

【作者】 吴桂韩

【导师】 高新民;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 中共党史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 文化是政党软实力的重要组成部分。党内文化是党的灵魂和旗帜,党内先进文化是社会主义先进文化的主体和核心。我们之所以提出要加强对中国共产党党内文化进行研究,既是源于已有建党实践的经验总结和理论升华,也是在新的历史条件下推进党的建设新的伟大工程的思维创新和规律认识。作为党的建设新的伟大工程总体布局中的一个带有根本性的问题,党内文化不仅是党的灵魂和旗帜,为党的建设新的伟大工程指明前进的方向,而且还是党的建设新的伟大工程的原动力和内驱力,是党的建设新的伟大工程最根本的组成部分,直接影响到党的建设新的伟大工程的推进;作为影响中国特色社会主义事业发展中的一个带有全局性的问题,党内文化不仅关系到中国特色社会主义事业的发展方向,而且还关系到中国特色社会主义事业的发展理念、发展动力、发展布局和发展环境。在以建设社会主义核心价值体系为主导、推动社会主义文化大繁荣大发展的今天,加强党内文化研究对于推进党内先进文化建设,增强党的文化软实力和执政合法性,维系政治体系有序运行、稳定和谐,深化对共产党执政规律认识,以改革创新精神全面推进党的建设新的伟大工程,增强全党的创造力和战斗力,保证我们党始终代表中国先进文化前进方向,以党内先进文化引领社会主义先进文化建设,发挥党内先进文化对党内外群众的教育引导、激励凝聚作用,形成党内外群众团结奋斗的共同思想基础都显得十分迫切。与此同时,加强党内文化研究还是深入总结党的建设经验、深刻回答党的建设深层问题的客观需要,是深化对党的建设规律认识的必由之路,是对党的先进性建设的经验总结和理论升华,是深化对提高党的执政能力、以改革创新精神全面推进党的建设新的伟大工程认识的客观要求,是适应新时期党的建设实践发展、完成党的建设历史使命的迫切要求,是总结现代政党兴衰成败而得出的重要启示。基于此,本文从对党内文化内涵的界定出发,对党内文化的功能特征、战略地位、内在机理、历史演进、历史转型、建设经验、建设规律以及当前和今后一个时期党内先进文化建设的本质要求、目标任务、主要路径进行了综合研究。全文包括引言、正文和结束语三大部分。基本内容如下:引言集中阐述了党内文化的研究背景、研究意义、研究思路与方法、研究难点、研究创新之处以及研究不足等几个方面。第一章从党内文化内涵的界定出发,提出了党内文化是政党为了执政和实现政党的奋斗目标而在党内提倡的价值体系以及党组织和成员中具有普遍性的价值理念和在实践中形成的具有稳定性的行为方式所反映的价值取向的总和这么一个重要概念,并据此认为党内文化包括党内所提倡的价值体系、多数党组织和党员中具有普遍性的价值理念以及多数党组织和党员在实践中形成的具有稳定性的行为方式所反映的价值取向三个基本要素,包括物质载体、制度载体、心理载体、行为载体、活动载体这么五大载体,具有价值整合、塑造形象、建构组织、确立制度、政治教化、凝聚人心、引领社会、感召吸引这么八大功能,具有阶级性与人民性相统一、科学性和批判性相统一、继承性与创新性相统一、理想性与现实性相统一、主导性与包容性相统一、封闭性与开放性相统一、稳定性与变动性相统一并存这么七大特征。同时,还对党内文化的生成机理、运行机理和发展机理进行了历史的、辩证的分析和研究。第二章将党内文化的历史演进分为新民主主义革命时期的党内文化建设、社会主义革命和建设时期的党内文化建设、改革开放和社会主义现代化建设时期的党内文化建设三个大的阶段,并在具体考察过程中根据不同历史时期客观实践的变化与发展又将其分为十一个更细的阶段。在此基础上,既总结了九十年来党内文化所经历的四个方面的重大转型,即从革命党文化向执政党文化转型、从伦理主导型文化向伦理法理并重型文化转型、从重集中轻民主型文化向民主集中并重型文化转型、从集体利益主导型文化向集体利益与个人利益统一型文化转型,又总结了党内文化建设的基本经验和历史启示。第三章提出党内文化建设是一个合目的性与合规律性相统一的过程,中国共产党党内文化建设既应当反映文化建设与现代政党党内文化建设的基本规律,又应当反映马克思主义政党的本质属性,并与中国的实际情况相适应。为此,着重探讨了文化建设的基本规律、现代政党党内文化建设的基本规律,并在此基础上研究和总结了中国共产党党内文化建设的基本规律。第四章提出党内先进文化建设是一个与时俱进的过程。在当前和今后一个时期,党内文化建设应当把握已有实践所得出的经验与教训,联系马克思主义执政党的本质属性、党内文化建设的基本规律,按照体现党的先进本色、符合历史发展潮流、适应实践发展需要、代表广大人民利益、保持民族精神特质、体现全球战略眼光这些党内先进文化的本质要求,围绕发挥党内先进文化对社会主义先进文化建设的带动作用、对国家文化安全的保障作用、对党的建设的新的伟大工程的推进作用、对中国特色社会主义事业发展的引领作用以及对和谐世界构建的范导作用的总目标,在任务上应着力建设党内的核心价值体系、培养各级党组织和党员先进的价值理念和行为方式,在路径上应坚持用中国特色社会主义理论体系武装全党、大力推进马克思主义中国化的新发展、坚决抵制各种错误和腐朽思想的影响、从改革体制机制入手着力破除党内潜规则、完善党内制度与关注制度伦理建设、大力弘扬党的优良传统和培育新风正气、推动党的执政方式的改革创新、充分发挥党员的主体作用、重视发挥各级党组织的领导作用、发挥教育平台、舆论平台、活动平台、制度平台的整体效能。结束语着重提出我们应当保持忧患意识、始终深怀兴党之思,继续提高党内先进文化建设的层次和水平,不断保持和发展党的先进性、提高党的执政能力、巩固党的执政地位,不辱使命地完成党所肩负的历史重任。

【Abstract】 Culture is the political parties an important component of soft power. Inner-party culture is the soul and the banner of the party and advanced Inner-party culture is the main body and the core of socialist advanced culture. The reason why we proposed to strengthen Inner-party cultural studies of the Chinese Communist Party, not only because of its founding experiences and theories, but also because to promote the thinking innovation and the understanding of the law during the party’s construction of the new project in the new historical conditions. As a fundamental issue of the overall layout of the party’s construction of the new project, Inner-party culture is not only its soul and banner which point out the way forward, but also the most fundamental component as well as the impetus and driving force of the project, a direct impact on the project of advancing. As an overall problem influencing the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, Inner-party culture is not only related to the direction of development, but also related to the ideas and driving force for developing, developing layout and developing environment.Today, in order to build a socialist core values system oriented to promote the development of the socialist culture, strengthen Inner-party cultural studies have become very urgent matter in the following aspects, pushing forward the construction of advanced culture, strengthening the Inner-party cultural soft power and legitimacy to govern, maintaining the political system operate sequentially and stable, deepening understanding of the law of the Chinese Communist Party’s governing, promoting the party’s construction of the new project with the spirit of reform and innovation, enhancing the party’s creativity and combat effectiveness, ensuring that our party always represents the forward direction of china’s advanced culture, leading the building of socialist advanced culture by party’s advanced culture, playing the role of education and guidance as well as encouraging and cohesion on the masses both inside and outside the party by advanced Inner-party culture, forming the common ideological basis for the masses.Besides, strengthen Inner-party cultural studies is the objective needs for in-depth summary of the party-founding experiences and profound answers to deep problems of party building, the only way to deepen understanding of the law of party building, the lessons learned and theory of sublimation during the building of advanced party, the objective requirements of deepen understanding of improving the party’s governing ability and promoting the party’s construction of the new project with the spirit of reform and innovation, the urgent requirement to adapt to the party’s development at new era and to complete the building of the party’s historical mission, the important revelation to sum up the success or failure of modern political parties.Based on this, this article from the definition of Inner-party culture proceeding to the comprehensive study of Inner-party culture functional characteristics, strategic position, internal mechanism, historical evolution and transformation, construction experiences and law as well as the essential requirement, tasks and the main path of the building of party’s advanced culture at future. Full-text includes introduction, body and concluding remarks as follows.Introduction focused on several aspects on Inner-party cultural studies such as research background, research significance, ideas and methods, difficulties, innovations and inadequate.Chapter One from the definition of Inner-party culture put forward that Inner-party culture is the sum of the values system promoted by political parties to achieve its goals as well as the values reflected by the party organizations and members who have universal values and stable patterns of behavior in practice. Accordingly, Inner-party culture includes three basic elements, such as party’s values system; the universal values exist in the majority of party organizations and members, the values reflected from theirs’stable patterns of behavior in practice. Inner-party culture concludes five carriers, such as material carrier, system carrier, psychological carrier, conduct and activities carrier. Besides, Inner-party culture has eight functions, such as values integration, and image-building, building organizations, developed a system, political indoctrination and uniting the people, to lead the society, appeal and attract people. Also, Inner-party culture has seven characteristics, such as a class character and the people of the unity, the unity of scientific and critical, inheritance and innovation of the unity, the ideal and the reality of the unity, the unity of the dominant and inclusive, closed and open of the unity, stability and variability of the unity. This chapter also does historical and dialectical research on the formation mechanism, operation mechanism and developing mechanism of Inner-party culture.Chapter Two divides the history of the evolution of Inner-party culture into three major stages, the construction of the new-democratic revolution, the construction of the socialist revolution and construction, the construction of reform and opening up and socialist modernization construction period. According to the development and changes of Inner-party culture at different historical periods, it is divided into eleven detailed stage. On this basis, this chapter sums up four major transformations experienced by Inner-party culture during past nine decades, from the revolutionary party’s culture to ruling Inner-party culture, from the ethics-oriented culture to the ethics-legal culture, from heavy-centralism and light-democratic culture to the two both important, from the collective interest-oriented culture to the collective and individual interests of the unity. The end, some basic experiences and historical inspirations on the construction of Inner-party culture are summed.Chapter Three presents that the construction of Inner-party culture is a process of the purpose and the regularity of the unity. Chinese Communist Inner-party cultural construction should not only reflect the law of cultural construction and modern political parties’cultural construction, but also reflect the nature of the Marxist political parties. Besides, our Inner-party cultural construction should suite with China’s actual conditions. Because of the reason mentioned above, this chapter focuses on the basic law of cultural construction and modern political parties’cultural construction. And on this basis, it has studied and summed up the basic law of the Chinese Communist Inner-party cultural construction.Chapter Four sets out that the construction of advanced Inner-party culture is a progressive process. In the current and future periods, Inner-party cultural construction should learn from the experiences and lessons drawn in practice. Also, referring to the essential attribute of the Marxist ruling party and the basic law of Inner-party cultural construction, the construction should reflect the essential requirements of advanced Inner-party culture as follows: embodying the party’s advanced characteristics, in line with the historical developing trends, to meet the development needs of practice, representing people’s interests and maintaining the national ethos, showing the global strategic vision. Advanced Inner-party culture plays different roles in many aspects, such as driving-role to the construction of socialist advanced culture, the role of protection of national cultural security, the role of promoting the construction of party’s new great project, the leading role to the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the models of the building of a harmony world. In order to realize above roles, Inner-party cultural construction should complete several tasks as follows: building the party’s core value system, training all levels of party organizations and members of their values concepts and behavior. On the path to construct the Inner-party culture, we should adhere to the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, vigorously promoting the Marxist-oriented new development in China, and resolutely resisting all kinds of wrong and decadent thinking, breaking the hidden rules within the party beginning with the reform of institutional mechanisms, improving party’s system and paying attention to the institutional ethics, carrying forward the party’s fine traditions and cultivating a new Atmosphere, promoting the party’s governance reform and innovation, playing the main role of the party members, attention to the leading role played by party organizations at all levels, playing as the platform of education ,media, performance and system.Concluding remarks highlights that we should maintain a sense of anxiety, and always hold the thinking of the prosperity of our party, to continue to improve the construction level of advanced Inner-party culture, and continuously maintain and develop the party’s advanced nature and improve the party’s governing capacity, and consolidate the party’s ruling position, and complete the historical mission of the party.

  • 【分类号】D261
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1415

