in terms of their duty and responsibility imperial edict. They are mostly outstanding talents in literary creation with unique qualities of excellence. The imperial edict not only reflects the nature of their duty, the working performance, their ability of the appointed, but also manifests their composition literary talent. The imperial edict has a certain literariness connotation, and reflects certain literary ideological trend as well as the creative practice. Jiaoshulang in the Tang Dynasty are mostly endowed with literary ability, which shows that the court has a higher requirements of the comprehensive qualities of the appointed and that the phenomenon is conspicuous which takes literary quality and morality, literary quality and Confucianism equally seriously.The fourth chapter elaborates Jiaoshulang, as grass-roots civil official of various halls in the Tang Dynasty, has jobs closely related with library books including such things as specific library books collation, sorting and arrangement. Collator has the job of laying a foundation for political and cultural construction in the Tang Dynasty. Jiaoshulang contact the society by such activities as collating, compiling, writing, exchanging poems to increases their life experience while recording their own experience and their feeling with the prose. Jiaoshulang’s literary works during their appointment period include poem for singing, seeing-off poems, which to a certain extent has enriched literature theme and content in the Tang Dynasty.The fifth chapter discusses Jiaoshulang’s survival condition, entry-post conditions and literary creation situation. In the Tang Dynasty, some literati of the hour have experienced the job as Jiaoshulang. They started their career from Collator all the way up to Chief Ministers. Their experience manifests entry-post process of part of the men of letters in the Tang Dynasty. It is really a good starting point to rise from Collator. Although Collator’s position is at the bottom of the official hierarchy in the Tang Dynasty, the salary offer is quite stable. From the perspective of political status, Collator is still considered men of letters although they have a minor post at Grade 9 in terms of political status. Taking the position of Collator is not only the first step to officialdom, but also their important step in realizing their life ambitions. However, the contradiction between ideals and reality causes them to go beyond their status quo and their current lowly position unsuitable for their talents. This chapter makes an analysis of the seeing-off poems and political comment prose in the process of their entry-post.The sixth chapter selects several representative men of letters as Collator as subject of study, probes their living conditions per se, and reviews the impact of the life of Collator upon their life experiences, ideological development and creative writing characteristics. Since the post of Collator is usually their first official duty as men of letters, this post if of utmost importance. Whether it is the prime, middle or late Tang Dynasty period, wise people who are under the deep influence of Confucianism have lofty aspirations and high ideals to administer the nation. Only such people have different ways of performance in different periods.

【关键词】 唐代校书郎文学
【Key words】 Tang DynastyJiaoshulangliterature

