

On the Rural Subsistence Security System from the Perspective of Citizen Participation

【作者】 陈治东

【导师】 刘筱红;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 行政管理, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 我国是个农业大国,我国要想保持长期稳定快速发展,农民的生存保障问题必须得以妥善解决。此问题是我国一切涉农问题的中心和基础,是压倒一切的大问题,如不妥善解决将会引起一系列的产业和社会问题。而要妥善解决则又必须从长期稳定有效上下功夫,而要实现这一目标则又惟有制度才能予以保障,即在当今建立农村居民最低生活保障制度。不是说制度一建立就万事大吉了,好的适宜的制度可以很好的解决所要解决的问题,而不好不合适宜的制度非但不能解决问题,反而还会加重或制造出新问题,因此,我国的农村最低生活保障制度必须建立在良好的适宜的基础之上我国从2007年下半年开始,在全国正式推行了农村最低生活保障制度的建设,近几年来,虽然我国各地都已全面建立了这一制度,而且这一制度也相应地发挥了作用,然而这一制度还没能达到制度设计时的要求,离党和国家的预期还存有较大的距离,还没有发挥出这一制度本身应有的作用,还需要加以研究完善。本文在梳理国内外在这一领域理论研究的基础上,依公民参与为切入点,主要运用实证的研究方法来研究我国的农村最低生活保障制度,以此让人们更清淅地了解该项制度的价值、历史脉络、建立的过程、实践的状况、存在的问题,并在此基础上分析公民参与对建立良好的农村最低生活保障制度的重要作用以及内在逻辑。本文认为研究农村最低生活保障制度的价值为:一是实现我国改善民生与社会事业战略发展的需要。农村最低生活保障制度是当今我国社会事业战略发展的一部分,并起到基础性作用。我国要想不断地全面实现社会事业战略发展的要求,则必须对农村最低生活保障制度建设加以研究,以指导它更好地完成其历史任务。二是国家发展市场经济的需要。农村最低生活保障制度是市场经济发展的必然产物,国家要发展市场经济就必须得处理好农民问题,即找出国家一市场一农民之间的平衡点,而这个平衡点就是研究并建立良好的农村最低生活保障制度。三是城市化进程加快的需要。城市化进程的加快必然会带来大量的农民失去赖以生存的土地,而要解决好这一矛盾,其根本方法就是建立良好的农村最低生活保障制度,使失地的农民不再恐慌,使城市化和工业化进程平稳快速健康发展。四是消除城乡二元分割结构的需要。城乡二元分割的现实结构已严重影响了当今经济社会的发展,而研究建立良好的农村最低生活保障制度则能够加快消除这一结构。五是扶贫脱贫的需要。当传统的扶贫开发手段应用到一定的程度之后,便失去了它全面应用的价值,这时有必要从制度性的层面转变扶贫,而这一制度性安排就是研究建立良好兜底的农村最低生活保障制度。六是国家返补农民的需要。农民为了国家的发展作出了巨大牺牲,当国家发展到了一定程度的时候,即使国家还不能给予农民太多,但至少应该给予农民相应的补偿,即研究建立良好的农村最低生活保障制度。七是社会公平正义的需要。农民为国家的发展作出了巨大贡献,然而他们却没有较好地分享发展的成果,这有失社会的公平正义,而要实现这一公平正义则要建立良好的农村最低生活保障制度。八是维护共和国宪法权威的需要。我国宪法对农民在生活困难时的生存权利作出了规定,然而要落实这一规定必须要有一个具体的政策载体,否则,就无法予以实现而有损宪法权威,而研究建立良好的农村最低生活保障制度则可以展现宪法道义,宏扬宪法精神,落实宪法规定,维护宪法权威。九是社会和谐发展的需要。我国是一个农业大国,农业人口占我国总人口的绝对多数,农民对国家的亲和力和凝聚力非常重要,它关系到国家的安稳和谐。我国要想始终保持社会和谐发展,研究建立良好地农村最低生活保障制度则是件绝对不容忽视的事情。十是建立完善农村社会保障制度的需要。农村最低生活保障是农村社会保障体系中最低层次的保障,是农民的最后一道生存安全保护网。只有优先建立农村最低生活保障制度,农村社会保障体系的基础才能得以巩固。因此,要建立完善的农村社会保障制度必须首先要研究建立良好的农村最低生活保障制度。本文认为到目前为止,我国关于农村最低生活保障制度的研究整体上还处于初级阶段,大都宽泛浮于面上且又重复性研究,在这一研究领域还存在着许多空白,尤其是缺乏系统而又深入地研究。可以说,我国关于这一领域的研究,距达到完善的阶段还需要很长的路要走,从起始——发展——完善任重而道远。本文对如何完善现实中的农村最低生活保障制度进行了理论假设,并通过实证以及农村最低生活保障制度的政策过程来予以求证或推论。本项研究的总体结构框架共分为两大部分:导论与主体。文章除导论外其主体又分为六个章节,其中第六章既具有二至五章的论述形式,又具有对全文总体结论的功能。论文的第一章阐释了对农村最低生活保障制度予以探索研究的理论支撑及其运作模型。即以农村最低生活保障制度制定的不同阶段程序(纵向步骤)为纵向研究的行动线,以农村最低生活保障制度政策制定不同阶段的公民参与程度为横向研究线,即以一纵一横所形成的“十字形”为主体的农村最低生活保障制度研究框架,并在此基础上设以其他理论作为辅助研究线,进而形成一个浑然一体的农村最低生活保障制度整体研究。论文的第二章、第三章、第四章、第五章、第六章分别按照政策过程程序对我国农村最低生活保障制度进行了系统的客观展示,并在各个政策环节展开了公民参与情况的实证分析,其中第六章又对全文实施了总结,进行了规范性理论分析,指出了我国农村最低生活保障制度建设与政府、公民行为之间的逻辑关系。本文认为政府的独角戏行为以及有效公民参与行为的严重缺失,是造成当今我国农村最低生活保障制度,在现实执行中出现这样或那样问题的根源。应该说政府行为与有效公民参与是我国农村最低生活保障制度良好建设的两大基本因素,两者缺一不可。同时,在这一章还就我国农村最低生活保障制度的未来发展与研究进行了展望。本文试图努力实现以下方面的创新:一是本文运用典型个案研究,即通过对商丘市农村最低生活保障制度的供给、运作、绩效等方面进行考察,以及深入、细致、全面的展现与阐释,并从中梳理出带有普遍性意义的理念。如果说个案研究被应用于公共管理学当中是一种特色的话,那么本文的这种典型个案研究运用在农村最低生活保障方面,则在当今的公共管理学研究当中,应还具有一定的独到之处;二是本文把农村最低生活保障制度置于公民参与的视角下在这一状态中偿试运用以管理学为主体,辅以政治学、经济学、社会学、法学等多种学科对我国农村最低生活保障制度进行研究;三是通过实证的研究方法,回答在特色社会主义市场经济条件下,中国农村最低生活保障制度应该如何建立;四是通过这项研究能比较清淅地厘清共和国建立以后,我国农村最低生活保障制度萌芽、产生、建立的来龙去脉和发展、完善的方向标,以及其理论思想基础。努力深层、系统、全面、完整地展现我国农村最低生活保障制度建设的脉络,力求超越以往各占一方、点面两隔、珍珠散落式的不相完整的研究态势,并力求在专述上有所贡献;五是在对于未来农村最低生活保障制度的构建方向上,本文引入网络化治理理念,这可能是对其建设的有益开拓性探索。六是运用从下到上和从上到下两者混合的研究方式,动态的去触及我国农村最低生活保障制度建设的问题。特别是在从下到上的方式中运用了从事物的最低部往上或者说是从社会草根的最基本部、最低触须部位向上进行的方式。

【Abstract】 China is a large agricultural nation. If our country intends to maintain a long-term, stable and rapid development, the farmers’ subsistence security should be dealt with properly as it is the center and the foundation of all agriculture-related problems. If it cannot be resolved properly, it will lead to a series of industrial and social problems. Therefore, our nation must set up the rural subsistence security system to guarantee the farmer’s minimum living standard.It is not to say that everything will be fine after the system was established. Only good and suitable system can solve the problem well. However, far from solving the problem, bad and unsuitable system will increase or create new problems. So the subsistence security system in our country must be built on good and suitable foundation.Since the second half of 2007, our country has formally carried out the establishment of the rural subsistence security system in the whole country. Although this system has been established comprehensively in the whole country and played a role correspondingly, it has been unable to meet the requirements put forward when it was designed and has been far from the expectation of our party and nation. It still needs to be studied and perfected.Basing on the carding of the theoretical research of this field at home and abroad and with the citizen participation as the breakthrough, this dissertation mainly uses the method of empirical method to study our nation’s rural subsistence security system, which makes people understand the value, historical context, the process of establishment, the practical condition and the existing problems of this system more clearly. Thus we can analyze the significant functions and internal logic that citizen participation has played in establishing a good rural subsistence security system.This dissertation argues that the values of studying the rural subsistence security system are as follows:firstly, it meets the demands of realizing the improve people’s livelihood and the strategic development of social undertakings, as the system is a part of them in modern times. To implement the needs of strategic development of social undertakings constantly and comprehensively, our country must work hard on the construction of rural subsistence security system, which thus directs it to accomplish its historical task better. Secondly, it meets our nation’s demands of developing market economy. The rural subsistence security system is the inevitable outcome of the development of market economy. In order to develop the market economy, our country has to deal with farmer’s issues, namely striking for a balance among country, market and farmers. And the balance is based on the study and establishment of a good rural subsistence security system. Thirdly, it meets the demands of speeding up the urbanization process. The acceleration of urbanization process is bound to make a lot of farmers losing the land that they live on. And the basic approach to solve this problem is to establish a good rural subsistence security system so as to make the land-lost peasants no longer feel frightened and make the urbanization and industrialization process develop steadily, rapidly and healthily. Fourthly, it meets the demands of eliminating the segmentation of urban-rural dualistic structure. The practical structure of urban-rural dualistic segmentation has seriously affected today’s development of economic society. And the study and establishment of a good rural subsistence security system can accelerate to eliminate this structure. Fifthly, it meets the demands of alleviating poverty and escaping from poverty. When the conventional development-oriented poverty alleviation method has applied to a certain extent, it will lose its value of comprehensive application. Then it is necessary to transit the way of poverty alleviation from the institutional perspective, that is, to study and establish a good rural subsistence security system. Sixthly, it meets the demands of country’s compensation for farmers. Although our country cannot give farmers too much when it developed to a certain extent, but at least it should give farmers corresponding compensation, namely the study and establishment of a good rural subsistence security system, as they have sacrificed a great deal for the development of our country. Seventhly, it meets the demand of social fairness and justice. Farmers have made great contributions to the development of our nation. But they haven’t share the achievement of the development well, which does not match the social fairness and justice. And the way to achieve the fairness and justice is to study and establish a good rural subsistence security system. Eighthly, it meets the demand of retaining the authority of the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China. The Constitution provides farmer’s right to live when life is difficult. However, there must be a concrete policy carrier to carry out the provisions, otherwise, it will fail to achieve the Constitution’s authority and impair its authority. And the study and establishment of a good rural subsistence security system can unfold the constitution’s morality and justice and carry forward the spirit of the constitution. It can also carry out the provisions and retain the authority of the Constitution. Ninthly, it meets the demand of harmonious development of society. China is a large agricultural nation and the agricultural population accounts for an absolute majority of the total population, so farmer’s affinity and cohesive force to the country is very important as it relates to the country’s stability and harmony. To maintain harmonious development of the society, the study and establishment of a good rural subsistence security system is a thing that can never be neglected. Tenthly, it meets the demand of establishing and perfecting the social security system. The rural subsistence security system is the lowest level of protection among the rural social security systems. It is the last protecting net of life safety. Only by establishing the rural subsistence security system at first can the basis of the social security systems in rural areas be consolidated. Therefore, in order to establish and perfect the social security systems, we must study and establish a good rural subsistence security system at first.This dissertation argues that China’s researches on its rural subsistence security system is still at a primary stage on the whole at present. Most of these researches are considered to be broad and repetitive. There are still many blank in this research field, especially being lack of systematic and in-depth research. In other words, our country’s research on this field still has a long way to go to achieve perfection.This dissertation discusses how to improve the rural subsistence security system in theory. It justifies and deduces theoretical assumptions through empirical evidence and policy process of rural subsistence security system. The study’s overall structure frame is divided into two parts:an introduction and its subject. Besides its introduction, the whole article consists of six chapters, of which the sixth chapter both has the demonstrational form with 2 to 5 chapters and generalizes the overall dissertation.The first chapter illustrates the theory support for exploration on rural subsistence security system and its operational model. With different stages of rural subsistence security system’s formulation (longitudinal steps) as longitudinal research line and citizen participation degree in various stages of rural subsistence security system formulation as horizontal research line, this dissertation takes the rural subsistence security system, of which the "cross-shaped" structure formed by the vertical and horizontal as its main body, as its research framework. And through taking other theories as auxiliary research line upon this basis, it completes an integrated rural subsistence security system research as a whole.The second chapter to the sixth chapter respectively works out a systematic objective display of rural subsistence security system in accordance with the policy process. And these chapters also launch an empirical analysis of citizen participation in each policy link. The sixth chapter generalizes the whole dissertation and makes a normative theory analysis, pointing out the logical relationship between rural subsistence security system construction, government and citizen behavior. This dissertation holds that government dominating behavior and serious lack of effective citizen participation are the root of various problems arising in the real execution of our country’s current rural subsistence security system. It should be mentioned that government behavior and effective citizen participation are the two basic inseparable elements contributing to a good construction of our country’s rural subsistence security system. Meanwhile, this chapter also prospects the future development and researches of our country’s rural subsistence security system. This dissertation tries to achieve the innovation from following aspects:firstly, this dissertation studies on typical case. To be specifically, it drafts ideas of universal significance through making an investigation as well as in-depth, detailed and comprehensive display and interpretation on the supply, operations and performance of Shangqiu rural subsistence security system. If the application of case study in Science of Public Management can be a sort of characteristic, then this dissertation’s application of typical case study in rural subsistence security system researches should also has its certain originality. Secondly, this dissertation investigates the rural subsistence security system from the perspective of citizen participation. Along with this, it attempts to study rural subsistence security system under the direction of taking Science of Public Management as the main body while blending it together with various subjects such as Politics, Economics and Sociology, Law, Literature, etc. Thirdly, it replies how to establish China’s rural subsistence security system under the condition of socialist market economy through empirical research method. Fourthly, we can obtain a clarified illustration about the ins and outs of rural subsistence security system’s germination, emergence and foundation, guiding landmark of its development and perfection as well as its theory ideological basis since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. This dissertation endeavors to gain a deep, systematic, comprehensive and overall demonstration about the rural subsistence security system; to transcend the once isolated and separated research situation which just likes scattering pearls; and to make a contribution to academy. Fifthly, it introduces network management concept to the future construction of the rural subsistence security system, which may be a beneficial and pioneering exploration in this field. Sixthly, it applies bottom-up and up-bottom researches dynamically to probes into the construction issues of rural subsistence security system in our country. Especially it applies the skills of exploring from the minimum parts of things or from the most basic social grassroots and its minimum department to its top in the bottom-up method.


