

【作者】 陆胜利

【导师】 张伯里;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 政治经济学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 能源的广泛深入的使用是现代文明的重要特征,能源的大量使用促进人类文明的发展,也使人类的生存面临严峻的形势,能源问题已经成为影响经济社会发展的重要问题,在经历多次能源危机的冲击之后,世界主要国家都把能源安全战略作为国家安全战略的重要组成部分。能源安全是整个国家安全体系中极其重要组成部分,在当今经济全球化时代国家安全体现在保护经济发展的速度稳定性和发展的可持续性上,而能源安全是经济安全的重要保证。能源安全主要是指在合理的价格水平上,可获得的能源的数量和质量以及结构上能够保障可持续发展的需要,生产和使用能源造成的危害在可以接受的范围内。论文研究了能源安全的内涵与外延,维护能源安全的主要内容,在当今经济全球化的条件下能源安全形势面临的特点,能源安全与经济安全和国家安全关系等,在世界经济一体化的背景下研究能源安全。传统能源最终将消耗殆尽,人类的发展将最终依靠新能源,论文特别强调新能源对于能源安全的重要性。论文研究了世界主要能源消费国与生产国的能源安全战略,选取了具有代表性的且与中国面临相似的能源禀赋的美国和欧盟,与中国接壤并且是中国重要的能源供应国俄罗斯、与中国同处东亚的日本,研究分析了它们面临的各自不同的能源安全环境以及所采取具有各自特色的能源安全战略,以期为中国的能源安全战略的制定提供可以借鉴的国际经验。中国经过改革开放30多年的快速发展已经成为世界第二大经济体,经济社会的发展对能源的依赖加大。2010年中国的能源消费总量大体与美国相当,中国能源安全存在的隐患主要包括:整个能源的使用效率低;消费结构不尽合理,能源的消费主要以煤炭为主;石油对外依存度2010年已经达到55%等。中国正进入一个加速工业化和城镇化的阶段,伴随着人民生活水平的提高,对能源的依赖性将不断提高。维护中国的能源安全将面临着复杂的国内外形势,论文对中国能源安全体系建设提出了建议,如加速以产业结构的调整为中心促进能源效率的提高;完善能源市场体系建设,合理的能源价格配置能源,利用石油期货市场转移价格波动的风险;完善中国的能源储备体系建设,减轻短期冲击对能源安全的危害;运用综合措施保证中国能源的运输通道安全;加强能源领域的双边与多边国际合作,使得能源来源多元化;与国际能源组织加强合作,共同维护世界能源安全。特别强调加强新能源的开发利用对于中国经济社会发展的重要性,促进新能源的开发利用。

【Abstract】 Extensive using energy is an important characteristic of modern civilization, and not only promotes the development of human civilization, but also gives human several big challenges. And the issues of energy have become a very important problem influencing the development of economy and society. After several shocks of energy crisis, all the top nations of the world put energy security as an important part of the nation security strategy. Energy security is the most important part of the nation security system, in the time of economy globalization, nation security reflects in the keeping the speed and stable of economy development, and keeping energy security is an important assurance of economy and society sustainable development.The energy security is that in the reasonable price level, the quantity and quality of energy can ensure economy and society sustainable development, and the hazards of using energy in producing can be bear. This paper analyzes the connotation and denotation of energy security, the contents of keeping energy security, the characteristics of energy security situation in economy globalization, the relationships in energy security, economy security and nation security, how to study the energy security in the background of world economic integration. Conventional energy sources will be used up; people have to rely on the new energy sources finally, so the paper emphasizes the role of new energy sources in energy security.The paper analyzes the energy security strategy of the main nations of energy producing and consuming in the world, selects representative nations having the similar energy endowment with China, such as USA and EU, the nations neighboring China and providing energy to China, such as Russia and Japan, and compares the differences of energy security environment and strategy in different nations. Though the comparison, China can learn international experiences help make out energy security strategy.Since reform and opening up, in 30 years, China was developing rapidly, and now has the second largest GDP in the world. At the same time, the dependence to energy is becoming greater and greater. In 2010, China’s energy consuming is equal to USA’s. The hidden dangers in China energy security includes: the efficiency of energy using is low; the structure of energy using is unreasonable, relying to coal too much; dependence on foreign oil has been up to 55% in2010. Now China is in the period of rapid industrialization and urbanization, with the people life level improving, the dependence on energy will continuously increase. Keeping China energy security will face complex home and abroad situation, the paper gives suggestions to China energy security system construction, such as adjusting industrial structure more quickly to improve energy using efficiency, perfecting energy market system construction to bring out reasonable price, transferring risks though oil futures market, perfecting energy reserve system construction to release the harm of energy security in short time, keeping China energy transportation corridor safe by comprehensive measures, strengthening energy bilateral and multilateral cooperation to keep energy supplydiversity, strengthening energy cooperation with international energy organization tokeep the world energy security. In particular, exploiting new energy sources is veryimportant to China economy and society, so it is necessary to exploit new energysources.

  • 【分类号】F426.2;F416.2
  • 【被引频次】23
  • 【下载频次】3798

