

A Study on Reign Security of the Communist Party of China

【作者】 杨坤洋

【导师】 李君如;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 马克思主义中国化, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 执政安全是指政党执政不存在威胁或受到内外执政风险影响下仍能保持执政地位。政党执政安全问题是关系社会治乱、国家安危和政党兴亡的根本问题。在典型的政党-国家-社会框架中,一个高效有力的政治权力中心是任何政治系统有效运转所须臾不可缺少的,而政党无异于一个名副其实的政治权力推手,这是当代政党政治的内在逻辑和必然结果。但是,作为现代民主政治的工具,没有一种政党规范是万能的,政党危机几乎贯穿在政党政治的整个历史演进历程中。生发于社会的政党,一旦掌握了公共权力,就可能因滥权而傲踞在社会和国家之上。随着政党自身作为“整合的工具”功能的弱化甚至丧失,政党就会从“冲突的力量”变身为“冲突的对象”,最终演绎了世界范围内政党危机的重重悲情。共产党执政后,会不会丧失政权?这是一个不受欢迎的敏感话题,但却是一个不期而至、不请自到、无以回避的现实问题。“党的执政地位不是与生俱来的,也不是一劳永逸的。”①新世纪以来,居安思危,增强忧患意识,中国共产党的执政安全意识实现了新的自觉。盛世而作“危言”,从历史和逻辑上理顺党的执政安全问题,这是本研究关心的核心问题。政党执政安全问题研究,是社会学、历史学和政治学等多学科共同关注的课题。论文以马克思主义唯物辩证法和历史辩证法为方法论指导,对中国共产党执政安全的形成和研究进行了系统考察,以求得出规律性的认识。主要采用体系式研究与问题式研究相结合、系统分析与综合相结合的方法、比较分析方法和历史分析方法等展开研究论证,强调分析与综合、定性与定量、局部与整体、确定性与不确定性、理论与经验、精确与近似、科学理性与艺术直觉等的多重结合。论文遵循由个别到一般再到个别的逻辑顺序来谋篇布局,贯穿论文的主线是执政党自身状况、社会对政党的执政认同、公共权力状况和外部干预应对的“四位一体”分析工具。为了避免从原理、原则出发拼凑事实的研究歧途,问题的开放和开放的问题是本研究力求坚持的研究路向。论文共分绪论、正文和结语三部分,其中,正文由六章组成。绪论阐述了研究的缘起、意义、方法和思路,重点梳理了当前国内外对中国共产党执政安全的研究状况,并进行了简单评介。第一章旨在完成政党执政安全的一般理论建构。以政党政治的由来与走向为切入点,立足于政党执政的经验性、科学性探求政党执政的内在逻辑,通过考察政党政治危机从反思维视角提炼政党执政不安全的类型形态。第二章旨在建构中国共产党执政安全的基础理论。先勾勒了古今中外执政安全的理论渊源,接着从政党-国家-社会的范式分析和提炼中国共产党执政的内在逻辑和外在规定,最后导出“四位一体”的分析工具,即执政党自身状况、社会对政党的执政认同、公共权力状况和外部干预应对。第三章梳理了民主革命时期党的三次局部执政,考察了党在局部执政条件下对执政安全的初步探索。第四章全面考察了新中国成立后党执政安全的演进与发展,初步梳理了党执政的规律性和鉴戒性。第五章立足于党新的历史方位和新的执政使命,系统地分析了新形势下党执政安全的现状和所面临的挑战与考验。第六章初步提出了维护和巩固党的执政安全的对策思路。要而言之,论文尝试以政治学范式对传统的党建理论框架进行结合,对中国共产党执政安全的概念与内涵作了初设,创新了问题的逻辑框架和分析工具,并基于对党执政历史形态新的考察提出了具有针对性的对策措施。当然,就中国共产党执政安全问题研究而言,论文还留下了丰富的拓展空间,如政党执政安全一般原理的进一步提炼,不同性质政党执政安全的比较研究,古今中外执政安全思想、制度和文化的梳理以及多学科方法的集成。

【Abstract】 Reign Security refers to that the ruling party can hold power without danger or it can maintain its ruling position by defeating and overcoming the risks from at home and abroad. Reign Security Status of the ruling party is the fundamental problem concerning the governance status of the society, the safety and danger of the state and the rise and fall of the ruling party. Under the typical framework of party-state-society, a powerful and efficient political power center is indispensable to running a political system effectively. Undoubtedly, a party or parties play a genuine role of the above-mentioned center, which is the internal logic and inevitable outcome of the contemporary party politics. However, as a modern democratic political tool, no party-system model is omnipotent. As a matter of fact, party crisis almost exist throughout the whole evolution of party politics. Once a party come into power and hold public power persistently, they (the ruling party) might go against their original intentions by abusing and even usurping power, which logically break the power assignment between the party and the society, in which the party grow and thrive. With the ruling party itself weakening and even decaying the function of“integration tool”, its nature might alienate from“conflict forces”to“objects of conflict”between the state and the society, which eventually deduced the numerous sadness of the worldwide party-crisis. Will the Communist Party lose regime after they come into power? Though it is an unwelcome sensitive topic, it is an unexpected, spontaneous and inevasible problem. The ruling position of the CPC is not innate or once for all. From the very beginning of the new century, the CPC is mindful of the potential danger and stay prepared against adversities in times of peace, and has been consciously aware of the problems concerning her reign security. To warn the authorities at the risk in peaceful and prosperous times, this dissertation is devoted to coordinating relevant elements concerning the reign of CPC historically and logically.Research on the reign security of ruling party is the concern of sociology, history and politics. This dissertation aims at systematically investigating the formation and evolution of the reign security of CPC, striving to probe into the regularity of reign security under the guidance of the Marxism Materialist Dialectics and Historical Dialectics. In the study, it is carried out by integrating the methods of systematic and inquiry, analysis and synthesis, comparative and historical analysis and the innovation of systematically researching is made. Therefore the emphasis is on the multiple combinations between analysis and synthesis, qualitative and quantitative, part and whole, certainty and uncertainty, theory and case, accuracy and similarity, scientific reason and artistic intuition. The entire layout follows an individual-general-individual sequence, and the“four-in-one”analytical tool is the mainline throughout the study, which is made up of the progressiveness of the ruling party, the masses’acceptance to the party in power, the condition of the public power and performance against external intervention. However, the study adheres to“open issues and issues open”in order to avoid“principle to facts”that is off the track.The dissertation consists of introduction, main body and ending. There are six chapters in the main body. The introduction deals with background, significance, methods and framework of the research, emphatically reviewing and briefing the current situation at home and abroad of the research on the reign security of the CPC. In Chapter One, a basic theory outline is generalized and established, which starts from reviewing origin and trend of party politics. In order to probe into the nature, the experiential and scientific features of party ruling, a full consideration is made to observe and study the crisis situation of party politics and the insecurity models of party ruling. Chapter Two aims at building the fundamental theoretical frame of the feign security of the CPC. Firstly outline the traditional concepts and ideas of reign security at home and abroad, the reviewing on which does good to the CPC. Then analyze and generalize the inner logic and external aspects of the CPC on the basis of the party-state-society model. Finally a four-in-one analytical tool is concluded, including the progressiveness of the ruling party, the masses’acceptance to the party in power, the condition of the public power and performance against external intervention. Chapter Three covers the ruling practice of the CPC in the New Democracy Revolution Period, reviewing the CPC’s early reign security exploration in partial areas. In Chapter Four a overall investigation is made to cover the ruling practice of the CPC since the People’s Republic of China founded and some regularities and warnings of ruling practice are concluded. Starting with the new historical orientation and mission, Chapter Five copes with the current situation of the reign security of the CPC, including the challenges and opportunities that the CPC faces. Some countermeasures to maintain and consolidate the reign security of the CPC are put forward in the last chapter. To sum up, this dissertation intends to make a combination of politics paradigm and traditional party-building theory, putting forward the preliminary definition and connotation of party reign security, initiating new logical framework and analytical tool for the research on the CPC’s reign security. Meanwhile new investigation and targeted measures on the CPC’s ruling practice are carried out on the basis of its ruling history and current situation. As far as the reign security of the CPC is concerned, abundant room for further research is left in this dissertation. A further and considerate research ought to cover the following subjects: the further generalization of the fundamental principle of party reign security, comparative research on the reign security of different party-models, integrating research on traditional and current ideas, systems and culture of regime security and continuous interdisciplinary efforts.

  • 【分类号】D25
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1371

