

【作者】 段新龙

【导师】 吴言生;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 宗教学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本论文的主要内容是梳理和总结《楞严经》的如来藏思想。论文先对印度和中国的如来藏思想进行了梳理,以期能清晰地把握《楞严经》中如来藏思想的继承及创新情况。印度如来藏思想包括思想源流、成熟期的基本思想,于中国则总结了最具特色的本觉思想和缘起思想。论文第三章对全经的如来藏思想进行了概要说明。先对本经中如来藏概念的内涵作了总结,继之从体用、中道观两方面对全经的如来藏思想脉络作了梳理,最后对整个经文的如来藏思想体系作了整体说明。接下来各章,基本是以专题形式对如来藏思想体系的各个方面作一论述。如来藏心性说:即经中的常住真心说。围绕真心和妄见的二种根本,论文分别予以论述。妄见即众生对真心的错误理解,分为实体化的观念和意识心的执著。真心即从视觉现象即见性中指示真心,并总结出真心的种种性质。如来藏本体说:通过论证证明诸法虚妄,实相即如来藏。其论证方法主要是“四句否定”的归谬法,以此方法证明现象世界非因缘和合而有,也非自然而有。其论证过程是将五阴、六入、十二处、十八界分别用归谬法一一证明其非因缘、非自然,其体性终归如来藏。如来藏心现说:论述七大、身心、世间、众生、轮回等一切有为法是如何唯心所现的。其唯心所现的总原则是:如来藏是本来清净周遍法界的,众生所看到的境界之所以不同,是因为众生的心量和业力不同,而如来藏随着为之显现出不同的境界。论证分别为:七大都是如来藏随众生心周遍法界的显现,并非因缘和自然性;众生轮回世间是由同分妄见和别业妄见造成;十二类不同众生的形成原因都是因为种种“乱想”所造成的;七趣轮回也是妄想受生,妄想随业而成。如来藏缘起说:该经的缘起说称为“觉明缘起说”,该说认为:真心本来觉悟明了,而有妄觉想要加明于这个真心上,因而有了能、所二元。这个想要加明于本觉的妄见就叫做“觉明”,是一切妄想分别的根源,也是一切现象界成立的根源。论文从发生论角度说明了世界、众生、业果的产生和相续过程。如来藏证悟原理:《楞严》重在实证,本文总结了其修证原理。六根是使众生轮转生死的无明结根,也是修证获得菩提的关键。只要不随着六根的各种作用而产生分别意识,随便选择其中一根,因不分别而逐渐脱离了黏着外尘的习惯性,让意识内伏反照其本性,归于本来真心,就可以发出其本明的真性。为了在六根中抉择出最适合修行的一根,经文中二十五为圣者分别陈述了自己的圆通法门,并从中一一抉择。如来藏修证法门:即耳根圆通法门。论文总结了经文所说的耳根和闻性的殊胜之处,即具有圆满功德、不生灭性以及三种真实。继之,详细解说了耳根圆通法门的修行方法和步骤。叙述了耳根圆通法门成就后所获得的殊胜功德,并将之和《普门品》对照。作为耳根圆通法门的辅助法门,有“四种清净明诲”和诵楞严咒。修行的次第,则包括三渐次和五十五位。文末结语对《楞严经》的思想特色和创新做了总结。

【Abstract】 The main contents of This paper is to summarize the tathagatagarbha thoughts in the La kavatara systemly.Firstly,the thesis tease Tathagatagarbha thought of china and india in order to clearly grasp the inheritance and innovation of the tathagatagarbha thoughts in La kavatara-sutra.The tathagatagarbha thoughts in Indian includs sources of thought, the basic idea of maturity. It is summarized as the most unique idea—thought of vision and the origin of idea in China.The chapter 3 is in the order of Scripture, and comprehensively summarize all aspects of the tathagatagarbha thoughts in La kavatara-sutra.Human nature in Tathagatagarbha is permanent true(bhutatathata)mind. The article seperately discusst true(bhutatathata) and false(amalavijnana)minds. False minds is misunderstanding for true mind, including The concept of materialized and persistence for awareness. While true mind is to find real hert from vision and summarize all properties of true mind.The ontology of Tathagatagarbha expounds everything is false but reality. Reality is Tathagatagarbha. The proof method is the induction of negative for four sentences, by which to prove the world is neither the blend of karma,nor unnatural. The process of the argument is to use the induction to prove five clusters, Six Entrancesthe,Twelve Bases and The Eighteen Fields are all not the blend of karma and unnatural, whose ontology is Tathagatagarbha.The nature of mind of Tathagatagarbha is to discuss how to appearance for seven materials, physical and mental,Worldly,sentient being,Reincarnation and all conditioned existences by heart. Its general principle is Tathagatagarbha is originally pure surrounding the cosmos, the realm sentient beings see is the differences of the karma and hearts of all beings,so there are different realms of Tathagatagarbha.The reason is seven materials are appearance of living beings’hearts,not the cause and nature; Samsara for beings is result of false thoughts. Various is result in Twelve different living beings.seven reincarnations are also affected by delusions. The Origin of Tathagatagarbha is also called the origin of the theory of conditioned genesis about awaken,which says True Mind has unlimited ability and clean factors which can make clean and true appearance.but because of ignorance covers the True Mind,so people are always in the unwise situation,are also called Subject and object. False apprehension which covers Innate enlightenment is called JueMing (觉明),which is the source of the Incorrect thought and Decisions,and is also the basis of the phenomenon. The paper explain world,living beings, and the process of the production and continuation for karma and the result aspect of karma from the theory of epigenesis.The realization of the revised theory for Tathagatagarbha in Shurangama Sutra focus on evidence-based in experience field, the paper summarizes the revised theory. Six Indriyas is the root of lunhui and a key to attain correct wisdom.choosing one of Six Indriyas and making it to form the habit far from Six Dusts in order to show nature in realization. In order to choose the most suitable Indriyas in six,Scripture twenty-five Buddha state their own the universality(omnipotence)doctrines respectively,and from which giving their choices.The enlightenment doctrine of Tathagatagarbha is the universality(omnipotence) doctrines of the Srotrendriya. Paper summarizes the Most Excellent aspects in the faculty of hearing and the olfactory faculty, which have completely excellent virtue, no birth and no death and three truths. Then explication the way and steps for practices of the universality(omnipotence)doctrines of the Srotrendriya and description the achievements of the universality(omnipotence)doctrines of the Srotrendriya,and compared with the chapter of the Universal Gate. As a secondary doctrine of the universality(omnipotence)doctrines of the Srotrendriya includs four Clear Instructions and recite the Shurangama dharana. The order of Practice includes three stepts and fifty five grades.In addition to all this, there is a brief summary of the idea and innovation about lengyan sutra.


