

【作者】 王长顺

【导师】 张新科;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 世界上任何事物都是在各自所处的一定的环境中产生、成长和发展。物质世界如此,精神世界同样如此。随着科学的进步,人们对自然界生物的存在环境、人的生存环境开始给予更多关注,并进行理性研究,于是就有了“生态学”,随着研究的进一步深入,人们的认识逐渐趋于成熟,又先后有了“植物生态”、“动物生态”等。近年来,随着人文科学和社会科学的不断发展,学术界又将关注的目光投向精神世界,思考并总结精神生产与其所在的环境之间的关系,并探究其发生规律,提出了“文化生态学”,目的是探究人类文化在生成、发展以至繁荣的进程中,其自身内部各要素之间,文化与其他要素之间的依存、生发、激励、消涨之关系,试图在人类文化发展中更好地把握规律,促进文化的繁荣和进步。那么,文学作为文化土壤中生长起来的精神之花,她不仅仅处在一定的文化环境之中,而且作为一个“存在物”,有着自身的文化环境及其文化之外的“文学的环境”。如果借用人类学研究术语的话,则可以用“文学生态环境”来概括。也就是说,文学处在它的环境之中,不仅与外界“环境”之间进行着符号性交换,同时,也与“环境”中的各种系统,诸如政治的、意识形态的、文化的、经济的、社会的环境之间发生着关系。有机体与生存环境之间相互作用、相互渗透的关系,可称之为“生态”,那么,文学与其“存在环境”之间的关系,我们也可称之为“文学生态”,或“文学生态环境”。汉代文学在继承先秦文学文化成果的基础上,出现了繁荣昌盛的局面:汉赋兴盛,散文长足发展,史传文学勃兴,乐府、四言诗、五言诗占据诗坛、文人五言诗成熟,小说观念形成。这不但是文学自身发展的结果,而且与汉代的政治、经济、文化环境有着密不可分的关系。而这一关系,并不是简单的决定与被决定的关系,也不是依附与存在的关系,它是文学与上述“环境”之间不断地进行符号交换作用的有机关系,即“生态”关系。单就西汉文学来说,也毫不例外地与其所处的“环境”之间存在着“生态”关系。而这种关系的本质属性乃在于文学本身的各种规定性与“环境”要素的相互影响,相互作用。因此我们着力探讨西汉文学所存在的环境与文学之间相互作用关系的规律,这不是简单的背景分析。文学存在的和谐状态与其所处的生态系统的和谐结构是相通的,因此,文学生态系统的和谐,必然会带来文学和谐性生存。然而,生态危机不仅发生在自然领域、社会领域,同时也发生在精神领域。在人类社会文化历史的发展进程中,文学艺术的命运与大自然的状况、人类精神的状况是血脉相连、息息相关的。如何在这一生态系统中让文学之树常青,就成了值得探究的问题。因此,文学生态研究是文学研究突破与创新的需要,是解救文学与文化危机的需要,是使文学研究尤其是中国古代文学走出困境并改善“生存”状态的需要。我们从生态学的视角研究文学,发现并把握汉代盛世与汉代文学盛况之间的生态规律。处在汉代盛世开端及前期的西汉,其文学的发展出现了新的局面,而这一局面与新的王朝及其存在环境之间产生了怎样的影响关系,尤其值得我们关注。因此,西汉文学研究也应当放在生态视野中给予观照。西汉文学生态研究,还可以补充西汉文学整体研究的不足。西汉文学研究,目前取得了丰硕的成果。有诸文体研究,有文学文化研究,有文学精神研究等等,但是,从文学生态这-具有开放性、超越性的视野,对西汉文学进行整体观照的还不多见,因此,该论题的研究能够弥补相应的不足,也可算作是西汉文学研究方面的突破与创新。论文共分为九章。第一章就政论散文(含奏议文)的嬗变与文学对政治的适应进行探讨。认为政治生态的变化影响了政论散文。西汉政论散文在各个不同时期的政治生态环境下,“生长”的情况就不同。汉初,政论文内容以反思历史教训,阐说治国方略为主。武宣之时,论说文更多的则是儒学的治国功能论。到了中后期,国家政治局势走向衰落,政论文则更多的是对政治危机的担忧。西汉时期的奏议文与汉代政治环境有着极为密切的关系。汉初治理需求使得言治国之策的奏议文丰富;然随着“黄老”、“休息无为”方略的实施,“奏议文”呈“晏息”之势;汉武帝的大有作为,又刺激了“奏议文”的“丰长”;西汉末政治的衰弊,文人们再次上书以陈政事,“奏议文”就又一次繁盛。第二章着重探讨历史散文对政治合法性论证。司马迁通过历史记述中正反两方面的历史教训,阐释重德思想的重要功能,说明“德治”是政治合法性的保障,“以民为本”是建构政治合法性的根本,正统是政治合法性的表现。西汉的大统政治,乃是孕育并诞生《史记》这样伟大历史散文的政治生态环境。大一统的政治形势需要讴歌,大一统的经验需要总结,大一统的合法性需要论证。在这样的政治生态环境下,《史记》的出现就成为必然。司马迁在《史记》中,通过历史记述,分别从重德、以民为本、正统等方面阐释了历史成败得失的必然性,完成了政治合法性的论证。第三章论述了政治对赋的介入和扶持。汉初政治统治集团有着楚地故里的地域文化心理,这种文化心理所表现出的对楚歌、楚舞、楚服的尚好,以及对楚辞的浓厚兴趣,就成了骚体赋发达的政治生态之一。帝王对文辞的好尚,对辞赋的兴趣,无形中使用了政治权力对文人赋家进行影响,完成了文学的建构,使汉赋辞采竞繁的特征得以彰显。此外,他们运用自己作为皇帝的政治权利,对汉赋作家讲行扶持,在其周围聚集了一批赋家,推动了赋的创作和繁荣。第四章主要论述了西汉文学的意识形态环境。在道家思想意识形态环境下,文学作品中表达了老庄的哲学思想。文人用道家清静无为、万物同一的观念调节自己的苦闷和悲愤,从而形成了文学中的自遣主题。同时,他们以道家的“委于自然”来处世,就有了文士的隐逸,这也是道家思想意识形态下文学及文人的存在状况。在儒学作为意识形态的生态环境下,无论是政论散文的现实主题,还是政论散文作家的事功精神,抑或是辞赋的“润色鸿业”,都突出地显现了儒家思想影响的痕迹。也就是说,儒学乃是政论散文和辞赋中现实精神得以强化的意识形态背景。第五章主要论述经学语境下的西汉文学。经学作为官方学术是在政治权力的支持下得到确立的,然而经学最为基础的范本则是先秦的典籍,而这些经典都是产生在文史哲不分的文化状况下。存在于经学背景和语境下,散文与经学互相影响,就散文之于经学而言,政论散文作为经术的文本载体,承负着以“天人感应”、“君权神授”为核心的政治学说,促成了儒学官方化的改造,并使得经学最终定型,确定了经学的官方意识形态地位。再就经学之于散文而言,西汉文章的风格受经学的影响而为之一变。散文风格由汉初的激情澎湃、气盛辞壮而变为中后期的醇厚典雅。作为“五经”之一的《诗经》,在成为官方学术的历程中,其讽谏功能得到了强化和放大。在经学语境下,作为古诗之“流裔”的赋,随着《诗经》学一道共同担负起讽谏的重任,发挥着各自的社会政治功能。另外,在经学生态下,文论话语得到催生,《诗》之教化说得到发展,“诗达情礼”说得到深化;经学还促成了“劝”、“讽”的政治功能论和“《诗》无达诂”的诗歌接受论。第六章论述了西汉文化制度对于文学的影响。西汉的中央官学、地方官学、私学均有所发展,为文人学士接受教育提供了良好的条件,这也是文学的教育文化生态。汉代博士文人群体的经学修养,形成了汉代博大的文化气质,宏阔的人文精神。博士的设立和健全乃至于增加,经学的兴起、炽盛乃至于传播,对于西汉时期文学在走向自觉的特殊阶段,都有着深刻的影响。第七章论述了文学与物质文化的关系。经济的发展,物质的丰富,为文学提供了其生产、存在和传播的材料。汉赋作为一种特殊的文学体裁,对物质表现极为丰富。汉乐府中对于农业、手工业、交通业的发展情况也有所表现。经济的发展状况决定了承载、传播文学的方式,这种方式的改变,就使得文学创作在西汉成为重要的文化活动,而物质条件也使得文学作品的载体多样化,这在一定程度上就让物质成为文学发展的动因之-第八章论述了礼制文化对于文体生成的生态影响。西汉时期的礼制乃是文体多样化的成长空间,礼仪文化是文体类别繁衍的土壤,礼仪制度也就成了文体的“寄生环境”。第九章主要探讨音乐文化背景下西汉前期歌诗生产及消费性质的嬗变。地域性强的各地民间歌诗、楚歌诗,连同民间仪式活动、宴乐活动的歌诗,其生产者都是民间个体艺人,具有自发的自觉性,其生产性质当是民间个体自觉生产。汉武帝大规模扩建乐府,生产新乐,此时的歌诗生产则主要是官方组织生产。因此,西汉前期歌诗有着由民间自觉生产到官方组织生产的嬗变。在歌舞娱乐艺术十分兴盛的情况下,当时的歌诗的消费主要是娱乐消费。自汉武帝设立乐府以后,歌诗的消费就有了由此前的娱乐消费到政治消费的嬗变。总之,论文在生态学视野下,对西汉文学予以观照,从政治生态环境、意识形态生态环境、文化生态环境、经济生态环境等方面作了阐说,并挖掘文学在不同的成长环境中嬗变的规律。

【Abstract】 Everything in the world originates and developed in the certain environment. Physical world works this way, so does the spiritual world. With the development of science, people began to do more research on the environment that people are living in, and then the concept of ecology appeared. Later, the concept of plant ecology and animal ecology appeared respectively. In recent years, researchers have begun doing research on spiritual world, studying the relationship between the origin of spiritual world and the environment where it originated. At this time, the concept of cultural ecology was brought up for the sake of making human’s culture develop better. As the product of culture, literature does not only exist in the certain environment but also in the literature environment. It can be summarized as literature ecology environment according to anthropologic definition. The literature always exchanges political, cultural, economic and social environment. Organism and living environment’s affecting each other is called ecology, so the relationship between literature and its environment can be called literature ecology or literature ecology environment.Based on the good foundation of early Qin dynasty, the literature in Han dynasty was prosperous. Han Dynasty poetry was popular, prose developed smoothly, historical literature was prosperous, si yan poem(Chinese classical poem with four characters each line) and wu yan poem(Chinese classical poem with five characters each line) played an important part in poetic circles, meanwhile, the concept of novel formed. All these prosperities were caused by the political, economic, cultural environment. This relationship between the reason and result is ecological relation which is affected by the environment. So that’s why we should concentrate more on the rules of west Han Dynasty’s literature and the environment where it existed instead of just analyzing its background.The harmonious existence of literature and its harmonious ecological structure have a lot in common. Therefore, the harmony of literature ecology will definitely bring the harmonious existence of literature. However, ecological crises will not only happen in natural, social field, but also in spiritual field. During the development of human’s society, culture and history, the destiny of literature related closely with the nature, human’s spirit. How to make the tree of literature always green is a topic worth discussing. Therefore, literature ecology is the need of innovation, it’s also the right way to deal with the cultural crises. Most importantly, it can help the research on China’s ancient literature improve from difficult position.We study the literature from the perspective of ecology and master the ecological relations between Han Dynasty’s prosperity and Han Dynasty’s culture. We should study the early Han Dynasty, west Han Dynasty first. The most valuable part of west Han Dynasty’s ecological literature its supplement to the study of west Han Dynasty’s literature. This thesis consists of nine chapters. The first chapter is the study of the change of political prose and the adaption of literature to politics. The author thinks the change of politics affected the political prose. Political prose developed differently in different political environments. In the very first beginning, the political prose was most about learning from history. In Wu xuan time, it was most about Confucius’s management of nation. In the final years of Han, the political prose was about the worry for the political crisis. The political prose in west Han has a close relation with Han’s political environment. The development of political prose went through prosperity, decline and prosperity again.The second chapter is about the historical prose’s legal demonstration to politics. Si Maqian’s masterpiece Shi Ji(Historical Records) proved that civilians’willingness is the foundation of the nation’s management. Shi Ji’s success should be attributed to Han’s political environment. Si Maqian stated how the history came in this way, proved the legitimacy of politics.The third part is about how the politics affected poetry in Han Dynasty. The Han’s governors’interests in Chu songs, dance, and garment made the popularity of the poetry of Sao form. The Emperors’interests in literature, poetry helped the development of Han literature because of the political rights’huge influence.The fourth part is about the west Han literature influenced by the study of Confucian classics. As a office study, the study of Confucian classics was founded on the base of early Qin Dynasty’s culture, at that time, literature, history and philosophy weren’t yet separated. The study of Confucian classics and the prose influenced each other, helped the Confucius’s study to be officialised. The prose in west Han Dynasty changed from passionate to meaningful and profound under the influence of the study of Confucian classics. As one masterpiece in Five Masterpieces (Wu Jing), the Book of Songs became an official academy, its sarcastic function was magnified. Under the influence of the study of Confucian classics, the poetry and the Book of Songs began to affect the politics with their sarcastic function.The sixth chapter talks about the west Han’s cultural regulations’influence to literature. The west Han’s central academic academy, local official academy and private academy all developed, provided good conditions for the scholars, this is educational ecology. The scholars’accomplishments in Han Dynasty made the good cultural atmosphere. This kind of cultural atmosphere had a big influence on Han’s culture.The seventh chapter is about the relations between literature and physical culture. The development of economy and society provided the literature the material for producing, existence and communication. Han poetry(Han Fu) illustrated the physical world vividly as a special form of literature. Yue Fu poem also illustrated the society at that time. That’s why physical culture became one of the motivations for the literature’s development. The eighth chapter talks about the courtesy’s influence on the origin of article’s form. The courtesy in west Han Dynasty is very important to the origin of article’s form. From a certain sense, it can be called the "parasitic environment of article’s form"The ninth chapter states the change of poetry under the influence of song poem(Ge Shi) background. In this period of time, many kinds of song poem began to appear. Gradually, song poem became a kind of official art form. After Han wu emperor set yue fu, the form of song poem changed from entertainment to politics.This thesis illustrates political ecology, conscious ecology, cultural ecology and economic ecology from the general ecology. Meanwhile, it states the rules of the change of the literatures in different environments.


