

Chung Hwa Educational Review and Reform of Education in Republic of China

【作者】 喻永庆

【导师】 周洪宇;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 教育史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 《中华教育界》是我国近代教育期刊中刊行时间长、影响大的刊物之一,在中国近代教育发展过程中扮演着重要的角色。可以说,二十世纪上半叶中国教育领域的佼佼者无不在它上面留下了声音,中国教育界的每一次波动无不在它上面存有痕迹,它是中国教育发展与变革的见证者和推动者,对教育的现代化与中国化产生了不可磨灭的影响。论文通过对《中华教育界》的研究,疏理了它的内在发展纹理,再现了中国近代办刊人的生存状况与教育活动场景,探讨了近代教育期刊在教育思想、教育内容、教育方法与教育技术方面的历史功绩,这不仅能够拓展中国教育史研究视野,开辟新的研究领域,而且为当前教育期刊的健康发展与教育改革的顺利进行提供经验借鉴与历史启示。论文分为九个部分:引论部分,重点论述了选题源起与研究价值,勾画研究现状与学术动态,阐明论题内涵、研究方法与基本框架,力争对全文的构思与写作做一个宏观涵盖和概述。第一章“《中华教育界》创办动因”,主要从教育改革与发展的时代呼唤、陆费逵的教育情结、中华书局教科书编辑与发行的需要、早期中华书局同仁的共同努力等方面,多角度考察《中华教育教》创办的内外部动因。第二章“《中华教育界》的发展与运作”,该章对《中华教育界》的内在发展纹理进行了疏理,针对期刊的发展、期刊的编纂及期刊的主编、作者的一些情况进行了阐述,全面展现《中华教育界》的内部运作情况,并从其与中国教育互动发展的角度,分析了其永葆青春活力,始终站在中国教育的最前沿,为中国近代教育改革尽职尽力,并最终成为中国近代教育期刊典范的原因。第三章“《中华教育界》与民国时期教科书的发展”,以中华书局的教科书出版为例,探讨《中华教育界》与中华书局教科书编纂、出版、发行的关系,从《中华教育界》刊发最新的教科书编写法令与审定文件,规范教科书市场;广泛开展征文活动,完善教科书的编写;刊发广告,加大教科书的宣传力度;发表有关教科书研究的文章,加速教科书革新步伐等四个方面加以展开,重点研究《中华教育界》在民国时期教科书发展中扮演的历史角色与时代贡献。第四章“《中华教育界》与国家主义教育思潮的兴衰”,借助《中华教育界》中有关国家主义教育思潮的文献,系统探讨了近代国家主义教育思潮的发生、发展、消亡的实况。从国家主义教育思潮的发展轨迹,国家主义教育人员的群体及其国家主义教育思潮的主要观点与活动几个方面入手,还原近代历史上国家主义教育思潮活动的历史场景,并对当时国家主义教育思潮在当时教育中产生的影响进行客观公正的评价。第五章“《中华教育界》与道尔顿制实验的推进”,重点研究了《中华教育界》在道尔顿制实验上的影响,借助当时的其它教育类出版物,对道尔顿制在中国的发展状况、重要代表人物与实验学校进行了梳理,并对《中华教育界》在积极配合道尔顿制的输入,加快道尔顿制的宣传;大量刊发实验报告,引导道尔顿制的深入;多方面开展讨论,促进道尔顿制的健康发展;集中对道尔顿制进行反思,总结其发展历程等方面进行了诉说,深入地探讨道尔顿制在中国的传入、实验到消亡的全过程。第六章“《中华教育界》广告与民国时期教育的传播”,以《中华教育界》刊载的教育类广告为基础,探究了这些广告的种类与刊登广告的策略,并从传播学的角度探讨这些广告在民国时期教育理论与教育技术传播方面的历史功绩。第七章“《中华教育界》在民国时期教育发展中的地位与作用”,从《中华教育界》作为担当着教育发展过程中的重要信息发布平台;导引着近代教育改革的发展方向;推动着近代教育的发展三个方面对《中华教育界》在民国时期教育发展过程中的地位与作用进行评说,同时也就其对当前教育期刊与教育改革的健康发展进行了反思。余论“近代教育期刊与中国教育的现代化”,从《中华教育界》这一个案出发,对研究的主旨进行深华,探讨近代教育期刊的总的发展概况和其与中国教育的现代化的关系问题,总结近代教育期刊与中国教育发展相互促进、互相影响的时代特征。

【Abstract】 The Chung Hwa Educational Review is a long-time and more impact journal in Chinese modern education, it plays an important role in the development of modern education. the people in the field of education left a voice on it in the twentieth century, and there lives some signs in the modern education. It is the witness and facilitator in educational development and reform of the modernization of education, and made great contributions to the educational development. From the study of The Chung Hwa Educational Review, we can reorganize internal texture on the journal in Modern Education, represent the people’s living conditions and the scene in educational activities in modern Chinese journals, and explore the thinking of modern education, educational content, teaching methods educational technology and historical contribution in educational journals. It not only expands perspective in Chinese history of education, and opens up new areas, but also provides experience for reference and historical enlightenment for the healthy development of the current education journals and the smooth progress of education reform.Preface mainly discusses the topics of origins and research value, outlines the research status and academic trends, and illustrates the thesis content, research methods and the basic framework, it strives to do a cover and an overview for text and writing.Chapter one is founded motivation of The Chung Hwa Educational Review, it studies the internal and external driving forces of The Chung Hwa Educational Review in multi-angle from the era of call in educational reform and development, editor and publisher of textbooks needs, the Lu Feikui’s passion in education, the joint efforts of colleagues in the early in the Chung Hwa Book Company.Chapter two is the development and operation on The Chung Hwa Educational Review, it mainly discusses the internal development of texture from the development of journals, periodicals and journals edited compilation and the author and the reader. From the interaction perspective, the anther analyzes its eternal vigor, and always stand in the forefront of Chinese education, and become model of education journals in modern China.Chapter three is The Chung Hwa Educational Review and the development of modern textbooks. It discusses the innovations of educational content in publish Textbooks from publishing the latest act and the approval conditions, regulate the textbook market; extensively solicitation activities, improving the writing of textbooks; publishes advertisements, increasing the propaganda textbooks; researching articles published textbooks to accelerate the pace of innovation in the textbook. It plays a role in the development of contribution on The Chung Hwa Educational ReviewChapter four is The Chung Hwa Educational Review and the ideas of National Education. it researches the occurrence and development of the situation of the National Education, the ideas of National Education and activities, and gives objective and fair assessment about the National Education in the impact of education.Chapter five is The Chung Hwa Educational Review and the advancement of Dalton experiment. It discusses the development of the Dalton experimental and important the experimental schools. Such as actively cooperating with input of the Dalton to speed up the publicity of the Dalton. Guiding the Dalton from Published a large number of experimental reports to promote the healthy development of Dalton from many discussions, focusing on the Dalton to the demise of the whole process of experiment and the historical impact of a new evaluation.Chapter six is the advertisement in The Chung Hwa Educational Review and the spread of modern education. It Studies achievement in modern educational theory and technology based on types and advertising strategy of the image of the advertisement in The Chung Hwa Educational Review.Chapter seven is the overall evaluation of modern education and enlightenment, such as playing an important platform for information dissemination, guiding the development of modern education reform, and promoting the development of modern education. It gives current educational journals and reference to the reform of education.The last one is the journal of modern Education and modernization of education in China. It discusses the relationship between Journal of modern education and modernization of China. The one is the journal of modern education promote the process of modernization of Chinese education, and the other is modernization of Chinese education promote the continuous development of the journal of modern education in the mutually reinforcing processes.

  • 【分类号】G529
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1425

