

A Study of Said’s Orientalism from the Perspective of Discourse

【作者】 刘惠玲

【导师】 孙文宪;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 文艺学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 爱德华·W·赛义德是当今世界极具影响力的文学与文化批评家之一,他的《东方主义》、《文化与帝国主义》等著作在二十世纪的西方乃至世界文论史上占着非常重要的位置。自1978年以来,赛义德及其作品成为人们的热门研究议题。由于赛义德思想的复杂性和研究者问题意识的多样性,因而对赛义德的研究和评论呈现出跨学科性特点,有纯文学研究、社会政治批评,文化历史的观照、后殖民视角的研究、也有语言分析、心理分析、女性意识方面的研究。但是,从话语视角对赛义德东方主义进行具体而系统的研究;或者说以赛义德东方主义为研究对象,在东方主义这个范围内讨论话语理论的一些特点及其作为一种批评方法的意义的研究极其缺乏。虽然不少学者注意到了赛义德东方主义话语分析的重要意义,但深入而具体的解读并不多见,系统的研究成果尚未看到。本文在考察研究现状、反思各种疑问的基础上,提出从话语维度下对赛义德东方主义进行研究的命题。本文围绕“赛义德怎样将话语理论运用于东方主义研究”这一主题进行,以福柯的话语理论和葛兰西的文化霸权理论为本论文的理论支撑,重点对东方主义的话语表征,东方主义的生产和运作机制,东方主义的话语抵抗进行考察,通过探析其表层特征,挖掘其内在机制,以实现对作为话语的东方主义与权力之间的关系的揭示。具体分析中,采用赛义德所提倡的“现世性”文本分析法,将不同时期、不同作者、不同国家、不同领域的东方主义作品纳入研究的范围。除绪论和结论外,论文共分四章。第一章对赛义德东方主义话语的基础问题进行理论概述,重点阐释了福柯的话语理论和葛兰西的文化霸权理论。福柯为赛义德提供了基本的理论基础和分析概念,葛兰西的“文化霸权”理论使赛义德走出福柯的“微观权力”话语理论的局限。基于福柯的话语理论和葛兰西的文化霸权理论,赛义德将东方主义研究置于自古典时期以来西方关于东方的观念的语境中,置于西方对东方通过帝国主义、殖民主义以及新殖民主义实行宰制的关系中进行考察,揭示殖民霸权与知识生产的相互依赖和巩固关系。第二章是对东方主义的话语表征进行研究。主要着眼于对“他者化”的东方言说特征和“否定性”的东方言说策略的分析与解读,以期从表层结构揭示东方是怎样被表述的,揭示知识与权力的相辅相成的关系。东方主义主要将东方以“女性化”、“邪恶不变”和“愚昧混乱”三种“他者化”的话语形式呈现,并重点以“归化”、“总括性陈述”和“二元对立的比较”三种否定性策略来实现他者化表征。这种“他者化”的言说是西方文化走出自我焦虑和实现自我身份认同的方式与策略。东方主义并不是对“东方”的真实呈现,而是“西方”处置“东方”的种话语构建和话语闸释体系。第三章是对东方主义的生产和运作机制的研究。本章重点从形象再现体系和霸权意识形态体系两方面来挖掘东方主义的内在运行机制以揭示东方主义是话语、权力和知识三者密切结合的产物。一方面,东方主义不是关于东方的客观知识,而是东方主义者根据文本选择性地进行过滤、整理、重排的一种文本建构,是西方对东方的一系列修辞运动,是东方主义者所设计的一种普遍性陷阱;另一方面,东方主义是一个政治和意识形态起决定作用的领域,与殖民主义和新殖民主义相互为用、相互促进。总之,东方主义不仅仅是一种知识体系的伪装,更是一种强权下的意识形态,是西方权力意志施加于他人的产物。第四章是对东方主义话语抵抗的研究。赛义德充分认识到精神形式的文化非暴力革命的重要性,并将葛兰西的文化霸权理论运用到对民族问题的分析之中。本章主要论述赛义德的文化非殖民化思想和他提山的文化抵抗策略。由于意识形态权力侵占下而形成的知识、文化都有一种想统治他人的欲望,试图通过打压、贬低甚至排斥其他文化来证实本民族文化的存在。因此,赛义德主张应站在人类整体文化建设的高度去抵抗帝国主义话语下的文化殖民与文化霸权,以一种超越民族文化的世界精神来构建人类社会。“对位阅读”和“反叙述”是赛义德提倡的争取话语权的重要途径与方法。文章最后得出结论:赛义德揭示了东方主义话语的人为建构性,揭示了话语、知识与权力之间的互动关系,对传统东方主义进行了深刻的批判,开拓了一条文化批评的成功之路,为重新反思中国传统文化,中西方文化关系以及当下中国文学研究提供了新视角与新尺度。

【Abstract】 Edward W·Said is one of the greatest literary and cultural critics during literary history of the twentieth century in the west,even in the world. Orientalism and Culture and Imperialism play essential keywords.Because of the complexity of Said’s thoughts and diversity of the awareness of the researchers, the study and comments on Said presents interdisciplinary in nature including pure literary studies, social and political criticism, reflection on cultural history, research from the postcolonial perspective, linguistic analysis, psychological analysis and studies of women’s awareness. However, there are few researches based on the concrete and systematic study on Said’s Orientalism from the perspective of discourse or about some features and the significance of Said’s Orientalism in the theory of discourse. Although many scholars have noticed the importance of discourse analysis of Said’s Orientalism, there are rare specific and in-depth interpretations of it and the results of its system’s research have not yet come into being.The dissertation concentrates on Said’s Orientalism from the perspective of the discourse based on the existing research and reflection of various questions. In the study, the author applies the "secular" methods of text analysis advocated by Said and studies the works of Orientalism scope including different times, different authors and different fields. Foucault’s discourse theory and Gramsc’s hegemony are the basic theories for this dissertation.This thesis studies the topic "how Said applies discourse theory to the research of Orientalism " focusing on the characterization of Orientalist discourse, the production and operation of Orientalism, the discourse resistance to the Orientalism and summing up the characteristics and value of Said’s Orientalism so as to let readers have a comprehensive and profound understanding of it.The paper is divided into four chapters in addition to introduction and conclusion:The first chapter introduces the theory of discourse. As a conceptual term, discourse appears in the field of linguistics at first, referring to the overall language with a series of consecutive words or sentences. However, Said points out clearly that his study of Orientalism has been carried out under the influence of Foucault and stresses the impact of ideology. This chapter mainly sorts out the Foucault’s theory of discourse and Gramsc’s hegemony, then carries on the theoretical analysis of Said’s Orientalism.The second chapter explores the characterization of Orientalist discourse. Orientalism is not the real objective "Oriental" show, but the interpretation of the discourse in the system of "Western" subordered to "Eastern". This thesis focuses on the oriental discourse from "Otherness" of speech and the speech characteristics, specifically showing how the East is made to say in a form and manner lwith text analysis of horizontal comparison, longitudinal analysis, literary texts, professional academic, political and other fields..The third chapter deals with the production and operation mechanism of the Orientalism. In the development of history, the Orient’otherness’can only be permanently frozen to a sidekick, an imaginary region, an area between discourse and power by the Western or Orientalist so that Orientalism becomes a set of fixed discourse. This chapter focuses on the research of "Orientalism is a kind of image representation " and "Orientalism is a system of hegemonic ideology", revealing the power everywhere of Orientalist discourse with theoretical explanation, specific analysis, whole and case analysis.The fourth chapter studies the resistance of Orientalist discourse because Said fully understands importance of cultural non-violent revolution in the forms of spirit and applies Gramsci’s Cultural Revolution theory to the problem of national analysis, forming his cultural ideology of decolonization and cultural resistance.It is then concluded that Said’s Orientalism not only makes a critical comment on the traditonal Orientalism, but also reveals the inter-relantionship among discourse, knowledge and power. Said’s Orientalism successfully pioneers a road to cultural criticism and provides a new angle and criteria for reconsideration of Chinese traditional culture, of relationship between China and western countries, and of Chinese literature study.

【关键词】 赛义德东方主义话语表征机制抵抗
【Key words】 SaidOrientalismDiscourseRepresentation

