

【作者】 李鉴修

【导师】 张晓燕;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 思想政治教育, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 人类生存和发展的历史是文化的历史,全球化的发展使世界进入文化软实力竞争时代,文明“冲突”与文明“共融”的论争此起彼伏。作为发展中的大国,中国的崛起令世界瞩目,也引起一些国家的焦虑和担忧,产生了诸如“中国威胁论”等论调。怎样向世界说明中国,已经成为刻不容缓的重要任务。本课题适应这一现实需要而作,具有重要的理论价值和实践意义。文化软实力与党的对外宣传研究是一个涵涉面非常广泛的课题,二者各有自己的理论体系和范畴,但二者之间又有着非常紧密的相互促进的关系。在全球化条件下,文化软实力与党的对外宣传都面临着全新的形势和问题,二者之间彼此相互借重的关系,超过了其中单方依赖的关系。因此,解决好这一课题,既要立足自身发展,又要有世界眼光,从多角度、多侧面对文化软实力和党的对外宣传及其关系进行认真梳理和探讨,把握面临的问题和挑战,通过提高文化软实力,夯实对外宣传基础,提高对外宣传的文化底蕴。也通过加强对外宣传,塑造中国文化大国形象,掌握对外宣传话语权,促进世界文明对话和交流,实现“各美其美、美人之美、美美与共、天下大同”的理想。论文除导论和结语外,可以分为三个部分,六个章节。第一部分即第一章,是对文化软实力和党的对外宣传理论体系和范畴进行分析,对现实中存在争议的方面提出了自己的观点,这一部分还对其相互关系进行了论证,从而,为论文的逻辑展开确定了主线和基调。第二部分即第二章,主要论述了世界进入文化软实力竞争时代的历史必然性及其主要特征,论证了文化软实力竞争对外宣工作提出的新要求,探讨了文化软实力语境下对外宣传面临的新形势和新问题。这一部分奠定了论文展开的主要架构。第三部分包括第三、四、五、六章,内容上照应了前两章提出的问题,并着眼于解决问题。从坚持文化自觉以提升对外宣传中的国家形象、倡行道义准则以掌握对外宣传中的话语权、促进文明对话以扩大文化影响力、构建对外宣传新格局以提高对外传播水平等方面,提出了文化软实力与党的对外宣传相互促进的一系列观点、对策和建议。第一,从广义上对文化软实力和党的对外宣传的概念及其关系做了界定。认为文化软实力是建立在传承我国传统文化、借鉴其他文明优秀文化和发展社会主义先进文化基础之上的,以物态文化、制度文化、行为文化和精神文化形式对国内外民众产生潜移默化作用的凝聚力、竞争力和影响力。党的对外宣传是立足自身文化传统,善于运用对外宣传受众的文化思维和习惯,就国内事务和国际事务而进行的对外信息传播和交流活动。目的是增进各国人民对中国的了解、理解、尊重和友谊,提升中国的文化软实力,创造有利于中国特色社会主义建设的国际环境。二者的关系是:文化构成了对外宣传的内容、背景、灵魂和源泉。对外宣传又体现、张扬和重塑着文化。文化软实力在对外宣传中发挥效力,扩大影响,对外宣传也因文化软实力而丰富和生动。第二,论证了世界进入文化软实力时代的历史必然性。阐述了文化软实力竞争中世界各国的文化战略,指出了文化软实力竞争在对外宣传上体现出的鲜明时代特征,即话语权的争夺性、思想的交互性、意识形态对抗的隐蔽性、价值取向的选择性、道义的至上性、形象的可塑性几个方面,探讨了文化软实力竞争语境下对外宣传面临的问题和挑战。第三,从文化软实力和对外宣传的关系出发,论证了文化自觉和国家形象的关系。认为只有坚持文化自觉,把中华文化发扬光大,提高文化软实力,增强对外宣传的文化底蕴,才能在对外宣传中提升国家形象。第四,提出道义准则是对外宣传掌握话语权的关键。认为道义准则作为文化核心价值取向和本质内涵的反映,构成了对外宣传的基础。强调要严格遵循有利于国际行为的道义准则,着力倡导和践行符合时代要求的道义准则与核心价值,在对外宣传中占领道义制高点,掌握文化话语权,为我国经济社会发展营造有利的国际氛围。第五,从认识世界文化多样性出发,提出文明对话与交流是文化发展的动力。认为在对外宣传实践中,必须总结人类文明对话和交流的历史经验,正确把握文明对话和交流的时代特征,积极倡导各种文明长期共存、取长补短、求同存异、共同发展的理念,推动不同文明之间的对话和交流,消除文化误解,促进各种文明和谐发展。第六,探讨了如何构建对外宣传新格局以提高对外传播水平的问题。认为必须针对新形势下文化软实力竞争对外宣工作提出的新挑战,树立对外宣传新理念,创新对外宣传内容和方法,完善对外宣传的体制和机制,切实提高对外传播能力和水平。

【Abstract】 The history of human’s survival and development is that of culture. With the steps of globalization, the world is symbolized by the competition of the soft power of culture. The debate between the theory of civilization conflict and the theory of civilization communion has come one and another. As a large developing country, China’s rise attracted worldwide attention and caused anxiety and concern in some countries, resulting in such arguments as "China’s threat "and others. How do we tell the world what China is really like has become an urgently important task. For the purpose of conducting the research on this issue, the thesis means important theoretical and practical significance.The topic on the soft power of culture and the publicity of the CPC is more of a wide-ranged issue. Both of them have their own theoretical system and scope, but bear very close and mutually reinforcing relationship. Under the conditions of globalization, The soft power of culture and the Publicity of the CPC are facing a new situation. The relationship between them is more mutual-dependence than uni-dependence. Therefore, to solve this issue, it is necessary to base on their own development and also to have a world perspective. And it is also necessary to earnestly sort out and explore their relationship from many angles and sides, locating the problems and challenges facing us. We should try our uttermost to improve China’s image, gain the media discourse power and advance the dialogue among various civilizations by mutual-promotion of the soft power and the publicity of the CPC, realizing the ideal aim:“Only by cherishing one’s own culture, cherishing other’s culture and cherishing each other’s cultures, can human share the harmony of cultures.”Besides the preface and the conclusion, the thesis consists of another three parts including six chapters. The first part, also the First Chapter, provides the analysis and arguments on the theoretical system and the scope of the soft power of culture and the publicity of the CPC, as well as their relationship, putting forward some points of view on some controversial issues. This part lays a solid foundation for the thesis’s logical main idea and its background. The second part, also Chapter Two, demonstrates the historical inevitability of the era of soft power competition and its main features. This part predicts the main structure, by discussing the new requirements, the new situations and problems. The third part is made up of Chapter Three, Chapter Four, Chapter Five and Chapter Six. This part tries to care of the first two chapters, focusing on the solution of the raised issues and problems, by way of bearing cultural consciousness to enhance the national image in the publicity, advocating and practicing moral standards to gain the media discourse power, promoting dialogue among civilizations to expand Chinese cultural influence, and shaping the new deployment of publicity to improve the public communication. The main ideas are as follows:Chapter One deals with the definition of the publicity of the CPC and their relations in the broad sense: the soft power of culture is built on the heritage of traditional culture, other culture s and the development of socialist culture. It exerts cohesion, competitiveness and influence on the people home and abroad in the state of material culture, spiritual culture, system culture and behavioral culture. The Publicity of the CPC refers to the activities of communication and information exchange on the domestic affairs and international affairs, based on its own cultural traditions and the understandable application of foreign victims. For the purpose of enhancing the knowledge, understanding, respect and friendship of China, enhancing China’s soft power of culture, creating a favorable international environment for the socialist construction with Chinese characteristics. Relationship between the two is: culture constitutes the content of external publicity, background, soul and source. Publicity shows, displays and reshapes culture. Cultural soft power exerts its influence in publicity, and thus, publicity becomes abundantly and vividly different.Chapter Two demonstrates the historical inevitability of the era of soft power competition. By illustrating the competition in the world cultural strategy, the thesis points out the distinctive characteristics reflecting on the publicity, that is, the struggle of the media discourse power, interactive of thinking, the hidden ideological confrontation ,the selectivity of the value orientation, the supremacy of morality and the plasticity of the image, etc.. Besides, the problems and challenges coming up in the cultural competition also get thorough description.Chapter Three argues about the mutual-advanced relationship between cultural awareness and China’image, holding that only by adhering to cultural awareness, and carrying forward the Chinese culture to improve the cultural soft power and lay a solid foundation for the publicity, can the national image be enhanced in public communication.Chapter Four considers that the moral criterion is the key to the media discourse power, arguing that the moral norms reflect the cultural core values and essential value in forming the basis of the publicity. It illustrates that advocacy and practice of moral norms and core values must be recognized and supported in the international affairs, so as to occupy the moral high ground, grasp the cultural discourse, and create a favorable international atmosphere for the economic and social development of our countryChapter Five proposes that dialogue among civilizations and the cultural exchange is the drive for cultural development, owing to the understanding of the world culture diversity. In the practice of publicity, we must sum up the historical experience from the dialogue and exchange of human civilization, grasp the traits of the times and promote the idea of the long-term coexistence of different civilizations, learning from each other, seeking common ground and promoting common development. The elimination of cultural misconceptions and the harmonious development of all civilizations lie in the dialogue and communication.Chapter Six discusses how to build a new pattern of the publicity of the CPC to improve the level of external communication issues. It is emphasized that the new ideas, innovative content and methods as well as perfect institution are vital factors to the solution of the challenges. Only in that way can we improve the publicity effectively and sufficiently.

  • 【分类号】D261.5
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】2057

