

Research on the Theme of the New Century Rural Novel

【作者】 王华

【导师】 张卫中;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文题为《新世纪乡村小说主题研究》,是以2000年至2009年间发表出版的乡村生活小说为研究对象,主要采用文学批评的社会学分析法与作品细读的方法,参照比较八十年代、九十年代的乡村小说主题,着重归纳和梳理新世纪乡村小说的几种主要的主题指向变化,并探讨它有何变化以及发生变化的原因等问题,旨在通过与八九十年代乡村小说主题的比较,指出新世纪乡村小说主题的新变。论文共分五个部分,各部分主要内容如下:绪论部分主要介绍本论题的研究现状,界定了“乡村小说”与“主题”的概念,并阐述了新世纪乡村小说主题变化的历史语境以及本文思路框架。对于文学作品中的乡村的解读,诸多研究者从不同的角度提出、界定了“乡土文学”、“农村题材小说”、“新乡土小说”、“乡村小说”等概念。本文在对各个概念进行对比后,选择采用“乡村小说”这一涵盖性较强的概念来涵括它们。“乡村小说”这一批评概念的内涵界定为“乡土和农村”,可以清楚的看到“乡村小说”与“新乡土小说”概念相比,除同样具有与传统的继承性,还具有与传统的断裂性。对“主题”概念的辨析首先介绍西方传统的主题概念演变,其次是主题概念在中国的流变史。由此来界定文学作品的主题不仅包括文学话语的谈论对象,也包括文学话语本身所显示的核心意味。参照八九十年代乡村小说主题,新世纪乡村小说主题具有哪些新的元素?相同主题下有什么不同意蕴和内涵?笔者正是带着这样的问题来确立论文的思路框架。本文拟探讨新世纪乡村小说三大主题的变化:以八九十年代乡村小说为参照对象,结合相关的文学作品,对乡村现状的观照、传统文化的反思、家园意识三大主题在新世纪有何变化进行详细论述,同时还比较新世纪作家对同一主题的不同表达。上述三个主题构成论文的三章。第一章集中论述新世纪乡村小说对乡村现代化现状的观照。首先比较新世纪乡村小说对八九十年代乡村现状的批判与反思这一主题继承与拓展。新世纪作家在继承八九十年代的乡村权力批判基础上,批判权力之恶,对权力的批判从官员道德批判延伸到体制批判与官本位文化的批判。其次新世纪作家在反思八九十年代“国民性批判”主题基础上,从宏观政治批判转向微观政治批判,从抽象的国民性批判转向塑造国民性的乡村日常生活批判,拓展了国民性批判主题的内涵;新世纪作家对国民性的批判集中在人际关系、亲密关系批判上:作家在反思贫穷、富裕、道德与欲望问题的同时,思考现代化进程中人的现代化问题。再次新世纪作家除继承八九十年代城乡主题中城乡对立主题外,开始转向城乡互补、城乡融合的主题创作上第二章集中讨论新世纪作家对乡村传统文化的反思。新世纪作家在继承了八十年代乡村小说的文化危机、九十年代乡村小说的文化冲突创作主题基础上,创作重点转向思考现代民族文化建构这一文化主题上。新世纪乡村小说建构现代民族文化的思路主要有:一是批判现代文化、哀悼乡村传统文化的没落;二是传统文化的现代化;三是乡村文化的重建。作为新世纪出现的热点生态文化主题,本论文主要探讨作家对现代生态文化的批判和对传统生态文化的发掘和继承。第三章集中讨论新世纪乡村小说重建家园的主题。新世纪作家在贴近城乡现实的基础上,思考如何重建城乡家园。在乡村家园重建问题上,作家主要关注乡村现代主体生成、现状、处境、前景等问题。在城市家园重建问题上,作家主要反思城市批判、提倡在乡村城镇化、城市乡村化的基础上,最终实现城乡融合。结语部分简要探讨新世纪乡村小说主题变化的原因以及其文学意义。

【Abstract】 The title of this paper is Research on the theme of the New Century Rural novel,and its objects are about rural life between 2000 and 2009.Mainly applied with the sociological analysis research methods of literary criticism and closly read the text ofthe ways, comparing the rural theme of the novel between eighties.nineties years and the New era, this paper concentrates on induction and comb changes of the several main themes of new century rural novels as well as issues to explore how those changes and the reasons for changes, this paper points out that new changes of the theme of the new century novel to comparison of rural theme of the novel through the eighties, nineties.This paoer is divided into five parts and the main ideas of each part are as follows:The introduction mainly describes a brief review of the research status of this theme, defines the concept of Village Novel and Theme, and described changes of the theme of the new century rural novel’s historical context and the framework of this paper. As for the understanding of the of the rural’s interpretation in literature,many researchers put forward concepts from different angles,defines Local Literature, Village Novel, New Novels, Village Novel and so on.This paper concludes them with a covering term--Village Novel after making comparison the concepts of above. The critical concept of Village Novel is defined as Local and Rural Areas, we can clearly see Village Novel than New Novels, in addition to equally traditional inheritance, also has the traditional the cracking resistance.The Theme firstly introduced the concept of evolution of the Western tradition, followed by the theme of the history of Evolution in China. Which to define the theme of literary works, not only including the literary discourse’s object, but also including the core content means of literary discourse itself.We compared the rural novel in the eighties and nineties and the new century, what the theme of the rural novel in new country has new elements? What is the different mean under the same theme?The framework of this paper is constructed in answering those questions.This paper discussed three themes’changes of the rural novel in the new century:from the contemplation of the rural situation, the traditional culture of reflection and the awareness of their homes in the new century of three major themes discussed in detail what changes, while still relatively new century writers differently expressed on the same subject,as a reference country fiction the eighties and nineties and combining the relevant literature. The three themes constitute the three chapters of this paper.The first chapter discusses reflection of the status quo of the rural novel in the new century.Firstly,this paper compares theme of criticism and reflect on the rural status of inheritance and development in the new century rural novel and eighties,nineties rural novel.Writers in the new century critique power of evil, and the critique power extended to the criticism of official standard and the institutional culture of critique,who based on succession of the critique of rural power in the eighties and nineties.Secondly,writers in the new century shift from macro-micro-political criticism to political criticism, from the national abstract criticism to shape the national character of the rural critique of Everyday Life, expand the theme of the National Critical connotation,who based on reflect on theme of National Critique in the eighties and nineties. The national criticism of writers in the new century focused on relationships, intimacy criticism, poverty and reflected issues of prosperity, moral and desire and the human thinking process of modernization modernization.Thirdly,writers in the new century turn to complementary urban and rural areas, rural and urban integration of the theme creation, in addition to inheriting the opposition’s theme of urban and rural in the eighties and nineties.The second chapter focuses on the rural traditional culture’s reflection in the new century. Writers in the new century the focus turned to thinking about cultural integration of this topic,who based on inherited the theme of cultural crisis of the rural novel in eighties, and the theme of cultural conflict of the rural novel in nineties. The New Century Rural Cultural Integration’s ideas:First, it is the critique of modern culture and mourning the decline of rural traditional culture; Second, it is the modernization of traditional culture; Third, it is the reconstruction of rural culture.As emerging themes in the new century, the paper focuses on ecological culture reflection of modern culture and carry forward the traditional ecological and cultural inheritance.The third chapter mainly focuses on the theme of rebuilding home in the new century rural novel.Writers think how to rebuild the urban and rural homes who close to on the basis of urban and rural reality in the new century.About rebuilding their homes in the rural, the writers focus on issues of generating rural modern subject, status, prospects and so on.About rebuilding their homes in the city, the writers based on reflect on the major urban criticism, advocates of cities and villages, promote the urban-rural integration.Conclusion,it focuses on the reasons for rural novel theme of changes and its literary significance in the new century.

  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1653

