

The Studies of Lao-tzu in the English World

【作者】 吴雪萌

【导师】 刘固盛;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 专门史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 英语世界老学,指英语世界的人们对《老子》之译解与研究。本文以英语世界老学为研究对象,运用文献学与思想史相结合的研究方法,并借鉴诠释学的相关理论,通过对英语世界有代表性的老学著作的梳理和分析,考察英语世界老学的丰富内容,揭示英语世界老学的发展规律,展现英语世界老学的思想内涵和蕴含在其中的时代特点。论文的重点在于揭示英语世界什么时候的什么人,基于什么样的原因,对《老子》做出了怎样的解释和阐发,体现了什么样的思想特点和时代特征。本文从宏观上梳理了英语世界老学的发展脉络,展现了英语世界老学的阶段性特点;微观上,通过对不同时代、不同学者之老学著作的具体分析,全面探讨了英语世界对《老子》的宗教诠释、哲学诠释、政治诠释、对老子“生命之道”的诠释以及对出土《老子》的研究,揭示了英语世界老学的主要内涵及其时代精神。英语世界老学的发展离不开《老子》的英译和传播,因此,论文首先对《老子》在英语世界的翻译和流传作了简要的梳理,探讨了《老子》在英语世界的接受与影响。并且,以时间为主线,梳理了英语世界老学发展的脉络,描述了英语世界老学发展的分期及阶段性特点。自英语世界第一个《老子》英译本诞生,英语世界老学经历了十九世纪末二十世纪初对《老子》的基督教解读、二三十年代到五六十年代对《老子》的智慧借鉴以及二十世纪七八十年代以来对《老子》的多元化解读。论文主体部分对英语世界老学的丰富内涵与发展特点进行较为全面的分析和研究,具体内容为:英语世界基督教背景下的《老子》诠释。基督教在西方文明发展进展中占有举足轻重的地位,有基督教信仰的《老子》研究者占有很大的比重,英语世界对《老子》的最初接触也是经由传教士之手。论文主要考察传教士及有基督教信仰的学者对《老子》的解析。传教士湛约翰基于传教的政治目的,在对《老子》的解读中不可避免地将《老子》与基督教相比附,以证明《老子》中有“上帝”的踪迹;美国哲学家保罗·卡鲁斯由于基督教信仰,在解读《老子》时也不自觉地也带有基督教色彩;汉学家理雅各立足于《老子》文本,客观辨析老子之“道”与基督教“上帝”的不同,体现出尊重《老子》文本和中国文化特质的学术精神。英语世界对《老子》的哲学阐发。老子的哲学思想是英语世界学者较为关注的时代课题,是英语世界老学最为突出的内容,也最具学术价值。葛瑞汉以“理性”解读《老子》,将老子哲学纳入西方哲学的话语系统,体现了鲜明的以西方哲学解《老》的特点;约瑟夫将老子哲学作为沟通中西哲学的桥梁,希望通过老子之“无”更好地促进中西哲学的融通和对话;安乐哲则是比较哲学的视域下对《老子》进行解读,借用实用主义相关理论探讨了道家宇宙论和关联思维,体现了英语世界对老子哲学思想认识的逐步加深。英语世界对《老子》政治思想的诠释。英语世界学者对老子政治思想的关注,多是立足于现实,探寻《老子》治国方略和领导艺术。约翰·海德从现代管理学的角度对老子之“道”进行发挥,挖掘《老子》中蕴含的领导智慧。此外,分析了英语世界学者对老子“无为”思想与无政府主义的探讨。这二者构成了英语世界对《老子》政治解读的主要内容。英语世界对老子“生命之道”的阐发。关注《老子》的生命哲学,吸取老子的生命智慧,是二战后英语世界老学的主题。诗人宾纳和作家本杰明·霍夫均以《生命之道》翻译了《老子》,从中吸取了老子自然无为、返璞归真、虚静谦恭的生命智慧。英语世界对出土《老子》的研究。简帛《老子》研究是二十世纪七八十年代以来英语世界老学的重要内容。英语世界学者积极关注中国国内考古新发现,运用新出土的《老子》材料重新翻译《老子》,并以此来解决英语世界老学中遇到的问题。韩禄伯对郭店竹简《老子》和帛书《老子》均有翻译和研究,具有中西结合的解读特点。英语世界老学体现出《老子》的超越性意蕴和巨大文化价值。对英语世界老学发展轨迹的追寻和思想内容的分析,不仅有利于我们在新的历史时期和国际化的背景下理解、运用《老子》、老学,也为中国文化走向世界提供了有益借鉴。

【Abstract】 The Studies of Lao-tzu in the English world is the individual’s translating and interpreting in the English speaking country. In the paper, the author sets the study of Lao Tzu in the English world as the research object, and uses the research methods of historical document and history of ideology together with relevant theories of Hermeneutics. By sorting out and analyzing the translated version of Lao Tzu in English world, the author investigates the main content of the study of Lao Tzu in an effort to reveal its prominent developmental features and displays its ideological content and Era characteristics.The author intends to solve these questions:Who, when, how and why the people interpret the Lao Tzu? What is the individual and Era characteristics reflected by these different interpretations? From the whole aspect, the paper displays the development of the study of Lao Tzu in the English world and describes its characteristics at different phases. Microscopicly, it specifically discusses the philosophy interpretation, religion interpretation, political interpretation, the interpretation of the Way of Life, and the study of the Unearthed Bamboosilk Lao Tzu.The study of Lao Tzu in the English world can’t be sepeparted from the translation and transmission of Lao Tzu. Thus, the author firstly describes its brief translation history, the acceptance and influence in the English world. Then the author discusses the characteristics at different phases. Since the appearance of the first translation of Lao Tzu in English speaking countries, the study of it has a long history of more than one and a half century. From the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century, scholars began to interpret Lao Tzu in the Christian background. In the 1920s, people in the English world begin to borrow wisdom from the Lao Tzu to solve their own problems. And after the 1980s, more and more people pay attention to this classic and interpret it from different aspect.Capter 1 is about the study of Lao Tzu in the Christian background. Christianity plays a very important role in the development of western culture and most scholars are pious Christians. The early English version of Lao Tzu originated from the missionaries. In this chapter, the author mainly reviews the interpretations of the missionaries and those scholars with Christian beliefs represented by John Chalmers, the first translator of Lao Tzu in the English world. In order to promote the missionary work, he tried his best to find the similarity between Dao and God. The first translator in the US was Paul Carus. He was not a missionary, but he believed in God devoutly. Thus, his interpretation also bore Christian color. However, basing on the text of Lao Tzu the famous Sinologist James Legge objectively distinguishes Tao from God.Chapter 2 is about the explanation of Lao Tzu in the philosophical perspective. The philosophy of Lao Tzu is attractive for western scholars, and it’s also the prominent content in the study of Lao Tzu and of essential academic value. Angus Charles Graham analyzed Lao Tzu rationally and brought the philosophy of Lao Tzu into western philosophy scope. Hai-Nguyen, Joseph Q. considered philosophy of Lao Tzu as the bridge of the oriental and western philosophy, hoping to promote the communication and assimilation between the two. Roger T. Ames interpreted Lao Tzu in the vision of comparative philosophy, and discusses the Taoist cosmology and Correlative thinking from the Utilitarianism, which reflected the deepening understanding of philosophy of Tao Tzu in English world.Chapter 3 is about the political interpretation of Tao Tzu. Western scholars’researches on Lao Tzu’s political thoughts are motiviated by the consideration of reality, and they wanted to discover the plan for national administration and art of leadership. John Heider elaborated "Tao" from the perspective of modern management and excavated the leading wisdom in Lao Tzu. Besides, English scholars often discussed the noninterference thought and the anarchism. All these constitute the main political thought on Lao Tzu in English speaking countries.Chapter 4 is about the explication of Lao Tzu’s way of living in English-speaking countries. After World WarⅡ, the theme of study of Lao Tzu in English world was his living philosophy. Poet Witter Bynner and writer Benjamin Hoff both translated Lao Tzu in the theme of way of life, taking advantage of living wisdom and guiding a new way for the people back to the original nature and being peaceful and humble.The last chapter is about the study of the Unearthed Bamboosilk Lao Tzu in the English world. That is an important content in English-speaking countries since 1980s. The western scholars gave positive regard to archaeological discoveries in china and made use of newly-unearthed materials to re-translate Lao Tzu so as to solve the problems in the process of study. Robert G. Henriks is the typical scholar in this area.The studies of Lao-tzu in the English world improve the transcendental meaning and great cultural values of Lao-tzu. Analyzing the development of the studies of Lao-tzu in the English world is not only helpful for us to understand and make use of Lao-tzu, but also contribute a lot to the Chinese culture walk up to the world.

  • 【分类号】B223.1
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】987

