

The Study on the Practice and Theory of Tseng Kuo-fan

【作者】 郭平兴

【导师】 董恩林;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 历史文献学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 对于晚清名臣曾国藩的研究,已有学者取得诸多值得借鉴的成果。在这些研究的基础上,本文采用文献学的研究方法,结合既有的中国近代书籍史和接受史研究成果,参考西方书籍史、阅读史的研究理论,挖掘大量曾国藩著述中有关文献阅读史料,对以前研究注意不够的曾国藩的文献阅读实践与理论进行考察。笔者认为,曾国藩是中国历史上文献阅读的成功者之一,详细研究其阅读经历,并总结其阅读理论,为曾国藩阅读史的研究提供一个示范。在绪论部分,叙述本文写作缘由、对当前的研究现状的进行综述,说明本文的思路等问题,主要包括三个方面:一是解读曾国藩的阅读实践与理论,既须知古之所然,亦可判其之所变,因此对中国阅读史进行阶段性划分的简要论述;二是对曾国藩阅读实践与理论的研究进行回溯与检视,指出其中的不足;三是提出本文的研究方法、创新点和相关概念说明。第一章是论文主体的开始,分析曾国藩文献阅读实践活动的背景包括传统儒家文化的影响以及教育因素等内容。曾氏家族的遗传、曾国藩毕生的搜集以及朋友的赠送是其书籍的主要来源;当其书籍越来越多时,惜书的他建立“八本堂”与“求阙斋”以藏其书;在其具体的阅读实践过程中,表现出一种看似矛盾,其实不然的择书阅读观,即广博而善择,而这种择书阅读观是既是其自身的阅读经验总结,也指导着其之后的阅读活动。第二章具体考察曾国藩的经书阅读实践活动。首先研究曾国藩经书阅读概况,然后以汉、宋之学为主要研究对象,总结出其经书的阅读策略;再以曾国藩对经学文献中的重要内容——《易》学文献、“礼”学文献的阅读经历为具体案例,分析其阅读《易》学文献与“礼”学文献的阶段与特征,以此说明《易》学文献与“礼”学文献阅读活动与其思想变化的互动过程。第三章具体考察曾国藩的史书阅读实践活动。首先研究其史书的阅读概况,然后研究读史对其所起到的借鉴作用,重视将历史与现实进行有选择性的对照,将史书阅读与修身、为官、从政、治军、用人、治家等方面相结合;最后以其所作《求阙斋读书录》为中心,探讨其史书阐释的特点。第四章具体考察曾国藩的子书阅读实践活动,首先研究其子书的阅读概况,然后以“老庄”之书和兵书的阅读为案例进行研究。对于“老庄”之书而言,着重研究他对于老庄之学阅读重要的原因,以《求阙斋读书录》为中心探讨其老庄之学的阅读阐释特点;对于兵书而言,着重探讨作为湘军统帅的他,戚氏兵书、孙子兵法等兵书的阅读对其所产生的影响。第五章具体考察曾国藩的文集阅读实践活动,首先根据曾氏的人生际遇,对其文集阅读活动进行阶段分析;然后,在其一生的文集阅读实践的视野下,对其文集阅读特征进行研究;再分析其评点包括对文集作者和诗文本身,这些评点就是曾国藩文集阅读的思想结晶。第六章对曾国藩的文献阅读理论进行总结。曾氏在其终生的文献阅读实践过程中,形成自己独特的文献阅读理论,包括对其阅读目的、阅读环境、阅读行为都深有感悟,研究曾氏这些阅读理论,更有助于理解其阅读实践活动。第七章具体考察曾国藩对他人的阅读教育行为。曾氏注重对家人及部下门生的阅读指导,既有阅读书目的说明,亦会直接教以阅读方法等等,这种阅读指导,不仅是一种教育行为,更是指导者自身阅读理解的升华与再实践。最后是结语部分,系统梳理曾国藩阅读实践与其思想变迁的互动过程,总结他阅读活动对其人生所产生的影响。此外,笔者认为曾国藩文献阅读实践与理论具有现实的价值意义,他的阅读实践与理论中的诸多内容为现代人们的阅读提供借鉴。

【Abstract】 As a famous Minister of late Qing dynasty, scholars had made many worthy achievements of study on Tseng Kuo-fan.On the basis of these studies, Combination of the study on Chinese modern books history arid acception history, Reference to the Western theory on history books and reading history, excavated a large number of Tseng Kuo-fan’s works on the literature reading history data, especially diary information, episodes in the index, inspected the reading practice and theory of Tseng Kuo-fan that have not received sufficient attention previously, In my opinion, Tseng Kuo-fan was an successful literature reader of Chinese history, I hope to provide a demonstration on reading history of Tseng Kuo-fan with studying his reading experience, and summarize his reading theory.In the preface, describe the reason for the current study reviewed the status quo, illustrate the ideas and other issues, mainly to explain three aspects:firstly, Interpretation of Tseng’s reading practice and theory, It can be sentenced to the change of nowadays with noticing the ancient course, it necessary to describe the reading history of China, Secondly, back and view the reading practice and theory of Tseng’s research, pointing out the deficiencies. Thirdly, propose the methods of this study innovations and concepts that.Chapter one is the beginning of the paper, firstly, analyzes the background reading practice of Tseng, the impact of traditional Confucian and educational factors was the main content. Family inheritance, his collection and friends donated was his main source of books, When the books become more for a long time, he established the "Ba-Ben Hall(八本堂)"and "Qiu-Que-Room"(求阙斋)to protect the book through his reading practice, present a seemingly contradictory, it is not true of what the concept of choice to read the book, That is broad and good choice. This concept was not only the summary of his reading experience, but also guided his activities after the reading.Chapter Two Firstly analyzes the general conditions of Tseng’s reading practice on the Confucianism, After reading the book on its overall, as the main object of study--theory of Han and Song, Summed up his reading strategy, study the specific objects---the "Yi-xue(易学)"and "Li-xuel(礼学)",what was his important reading content on Confucianism, Analyzes the features and stage on reading literature of, "Yi-xuel(易学)"and "Li-xue(礼学),study the interactive changing process between reading activities and thought.Chapter Three Firstly analyzes the general conditions of Tseng’s reading practice on the history books, detailed study Tseng’s reading practice on the history books, Firstly, analyzes the effect on reading history books. Attention to history and reality of the selective control:reading and self-cultivation, judges, politicians, running the army, employment, household management and other aspects, Followed by its " reading record of Qiu-Que-Zhai(《求阙斋读书录》)" as the central to analyze the feature of the historical interpretation. Chapter Four, Firstly detailed study Tseng’s reading practice on the "Zhu-zi"(诸子)books。And then focuses on the Taoist and military books reading practice. Find the important reason to read Taoist, explore the features of Taoist interpretation by "Qiu-Que-Zhai reading record"(《求阙斋读书录》),Secondly, to explore him as commander of the Hunan, To find the impact of reading Qi’s(戚氏)military books, Sun Tzu and other military books.Chapter Five analyzes the general conditions of Tseng’s reading practice on the anthology, according to Tseng’s life experience, analysis phase of reading. Then, analyze practical perspective during his lifetime anthology reading practice, Then analyzed Comment Including authors and their poems, these commentaries were Tseng’s thought to read anthology.Chapter Six makes summary on the theory of Tseng’s reading.Formed his own theory of reading literature in his lifetime practice of reading the literature, had deep insights on what including reading purposes, reading environment, reading behavior, study the theory can help to understand his reading practice.Chapter Seven analyzes his reading education to ohers specifically, Tseng focused reading instruction on the family and men disciples, both of the reading list description and teaching the method to read directly, This reading guidance was not only an educational act, but also mentors its sublimation and re-reading comprehension practice.Finally, analyzes his reading practice combing the interactive process of his thinking changing, Sums up his reading activities impact his life, In addition, I believe that Tseng’s practice and theory of literature reading have practical value significance in nowadays, Modern people to read the content for reference his read practice and theory.


