

【作者】 张富文

【导师】 张喜德;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 马克思主义人本思想中国化研究这一课题是马克思主义中国化的重要组成部分,具有重要的理论意义和现实价值。马克思主义人本思想中国化研究,既能够扩大马克思主义中国化的研究视域,从而使马克思主义中国化的研究更为丰满和更进一步深化,也能通过对马克思主义人本思想中国化的系统研究,进一步推动马克思主义理论学科及相关学科的建设和发展,尤其能够通过对马克思主义人本思想中国化的研究,进一步推动中国特色社会主义理论体系的深化研究,从而为当今中国的发展和进步提供理论支撑。本文以马克思主义人本思想中国化为线索,运用了辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义、比较研究、文本分析以及共时性和历时性等研究方法,系统归纳和梳理了马克思主义人本思想的理论体系,总结概括了马克思主义人本思想中国化的理论成果,并得出以下结论:(一)马克思主义人本思想中国化具有重要的历史地位。其具体内容主要包括以下几个方面:马克思主义人本思想中国化是马克思主义中国化的核心;马克思主义人本思想中国化是马克思主义中国化的根本价值取向;马克思主义人本思想中国化是马克思主义中国化的根本指针;马克思主义人本思想中国化的实践进程是马克思主义中国化的检验标准;马克思主义人本思想中国化是中国共产党的根本宗旨;马克思主义人本思想中国化是马克思主义中国化的关键。(二)马克思主义人本思想中国化积累了弥足珍贵的历史经验。其具体内容为:通过革命手段,实现人民群众当家作主,是马克思主义人本思想中国化的根本出发点;通过改革开放,实现人民群众共同富裕,是马克思主义人本思想中国化的核心内容;通过科学发展,实现“八个统筹”,构建社会主义和谐社会是马克思主义人本思想中国化的重要途径;坚持立党为公、执政为民,建设马克思主义学习型政党,是马克思主义人本思想中国化的根本保证;践行社会主义核心价值体系是马克思主义人本思想中国化的精神动力。论文由引言、正文七章和结语组成。引言部分简要说明了论文的选题意义和价值,评析了本课题的学术研究概况,界定了相关概念,介绍了论文的创新点、重点难点、研究思路和研究方法。其中,对马克思主义人本思想概念和马克思主义人本思想中国化概念的界定是本文颇具特色之处。第一章主要梳理、归纳和概括了马克思主义人本思想的理论体系。本章在分析马克思主义人本思想产生的时代背景、思想渊源和主观条件的基础上,把马克思主义人本思想的基本内容概括为马克思主义人本思想的逻辑起点、马克思主义人本思想的立论基点、马克思主义人本思想的价值诉求、马克思主义人本思想的终极目标等几个基本方面。本章把马克思主义人本思想的基本特点概括为马克思主义人本思想的科学性和前瞻性、批判性和革命性、阶级性和全人类性等几个方面。在此基础上,本章还把马克思主义人本思想与费尔巴哈的人本主义、现代西方人本主义思潮和中国传统民本思想进行了区分。对马克思主义人本思想理论体系的细致梳理和概括,是本文的一个独到之处。第二章主要分析了毛泽东的人本思想。本章在阐述毛泽东人本思想产生的理论基础、国情基础、文化基础和毛泽东的主观特质因素的基础上,把毛泽东人本思想的基本内容概括为:全心全意为人民服务的宗旨意识;重视人民群众的历史作用,依靠人民进行革命与建设的历史观;树立群众观点的公仆观;向人民群众负责、照顾人民利益的群众观等。本章还把毛泽东人本思想的特点概括为人民解放论、人民主体论、人民主权论和人民取向论等几个方面。第三章是对邓小平人本思想的系统整理和概括。本章在论述邓小平人本思想产生的时代主题、国内环境、理论基础和个人特质的基础上,把邓小平人本思想的基本内容概括为:坚持全心全意为人民服务的宗旨,真心实意为群众谋利益;注重发展生产力,提出实现人民群众共同富裕的目标;推进政治体制改革,发扬政治民主和进行法制建设,保障人民群众的政治权利;重视科技和教育,尊重知识,尊重人才;重视人民群众的历史作用,不过分突出领袖个人的作用等。本章还把邓小平人本思想的特点概括为对广大人民群众在经济、政治和思想等方面的解放。第四章主要阐释的是江泽民的人本思想。本章在翔实分析江泽民人本思想产生的世情、国情和党情的基础上,把江泽民人本思想的基本内容概括为:重申和坚持全心全意为人民服务的宗旨,代表最广大人民的根本利益;坚持发展是执政兴国的第一要务,让人民群众共享经济社会发展成果;大力发展社会主义民主政治,保障人民群众的各项民主权利;重视科技,尊重劳动,尊重知识,尊重人才,尊重创造;提出人的全面发展,主张在社会发展中促进人的全面发展等。本章把江泽民人本思想的实现途径概括为西部大开发战略、可持续发展战略、科教兴国战略和依法治国战略等几个方面。本章还把江泽民人本思想的特点概括为时代性、创新性、人民性和实践性等几个方面。第五章主要梳理和阐述了胡锦涛的人本思想。本章在把握胡锦涛人本思想产生的历史背景和条件的基础上,把胡锦涛人本思想的基本内容概括为:在发展观上,以人为本,科学发展;在执政理念上,以人为本,立党为公,执政为民;在社会建设上,以人为本,建设社会主义和谐社会;在创新观上,以人为本,推进自主创新,建设创新型国家;在“三农”问题上,以人为本,建设社会主义新农村;在人与自然的关系上,以人为本,促进人与自然和谐发展等。本章还把胡锦涛人本思想的特色概括为全面性、突破性、实践性和前瞻性等几个方面,并把胡锦涛人本思想的重要作用概括为:以人为本作为发展理念,实现了“双重”超越,使中国现代化建设进一步走向良性发展轨道;以人为本作为中国共产党的执政理念,夯实了中国共产党执政的根基,进一步巩固和提升了中国共产党执政的合法性;以人为本作为政府工作的根本指针,有利于促进政府由行政管理型政府向公共服务型政府转变;以人为本作为社会建设的根本原则和价值取向,能够大力推动以改善民生为重点的社会事业;以人为本作为新时期的思维方式和价值理念,突破了几个观念,促进了广大人民群众思维方式和行为方式的转变。对胡锦涛人本思想重要作用的概括是本文的一个创新。第六章主要揭示了马克思主义人本思想中国化的历史地位。本文首次把马克思主义人本思想中国化的历史地位概括为:马克思主义人本思想中国化是马克思主义中国化的核心;马克思主义人本思想中国化是马克思主义中国化的根本价值取向;马克思主义人本思想中国化是马克思主义中国化的根本指针;马克思主义人本思想中国化的实践进程是马克思主义中国化的检验标准;马克思主义人本思想中国化是中国共产党的根本宗旨;马克思主义人本思想中国化是马克思主义中国化的关键等,这些观点也是本文的创新之处。第七章总结和归纳了马克思主义人本思想中国化的历史经验。本文首次把马克思主义人本思想中国化的历史经验概括为:通过革命手段,实现人民群众当家作主,是马克思主义人本思想中国化的根本出发点;通过改革开放,实现人民群众共同富裕,是马克思主义人本思想中国化的核心内容;通过科学发展,实现“八个统筹”,构建社会主义和谐社会是马克思主义人本思想中国化的重要途径;坚持立党为公、执政为民,建设马克思主义学习型政党,是马克思主义人本思想中国化的根本保证;践行社会主义核心价值体系是马克思主义人本思想中国化的精神动力。这也是本文的一个重要创新之处。结语部分阐述的是马克思主义人本思想中国化必须坚持的基本原则和需要注意的基本问题。本文把其概括为“四个坚持”、“两个反对”、“一个批判继承”。“四个坚持”即马克思主义人本思想中国化必须坚持中国共产党的领导,马克思主义人本思想中国化必须坚持党的思想路线,马克思主义人本思想中国化必须坚持党的群众路线,马克思主义人本思想中国化必须坚持中国特色社会主义道路;“两个反对”即马克思主义人本思想中国化必须坚决反对教条主义,马克思主义人本思想中国化必须坚决反对个人崇拜;“一个批判继承”即马克思主义人本思想中国化必须要批判继承中国传统文化。

【Abstract】 The sinicization of Marxism humanistic thought as an important part of the sinicization of Marxism, has the important theoretical significance and practical value. The sinicization of Marxism humanistic thought not only can enlarge the study domain of the sinicization of Marxism, which makes the study of the sinicization of marxism plump and further deepening, but also through the systematic study of the sinicization of Marxism humanistic thought, further promotes the construction and development of Marxism theory subject and related discipline, especially through the study of the sinicization of Marxism humanistic thought, further promotes the research of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, which provides theoretical support for the development and progress of China.This paper,based on the sinicization of Marxism humanistic thought as research clues,uses the dialectical materialism and historical materialism, comparative research, text analysis, diachronic and synchronic research methods, systematically summarizes and combeds the Marxism humanistic thought theory system, summarizes the theoretical achievements of sinicization of Marxism humanistic thought, and draws the following conclusions: (a) Sinicization of Marxism humanistic thought has important historical position.The concrete content mainly includes the following aspects: the sinicization of Marxism humanistic thought is the core of sinicization of Marxism; the sinicization of Marxism humanistic thought is the basic value orientation of sinicization of Marxism; the sinicization of Marxism humanistic thought is the fundamental guiding principle of sinicization of Marxism; the sinicization of Marxism humanistic thought is the inspection standards of sinicization of Marxism; the sinicization of Marxism humanistic thought is the Chinese communist party’s the fundamental principle; the sinicization of Marxism humanistic thought is the key of sinicization of Marxism. (b) The sinicization of Marxism humanistic thought has accumulated precious historical experience. The specific content: By means of the revolution, achieving masters of the masses, is the fundamental goal of sinicization of Marxism humanistic thought; through the reform and opening up, realizing the masses of common prosperity, is the core content of sinicization of Marxism humanistic thought; through the scientific development and realizing "the eight co-ordination", constructing a harmonious socialist society is the important way of sinicization of Marxism humanistic thought; serving the public and governing for the people, building the Marxism learning party, is the the fundamental guarantee of sinicization of Marxism humanistic thought; implementing socialist core value system is the spiritual power of sinicization of Marxism humanistic thought.The paper is composed by preface, body composition seven chapters and concluding remarks.Preface part simply expatiates the significance and value of this topic, reviews the academic research situation, defines the related concept, introduces the innovation points, key points, difficulty points, research ideas and research methods. Among them, the definition of Marxism humanistic thought and sinicization of Marxism humanistic thought is featured in this paper.The first chapter basically combs, summarizes, and outlines the theoretical system of Marxism humanistic thought. Based on the ideological background of the times, ideological and subjective conditions, summarized the basic content of Marxism humanistic thought for the logical starting point, theoretical basis points, value pursuit, the ultimate goal, etc. This paper summed up the basic characteristics of Marxism humanistic thought as the scientific and prospective, critical and revolutionary, class and humanity, etc. On this basis, the chapter also compared Marxism humanistic thought with Feuerbach’s humanism, the modern western humanism trend and Chinese traditional humanistic thought. The thorough combing and generalization of theoretical system of Marxism humanistic thought is a unique feature of this article.The second chapter analyzes Mao zedong’s humanistic thought.Based on expounding basic theory, national foundation, the cultural foundation and Mao zedong’s subjective qualities factors of Mao zedong’s humanistic thought,summarized the basic content for awareness of the purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly; the viewpoints of history which pay attention to the historical role of the masses and rely on the people in revolution and construction; the consciousness of public servant which have viewpoints of the masses; the viewpoints of the masses which responsible for the people and take care of the interests of the masses of the people, etc. This chapter also features the characteristics of Mao zedong’s humanistic thought as people’s liberation, people’s subjective, people’s sovereignty and people’s orientation theory, etc. The third chapter is the system arrangement of of Deng xiaoping’s humanistic thought.on the basis of discussing the theme of the times, domestic environment, theoretical foundation and personal qualities of the creation of Deng xiaoping’s humanistic thought, summed up the basic content for the thought of serving the people wholeheartedly and sincerely seeking benefits for the masses; focusing on the development of productive forces, putting forward the goal of common prosperity; promoteing political restructuring, developing political democracy and the legal system to protect the political rights of the people; emphasis on science and education, respecting for knowledge and talent; attention to the historical role of the masses, not too conspicuous leader "personal" aspects of the role, etc. This chapter also summarized breakthrough of Deng xiaoping’s humanistic thought as a majority of the people’s liberation in the economic, political and ideological aspects.The fourth chapter mainly explaines Jiang zemin’s humanistic thought. In this chapter, on the basis of detailed analysis of world situation, domestic circumstances and conditions of the C.P.C of Jiang zemin’s humanistic thought, summarized Jiang zemin’s humanistic thought as reiterating and adhering to the aim of serving the people, representing the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people; regarding development as the important task, leting people share the achievements of economic social development; developing socialist democratic politics and guaranting the people’s democratic rights; emphasis on technology, respecting work, respecting for knowledge and talent, respecting creation;puting forward the comprehensive development of people,promoting the comprehensive development of people in social development, etc. putting the western development strategy, sustainable development strategy, technology and education strategy and Legally strategy as realization ways. This chapter also summed up the characteristics of Jiang zemin’s humanistic thought as times, orignality, universal and practicality, etc.Chapter V basically combs and expounds Hu jintao’s humanistic thought. This chapter Based on the historical background and conditions of the emergenceof Hu jintao’s humanistic thought, the content of Hu jintao’s humanistic thought can be summarized as follows: on development concept, people-oriented and scientific development; on the concept of governance, people-oriented, power for the People ; in the community building, people-oriented, building a socialist harmonious society; in innovation outlook, people-oriented, promoting independent innovation and building innovation-oriented country; in the " three rural" issue, people-oriented, building a new socialist countryside; in man and nature relations, people-oriented, promoting harmonious development between man and nature’s basic elements. This chapter also summed up the characteristics of Hu jintao’s humanistic thought as comprehensive, transcendence, practical and forward-looking, etc.The important role of Hu jintao’s humanistic thought as follows: people-oriented concept as development concept, achieving a "double" beyond, makes the modernization of China going into the track of healthy development; people-oriented as the Chinese Communist Party’s governing philosophy, consolidates the Chinese Communist Party’s foundation, to further consolidate and enhance the power of legitimacy; people-oriented as government’s fundamental guiding principle, helps to promote government by the chief managed to public service type; people-oriented as the fundamental principles and values of social construction, vigorously promotes social undertakings of improvement of people’s livelihood; people-oriented as the new era of thinking and values, breaks a few ideas, to promote majority of the people way of thinking and behavior changes, etc. The summary of important role of Hu jintao’s humanistic thought is one of the paper’s innovation.Chapter VI reveals the historical position of sinicization of Marxism humanistic thought. The historical status of sinicization of Marxism humanistic thought was summarized as: the sinicization of Marxism humanistic thought is the core of sinicization of Marxism; the sinicization of Marxism humanistic thought is the basic value orientation of sinicization of Marxism; the sinicization of Marxism humanistic thought is the fundamental guiding principle of sinicization of Marxism; the sinicization of Marxism humanistic thought is the inspection standards of sinicization of Marxism; the sinicization of Marxism humanistic thought is the Chinese communist party’s the fundamental principle; the sinicization of Marxism humanistic thought is the key of sinicization of Marxism. These views are also innovations of this article.Chapter VII summarizes historical experience of sinicization of Marxism humanistic thought. The historical experience of sinicization of Marxism humanistic thought was summarized as follows: By means of the revolution, achieving masters of the masses, is the fundamental goal of sinicization of Marxism humanistic thought; through the reform and opening up, realizing the masses of common prosperity, is the core content of sinicization of Marxism humanistic thought; through the scientific development and realizing "the eight co-ordination", constructing a harmonious socialist society is the important way of sinicization of Marxism humanistic thought; serving the public and governing for the people, building the Marxism learning party, is the the fundamental guarantee of sinicization of Marxism humanistic thought; Implementing socialist core value system is the spiritual power of sinicization of Marxism humanistic thought. This is also an important innovation of this article.Epilogue deals with the basic principle which must adhere to and and fundamental issues need to be paid attention to,according to sinicization of Marxism humanistic thought. This chapter summarized as "four insist on", "two opposition", "a critical inheritance"."four insist on": sinicization of Marxism humanistic thought must uphold the leadership of the C.P.C; sinicization of Marxism humanistic thought must uphold ideological line of the C.P.C; sinicization of Marxism humanistic thought must adhere to mass line of the C.P.C; sinicization of Marxism humanistic thought must adhere to the socialist road with Chinese characteristics. "Two against": sinicization of Marxism humanistic thought must resolutely oppose dogmatism; sinicization of Marxism humanistic thought must resolutely oppose the cult of personality. "A critical inheritance" is that sinicization of Marxism humanistic thought have to critically inherit traditional Chinese culture.

  • 【分类号】D61
  • 【被引频次】35
  • 【下载频次】3939

