

The Perception and Satisfaction of Guangzhou Residents of the People’s Livelihood in Asian Games Holding and Their Impact on the Cohesion

【作者】 张现成

【导师】 王斌;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本研究旨在通过采用自编的亚运社会效益知觉量表对亚运举办城市当地居民进行实证研究,验证广州亚运会举办背景下当地居民民生举措知觉和满意度与凝聚力等三者之间关系的理论模型假设,了解广州居民民生举措知觉和满意度及凝聚力的变化特征,挖掘出影响居民凝聚力的关键性因子,为政府今后科学办赛,实现体育惠民宗旨提供理论依据。基于文献分析和广州政府办赛中所采取的一系列民生举措,本研究采用文献资料法、数理统计法、调查法、追踪研究法等心理测量学方法,并注重质性研究和量化研究的有效结合,对广州居民的民生举措知觉和满意度及居民凝聚力的关系进行了一系列的实证研究,得到的主要结论如下:1、所开发与设计的亚运背景下的居民民生举措知觉和满意度量表及居民凝聚力量表具有较好的信效度,有一定的推广价值。2、居民在赛事举办中所知觉到的民生举措及其满意度是影响居民凝聚力的重要因素。3、亚运前后当地居民的民生举措知觉存在差异,赛后知觉比赛前要高;亚运前后当地居民的民生满意度存在差异,赛后民生满意度比赛前要高;亚运前后居民凝聚力存在差异,赛后居民凝聚力比赛前要高4、亚运举办下当地居民民生举措知觉和满意度在性别、年龄、文化程度、社会身份、家庭收入、婚姻状况、户籍性质等人口统计变量上存在差异。5、亚运举办下,当地居民的凝聚力在年龄、户籍、地区、社会身份、文化程度、家庭收入等人口变量上的存在差异,在性别和婚姻变量上不存在显著差异。这说明,在研究赛事举办对居民凝聚力的影响中,要注重年龄、户籍、地区、社会身份、文化程度、家庭收入等人口变量因素,使得各个层面的大多数群体享受赛事举办带来的好处,从而增强他们的凝聚力。6、在排除人口统计学变量的影响下,居民民生举措满意度与民生举措知觉、居民凝聚力之间呈两两相关关系。居民的民生举措知觉可以有效预测其民生举措满意度;居民的民生满意度对居民的民生举措知觉与凝聚力起到中介作用。这启迪人们,在今后的赛事举办中,要结合当地实际,加强能够提高当地居民民生举措满意度的项目的建设,特别是对民生举措知觉和居民凝聚力起中介作用的民生项目建设,使得当地居民的凝聚力在赛后较长时间内能够得以保持。研究表明,居民的住房保障满意度、全民健身满意度、娱乐休闲满意度、民生服务满意度是居民凝聚力的主要预测源;居民的住房保障举措知觉,能源保障举措知觉,就业举措知觉、安全举措知觉是居民认同感和归属感的主要预测源;娱乐休闲满意度和生态环保满意度对居民凝聚力起到间接影响作用。民生举措满意度对娱乐休闲、生态环保、民生服务等举措知觉与认同感具有完全中介作用;民生举措满意度对就业、安全、娱乐休闲、生态环保、民生服务等举措知觉与归属感具有完全中介作用;居民民生举措满意度对全民健身、娱乐休闲、生态环保和民生服务等举措知觉与居民力量感具有完全中介作用。民生满意度对居民的就业保障举措知觉和安全保障举措知觉与居民认同感具有部分中介作用。

【Abstract】 By the social benefit perception scale on Asian Games designed by myself,this research has carried out a empirical study for local residents,which aims at verifying the model assumption that construct the relationship among the perception and satisfaction of the local residents’s livelihood initiatives and the cohesion with the context of the Guangzhou Asian Games held,and at grasping the changes trend in characteristics about the people’s livelihood initiatives satisfaction, and perception,or cohesion, diging out the key factors which has deeply effection on residents’ cohension, which purpose for helping the government to do the next game sciencely and providing a theoretical basis for bringing more benefits.Based on literature analysis and a series of livelihood initiatives adopted by the Guangzhou government, the research used interviews, statistics, survey sampling and other psychometric methods and pay more attention to the effective integration between qualitative research and quantitative research, and has done a series of empirical studies on the residents in Guangzhou, and draws some main conclusions are as follows:1, The design and development of people’s livelihood measures and the satisfaction scale and the residents’ cohesion scale in the context of Asian Games have good reliability and validity, and have some promotional value.2, The residents perceived the people’s livelihood meacures and the degree of satisfaction in the event is an important factor on the cohesion3, The overall level, the cohesion level of the residents increase after the game, but the influence of the indicators which constitute the residents’ cohesive evaluation on psychological structure is not consistent. Among which the Guangzhou Residents’ sense of honor, security, intimacy, responsibility, conscious of people’s livelihood, Guangzhou awareness, sportsmanship, Asian Games spiritual significance and other items have also play the important impact on the Coherence.4, In the Asian Games holding, the sex, age, educational level, social status, family income, marital status, household nature of the differences in demographic variables reached significant levels on the perception of the local population’s livelihood initiatives and satisfaction.5, In the Asian Games holding, the age, residence, region, social status, educational level, family income and other demographic variables reached significant difference level on the local residents cohesion, the difference of gender and marital variables did not reach significant levels. Among them, in terms of regional differences, the sense of identity in Zengcheng District is higher than in Yuexiu District, Baiyun District, and Panyu District; Haizhu District higher than Panyu District. The sense of belonging in Zengcheng District is higher than Yuexiu District and Panyu District; Haizhu District higher than Yuexiu District and Panyu District. The sense of power in zengceng District andTianhe District are higher than Yuexiu District and Panyu District.Social identity, the staff level, agricultural laborers and rural unemployed, unemployment, more than half of the unemployed sectors of the national identity and social class will be managers, strata managers, private entrepreneurs and higher professional and technical personnel; agricultural laborers and rural unemployed, unemployment, class identity than half of unemployed professional and technical personnel and business service sectors to high; sense of belonging to professional and technical personnel will be managers than the state and social classes, strata managers, private entrepreneurs must be high;the staff level, agricultural laborers and rural unemployed, unemployment, a sense of belonging than half of the unemployed sectors of countries and sectors of society will be managers, strata managers, private entrepreneurs and professionals higher levels; agricultural laborers and rural unemployed, unemployment, a sense of belonging than half of the unemployed sectors of individual business sectors, business services and industrial sectors of the working class people is higher. Individual business sectors, business services and industrial sectors of the working class people a sense of belonging to professional and technical personnel than the high, but lower than the staff level. The staff level and urban and rural unemployed, unemployment, a sense of power semi-unemployed sectors of society will be managers than the state level, managers class, private entrepreneurs and higher professional and technical personnel; business service sectors, industrial working class and sense of power of agricultural laborers state and private entrepreneurs, professional and technical personnel and individual business level to high, is lower than the staff level; urban jobless, unemployed, semi-unemployed class sense of power than individual business sectors commercial service and industrial sectors of the working class is higher.In terms of education, primary education more than high school identification of residents, the University and residents of the following qualifications to be low. Sense of belonging among the residents of graduate education than the University and residents of the following higher; high school diploma and postgraduate degree the power of the residents a sense of residents in primary education than higher.In terms of family economic status, family income of less than 5 million people in the sense of identity than the annual household income of 15 million or more,20 million and the following residents to be high.In age, the age of 46 to 55 year-old resident of identity, belonging and sense of power than other age groups have a higher population.6, the exclusion under the influence of demographic variables, satisfaction of residents with the livelihood of the people’s livelihood initiatives to move between the perception and the residents were cohesive relationship between two. People’s livelihood initiatives can effectively predict the perceived satisfaction of people’s livelihood initiatives; people’s livelihood livelihood satisfaction measures to the residents to play an intermediary role in perception and cohesion.Studies show that residents of housing security satisfaction, satisfaction with fitness, entertainment, leisure satisfaction, satisfaction with public services is the main predictor of population cohesion; residents of housing security measures perception, perception of energy security initiatives, employment initiatives, perception, safety initiatives perceived sense of identity and belonging to the residents the main predictor; recreation and leisure satisfaction and satisfaction with environmental protection indirect effects on the residents to play the role of cohesion. Livelihood initiatives on the leisure satisfaction, environmental protection, public services and other initiatives to fully mediated by perceived role and identity; livelihood initiatives on employment satisfaction, safety, recreation, environmental protection, public services and other initiatives to fully mediated by perception and a sense of belonging effect; resident satisfaction livelihood initiatives fitness, recreation, ecological services, environmental initiatives and people’s livelihood and the residents perceived sense of power with full medium. Livelihood of residents satisfaction with job security initiatives and security measures perceived perception and residents with some intermediary role identity.

  • 【分类号】G811.13
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】443

