

The Study on the Dunhuang Gui Yijun Social Education

【作者】 祁晓庆

【导师】 郑炳林;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 历史文献学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 从时间上来看,按照中原王朝的分期,敦煌归义军政权的统治跨越了晚唐、五代、宋初三个历史阶段,从地域上来说,归义军的领地涉及整个河西地区。对于敦煌归义军政权相关历史的考察,也离不开这一时间和地域范围。敦煌文书的发现,为归义军相关问题的研究提供了史料基础,并提供了许多为传统史料所不及的材料。单就归义军时期的教育问题来看,除了历来为学者所关注并研究的官学、私学、寺学教育外,实际上敦煌文书还为我们提供了大量有关社会教育的资料,有待我们独具慧眼去进一步识别和研究。社会教育的概念有广义和狭义之分,本文对敦煌归义军时期社会教育问题的研究主要是围绕中国古代“政教”、“教化”涵义而展开的,着眼于地方政府在推行社会教育方面所采取的一系列有效措施,并将这一时期敦煌一地的社会教育现象从六个方面分别加以考察,包括:绪论部分,对“教育”、“社会教育”、“社会教化”概念进行辨析,社会教育的概念是近代以来受西方教育学影响才出现的,但是不能否认中国古代封建社会存在社会教育现象,只不过古代通常称之为“社会教化”,是儒家“化民成俗”理念的具体化和衍生,社会教化是一种自上而下的对民众进行意识形态领域的影响和内化,理清中国古代社会教育的实施途径和方式,尤其是承担主要社会教化职责的各级地方政府在社会教化方面的措施对于我们今天社会教育的实施具有可供借鉴的价值。敦煌丰富的文书资料为我们展示了归义军这一特殊历史时期和政治环境下,地方政府在推行社会教育方面的卓有成效的措施。第一章,归义军地方政府是推行社会教育的主导力量。首先,归义军地方长官尤其是历任节度使都以自身为表率,对当地民众进行直接的社会教化,并在当地形成了州、县、乡、里坊四级地方政府协同管理的教化模式,在制度上为社会教育的推行提供保障;其次,整顿官学教育体系,以引导和推动地方社会教育事业的发展,在这一方面,归义军政权阶层通过设置检校国子祭酒及太学博士来加强和提高教育的地位,恢复州县官学教育体系,培养社会所需要的人才来引导地方教育的发展,同时还设有专科学校培养专业人才满足社会发展的需要,建立庙学制,在意识形态领域加强儒学思想的引导作用;第三,广泛推行科举制,成为归义军地方政府推行社会教育的旨归。表现在任用乡贡明经等饱学之士任州县学教师,充实和提高教师队伍;积极沿袭科举制风俗;敦煌当地的学郎、学士郎们也无不以参加科举考试、立身成名作为学习的原动力;第四,归义军地方政府还积极利用社会各阶层参与到地方社会教育活动中来,包括允许和鼓励地方有识之士办学,允许和鼓励寺院办学,满足更多学子的求学愿望,也为更大范围普及教育提供了可能。第二章,以日常读物和民间通俗文学作为载体,推行社会教化。童蒙日常读物和民间通俗文学均是比较通俗的、民众喜闻乐见的又具有娱乐性质的文化传播载体,它们的广泛传播与流行为最广大的下层百姓提供了了解知识、道德、伦理、规范、历史、习俗、文学的机会,也是民众接收文化熏陶、提高自身道德文化素养、完成社会化的过程。第三章,归义军时期音乐教育及音乐人才的培养。这一时期,音乐教育还没有被纳入官学教育体系,音乐教育和音乐人才的培养主要是靠归义军地方政府的乐营机构来实现,同时寺院因为设乐的需要,也培养一些音乐从业人员。归义军时期的官府和寺院设乐为最广大的民众提供了享受乐舞娱乐、熏陶的机会,符合儒家“乐教”思想,客观上具有辅助教化的功能。第四章,归义军时期敦煌农业、手工业技术的教育与传承。农业对于敦煌这样一个四周沙漠环绕的绿洲城镇、拥有较强政权独立性、以农业为主的地区显得尤为重要。归义军政权非常重视农业的发展,本文以农田水利灌溉为例,着重探讨归义军政权在农业教育与管理方面的特点。以绘画、雕塑等技能为代表的敦煌手工业技能的教育也还没有被纳入到学校教育体系当中来,其教育的传播与技能的传授主要是归义军时期的画行、画院、以及官府作坊,这些机构主要的功能是从事石窟、壁画等的创作与临摹工作,在教育方法上,则以师徒传授为主,但却在客观上具备了教育的性质。归义军时期大规模的图壁造寺塑像活动,虽然是以佛教供养、发愿功德为目的,但艺术对人的陶冶与熏陶是潜移默化的、润物细无声地进行着的,那些精美的壁画、雕塑在今天人们看来仍然震撼人心。第五章,社会基层组织“社”的社会教化意蕴。这一部分着重对敦煌特殊的私人结社组织所具有的对广大下层民众的教育与教化功能作进一步的探讨,并对粟特等敦煌地区的少数民族在私人结社方面所表现出来的特点进行分析,认为这些少数民族居民汉化程度很高,在结社方面与汉族居民结社无异,充分说明民间结社这一民间组织形式已经完全被接受并作为他们生活的一种常态而存在。相应地,民间结社所具有的教育与教化的功能对于少数民族居民来说也一样适用。

【Abstract】 According to the Central Plains Dynasty, Guiyijun acrosses the late Tang Dynasty、Five Dynasties and Song dynasty of three historical stages from the time point of view stages, and involves the entitle HeXi District from a geographical territory. The study to the history of Dunhuang Guiyijun related to the time and region. The discoveries of Dunhuang Documents have provided the historical basis for the study of related Guiyijun issues, and a number of historical dataes are less than traditional materials. Looking at the issues about education of Guiyijun, In additional to government schools, private school, Temple university education, Dunhuang documents also includes informations on a large number of social educations. We need to discerning, further identification and study.The social education concept has generalized and division of the narrow sense and broad sense. In this paper, we study the phenomenons of Social Education in Guiyijun is mainly from the broad concept of social education, and examined them from five points:Preface, analysis of the concept of "Education"、"Social Education"、"Social Enlightenment". In modern times, the concept of social education, it appears, was affected by the western education. But we can not deny the existence of the phenomenon of social education in ancient Chinese feudal society. Only ancient often referred to as "social enlightenment", which was the specific and derived in the ideological sphere of influence and internalized. It was value for reference to the implementations of education in our society to clarify the implementation of China’s ancient ways and means, especially that primary responsibility of local authorities in terms of measures of social enlightenment Dunhuang documents rich information for us to show the local government in the implementation of effective social education measures, in this special historical period and political environment.Chapter one, Guiyijun local government is a dominant force in the implementation of social education. First, Guiyijun government especially former jiedushi directed the local populations of social enlightenment as an exemplary, and formed at the local state、county、township、in the square, four local government indoctrination collaborative management model;provided protection for the implementation of social education in terms of system. Second, rectifying the official education system to guide and promote the development of education in the local community, in this respect, allegiance army sub - sectors of the country by setting the calibration Dr. libation and imperial college to strengthen and improve the status of education;restoring the magistrate education system with local state and county; Nurturing the talents needs to guide the development of local education, at the same time, setting the professional training college to meet the social development needs. Guiding to strengthen the role of Confucianism In the ideological field. Third, imperial examination system was implemented with extensively. It includes that appointing Heung Gong Ming appointed by counties and other taught men who both school teachers, to rich and enhances teachers;actively followed the custom of imperial examination; local students were also as a goal to participate in the examinations. Fourth, Guiyijun local government also actively used all sectors of society to participate in social education, include allowing and encouraging local intellectuals to run schools;allowing and encouraging run schools by temples.Chapter two. Local government implemented the social enlightenment by the daily readings and popular literature as vectors. Children’s textbooks and popular literature were popular and loved by the people. Spread and popular with these books can provide opportunities to learn knowledge、morality、ethics、norms、history、customs and literature for people.Chapter three, Guiyijun has made a large contribution in music education. In this period, Music education has not been included in the Public School Education System, Music education and music talents of Guiyijun mainly by local government agencies. Because of need, the temples also cultivates a number of music professionals.Chapter four, Guiyijun government attaches great importance to the development of agriculture. The agriculture is very important to Dunhuang, where oasis town surrounded by four-week desert, primarily depended agricultural economy, and had strong independent. In this paper, we will focus on the characteristics of agriculture education and management measures of Guiyijun, it is particularly worth learning that the combination between local governments and private channels. Education of painting, sculpture and other manual skills. Painting, sculpture and other skills have not yet been incorporated into the school education system. Education, communication and teaching skills rely mainly on the painting line, Painting, and the official workshop of Guiyijun government. The main functions are from these bodies in caves, murals and other creative and copy, but they get the nature of education in objective. They depended on the Master and apprentice teaching method of education.Chapter five, the civil associations have function with the moral education. This section will further explore to the function of Dunhuang special private association which can educate the large number of lower enlightenment people, and we also regard to the Sogdian and other minorities which characteristics in the private association in the Dunhuang area. And found that the ethnic minority residents get high degree level in Han culture. There is no different in association with the Han nationality. It is Full description that the civil association has been fully accepted as a normal life.

【关键词】 敦煌归义军社会教育
【Key words】 DunhuangGuiyijunsocial education
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期
  • 【分类号】K870.6
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】550

