

The Collections Explanations of Bamboo Slips’ of Qin

【作者】 夏利亞

【导师】 詹鄞鑫;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 漢語言文字學, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文旨在封目前所见所有秦简牍文字进行集释,限於时间,僅完成《睡虎地秦墓竹简》(除日书)部分,餘简存目。《睡虎地秦墓竹简》指的是1975年12月湖北省云夢县睡虎地11号秦墓出土的1155枚(另有残片80片)竹筒,4号墓出土的雨件寫有家害的木牘。这些筒牘保存较好,字跡清晰,只有少数残断。简文为墨书秦隸,有的雨面均有墨书文字,大部分只害於篾黄上,内容涉及常时政治、经济、罩事、文化等各个方面,有重要的史料价值和研究意羲。本文以《睡虎地秦墓竹筒》文字为研究封象,以整理小组的注、译为依托,盡可能窮盡性地搜集各家成果,封《睡虎地秦墓竹筒》文字进行集释。集释充分吸收《睡虎地秦墓竹筒》出土以来褚学者的考释意见和成果,并在此基础上,封这些成果中有争议部分、可疑的整理小组的注、译给出商榷意见。在笺证中,除把《睡虎地秦墓竹筒》文字放在目前可见的十一种秦筒中进行宏观考察外,还结合傅世文献、其它出土實物或年代接近的汉筒来确定字句的含羲。使考释结论不僅能够在典籍上找到依据,更能在同畴代的出土文献上得到補充和验证。全文共分十三章。第一章为绪输。指出本文的研究封象及范围,介绍了新中国成立后所见的十一种秦筒,回顾研究现状并综述其研究成果,最后说明選题意羲和方法。第二章为集释,是本文的主体,包括说明和集释雨部分。前者封集释的结构体例、释文、註释、引文及有阴筒稻作了相關说明。后者是全文的主斡,以校封后的《睡虎地秦墓竹筒》文字为研究封象,封目前学界关于《睡虎地秦墓竹筒》文字的考释意见和成果盡可能完备地收集、整理,并结合傅世文献及其它秦筒或年代相近的汉筒等相關材料,封各家歧说进行评述。较畏的输述统一安排在第三章祥细输证,本章按语僅给出结输。第三章为注译商兑。分为十二节,分别封《睡虎地秦墓竹筒》中有争议的31个问题提出了较祥细的商榷意见,是第二章按捂的阐发。附錄部分包括《睡虎地秦墓竹筒》所见地名、山名、郡名梳理和索引;《睡虎地秦墓竹筒》释文、註释勘误;十种秦筒的读为字表和異体字表。第四章到第十三章为存目的秦筒。

【Abstract】 The dissertation aims to explain all bamboo slips of Qin that we can see until now, limited time, only completed " Bamboo slips of Shuihudi tomb of Qin Dynasty " (except Rishu), others has only catalog.Character that Bamboo slips of Shuihudi tomb of Qin refers to 1155 bamboo slips of No.11 tomb of Yunmeng Country, Hubei Province in December 1975,and two wooden slips written letter unearthed No.4.The slips preserved well, and characters is clearly,only a few torn. The characters belong to Clerical that was written in ink, some slips have characters both sides, which most of them written only on the inner skin of a bamboo stem, covering of the political, economic、military and cultural aspects, has important historical value and significance.The purpose of this dissertation is collected explanations characters of Bamboo Slips of Shuihudi tomb of Qin, it is done that takes the characters of Bamboo Slips of Shuihudi Tomb of Qin as research object, depends on notes and translation of the organize groups, and collect exhaustive as possible to various views. Then give some ourselves views to those disputed ideas、both suspicious notes and translation of the finishing group. In annotation, in addition to macro study by put the characters of Bamboo Slips of Shuihudi into others ten kinds of Qin bamboo slips currently visible,and determine the meaning of words by combination of literature, unearthed objects or the Han Dynasty that time close to Qin slips of Shuihudi. Which make conclusions of explanation that can not only found basis in the scriptures but also supplemented and verified in the contemporary literatures显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音The paper contains thirteen chapters and an appendix as follows.Chapter one is an introduction, Points out that the object of study and scope of this paper, and introduces eleven kinds of Bamboo slips of Qin after the new China was founded, reviews their history of study and summarizes its results, finally, provides an explanation in significance and methods of the dissertation字典-查看字典详细内容 Chapter two is collect explanations; it is the main body of this paper, including both descriptions and collect explanations. The former provide some descriptions on the style of the structure, annotations, comments, quotations and relevant abbreviation. The latter is the main part of the paper, it takes the characters of Bamboo Slips of Shuihudi tomb of Qin as the research object, collect and arrange completely as possible the ideas and advices of the current scholars on it, and then provides some remark to some discrepancies by connection with literatures and others related materials of the Qin bamboo slips or others Han Dynasty that age-related. The longer is discussed in detail in the third chapter; notes of the chapter provide only the conclusions.Chapter three is note discuss. It is divided into twelve pairs and then discussed 31 disputed issues and provided in detail some opinions; it is a added of the conclusion of the Chapter two.The appendix includes arrangement of place name, mountain names, counties name and index of the Bamboo Slips of Shuihudi tomb of Qin; Corrigendum on the annotations and explanation Bamboo Slips of Shuihudi tomb of Qin; and Interchangeable characters and variant tables of the ten kinds of Bamboo slips of Qin.Chapter four to chapter thirteen belongs to Qin bamboo slips that only catalog.

  • 【分类号】H131
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1108

