

【作者】 任艳红

【导师】 陈晓端;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 在社会变迁浪潮中,高等学校的政治、经济功能被无限放大或扭曲,本体职能越来越淡漠,大众文化的扩张和精英文化的衰微,导致了高校外在社会功能的不断拓展和内在教育品性的日渐衰减,大学越来越热衷于外在需求的满足而忽视内在品质的塑造。随着高等教育规模的不断扩张,引发政府、公众对人才培养质量的担忧。政府与公众对大学的问责,使得高校教学质量成为当前的热点问题。评价作为教学质量保障的重要手段,在教学管理实践中具有导向性作用,直接影响着教学的发展走向。高校教学评价是对大学相关教学活动的一种价值判断。在一定程度上规范和引导着教师的教学行为的发展,对教学活动产生着深刻影响,进而会对教育活动产生积极或消极的效应。高校是探究高深学问,肩负专业人才培养的学术性组织,其教学活动具有学术性、专业性、复杂性等显著特点。受政治逻辑与教育内在逻辑的双重重压,高校教学评价的价值取向在“国家与教育”中艰难的抉择。实践中的活动参与者面临着价值的混乱,诸多矛盾冲突不断显现。由于工具理性和技术理性的渗透,事实上,教学评价更多体现的是作为高等教育的管理手段,而非一种教育行为,教育的本真价值遭到遮蔽。使得教学评价实践中的问题层出不穷。制度是保障事物有序进行的前提,科学、合理、有效的评价制度体系是制约教学评价的关键因素。以往基于教学评价的研究,多以经验的、事实的或技术的总结或描述为主,缺少理性反思和系统的研究,制度层面的整体关照不够,致使实践层面的教学评价行为偏离制度原本。本文以实践问题为切入点,以开阔的视阈,通过对教学评价发展逻辑的梳理、教学评价理论的透视与辨析,寻求高校教学评价现象背后所隐藏的问题。对高校教学评价制度进行反思与重构的目的在于:改善教学评价活动,提升教学评价的质量与效果,最大程度发挥教学评价的积极功能,促进教学评价理论体系的完善,指导教学评价实践的优化,实现大学教师教学专业的可持续发展。大学教学评价涉及因素多,复杂程度高。并非单一的对教学质量的评价,包括基本的办学条件评估和教学评估以及相关的管理的综合评估,教学评价作为教学发展和教学过程的重要环节,在实践中发挥着宏观管理适时监控和微观引导的作用。基于此,本研究首先深入分析了高校教学评价的研究背景、意义、目的及已有研究现状,寻求本研究的可能性与可行性。遵循教学评价发展的不同路径进行比照,以典型的事件还原教学评价制度的原貌,在错综复杂的变化中找寻发展的共性规律,通过中西方发展线索的差异比较,梳理发展的继承性,积极借鉴国外经验,为制度的创新提供实践参照,对教学评价发展的未来趋势做出展望。其次,探寻高校教学评价的合理性根源,从评价理论发展哲学根基、原动力着手,对教学评价存在的必然性进行阐释。在“国家与教育”的视野下,从价值的视角对教学评价制度实践进行整体关照,揭示教学评价应遵循的教育理念和教育学意义。通过价值分析,探寻高校教学评价的价值合理取向,达到教学评价的终极目标——促进教育中人的发展。认识评价与发展之间的规律性关系,探寻实然状态的教学评价复杂、独特的性格,描绘与展望其应然追求,从利益相关者的视角,关涉评价的主体与客体之问的关系,寻求实现高校教学评价有效实施的规律与路径,有效规避评价中出现的不必要的偏差。对现行教学评价制度运行结果进行分析,采用相关分析与调查方法,以应然诉求为参照,对教学与科研制度运行实然结果进行分析。高校教学评价的实然与应然状态相差甚远,以国家层面的教学评价结果为数据源,对教学评价的效果进行统计分析,以价值评价为手段,对教学评价的核心价值进行了认同。进一步佐证合理价值取向的可行性;批判地借鉴国外教学评价理论和方法,寻找解决问题的理论和现实路径,以期为教学评价制度的发展和科学化提出建议,为制度的变革与教学品质的改善提供参照。最后,对全文的逻辑论证思路进行了回顾,总结了本文的核心观点和基本逻辑,以问题为突破点;基于有效教学、教学学术、教师教学专业可持续发展“三维一体”,提出了保证高校教学评价制度健康实施的重构设想。以教师高效教学与学生有效学习为标准,依照学术活动的要求对现行指标进行调整和修订。在利益相关者分析框架下,满足各方利益诉求,促进教育活动主体的可持续发展。结合实际对今后的研究领域进行了一定的展望,对于复杂的评价活动如何设计显性、隐形指标更好的反映教学活动,处理好评价与发展、教学与科研各因素之问矛盾冲突。强化教学中心地位、提高教学质量,重视教师教学专业发展。

【Abstract】 In the wave of social changes, the political, economic function of a university were hugely magnified or distorted, and its body function being more and more indifferent. The expansions of mass culture while the decline in elite culture result in a university expanding its external social function and the gradual decay of its internal education materials. The university becoming more and more avid for meet external demand while ignoring the inherent quality of the mold. The continuous expansion of scale of higher education leads government and the public to show concerns about the quality of higher education. The accountability of university by government and the public makes the teaching quality a hot issue. Appraisal as an important means for safeguarding teaching quality which has the orienting function in teaching management practice makes a direct impact on the development trend of a university. The teaching evaluation is a kind of value judgments related to a university teaching activities. To some extent, the teaching evaluation regulates and guides the development of teaching behavior, have a profound influence on teaching activities, and thus will have a positive or negative effect on teaching activities.A university as an academic organizations is responsible for exploring advanced knowledge, training professionals, its teaching activities have academic、professional and complexity etc features. Double pressured by political logic and education intrinsic logic, the value orientation of university teaching evaluation has a difficult choice between "State and Education". Because of penetration in instrumental and technical rationality, the university actually teaching evaluation reflects something more in higher education management, not an educational act, the true value of education which has been obscured. As a result, the value orientation of evaluation activities out of order, many conflicts continue to appear. System is a prerequisite to ensure things orderly carrying on, and the scientific, reasonable and effective evaluation system is a key factor for restricting teaching evaluation system.In this paper, by taking practical issues as the breakthrough point, combing the development of the threshold logic of teaching evaluation, theoretical perspective of teaching evaluation and discrimination of teaching evaluation it will seek the hidden problem behind it. Previous studies on specific issues of evaluation, its research mainly focused on experience, fact and technical summary or description, lacked rational, reflective, overall, the deep problem research. The insufficient of institutional stratification, leaded to a practical stratification that deviated from the truth of teaching evaluation system. The reconsideration and construction of evaluation system of university teaching lies in improving the teaching evaluation activities, enhancing the quality and effectiveness of teaching evaluation, maximizing the positive features of teaching evaluation. It can also promote the improvement of theoretical system of teaching evaluation and guide the optimization of the teaching evaluation field. Evaluation of university teaching is not simply the assessment of teaching quality, but it involves the university conditions, teaching construction, teaching management, research and innovation, academic team, academic environment, a comprehensive assessment of many factors. From the beginning to the continuous development, it shows more and more functions regarding the macro-management, micro guidance, timely monitoring role for university teaching and becomes an essential link for university teaching and teaching development.Based on this, the research firstly uses an in-depth analysis of the background, meaning, purpose and status of existing research for evaluation of university teaching to seek the possibility and feasibility of this study. Following different paths of teaching evaluation development, restoring the typical events of teaching evaluation system to its original appearance, looking for the common rule in the complicated development, comparing with the western development through different cues, combing the inheritance of development, and actively learning from foreign experience, it will provide practical reference to the system innovation, and make prospects for the future trend of teaching evaluation development.Secondly, in order to explore the rationality of university teaching evaluation, the research will proceed from the philosophical foundation of the evaluation theory development and the driving force to interpret the inevitability of existence of teaching evaluation. In the vision of "State and Education", the research will do an overall contemplation for practical teaching evaluation system to reveal that the teaching evaluation should follow the pedagogical philosophy and significance from the viewpoint of value. Through value analysis, it obtains a reasonable value of teaching evaluation approach, achieves the ultimate goal of teaching evaluation and promotes education in human development. With understanding the regular relation between evaluation and development, it explores the complex and unique character of real state of teaching evaluation, portrays with the prospect that it ought to pursue. From the perspective of stakeholders to concern the relationship between subject and object of evaluation, it seeks to achieve effective implementation of the law and path of university teaching evaluation, avoids effectively the unnecessary bias of evaluation. It adopts correlation analysis and survey method to analyze the results of existing system of teaching evaluation.As a reference to "ought to be", it analyzes the real result of teaching and research system. It analyzes statistically the effectiveness of teaching evaluation on the basis of data sources from the results of national level teaching evaluation. Taken value assessment as a means, the core value of teaching evaluation was recognized.It further proves the feasibility of reasonable values; It critically evaluates from the methods and theories of foreign teaching evaluation to find solutions to theoretical and practical path for solving problems, so that it can deliver the professional and scientific recommendations to the development of teaching evaluation system, providing reference for improvement of system reform and teaching quality.Finally, under the impact of technical rationality and instrumental rationality, taking consideration of the disparity between "ought to be" and "to be" for teaching evaluation,it puts forward a tentative reconstruction plan to ensure the implementation of teaching evaluation system properly, reviews the logical argument of full text, summarizes the key point and the basic logic of this article. Taking problems as the breakthrough point, under the guidance of effective teaching and teaching academic philosophy, in the analytical framework of the stakeholder, the legal, scientific and rational systems should constantly to be improved. Based on consideration of effective teaching, scholarship of teaching, the sustainable development of teachers’teaching professional "the three dimensional body", it proposes a vision from the reconstruction of the existing teaching evaluation system. It gives a prospect of future research on the practical situation for strengthening the teaching center, improving teaching quality, emphasizing teaching professional development.


