

The Study on Elementary School Chinese Teaching of Farmland and Pasture in Tibet

【作者】 罗芳

【导师】 陈佑清;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 在西藏,加强汉语教学不仅是藏族学生自身发展的需要,同时也是西藏自治区稳定发展的需要,更是民族团结的需要。在对西藏中小学汉语教师进行的新课程培训中发现,当前小学汉语教学现状不容乐观。在西藏,百分之八十以上的人口居住在农牧区。在一定意义上可以说,西藏农牧区汉语教学水平将直接关系到整个西藏汉语教学的发展。本研究将西藏农牧区小学阶段藏族小学生汉语教学作为研究对象,通过总结历史、审视现实,揭示汉语教学存在的不足之处,查找缘由并寻找解决的途径。总结历史部分(第二章),采用文献研究法,根据出现的时间和呈现的特点,将西藏小学汉语教学的历史划分为萌芽时期、初建时期、文革时期和规范时期四个阶段。并对每个阶段的历史进行梳理,揭示出各阶段汉语教学发展的特点。审视现实部分(第三章),采用问卷调查法、访谈法与观察法,对西藏农牧区小学汉语教学现状进行调查。具体包括对汉语学习环境、学生、教师、教材的调查与分析。通过调查发现:汉语学习环境情况,家庭环境方面:父母学历水平、汉语水平较低,不能有效辅导和监督孩子完成作业;对待汉语和孩子在家讲汉语的态度不积极,家庭用语主要为藏语;在家里主要通过电视学习汉语,较少能够通过广播、网络与书籍学习汉语。学校环境方面:学生和教师绝大部分为藏族。县镇小学课堂使用汉语的频率高于乡村小学,县镇小学课外有部分师生使用汉语,乡村小学则基本完全使用藏语。县镇和乡村小学利用电视、广播促进学生学习汉语的情况均不理想。校园及教室布置、学校活动方面,县镇小学情况好于乡村小学。社会环境方面,西藏农牧区人口分布上绝大部分为藏族人口,语言使用上基本上为藏语。媒体方面,电视、广播的种类、制作与播出时间、儿童读物与课本的种类、印数和印张数等均大大低于同为民族地区的新疆、云南等地。学生情况,学习动机方面:当前农牧区小学生汉语学习主导性动机是积极性动机中的理想动机、认知动机和自我实现动机。父母、教师、教材、自我效能感、归因均等因素会不同程度地对不同类型动机产生一定的影响。学习目标与困难方面:由于存在畏难情绪,乡村学生汉语学习目标制定普遍低于县镇学生;县镇和乡村学生在知识和能力方面均不同程度存在一定的困难。学习活动方面主要存在类型单一、环境单一、缺乏能力关照等问题。当前毕业生汉语水平方面,县镇有一半的学生汉语考试成绩达到及格水平,乡村只有十分之一的学生能够达到;县镇小学毕业生在听说方面基本可以达到要求,阅读方面有一半学生可以达到要求,写作方面还达不到要求;乡村离县城或公路比较近的小学毕业生汉语水平略低于县镇小学,但是离县镇或公路较远的小学毕业生在听说读写方面均达不到要求。教师情况,各小学之间,汉语师生比存在较大的差异,部分小学师生比太高。县镇和乡村小学汉语教师在年龄、教龄和职称结构方面存在断层现象,表现为年纪轻、教龄短、职称低。内地院校毕业的教师较少,工作压力比较大。部分教师在理论素养与教学素养方面存在不足之处。缺少教学反思、写文章与课题研究,学校提供的专业发展方式不能满足教师的要求。教材方面,《汉语》较好地体现了第二语言教材的性质,难度较低,容易掌握汉语知识并形成汉语能力,比较适合西藏农牧区学生使用。《语文》不符合第二语言教学特点,对西藏农牧区藏族学生来讲难度较大,不容易掌握汉语知识并形成汉语能力,不适合使用。同时,《汉语》教材也存在一些不足之处,《语文》教材存在一些可供吸收的长处。解决途径部分(第四章),针对调查中发现的不足,从学习环境、学生、教师、教材四个方面提出相应的对策。汉语学习环境方面,主要从经济、宣传、媒体、学校等方面提出对策;学生方面主要从学习动机、学习难点、学习活动等方面提出对策;教师方面主要从提高教师基本素养方面提出相应的对策;教材方面,主要从选文、词语、练习、助读系统等方面提出相应的对策。

【Abstract】 In Tibet, Chinese language teaching is not only to enhance their own development of Tibetan students, but also the need for stable development of the Tibet and the need for national unity.In the new curriculum trains which carries on to the Tibet elementary and middle schools Chinese teacher discovered that, the elementary school Chinese teaching’s present situation is not optimistic.In Tibet, 80% above populations live in the farmland and pasture.In a sense may say that, the Chinese teaching level of the agricultural and pastoral areas in Tibet will have a direct bearing on the development of Chinese teaching throughout Tibet.This research takes the primary school Chinese teaching of the agricultural and pastoral areas in Tibet as a primary object of study, by summarizing the history, looking at the reality, revealed the existence of Chinese teaching inadequacies, find cause and find the solutions.The summary history part (second chapter), uses the literature methodology, by the characteristic and time, the Tibet elementary school Chinese teaching history will divide into the germination period, initially constructs time,the Great Cultural Revolution time and the standard time four stages. And carriy on to each stage history combs, promulgate the characteristic of each srage.Carefully examines the realistic part (third chapter), uses the questionnaire survey procedure, the interview and the method of inspection,carries on the investigation to the Chinese teaching present situation of the farmland and pasture elementary school.Includes specifically to Chinese learning environment, the student, the teacher, the teaching material.Discovered through the investigation that:Chinese learning environment situation, home environment aspect:The parents’ school record, Chinese proficiency are low, cannot counsel and supervise the child to complete the work effectively;the manner of treatment Chinese and the child’s speaking Chinese in the home is not to be positive, the language in the family is Tibetan mainly;study Chinese at home mainly through the television, little can through the broadcast, the network and books.School environment aspect:many students and teachers are Tibetan.The frequency of using Chinese in the county town elementary school classroom is higher than in the village elementary school, a part of teachers and students use Chinese in he county town elementary school,then all of the teachers and students use Tibetan completely in the village elementary school,little schools can use the television and the broadcast to promotes students to study Chinese. County town elementary school situation is better than village elementary school in the aspect of campus and classroom arrangement, school activity.Most population of farmland and pasture in Tibet is Tibetan,the language they basically use is is Tibetan.The media aspect, the television and broadcast’s type, manufactures and broadcast’s time, children’s books and the textbook’s type, the printing and the seal number and so on greatly are lower than Xinjiang, Yunnan.Student situation, study motive aspect:The leading motive is ideal motive, the cognition motive and the self-realization motive.the parents, the teacher, the teaching material, the self-potency feeling, the reason will influence on the different type of motive.Study goal and difficult aspect:As the existence of fear to difficulties, the village student’s Chinese study goal is lower than the county town student.County town and village students have certain difficulty in knowledge and ability.In the learning activity aspect,he type and the environment are sole and the ability is not be thought. The graduate Chinese proficiency aspect, there are a half of students in county town can achieve the Chinese examination, in the village only then 1/10 students can achieve.In the county town, the graduates may meet the requirements in hearing and saying aspect. In the reading aspect, a half students is able to meet the requirements.In the writing aspect,the graduates cannot meet the requirements. In the village which is near to the county town or road,the graduates are lower the graduate of the county town.But the graduates in the village which is far from the the county town or road cannot meet the requirements.Teacher situation, between various elementary schools, there are many difference between the Chinese teachers and students’proportion and some are too high. Some teachers are too young,the the teach senority is short,the title is low. The teachers graduate from inland colleges and universities are few,and the working pressure is big.A part of teachers have the deficiency in the theory accomplishment and the teaching accomplishment aspect. They are lack of teaching reconsidering,writing articles and the topic research.The career development way which the school provides cannot satisfy teacher’s request.The teaching material aspect, "Han Yu" manifested the second language teaching material nature well, the difficulty is low, easy to grasp Chinese knowledge and to form Chinese ability.lt is suit to the students of farmland and pasture in Tibet."Yu Wen" does not conform to the second language teaching characteristic, and is difficult to the of farmland and pasture in Tibet students,and the students are not easy to grasp Chinese knowledge and to form Chinese ability.It is not suit to the tudents of farmland and pasture in Tibet.At the same time, "Han Yu" also has some deficiencies, "Yu Wen" exists some may strong point.The key to the solution part (fourth chapter), the study Propose the solution from the learning environment, the student, the teacher, the teaching material four aspects.In the Chinese learning environment aspect, the study Propose the solution mainly from aspects of economy, propaganda, media, school and so on.In the student aspect,the study Propose the solution mainly from the aspects of study motive, study difficulty, learning activity and so on.In the teacher aspect,the study Propose the solution mainly from enhances the teacher basic accomplishment. In the teaching material aspect, the study Propose the solution mainly from choosing the article, the words and expressions, the system of helping reading and so on.


