

Research on Educational Function of Voluntary Service

【作者】 庄绍文

【导师】 杜时忠;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 21世纪是急速转变的年代,随着资讯科技急速的发展,推动了全球一体化与知识经济的来临,引致新思维与新事物不断涌现。随着21世纪的来临,世界各国教育当局对新时代的教育所面临的挑战及对策作出了研究和思考。1996年Jacques Delors以国际21世纪教育委员会主席的身份,综合全球多位教育专家的意见,向联合国教科文组织提交了《教育-财富蕴藏其中》①的一份重要报告。报告内容乃根据委员会对未来教育所面临挑战的研究和思考,提出可供高层决策者作为教育革新和行动依据的建议。报告提出了教育的四大支柱:学会认知、学会做事、学会共处及学会做人。《教育-财富蕴藏其中》一书的发布,为终身学习的发展,开启了另一个新纪元,更启动了全球教育改革之新方向,对全球化下的教育改革有着深远的影响,更成为全球教育改革的依据指标。教育改革的核心问题是如何培养学生在面对急速转变的年代、在资讯科技急速发展的年代所面临的挑战。如何培养学生在关注社会、关心他人的过程中成长为一个富有责任感并有能力服务于社会的人。义务工作越来越受到社会各界的广泛关注,更逐渐成为现代社会发展的一股活跃力量,在全球掀起了开展义务工作的热潮。义务工作的相关议题也越来越成为国内外学术界理论研究的焦点,更成为教育改革的路向。潮流所趋,义务工作在全球已普遍成为公民参与和实践公民责任的新策略,在校园中,结合社区服务和学习目标的[服务学习]方案,更开始蓬勃地发展。香港特别行政区政府于2000年9月公布了《香港教育制度改革建议》,落实了全面的香港教育改革。当中在新高中学制的课程中,除了于核心科目的课程部份引入了[通识教育科]外,亦于课程中增加了[其他学习经历]的组成部份,包括了德育及公民教育、社会服务、与工作有关的经验、艺术发展和体育发展。根据新高中课程结构, [其他学习经历]是三个组成部分之一,与核心及选修科目相辅相成,让学生达至全人发展。香港教育当局仿效国外教改的经验,规定高中学生须参与社会服务作为新高中课程中[I其他学习经历]的一部份,可以说是明确宣示了义务工作的价值与意义。然而,规定中学生们须参与义务工以作为新高中课程中[其他学习经历]的一部份,在香港的教育史上还是一种新生事物,在发展的进程中还存在着很多的问题。研究者相信,义务工作在香港学校的发展,既要注意借鉴西方国家的成功经验,又要发扬香港社会独特的中西文化传统,特别是在思想道德建设方面,更需要值得关注。另一方面,学校推行义务工作,亦需要做到积极稳妥,以确保其健康发展,充分发挥其蕴藏的教育功能及巨大潜能。因此,研究者期待能透过此次研究,探讨义务工作的教育功能,并着重从理论和实践两个方面详细地介绍由义务工作与学习活动结合而成的[服务学习]这种新的教育理念和方法,特别是国内外相关之经验与研究、实践方式及在实务工作如何与理论结合等。期望可将研究结果作为日后推动青少年义务工作的参考,为香港的教育改革提供可资借鉴之处。同时也为相关的后继研究提供系统、准确的参考数据。研究者期待能透过此次研究,探讨并回答的问题包括甚么是义务工作?义务工作有哪些教育功能?如何实现这些功能?学校在实施义务工作中存在什么样的问题?这些问题可如何解决?本论文由引言和正文组成。引言简单介绍了选题的背景、本研究的意义及研究方法和基本框架正文由六部分构成。第一部分主要从考察中西方义务精神的历史演变过程入手,对义务精神、义务工作等基本概念进行了定义,对义务工作的基本特点进行了归纳,并对西方国家义务工作的发展历史与现状进行了概括。第二部分从研究国内外有关义务工作的实践经验入手,对义务工作的教育功能进行了分析。第三部分是详细论述了在香港开展义务工作的历程、功能优势、历史机遇,以及香港中学生参与义务工作的现状从而作为第四部分的依据。第四部分着重了解香港的学校在实施义务工作中存在什么样的问题,而这些问题可如何解决?第五部分是结合国内外有关义务工作的实践经验,透过参与[从服务学习到通识教育计划],并仿效美国教育当局,以[服务学习]方案设计的方式,将社会服务和知识学习相结合,让学生在真实的生活情境中运用知识,并从经验的反思中获得新知识,得出启示。第六部分是结论部分,对全文的研究进行总结并提出有待解决的问题及后续研究建议。

【Abstract】 Today world is said to be changing rapidly. With the rapid development of information technology which accelerates the change, leading to the emerging of "globalization" and the advent of knowledge-based economy. New style of thinking and the tredmenous development of many new things has become the new picture of contemporary world. With the advent of the 21 st century, educationists all over the world have been facing the coming challenges of education. They have begun to develop measures and strategies to resolve the problems. In 1996, Jacques Delors, the Chairman of the International Board of Education of the UNESCO proposed an important report entitled "Learning-The Treasure Within". The report gathered opinions and comments from a number of education experts. It is based on the Commission’s research and reflection on the future challenges facing education. The report could be made available to decision makers of education in various nations all over the world as a basis for educational reform and action proposal. Accordingly, it reiterates the four pillars of education, i.e., Learning to know, Learning to do, Learning to live together and Learning to be."Learning-The Treasure Within" opens a new era for the development of lifelong learning, it also launched a new global direction and indicators of education reform.Indeed, the core issue of education reform is how to nourish our students to be capable of "living" in this rapidly changing and ever challenging society. How to help our children to become responsible citizens, be alert to the needs of others in the society and willing to serve in the community?Voluntary service is more and more widespread in the community and it gradually becomes an active force for the development of modem society. Issues related to voluntary service has increasingly become the focus of theoretical research in academic community at home and abroad. In fact, the trend of running voluntary service in the world has generally become the practice of citizen participation and civic responsibility. In schools, "service learning", the new strategy of integrating community service with the school curriculum has begun to flourish development, especially in the USA.In September,2000, The Education Commission (EC) submitted to the Government the "Reform Proposal for the Education System in Hong Kong". In his Policy Address 2000, the Chief Executive endorsed the recommendations made by the EC for reforming the education system in Hong Kong. The scope of the reform covers the curricula, the assessment mechanisms as well as the admission systems for different stages of education. The Government has published a timetable for implementing the reform measures. In December 2006, the EC issued the fourth "Progress Report on the Education Reform" providing a detailed account of the progress in the seven key areas of the education reform since its last three reports in January 2002, June 2003 and December 2004. The fourth EC reporting session was also held for various stakeholders to hear their views on the reform implementation.The implementation of a comprehensive education reform in Hong Kong, especially the New Senior Secondary (NSS) has been started in September,2009. Among the new senior secondary curriculum, in addition to some of the core curriculum subjects, a new subject named "Liberal Studies" has been introduced. In addition, the concept of "Other Learning Experiences", an integral part which include moral and civic education, social services, and work-related experiences, aesthetic and sports development has also been introduced during the reform. Under the NSS curriculum structure, "Other Learning Experiences" is regarded as one of the three components to complement the core and elective subjects for students to achieve all-round development.Education reform in Hong Kong, with reference to the experience of Western countries, introduces "Community Service" as one of the elements in "Other Learning Experiences" in the NSS curriculum. Senior secondary students are encouraged to participate in community service. It can therefore be said that a clear declaration of the value and significance of voluntary service has been strengthened. However, there are still many problems. The researchers believe that volunteer service in the development of Hong Kong schools, it is necessary to pay attention to learn from the successful experience of Western countries, but also promote Hong Kong’s unique traditional Chinese and Western cultures, especially in the ideological and moral construction, but more worthy of attention. On the other hand, for schools to organise voluntary service, they need to be actively and properly that it is necessary to ensure its healthy development and to actualize its educational function and its huge hidden potential. It is therefore worth for the researchers to study and examine the educational function of voluntary service. In addition, to focus on both theory and practice details on voluntary service and learning activities by the introduction of "service learning" in this new education concepts and methods, especially related to domestic and international experience and research, practice methods and in how to integrate theory with practices and so on. The results can be expected to promote the youth for future reference in organising voluntary service.The researchers expect that through this study and answer the questions including what is voluntary service? What are the educational function of voluntary service? How to implement these features? The implementation of voluntary service in schools what problems exist? How can these problems be resolved?This paper consists of introduction and body composition. Introduction introduces the background, the significance of this study and the research methods and basic framework of the study. The body consists of six parts. The first part investigates the concept of voluterrism in the East and West and starts the process of historical evolution of voluntary service, the spirit of the volunteerism, the basic concept of volunteerism and to define the basic characteristics of volunteer service. The second part introduces the domestic and international experience of voluntary service and from research studies, the educational function of voluntary service is analyzed. The third part is discussed in detail in the history of Hong Kong to review how voluntary service was carried out, its functional advantages, the historical opportunity. In addition, how Hong Kong secondary school students participated in voluntary service was thoroughly studied. The fourth part focuses on understanding of our work in schools in the implementation of the voluntary service and illustrates what problems exist, and how these problems can be solved? The fifth part is a combination of domestic and international experience related to volunteer service, through participation in the project, namely "From Service Learning to Liberal Studies project". The approach in which how the USA education authorities implement community service through "service learning" would be examined thoroughly. Part VI is the conclusion, summarizes the research on the text and propose issues to be addressed and future research.

  • 【分类号】G522.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】422

