

【作者】 汪玮

【导师】 李良栋;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 政治学理论, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 作为政治权力结构的基础要件,乡镇政治在整个国家政治构架中具有异乎寻常的重要地位。近现代以来,许多研究中国政治的学者都通过乡镇政治来解读中国政治转型的成败得失。本文的选题,正是基于两方面的思考:一是审视当下我国乡村基层政治发展的现实困境,对当下我国乡镇治理面临的问题进行系统的梳理和研究,在此基础上选取典型的案例进行分析,从实证的角度深入解读其背景、过程、问题及效果,特别是在理论层面阐明民主之于治理的意义,进而从规范层面来探讨和构建一个可能的乡镇民主治理模型;二是探讨以选举和协商为逻辑起点的民主尝试在我国乡村治理中的发生和发展,从而探索如何以治理为切入点的中国民主转型的路径选择。通过理论并结合现实经验的研究,本文最终试图论述这样一个问题,即在社会转型时期,如何进行有效的乡镇治理以实现国家对乡村社会的整合?本文分为导论和正文两个部分。导论部分。主要交代选题缘由、意义、研究现状、研究方法、研究思路等内容。第一章探讨了中国乡镇治理的历史变迁过程。本章主要按时期划分,分别对封建专制时期、近代社会激变时期、人民公社时期以及改革开放后等不同时段的乡村治理模式进行解读和分析,通过回顾历史来探寻中国乡村治理的内在逻辑和结构性要素。这是本文研究的历史性基础。第二章主要探讨了税费改革后,乡镇治理模式的文本规定和现实运行方式之间的差距,从而提出当前乡镇治理中存在的问题,并对现有的一些改革实践和改革方案作出评价。本章从国家、社会以及国家与社会的衔接进行考量,首先是对作为乡镇基层政权组织的乡镇人大、乡镇政府和乡镇党委进行制度和现实运行的比较分析,评析当前各地进行的有关改革成果;其次是对乡-村关系的分析,重点关注的是“乡政村治”的实际运行中,“乡政”与“村治”的博弈,及由此凸显出来的两者之间的张力与困境;最后探讨了作为被治者角色的村民自改革开放以来的角色变化。第三章主要对四川省新都区“公推直选”乡镇党委书记的个案进行分析和解读。随着村级民主逐步深化和向上推进,乡镇选举改革自20世纪90年代末开始出现,并不断发展,首先是乡镇长的直选改革在全国范围展开,然而这一改革给基层党组织带来合法性的冲击。随着单项推进乡镇长直选改革的止步,以乡镇党委书记为主体的乡镇党组织领导人选举改革开始兴起,成为推动党内民主和乡镇治理体制改革的又一热点。本文以较早实行公推直选的成都新都区为案例,对这一制度创新进行解读,通过阐述其生成环境和生发过程,来透析其制度绩效以及面临的困境,进而提出可行的对策。第四章主要对浙江省温岭市的“民主恳谈”制度创新,尤其是对该地在“民主恳谈”不断探索的基础上进行的参与式预算民主恳谈进行解读和分析。作为一种新型的民主治理机制,民主恳谈是广大人民群众有序参与社会公共事务管理的重要途径,是扩大基层民主,推进民主决策、民主管理、民主监督的重要载体。从学术角度看,对其进行深入的研究和解构,对于整个中国未来民主政治建设和基层政府治理无疑具有重要的借鉴意义。本章从协商民主理论的视角出发,对温岭民主恳谈的生发机制、制度安排与实践过程、功能和意义以及面临的困境等方面进行探讨,并在此基础上提出建设性的对策和意见。基于第三章和第四章个案的分析,本文第五章在此基础上提出了一个可能的新的乡镇民主治理模式。本章要探讨的是作为民主的两种形式,选举和协商各自的民主意蕴是什么?两者存在什么样的关系?它们对我国的民主实践具有怎样的指导意义?在现实经验中,“公推直选”和“民主恳谈”之于乡镇治理的民主价值是什么?本章的研究目标,就是在梳理选举民主和协商民主理论关系的基础上,根据现有的实践成果提出乡镇民主治理模式的一个假想。结语部分是对论文论述的观点进行概括,并说明乡镇民主治理的逻辑推导过程。在余论中,本文则指明了论文的的局限性和有待于进一步探讨的问题。

【Abstract】 As a basic element of the structure of political power, township politics plays an extremely important role in the political structure of the whole country. Over the recent past, a lot of scholars who were devoted to the Chinese politics tried to analyse the gain and the loss of China’s political transition. The selecting topic of this dissertation is based on two consideritions: one is to review the dilemma of Chinese rural political development and systemically summarize problems of Chinese rural politics. According to the studies above and some typical cases, the author tries to decipher the context, progress, difficulties and effects of rural politics through empirical methods, especially to clarify the significance of democracy to governance on theoretical perspective, and therefore builds an ideal model of Chinese township politics. The other one is trying to discuss the course and progress of democratic practices in rural governance which are on the logical basis of election and deliberation, for which, the author tries to explore the path of Chinese democratic transition which begins with the concept of governance. On the base of theoretical study and analyse of typical cases, this dissertation tries to answer: how to accomplish the consolidation between the rural and state through an effective township governance?This dissertation consists two parts: the introduction and the text.The introduction focuses on the reasoning of the selecting topic, the meaning, currently research state, and methods and approach of this research.The first chapter discusses the historical changes of China’s township politics. According to periods, the writer analyzes different rural goverance models, from the Feudal autocratic period, modern history, people’s commune period to the reform and opening up. The purpose of that study is trying to explore the logic and structural element of Chinese rural governance. This chapter is the historical basis of this dissertation.In the second chapter, the task is to explore the gap between regulation and actual operation mode after the rural tax and fee reform, by which the author tries to point out problems exisiting in the current township governance and valuate reform practices and plans on processing. Based on the calculus of the state, the society and the relation between the state and the society, the author firstly evaluates those reform practices through the comparison of the regulation and operation of people’s congress in town, township government and township party committee. Secondly, the author concentrates on the game playing between township politics and village governance and the tension and dilemma result from this game. At last, the author views the role changes of peasant since China implemented its reform and opening up policies.The third chapter is a case study of direct election of Xindu District. With the development of the democracy in village, the reform of township election took place in the end of 1990s has achieved a new level. However, direct election of the township directors severely shocked the legitimacy of basic-level party organization. For this reason, this kind of direct election ended up. After that, the reform which is marked by the election of leaders of township party organization begins to burgeon and becomes hot topics of inner-party democracy and reform of township governance. Based on the case of Xindu Mode, this dissertation descripts the context and the forming process of this practice, gives an explanation of its performance and dilemma, and furthermore offers some probable advices.The fourth chapter is the case study of Wenling "Democratic Talkfest". Especially, the author gives an explanation for the participatory budget reform. As a new form of democratic governance systerm, "Democratic Talkfest" provides an opportunity for the mass to participate in the public social issues. It is an effective approach to expansing grassroots democracy, boosting the improvement of democratic decision-making, democratic management and democratic supervision. Theoretically, a deep research and analysis of this case has significance to the construction of democracy and grass-roots governance. From the perceptive of deliberative democracy theory, this chapter inspects the system occurrence, institutional arrangement, practice progress, function, meaning, dilemmas, etc, based on which are some countermeasures and suggestions.On studing the above two cases, the fifth chapter puts forth a theoretical model of township governance mode. What this chapter tries to explore is meanings of election and deliberation to democracy, the relation between these two concepts, their significances to democratic practice, as well as the value of direct election and "Democratic Talkfest" to township governance. According to practical achievements and the summary of the relation between electoral democracy and deliberative democracy, the purpose of this chapter is to develop an ideal model for township democratic governance.The conclusion part is an summarization of this dissertation, which illustrates three points of views and the logical process of township democratic governance. In the final part, the article points out deficiencies and problems that need further discussing.

【关键词】 转型期乡镇治理民主
【Key words】 the transitional periodtownship governancedemocracy
  • 【分类号】D621
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1125

