

【作者】 季庆阳

【导师】 王双怀;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 孝文化是中国传统文化的重要组成部分,被视为中国传统文化的表征。唐代是中国孝文化发展的重要阶段,孝文化的内容十分丰富,并具有明显的时代特征。从唐代社会状况入手,全方位、多视角地对唐代孝文化进行研究,一方面有助于深化对中国传统孝文化的认识,有益于深化对唐代社会历史的研究,另一方面对于解决当前社会道德缺失、家庭矛盾突显、代际关系紧张、养老问题突出等社会现实问题也具有一定的借鉴意义。本文在前人研究的基础上,采用多学科交叉的方法,对唐代的孝文化进行了系统研究,着重探讨了唐代孝文化发达的原因,唐代孝文化的基本特征,以及唐代孝文化与唐代政治、经济、文化、社会生活的关系。全文共分为八个部分,各部分要点如下:第一章主要是对学术史的回顾。近百年来,海内外学者曾对唐代的孝道及其相关问题进行过研究,并产出了一些成果。这些成果或论唐代孝道,或论唐代孝治,或论唐代的忠孝关系,其中不乏真知灼见,对我们都有一定的启发。但总的看来,成果数量不多,研究的侧重点各不相同,对唐代孝文化的认识也存在着较大差异。因此有必要加大唐代孝文化研究的力度。第二章探讨唐代孝文化的渊源。唐代孝文化的渊源最早可以追溯到先秦时代。西周的“尊祖敬宗”即带有浓厚的孝文化的色彩。春秋战国时期,以孔子为代表的儒家学派创立了一整套孝文化的理论。汉代奉行“以孝治天下”的治国方略,使孝道政治化和神学化。魏晋南北朝时期形成孝亲先于忠君、生孝重于死孝等孝道观。所有这些,都成为唐代孝文化发展的基础。第三章具体研究唐代政治与孝文化的关系。唐代继承“以孝治天下”的传统,将孝纳入唐代文教体制当中,推行崇圣尊儒的政策,在政治生活的各个环节中,提倡孝道的教化作用。这种情况在唐代的教育制度、选官用人制度、褒奖孝行政策、尊老养老政策、礼仪制度、法律制度中都有充分的表现。说明孝文化在唐代政治生活中具有强大的影响力。第四章研究唐代经济与孝文化的关系。在唐代,孝文化不仅保障了小农家庭的团结与社会的稳定,而且在促进农业技术的传播和劳动力的生产上起到了积极作用。从唐代推行孝道实践的经济政策,孝文化与唐代家庭财产的管理,以及孝文化与唐代财政的关系来看,孝文化与唐代经济关系十分密切。这种关系有利于孝文化的发展,对社会经济则是一把双刃剑,祭祀、丧葬等方面的过度开支会给社会经济的发展带来沉重的负担。第五章研究唐代文化与孝文化的关系。孝文化作为意识形态渗透到唐代文化生活的各个领域。资料显示孝文化与唐代宗教、文学、史学、艺术(包括音乐舞蹈、绘画雕塑、建筑、书法等)、医学等等都有一定的关系。孝文化促进了唐代各个文化因子的发展,而各种文化因素的创新反过来又丰富了唐代孝文化的内容。第六章研究唐代社会与孝文化的关系。唐代孝文化深入到唐人社会生活的方方面面,对唐人的衣食住行、家庭生活、节日习俗以及社会风气都产生了一定的影响。在孝文化的影响下,唐代社会呈现出许多体现孝文化的风尚。注重厚葬、行第和谱牒就是这种风尚的体现。第七章研究唐代的孝道观和孝文化的特征。唐人遵行了儒家孝道伦理的基本内涵,但不同阶层对孝道理解存在差异。出于皇权统治的需要,唐代帝王要求官僚士大夫和普通民众做到忠孝统一、忠先于孝。而士大夫往往强调忠孝不可兼得,普通民众则以“善事父母”做为行孝的准则。从大量资料来看,唐代孝文化具有继承性、创新性、开放性、包容性、阶段性和区域性的特征。这些特点的形成有多种因素在起作用,但总的来讲是由唐朝的社会历史条件所决定的。第八章论述唐代孝文化的地位及影响。唐代孝文化是中国中古盛世孝文化的代表,它对唐代社会产生了深刻而又全面的影响。这种影响主要表现为对唐人思想道德和文化的引领,对唐代政治实践和社会生活的指导,以及对唐代社会秩序的维护。值得注意的是,唐代孝文化对同时代的新罗和日本等周边国家也产生了深远的影响。后来,唐代的孝文化又被宋代所继承,成为宋代及其以后各代孝文化的基础。从这个意义上讲,唐代孝文化在中国传统孝文化的发展历程中起着承上启下、继往开来的作用。本文从文化学的角度,首次对唐代孝文化进行了较为全面系统的研究,尤其是对唐代孝文化的特征首次进行了概括,并分析了其形成的社会历史原因,对孝文化与唐代政治、经济、文化、社会生活的关系进行了系统探讨,并对唐代孝文化的地位和影响进行了分析,从而对深化唐代孝文化的研究作出了新努力。在孝文化的研究方法上,本文从政治、经济、文化、社会生活等多领域全方位对孝文化进行探讨,并选取一个时代进行具体分析,开拓了孝文化研究的新视野。总之,本文对唐代孝文化进行了全面、系统的研究,提出了一些自己的见解,可供专家学者和相关人士参考。

【Abstract】 As an important part of traditional culture, filial piety is considered the attribute of traditional Chinese culture. Tang Dynasty is an important stage of cultural development of filial piety, in which filial culture has very rich and obvious characteristics of the times. Starting from the social conditions of the Tang Dynasty, a round and multi-cultural perspective to the study of Tang Dynasty filial piety culture helps to deepen understanding of Chinese traditional culture of filial piety, which is good for deepening the research of social history of the Tang Dynasty. It also has certain significance for solving the current social morals flaw, family conflicts, intergenerational tensions and other social problems.Based on previous studies, using multidisciplinary approach, this paper studied Tang Dynasty’s culture of filial piety systematically studied. Focusing on the culture of Tang Dynasty, the paper discussed the reason of filial piety developed well in Tang Dynasty, the essential feature of filial piety culture of Tang Dynasty, and the relationship between filial piety culture of Tang Dynasty and politics, economy, culture and social life. The full text altogether divides into eight parts, and the main points of each part are as follows:Chapter one is a review of academic history. In recent centuries, scholars at home and abroad have conducted researches to filial piety of Tang Dynasty and related issues, and have delivered some achievements. The researches studied Tang Dynasty’s filial piety, or governing with filial piety of Tang Dynasty, or the relationship between loyalty and filial piety of Tang Dynasty. Many of them have some inspiration. But overall, the results of the small number of studies focused on different. There are also quite different understandings of filial piety culture of Tang Dynasty. It is necessary to increase the intensity of study on filial piety culture of Tang Dynasty.Chapter two discusses the origin of filial piety culture of Tang Dynasty. It may be traced back to pre-Qin era. "Respect for the ancestor" of Western Zhou Dynasty namely had the strong filial piety culture. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States period, Confucianism represented by Confucius established the whole set of filial piety culture theory. In Han Dynasty, "governing world by the filial piety" was carried out, which made the filial piety politicization and the theology. In Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties, viewpoints of "filial piety is more important than loyalty to the king" and "filial piety is more important when parents are alive than doing lots of things after their death" were formed. All these have become the basis for the development of filial piety culture of Tang Dynasty.Chapter three specifically researches relationship between filial piety culture and politics of Tang Dynasty. Tang Dynasty inherited the "governing world by the filial piety" and introduced filial piety into its cultural and educational institutions. In every aspect of political life, the role of filial piety was advocated. In Tang Dynasty, filial piety could be found in education system, the election officer personnel system, praise piety policy, the policy providing for the aged, ceremonial system and legal system. All of these explained that the filial piety culture has the formidable influence in Tang Dynasty political life.Chapter four studies relationship between filial piety culture and Tang Dynasty’s economy. In the Tang Dynasty, filial piety culture had not only safeguarded the unity of farmer families and society’s stability, moreover it played the positive role in the promotion of agricultural technology’s dissemination. Looking from Tang Dynasty carrying out filial piety practice’s economic policy, the filial piety culture and Tang Dynasty family asset’s management, as well as the relationship between filial piety culture and the Tang Dynasty finance, filial piety culture and Tang Dynasty economic relationships were connected very close. This kind of relation was advantageous to the development of filial piety culture, but to the social economy it is a double-edged sword, because excessive expenditures on sacrificial offering and funeral could bring the heavy burden to the development of the social economy.Chapter five researches relationship between filial piety culture and Tang Dynasty culture. As the ideology, filial piety culture seeps into each domain of Tang Dynasty culture life. The material demonstrates that filial piety culture is related to religion, literature, history, art (including music, dance, drawing, sculpture, building, calligraphy and so on) and medicine of Tang Dynasty. Filial piety culture promoted the development of each culture factor of Tang Dynasty, and the innovation of each cultural element in turn enriched filial piety culture of Tang Dynasty.Chapter six studies relationship between filial piety culture and the society of Tang Dynasty. In Tang Dynasty, filial piety culture penetrated into every aspects of people’s social life, and had certain influence to people’s basic necessities of life, family life, holiday customs as well as the social convention. Under the influence of filial piety culture, Tang Dynasty society presented many fashion reflecting filial piety culture. Emphasis on elaborate funerals and genealogy and row is a manifestation of this fashion.Chapter seven studies the filial duty of Tang Dynasty and the attribute of Tang Dynasty’s filial piety culture. The people of Tang Dynasty followed the basic meaning of Confucian ethics of filial piety, but different social stratums hold different understanding to the filial piety. To maintain the rule, the king of Tang Dynasty requested the bureaucrat and the ordinary populace achieve the loyalty and filial piety uniformity. Scholar-officials stressed that cannot have both the loyalty and filial piety, and the ordinary populace did take "treat parents well" as the good filial piety criterion. Filial piety culture of Tang Dynasty has the characteristic of succession, innovation, openness, tolerance, gradualness and the regional. The formation of these characteristics has many kinds of reasons, but generally are decided by Tang Dynasty’s society historic condition.Chapter eight discusses the status and the influence of filial piety culture of Tang Dynasty. Filial piety culture of Tang Dynasty is the representative of filial piety culture of Chinese medieval times. It had profound and comprehensive impact on Tang Dynasty society. This kind of influence is mainly for guide on Chinese moral and culture, politics practice and social life instruction, as well as the maintenance of Tang Dynasty social order. It is noteworthy that filial piety culture of Tang Dynasty also had the profound influence to surrounding countries such as Silla and Japan. Afterward, filial piety culture of Tang Dynasty was inherited by Song Dynasty and became the foundation of filial piety culture of Song Dynasty and the later dynasties. In this sense, filial piety culture of Tang Dynasty played a role of linking the preceding with the following in the development of Chinese tradition filial piety culture.From the cultural point of view, the article conducted the more comprehensive research on filial piety culture of Tang Dynasty for the fest time, particularly summarized characteristics of Tang Dynasty’s filial piety culture, analyzed the social and historical reasons which it formed, discussed the relationship between filial piety culture and Tang Dynasty’s politics, economy, culture and social life, and carried on the analysis to its status and the influence, thus made the new endeavor to deepened research on filial piety culture of Tang Dynasty. For research methodology, the article discussed filial piety culture from politics, economy, culture and social life and so on, and selected one era to carry on the concrete study, which developed a new vision of filial piety culture research. In brief, the article conducted comprehensive research on filial piety culture of Tang Dynasty and proposed some opinions for experts, scholars and relevant parties.


