

【作者】 穆随心

【导师】 袁祖社;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 本文研究目标致力于:初步形成运用马克思主义唯物史观正义理论研究劳动法“倾斜保护原则”正义价值的理论框架,以期推动劳动法“倾斜保护原则”正义价值问题理论研究深入,在实践上引发更多对劳动者保护问题的关注,促进当代中国在劳动关系领域对于社会正义的强烈诉求的实现。基于此,本文按以下研究思路循序推进:首先,在着重对论文选题背景和意义、国内外研究现状及趋势分析的基础上,进行一些基础理论研究,包括:简析劳动法“倾斜保护原则”的理据及意义,梳理、考察和简析前马克思主义正义观及其中劳动者保护问题,归纳总结出科学性与价值性相统一的马克思主义唯物史观正义理论,并指出其批判视野。这就为下一步展开问题做了一些必要的背景和理论铺垫。其次,以马克思主义的唯物史观正义理论为指导,一是指出了近代市民社会对劳动者“平等”保护体现的是自由主义正义观;二是重点论述了(西方国家)劳动法“倾斜保护原则”不过是自由主义正义观自我调适的体现,属于一种分配领域的改良主义范畴,其“底线”是不能改变资本主义作为一种制度的质的规定性,最终不能实现劳动者“自由而全面发展”。其中,前者较之于后者起了必要的背景和铺垫作用,因为后者是前者的必然逻辑发展。在对(西方国家)劳动法“倾斜保护原则”正义价值“理论定性”后,必然要求探讨其实现之途为何,所以,本文紧接着从劳动法基础理论和具体法律制度两个方面考察了(西方国家)劳动法“倾斜保护原则”正义价值实现之途。其中,具体法律制度是建立在劳动法基础理论基础上的,但同时也是后者的具体化、制度化。最后,坚持马克思主义正义理论视域,研究劳动法“倾斜保护原则”正义价值的目的在于为当代中国劳动法理论与实践服务,所以,本文的落脚点就在于探讨当代中国劳动法“倾斜保护原则”正义价值的问题困境、成因及解决之道,努力追求我国劳动法“倾斜保护原则”正义价值的实现与实践性超越。另外,本文还以结束语的方式对本文的创新性观点和不足之处做了简要归结,以利于今后改进提高。主要研究包括:1.绪论部分。主要阐释论文选题背景和意义、国内外研究现状、趋势及其简析、研究思路、研究方法。2.简析劳动法“倾斜保护原则”的理据及意义。首先,指出劳动法“倾斜保护原则”有两个层次,其法理依据是劳动关系的从属性。其次,分析了劳动法“倾斜保护原则”的法律意义:一是劳动法从私(民)法中分离与独立的标志,二是劳动者生存权的保障和劳动者自由权的修正。3.梳理、考察和简析前马克思主义正义观及其中劳动者保护问题。以劳动者保护问题为主线,主要梳理并简析了西方正义观及其历史演变,同时也简要涉及了中国传统正义观。西方古代正义观经历了外在自然(宇宙)正义观到内在自然(理性)正义观再到神学正义观历史演变。西方近代正义观是一种自由主义正义观,其理论基础有社会契约论和(个人)功利主义两种,从此以后,自由、平等的正义观念深入人心。西方现代正义观,表现为自由主义正义观的自我调适,主张对形式自由、形式平等进行纠正,其理论基础主要为新社会契约论和(社会)功利主义两种。当然,现代西方还有一些诸如相对主义和非理性主义正义观等非主流正义观。儒家正义观是中国的主流正义观。从本质上言,这些非马克思主义的正义观均可归入抽象正义观一类。就其中劳动者保护问题总体而言,前马克思主义正义观对劳动者的保护经历了一个被排斥在视野之外、平等保护到倾斜保护的渐次呈现过程,这分别体现在古代正义观、近代正义观、现代正义观上。劳动者保护也总体上被中国儒家的正义观排斥在视野之外。4.归纳总结出科学性与价值性相统一的马克思主义唯物史观正义理论,并指出其批判视野。首先,指出资本主义雇佣劳动制度合理性与否问题,是国内外关于“马克思与正义”问题的争论的核心,并对其进行分析,总结出追求合理的劳动关系和劳动者自由而全面的发展是马克思主义正义理论的价值旨归。其次,分析了马克思主义正义理论的演进过程,指出这一演进过程,实际上就是揭露不合理劳动关系的根源和实质的过程。在上述两点基础上,指出马克思主义经典作家坚持从批判、革命、实践的观点和立场出发,形成了建立在社会生产基础上的科学性与价值性相统一的马克思主义的唯物史观正义理论,展现了对不合理劳动关系的根本变革、对劳动者的生存、发展和命运的深情实践关怀,对正义理论作出了独特而巨大的贡献。5.分析对劳动者“平等”保护是一种自由主义正义观。首先,对近代市民社会的独立为劳动者“平等”保护提供了广阔的社会背景进行分析。其次,指出劳动者“平等”保护是自由主义正义观的体现,并基于马克思主义正义理论视域对其解读。6.分析劳动法“倾斜保护原则”是自由主义正义观自我调适的结果。首先,指出对劳动者进行倾斜保护是一种时代要求。其次,指出劳动法“倾斜保护原则”属于自由主义正义观的自我调适,并基于马克思主义正义理论视域对其解读。7.基于劳动法基础理论探讨劳动法“倾斜保护原则”正义价值实现之途。首先,分析了劳动法“倾斜保护原则”正义价值在实体法意义上得以实现的途径。其次,分析了劳动法“倾斜保护原则”正义价值在程序法意义上得以实现的途径。8.基于域外劳动法律制度探讨了劳动法“倾斜保护原则”正义价值实现之途。首先,对域外劳动法律制度进行历史考察。其次,指出劳动法律制度是劳动法“倾斜保护原则”正义价值实现的制度保证,并主要对域外劳动法律制度的内容进行概述,其中以域外典型国家和地区为例说明。9.对当代中国劳动法“倾斜保护原则”正义价值问题的思考。首先,分析当代中国劳动法“倾斜保护原则”正义价值的问题困境、成因及出路。其次,分析当代中国劳动法“倾斜保护原则”正义价值的实现与实践性超越。10.结束语部分。目的在于总结与提高。主要是尝试性地总结出一些论文贡献:一是,研究视角创新:主要表现在,初步形成了运用马克思主义唯物史观正义理论研究劳动法“倾斜保护原则”正义价值的理论框架。并在此基础上,力图走出对劳动法“倾斜保护原则”正义价值的片面的理论认识误区,深入思考当代中国劳动法“倾斜保护原则”正义价值问题的困境、成因、解决之道,努力追求当代中国劳动法“倾斜保护原则”正义价值的实现与实践性超越。二是,一些观点和论点创新:各种非马克思主义正义观的最基本特征是基于抽象的人性论根源,并因此漠视了对劳动者的保护,背离了马克思主义经典作家所坚持的劳动者“自由而全面发展”的方向;劳动法“倾斜保护原则”所体现的自由主义正义观的自我调适的理论基础,主要是社会功利主义和新社会契约论;劳动法“倾斜保护原则”是西方三大法学学派的共同指向;当代中国劳动法“倾斜保护原则”体现的是中国特色社会主义的实践的、现实的社会正义追求。找出需要改进的地方,以利于今后不断提高:一些论据尚需进一步加强;一些论述尚需进一步深入;一些资料尚需进一步充实,等等。

【Abstract】 Target is committed to this paper:using the the Marxist theory of historical materialism Justice, to initially form the theoretical framework of the value of justice of Labor Law "tilt protection principles,", leading to more concern for protecting workers in practice and promoting contemporary Chinese society in the field of labor relations for the strong demand for the realization of justice.Based on this, to promote progressive ideas in the following studies:First, the background and focus on topics of significance, research status and trend analysis, based on some basic theoretical research, including:Analysis of Labor Law "tilt protection principles "the rationale and significance, grooming, visits and former Marxist Analysis of Justice and its protection of workers, summarized the science and value of the unity of Marxist historical materialism theory of justice, and that its critical perspective:capital doctrine of employment protection for workers ignored the labor system. This problem for the next start has done some groundwork necessary background and theory.Secondly, Marxist historical materialism theory of justice as a guide, one that the modern civil society of the workers "equal" protection embodied in the liberal conception of justice; second focuses on the (Western) Labor Law "tilt protection principle "is nothing but self-liberal conception of justice adjustment. Among them, the former than the latter played a role in the necessary background and bedding, as the latter is the inevitable logic of development of the former. In the (Western) Labor Law "tilt protection principles" just value "qualitative theory", the necessary requirement for the way of its implementation are, therefore, this followed from the basic theory of labor law and the specific effects of two aspects of the legal system (Western countries) Labor Law "tilt protection principle" to value the way of justice. Among them, the specific legal system is built based on the basic theory of labor law, but also the latter’s specific and systematic. Finally, adhere to the Marxist theory of justice, as the field of labor law "tilt protection principles" aimed at the value of justice for the contemporary theory and practice of Chinese labor law services, so the end result is that this article on contemporary Chinese Labor Law "tilt protection principles "question the value of the plight of justice, causes and solutions, to the pursuit of our workers," tilt protection principles "of justice and the practical realization of the value exceeded. In addition, this also means the final concluding remarks on the paper to innovative ideas and shortcomings are briefly summarized.The first chapter, introduction, explain the main topics of the background and significance of the research status and trends, research ideas, research methods. Introduction to some key states. ChapterⅡ, Analysis of Labor Law "tilt protection principles," the rationale and significance. First, labor law, "tilt protection principles," the meaning of the meaning and rationale for analysis of labor law that "tilt protection principles" has two levels, the legal basis of labor relations from the property. Secondly, the analysis of labor law "tilt protection principles," the legal meaning, manifested in two aspects:First, labor law from the private (public) law, a sign of separation and independence, and second, the protection of workers and workers the right to life amendment right to freedom.ChapterⅢ, combing, inspection and former Marxist Analysis of Justice and its protection of workers. The main line of the worker protection issues, the main carding and Analysis on the West Justice and its historical evolution, but also briefly involved in the traditional Chinese conception of justice. Ancient Western conception of justice through the external nature (the universe) conception of justice to the inherent nature (rational) idea of justice and then to the historical evolution of theological conception of justice. Modern Western conception of justice is a liberal concept of justice, the theory of social contract theory and (personal) both utilitarianism, since then, freedom, equality and justice concept popular. Modern Western concept of justice, manifested as self-liberal conception of justice adjustment, the main theoretical basis of new social contract theory and (social) utilitarianism two, but in fact all kinds of conception of justice advocated the form of freedom, equality for corrected. Of course, there are some, such as modern Western and non-relativism rationalist conception of justice non-mainstream justice. Chinese concepts of justice are embodied in Confucianism, Taoism, School, Legalism the four basic pattern of this idea of justice, but the mainstream of the Confucian conception of justice is justice. Shang Yan essence, these non-Marxist conception of justice can be classified to the concept of a class of abstract justice. Protection of workers of which, the former justice of Marxism on the protection of workers experienced a sight to be excluded from equal protection to the protection of the gradually sloping rendering process, which were reflected in the ancient concept of justice, modern conception of justice, on the modern conception of justice.ChapterⅣsummarizes the science and value of the unity of Marxist historical materialism theory of justice, and that its critical perspective. First of all, that the capitalist system of wage labor the issue of whether rationality is at home and abroad on "Marx and justice" in the heart of the debate, and its analysis, summed up the pursuit of rational labor relations and labor freedom and comprehensive development Marxist theory of justice is the value orientation. Second, it analyzes the evolution of the Marxist theory of justice process, noting that evolution is actually unreasonable to expose the root causes of labor relations and real process. Based on the above two points, that adhere to classic Marxist writers from criticism of the revolution, the practice of the views and position, formed the basis of social production based on the science and value of the unity of Marxist historical materialism theory of justice to show the unreasonable fundamental change in labor relations, the survival of the workers, practice development and the fate of affectionate care, on the theory of justice has made a unique and significant contribution.ChapterⅤ, Analysis of workers "equal" protection is a liberal conception of justice. First, the independence of modern civil society workers "equal" protection to provide a broad social context for analysis. Second, that workers "equal" protection is the liberal concept of justice, and the Marxist theory of justice based on its interpretation of sight.ChapterⅥ, of the Labor Law "tilt protection principle" is the concept of liberal justice, self-adjustment of the results. First of all, that tilt protection for workers is a requirement of the times. Second, pointed out that the Labor Law "tilt Protection Principles" liberal conception of justice is the self-adjustment, and the Marxist theory of justice based on its interpretation of sight.ChapterⅦ, based on the basic theory of labor law labor law "tilt protection principle" to value the way of justice. First, the analysis of labor law "tilt protection principles," the sense of substantive law, realized the value of the way of justice. Secondly, the analysis of labor law "tilt protection principles," the sense of procedural justice, the way value can be achieved.ChapterⅧ, based on the legal system of Overseas Labor labor law "tilt protection principle" to value the way of justice. First, the legal system of extraterritorial Labor History. Second, that labor law labor law system is "tilted protection principle" justice system to ensure value realization, and the main labor law of extraterritorial overview of the contents of the system, in which the typical extra-territorial countries and regions as an example.ChapterⅨof contemporary Chinese Labor Law "tilt protection principles," Issues of justice and values. First, the analysis of contemporary Chinese Labor Law "tilt protection principles," the plight of the just value of the problem, causes and way out. Secondly, the analysis of contemporary Chinese Labor Law "tilt protection principles," the realization of the value of justice and beyond.Conclusion section summarizes the purpose is to improve. Some of the papers summarized the main contributions:First, the method of innovation:mainly used in the initial formation of the Marxist theory of historical materialism, labor law and justice "tilt protection principles," the value of the theoretical framework of justice, and clearance on this basis of the Labor Law "tilt protection principles" just value of the one-sided theoretical shortcomings, in-depth of contemporary Chinese Labor Law "tilt protection principles" just value of the plight of the issue, causes, solutions, implementation and beyond. Second, some of the points of innovation:a variety of non-Marxist conception of justice is based on the most basic features of the deep root of the abstract theory of human nature, and thus ignores the protection of workers; Labor Law "tilt protection principles" embodied in the liberal concept of justice is based on the theory of self-adjustment of social utilitarianism and the new social contract; Labor Law "tilt protection principles" are the three common points of law school; contemporary Chinese Labor Law "tilt protection principles" embodied in socialism with Chinese characteristics justice. Identify areas for improvement in order to facilitate continuous improvement in the future:some arguments still need to strengthen; Some discussion needs further; still need to update some information. And so on.


