

Eduacational Thought and Practice about Buddhist Precept, Concentration and Wisdom

【作者】 阮登方

【导师】 涂艳国;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 释迦牟尼佛在公元前六世纪成道以后,以大慈悲心说法度生四十九年,就是自觉、觉他的原理,其教理的内容实在讲是非常的丰富,而所有这些后来被结集为经、律、论三藏的佛教经典。佛教界认为三藏经典就是诠释戒、定、慧三方面,换句话说,佛陀所说一切教理的内容不外乎戒、定、慧三学的。其实佛经浩瀚如海,法门无量,但其中或者直接或者间接都关系到戒定慧,确实是在佛教中具有极其重要的地位,可以说是整个佛教教育的基础。佛教传入中国之后,经长期传播发展,而形成中国佛教的特色。例如,从戒定慧中的戒学发展成律宗,定学发展成禅宗,慧学发展成天台宗与华严宗等宗派。本研究只对戒定慧教育的精神、思想及其实践性进行研究而不注重于研究律宗、禅宗、天台宗的起源和演变,但也涉及对戒定慧教育的思想来源的研究。因此,笔者对本主题的研究分为四个部分:一是对戒定慧的起源、发展及其内涵的辨析;二是对戒定慧的教育理念及其特色的探究;三是对戒定慧践行教育的原则、方式的分析;最后是戒定慧对当今佛教教育以及世俗教育的启示。从戒定慧的教育理念看,戒定慧是一种觉悟教育。戒定慧教育是培养人们从自己的觉悟至他人的觉悟的整个过程。通过佛的教导使受教育者完善人格、转染为净、解脱烦恼、转“无明”为智慧。佛教认为无明是人生苦恼的根源,人生所有痛苦、烦恼都由“无明”而生起。所谓无明,是指没有觉悟到社会的真相、人生的实相、宇宙的真谛。只有觉悟才能断惑证真、除迷识得正知、解脱人生的苦恼。正因为如此,佛陀的教化是一种觉悟的教育。众所周知,教育不论是在何处、在何时,都是为社会服务,为人生圆满的一条极好的道路。不过,如果教育工作中的人没有保持觉醒性,就会影响教育取向及教育质量。笔者认为戒定慧的觉悟教育对我们当前的教育研究与教育实践具有可贵的参考价值。从戒定慧教育践行看,信仰佛教必须了解佛教的真正意义,教法的理论必须联系实际,所以要普遍推广佛教的知识,以便人们对佛教教育形成正确的看法。戒定慧教育是整个佛教教育中最重要的项目。其教育内容和方式方法的运用,不仅是出家僧尼二众觉悟解脱问题,更重要的是对社会人群有何帮助,这就是戒定慧教育的作用和效果问题。因此,开展戒定慧教育,必须以全面落实佛教教育的核心理念为统领,以“利他即是自利”的核心价值为根本,切实贯彻“自觉觉他”、“自利利他”的要求。从戒定慧教育对当今佛教教育的启示看,为了佛法久住世间,必须重视健全僧格的培养。在初出家阶段,好多人都找不到修行的门路,在这个时候,容易出现偏差。必须从基础教育开始,把戒定慧思想运用到生活当中。如此,才能健全僧格,才不会在纷呈多变的尘世中迷失自己,随波逐流,丢失本分。佛陀正是出于对佛法久住世间的考虑,嘱咐弟子们从身口意等方面应当做到的事项。如果能够按照佛陀的教诫米做,不仅能够令正法久住,还能够迎来佛教辉煌的未来。戒定慧教育对当代世俗教育也有重要的启示。修行戒定慧就有能力消除产生烦恼的根源,自我内心就会处于平衡状态。戒定慧教育启示我们,和谐的社会,不能仅仅依靠社会的道德建设,还要提倡人去清醒的发现其个性,完善其个性,回归自我本处,能够自我适应。在修学过程中,人会通过逐步的成长,通过人的个性化表达,而促成自我的成熟,消除个人的不稳定因素,终实现整个社会的和谐与发展。

【Abstract】 In the sixth century B.C. the Sakyamuni Buddha became enlightment and he lived forty-nine years with the great metta and compassion. He felt the doctrine of consciousness and awakening others and his teachings about Dharma is indeed very rich. Afterwards all his teachings were collected into the Buddhist scriptures that are called Sutra-pitaka, Vinaya-pitaka and Abhidharma-pitaka (Shastra). It is thought that the Buddhism encompassed three areas of precept, concentration and wisdom which is interprets in Tripitaka. In other words, all the teachings of the Buddha has been contained within these three areas nothing else. In fact, the Buddha Dharma is immeasurable like the huge sea and the Buddhism is either directly or indirectly related to the precept, concentration and wisdom which are actually regarded that of the foundation of Buddhist education. After the Buddhism was brought to China and it has been spread and developed for longtime by creating identical feature of Chinese Buddhism. For example, the three forms of precept, concentration and wisdom which is developed by forming three schools that are Luzong school for the precept, Zen school for the concentration and Tiantaizong school for wisdom of the Huayanzong sect. This article only focuses the sprit, idea and practice of precept, concentration and wisdom education rather than origin and evolution of Luzong, Zen and Tiantaizong. But it is involved to study the source of precept, concentration and wisdom education in this research. Therefore, the writer has focused towards four parts in this research, the first part is the discrimination of origin, development and content of precept, concentration and wisdom education, The second part is inquiring of thoughts and characteristics of precept, concentration and wisdom education and the third part is analysis of mode, principles and practice of precept, concentration and wisdom education. Finally it needs to inspire the Buddhist education that based on precept, concentration and wisdom in the world of the contemporary education.From the perspective of the precept, concentration and wisdom education is a kind of consciousness education. The precept, concentration and wisdom education is able to train people to be consciousness throughout the process. Through the teachings of the Buddha can make people educated and perfect and can overcome defilements, make trouble free and turn ignorance into wisdom. The Buddhism is teaching that the ignorance is the cause of distress, suffering and trouble in life. The so-called ignorance is that of absence of awareness of the social situation, reality of life and the real meaning of the universe. Only because possessing the consciousness one can break puzzle and understand the reality and relief from from life’s troubles. Because of this the enlightment of the Buddha is the consciousness of education. It is obvious that education is where ever or when ever to serve the community to make excellent the life. However, if education doesn’t concern keep people awakening of nature, then it would need to make influence to orientate the quality of education. Writer believe that the awakening of precept, concentration and wisdom of education is a duty of current educational research, and it would be a valuable reference to educational practice as well.From the educational view of practice of precept, concentration and wisdom is believing that the understanding of true meaning of the Buddhism. The Buddhist teaching promotes the theory should be with practice. In general, it is need to promote the Buddhist knowledge to form the Buddhist education in the correct view. Precept, concentration and wisdom education is the most important Buddhist education project. There included the educational contents and methods also. It is not only for Buddhist monks and nuns but for the general people to overcome their problems also. The most important matter is education should help to social groups and the precept, concentration and wisdom education is the issue to play a effective role in the field of education. Therefore to develop precept, concentration and wisdom education is to enhance the quality education. It is need to implement the core ideas of the precept, concentration and wisdom of Buddhist education as the guidance of "consciousness of awareness", "self interest of altruism" and it regards that "self interest to altruism" is a fundamen.al core value of effective and quality education.The awakening of the Buddhist precept, concentration and wisdom is caused to establish the Buddhist dweller in the world. From the point of Buddhist monk, in the early stages many monks and many people had not opportunities to practice and this is time to remove bias easily. From the starting the basic education, one should think and rely on precept, concentrate and wisdom to apply to the life itself. In this way monk can hold a sound personality and without losing it in the changing world. Considering the long term refuge in the world, the Buddha recommended to his dispels to curb body, mouth and mind activities. If you can do accordance with precept of the Buddha Dharma you would make long term refuge for the sake of the glorious future. It is important to practice precept, concentration and wisdom to eliminate the roots of trouble to have inner balance in the life.Precept, concentration and wisdom education tells us to form a harmonious, simple and moral society and also it promotes people to find and adapt one’s personality himself. In the process of studying, people will grow and mature gradually, promote individual expressions and remove the individual factors of instability, Finally achieve the social harmony and development.

  • 【分类号】B948
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】646

