

【作者】 宫正

【导师】 李东朗;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 中共党史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 中医是人类医学史上的一朵奇葩,是中国传统文化的重要组成部分。中医在漫长的历史长河中为中华民族的生命健康和繁衍生息做出了巨大的贡献。但是在近代以来,随着“西学东渐”,科学对中国的影响日益加深,甚至出现了将科学视为评价万物的唯一标准,科学主义抬头。在这种情况下,中医的理论基础和思维方式受到了极大的挑战。从晚清以来就有了歧视中医的社会思潮,中医在民国时期面临了被官方废止的危机。新中国成立后,中医政策也经历了戏剧性的变化。新世纪以来,对中医的争论并未结束,中医发展现状依然堪忧。如何正确认识中医,如何制定合理的中医政策来推动中医事业发展就成为中国政府必须关注的问题。本文旨在对新中国中医方针政策的变迁进行历史分析,以有助于当今中医事业的健康发展。文章由序言、正文五章和结束语组成。序言首先概括了中医具有的三个价值,即:中医在历史和现实中为保障中华民族的生命健康和繁衍兴旺做出了巨大的贡献;中医以其显著的特色为人类生命科学的探索乃至人类文明的发展提供了有益的启示;中医对继承和弘扬中国传统文化意义重大。然后介绍了本文的选题意义,即总结历史经验教训,制定更加合理的中医政策推动中医事业的健康发展。序言部分还介绍了本课题的研究现状、本文的几个概念界定、研究思路以及创新之处。第一章是新中国中医方针政策的历史渊源。主要论述了新中国成立以前的中医事业。第一节重点介绍中医在晚清以来面临的重重危机,这种危机来自两面,一方面是来自思想界的轻视和歧视,另一方面是来自民国政府当局的限制。本节还对中医近代以来受到歧视和限制,面临危机的原因进行了分析。第二节主要介绍中国共产党在新民主主义革命时期的中医工作,一方面中国共产党在医疗工作中广泛使用中医药,重视中医药。另一方面,中国共产党在中医工作中形成了初步的中医政策,对新中国成立后的中医政策的制定和发展产生了重要的影响。第二章是“中医科学化”政策的实践。本章主要介绍了“中医科学化”政策的制定过程,并对制定过程中存在的问题进行了分析。其次介绍了“中医科学化”政策的具体展开,主要包括两个方面:中医进修和中医科研。然后对“中医科学化”政策从整体上进行了分析和评价,一方面看到制定该政策的历史必然性和积极意义,另一方面也分析了该政策在具体执行过程中出现的偏差和错误。其问题主要表现在三个方面:第一是在医学界,包括卫生部门的个别领导还存在着歧视中医的错误思想。第二是在中医进修过程中只注重让中医学习西医课程,而忽视了对中医学术的学习,这就导致了中医西医化的倾向。第三是在对中医的执业和考试管理制度中采取了一系列脱离实际的规定,加剧了中医事业的危机。第三章是中医政策的大转折。本章首先分析了中医政策实现大转折的经过,即中央决策层发现问题,卫生部门初步调整,政治批判根本转折三个步骤。然后论述了在中医政策实现转折后,在实践中予以贯彻落实的具体内容,主要从三个方面介绍:一、“西医学习中医”工作的开展。二、中医研究院的成立。三、中医教育工作的加强,其主要表现为中医学院的创办和中医带徒工作的加强。第四章是“中西医结合”方针的制定和实施。首先介绍了“中西医结合”方针提出和形成的过程,并分析了“中西医结合”工作中出现的“左”的偏差。还有“中西医结合”中存在的中医西医化的倾向。然后重点介绍了中医工作在“文革”期间的概况,一方面“文革”给中医工作带来了消极影响,另一方面由于中医工作特殊性,在“文革”中也取得了一定的成绩。再次介绍了“中西医结合”工作取得的重大成就。第五章是“中西医并重”方针的形成和发展。本章首先论述了新时期中医政策的发展过程,并认为逐渐注重中医自身特色是新时期中医政策的一个显著标志。接下来又分析了新时期中医工作中体现的三个特点:注重法制建设;紧密联系改革开放;更加注重中医科研工作。再次,从正反两方面分析了新时期以来中医事业取得成绩和面临的挑战。在结束语中,论述了对新中国中医政策变迁进行考察后获得的启示和思考。启示主要有四点:一、要正确处理政治和学术的关系;二、全面认识科学,处理好继承与创新的关系。三、制定政策要实事求是,依据具体国情。四、要正确对待传统文化。最后又根据历史经验教训,提出了关于当前中医政策的两点思考。一是要注重中医人才的培养,二是要加大对中医文化的宣传。

【Abstract】 Traditional Chinese medicine is a wonderful work in the medical history of humankind. Traditional Chinese medicine is also an important part of Chinese traditional culture, and it has made great contributions to the health of Chinese people and has made Chinese people multiply and live. However, since the year of 1840, an epoch of "Dissemination of Western Learning to the Orient" has arrived. The science had exercised a great influence over Chinese society. Someone even hold science as the sole criterion for testing truth. Under such circumstance, the theory and the mode of thinking of traditional Chinese medicine was faced with tremendous challenge. There was ideological trend which discriminate against traditional Chinese medicine since the late Qing Dynasty. The doctors of traditional Chinese medicine were almost be barred from practicing in the period of the Republic of China. After the foundation of new China, the policies of traditional Chinese medicine had witnessed a dramatic turn. Since the beginning of the new century, the dispute about traditional Chinese medicine was remain the same. The current situation of traditional Chinese medicine was beyond optimism. So the Chinese government must pay a great attention to the the policies of traditional Chinese medicine. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the history of the policies of traditional Chinese medicine in new China so as to to ensure a sound development of traditional Chinese medicine.The thesis consists of foreword, main part(fIve chapters)and concluding remarks.The foreword sums up the values of traditional Chinese medicine, Firstly, traditional Chinese medicine has made great contribution to the health of Chinese people, Secondly, the unique traditional Chinese medicine provides life sciences with revelation enlightenment, Thirdly, traditional Chinese medicine is the key to understand and preserve Chinese traditional culture. Then, the foreword briefly introduces the significance of choosing this topic. In the last, the foreword also gives an overview of the research situation of this subject, the definition of some concepts , the framework of this thesis and the innovations of this thesis. Chapter 1 is the historical origin of the the policies of traditional Chinese medicine in new China.This chapter mainly described the crisis of traditional Chinese medicine in the period of the Republic of China,and analyzed the root causes of this crisis. Then this chapter gived an overview of the practice of traditional Chinese medicine in the revolutionary base areas led by CCP. In this period CCP made much account of traditional Chinese medicine, and had made some progress in the policy-making of traditional Chinese medicine, which was the foundation of the policies in new China.Chapter 2 is the practice of“scientification of traditional Chinese medicine”. This chapter described the decision-making process of“scientification of traditional Chinese medicine”,and then introduce two major parts of this policy, that is refresher training for doctors of traditional Chinese medicine and scientific research of traditional Chinese medicine. The second half of this chapter analyzed the policy of“scientification of traditional Chinese medicine”, and pointed out that this policy has positive significance for traditional Chinese medicine, but at the same time there were many shortcomings during the course of implementation of this policy, which made traditional Chinese medicine come to a serious crisis.Chapter 3 is the Great change of the policies of traditional Chinese medicine. This chapter described the three stages in the process of change.Then mainly described the main four parts of the new policy of traditional Chinese medicine after turning. That is”let the doctors of western medicine study traditional Chinese medicine”; the foundation of Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine; strengthen the education of traditional Chinese medicine.Chapter 4 is the making and practicing of“Chinese and Western Integrative Medicine”principle. This chapter described the process of the making of“Chinese and Western Integrative Medicine”principle, and then analyzed the "Left" mistakes in this principle and the tendency of“westernization of traditional Chinese medicine”. Then this chapter described the general situation of traditional Chinese medicine during the the period of Cultural Revolution.In the next part of this chapter two important achievements of“Chinese and western Integrative medicine”were diaplayed, which was the discovery of acupuncture anesthesia and artemisinine.Chapter 5 is the policies of traditional Chinese medicine in the new period.At first this chapter described the progress of the policies of traditional Chinese medicine., and pointed out that pay attention to emphasize the particularity of traditional Chinese medicine is a remarkable feature in the policies of the new period. Next this chapter pointed out that there are three features in the practice of traditional Chinese medicine in this period.That is pay attention to legality construction; be responsive to reform and opening-up; pay more attention to the scientific research of traditional Chinese medicine. Then this chapter made some evaluation about the achievements and shortcomings of the policies of this period. In the last part of this chapter, some suggestions were proposed based on the historical experience and the realistic national conditions.The concluding remarks deals with revelations and reflexions of this research subject,and the revelations were: adhering to the policy of "letting a hundred schools of thought contend"; straighten out the relationship between inheritance and innovation; being realistic when making the policies; adopting a correct attitude towards Chinese traditional culture. In the last, two reflexions were raiseed based on the historical experience and the realistic national conditions.

  • 【分类号】R197.1
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1119

