

【作者】 高莹

【导师】 李民;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 党的学说与党的建设, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 人才,是强国、富民、兴党的重要资源。21世纪,经济社会发展的竞争,说到底是人才‘特别是各类领导人才‘的竞争。党政领导人才由于身处党政领导岗位、肩负领导职责,因此是领导人才中具有特殊重要意义的一部分。在中国,越来越多的女性开始活跃在政治领域之中,步入各级各类党政领导岗位之上,甚至在高层党政领导岗位上也闪现出更多女性的身影。这是社会发展、文明进步的成果,是女性参政水平不断提高的体现,也是一股不可逆转的时代潮流。然而,受文化、观念、制度等诸多因素的影响,同占中国人口近半数的女性群体相比,女性党政领导人才无论在数量、质量还是结构上都不尽人意。作为党政领导人才和干部队伍的一个重要组成部分,女性党政领导人才能否得到科学、有效、合理的开发,对能否充分挖掘女性人力资源、优化干部队伍结构、推进社会主义民主政治进程都有着极其重要的影响。全文正是围绕21世纪女性党政领导人才的开发展开论述。除导论和结束语外,全文正文部分由四章构成。导论部分主要阐明了本文的研究意义,梳理和总结了此课题的研究现状,介绍了本文的主要研究方法和创新之处。第一章,首先对女性领导人才‘的概念进行了具体界定,详细阐述了女性领导人才的基本内涵、性别特质和领导优势。之后,分别对国内不同时期女性领导人才的特征和国外著名女性政治家的特质进行了考察与比较,并以个别典型案例佐之。第二章,主要是从理论上对女性党政领导人才的开发进行分析。首先,对女性党政领导人才开发的涵义进行界定,并对其所包涵的具体内容进行阐述。其次,对女性党政领导人才开发的理论基础进行梳理与总结,主要包括马克思、恩格斯和列宁等马克思主义经典作家关于妇女解放和妇女参政的思想,以及西方女权主义思潮中关于女性解放和女性全面自由发展的积极内容。最后,对中国共产党90年来培养和选拔女性干部的理论与实践进行了分阶段的历史考察。第三章,是基于现实对女性党政领导人才的开发进行的分析。21世纪,世情、国情、党情发生了很大变化,这既是女性党政领导人才开发所在的现实环境,又为女性党政领导人才的开发提供了良好的机遇。尽管如此,女性党政领导人才开发的现状不容乐观,仍然存在着很多问题,即宏观开发不够、中观开发不足和微观开发不力。究其原因,主要存在于五个方面:传统文化和性别偏见的现实影响、党政领导人才选任机制的不完善、对女性党政领导人才选任制度或政策理解或执行的偏差、社会舆论环境的影响和女性个体因素的制约等。第四章是本文的关键所在,通过前文对女性党政领导人才开发理论和现实分析的基础上,重点阐述了21世纪女性党政领导人才开发的基本路径。第一,确立女性党政导人才开发的基本原则、战略目标与重点,为当前和今后一个时期女性党政领导人才发确立宏观上的指南。第二,从文化和观念的角度,通过对男女平等真实意蕴的阐释对传统性别文化糟粕的摒弃,最终引导形成有利于女性党政领导人才开发的性别文(?)第三,就外部环境而言,优化包括女性党政领导人才成长的制度政策环境、舆论环境组织环境在内的各种成长环境。第四,做好女性党政领导人才的预测与规划,完善和新女性党政领导人才的选拔任用机制、教育培训机制和后备人才的选拔培养机制等,制度上保证女性党政领导人才的开发。第五,全面提升女性党政领导人才的综合素(?)从根本上保证女性党政领导人才的开发。

【Abstract】 Human talents are important resources, which can strengthen our country, richen our people and promoting the Party. In the 21st century, the competition of the economic and social development is finally the competition of all kinds of talents, especially leading talents. The Party and government leading talents are the particular important parts of the leading talents, because they are in the Party and government leading positions and taking leading roles. In china, more and more female are active in the political field. They ascend all levels of the Party and government leadership positions; even in high-level. It is the result of the social development and civilization progress. It reflects the constantly improving levels of the participation of women in government and political affairs. It is an irreversible trend of the times. However, influenced by various factors, for example culture, ideas and systems, the quantity, quality and structure of the Chinese women in the Party and government are not comforted, especially compared to the women groups which account for nearly half of China’ s population. As an important component of the Party and government leaders and cadres, it has a great influence on the effective and rational development of the female human resources, optimize structure of our cadres, and promote the process of socialist democracy whether the women in Party and government can be scientifically, effectively and rationally developed. This article is just discoursing on the theme of the development of the Party and government women leaders in the 21st century.Besides the introductory remark and concluding remark, the whole thesis includes four chapters. Its main body is just as follow.In the introductory remark, it mainly illustrates the significance and foundation of the thesis. It includes the current studying situation about the topic home and abroad. In addition, it also introduces the research technique and the innovation in the thesis.In the first chapter, it makes a specific definition of female talents with leading ability and describes the basic connotation, gender traits and leadership advantages of female talents with leading ability in detail. Then it investigates and compares the characteristics of female talents with leading ability and famous female politicians aboard.In the second chapter, it mainly analyzes the development of female lead talents in Party and government in theory. Firstly, it defines the meaning the development of female Party and government leaders and describes its speci. contents. Secondly, it summarizes the theoretical principle of the developm of female leading talents in Party and government which mainly includes classical authors of Marxism including Marx, Engels and Lenin on the emancipat of women, and beneficial thinking in western feminism on the emancipation(?) all-round and free development of women. Finally, it investigates the hist(?) of training and selecting women cadres in the theory and practice by stagIn the third chapter, it mainly analyzes the development of female lead talents in Party and government in practice. In the 21st century, it has grea changes in the world situation, country circumstances and the Party situat which is the actual environment and good opportunity of the development of fem(?) leading talents in Party and government. However, the development of fem(?) leading talents in Party and government is not optimistic, there are still m problems, for examples, the macroscopic development is not enough, mesosco development is not sufficient and microscopic development is not effective. reasons are mainly exists in five areas:the realistic influence of traditio culture and sex prejudice, the imperfect of system of selection & appointm for the Party and government leading talents, the deviation of comprehens and implementation on the system of selection & appointment for the fem; leading talents in Party and government, the influence of the public opin atmosphere, the restriction of female individual factors.The forth chapter is the key parts in the article. Basing on the practi(?) and theoretical analyses of the development of female leading talents in Pa(?) and government, it studies the essential route of the development of fema leading talents in Party and government in the 21st century. Firstly, we ha to establish the guiding theory, fundamental principle, strategic target focal point in order to provide the macro guide for the development of fema leading talents in Party and government for the current and future. Second we have to make an interpretation of the real meanings of gender equality a rejection of traditional gender and cultural dross from the perspective culture and ideas, in order to guide the formation of gender culture which ultimately favors the development of female in the Party and government. Thirdly, in term of external environment, we have to optimize the growth environment which includes the environment of institution and policy, public opinion and organization, and so on. Forth, we have to do a good job on forecasting and planning of the female leading talents in Party and government, perfecting and creating the system of selection & appointment, educational training and the selection & training of the reserves. Fifth, we have to enhance the comprehensive quality of the female leading talents in the Party and government in order to guarantee the development of female leading talents in the Party and government fundamentally.

  • 【分类号】D442.61;D262.2;D630.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1013

