

Study on the Policy of Qing Dynasty to Kazak during the Reign Qianlong

【作者】 张荣

【导师】 王希隆;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 中国少数民族史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 清朝的乾隆时期,是有清一代哈萨克政策形成并奠定基本格局的重要时期。这一时期所制定的有关哈萨克的政策与办法,成为了日后清朝政府在处理有关哈萨克事务时所必须遵循的所谓“祖宗之制”。因此,若要全面深刻地理解与把握有清一代哈萨克政策的内涵,就必须对乾隆时期的哈萨克政策形成、发展、完善、定型的来龙去脉,进行认真而详尽的研究。本文在充分了解、掌握前人相关研究成果的基础上,通过大量细致入微的史料阅读与解析,试图补充并超越前人的研究,对清朝乾隆时期的哈萨克政策作出新的而且是更加深入全面的论述。本文所采取的研究方法是最简单,也是最耗费时间、精力的史料解析法,最大限度地辑录史料,排列、对比史料,在大量读史札记的基础上,力图尽可能地回到历史的语境中,去重新理解与把握乾隆时期哈萨克政策的方方面面。本文共分为六章内容。第一章是导论,主要包括选题缘起,相关学术史的梳理与评价,研究资料的范围、搜集、整理与利用,以及论文的总体架构。第二章通过对清朝与哈萨克早期隔阂与最初接触过程的论述,对乾隆朝哈萨克政策形成过程中的因素进行了深入研究。这样一个厄鲁特因素的揭示与强调,为第三章讨论哈萨克越界游牧问题做了必要的铺垫。清朝在征服准噶尔之后,便宣布将准噶尔辖地归入清朝的版疆,并且在与哈萨克建立朝贡关系之初,就要求哈萨克承认这一变化。尽管如此,在清哈关系史最初的十几年中,清朝对准噶尔旧游牧地的拥有权,却屡屡遭到来自哈萨克越界游牧问题的挑战。乾隆三十二年(1767),清朝最终采取了一个灵活的解决办法,允许哈萨克在清朝西北卡外界内区域游牧,条件是哈萨克要向清朝交纳百分之一的马匹,以充贡赋。这个办法既可以保证清朝政府对西北卡外界内领土的所有权和支配权,又可以照顾到哈萨克作为个游牧民族的生产、生活的现实需求。第四章讨论了清朝为防范哈萨克而构建西北边防体系的过程。随着越界游牧问题的解决,以及西北边防体系建设工作的初步完成,清朝与哈萨克的关系开始进入到一个更加稳定,更加融洽的新阶段。第五章讨论了清朝与哈萨克关系史中的一项最重要内容——绢马贸易。对清朝而言,这种贸易绝不仅仅只是一种以羁縻、控制为主要目的朝贡贸易。哈萨克的牲只马匹,对于当时的清朝而言,绝非是可有可无的普通贸易品,而是需求量非常大的特殊贸易品。清朝政府积极地同哈萨克开展绢马贸易,是为了“懋迁有无”,主要追求的是经济上的“甚为有益”。大量而廉价地换购哈萨克的牲只马匹,无论是在清朝统一西域的战时,还是在经营治理新疆的战后,对清朝政府而言,都具有重大的战略意义,不仅可以有效地安定清朝西北的内外藩,而且还可以极大地减轻清朝的财政负担,使统一西域的伟业,不仅具有政治、军事上的积极意义,而且在经济上,也可以获得一定的回报和有益的补充。最后一章结语部分,主要是对全文的总结,并且通过分析乾隆时期清朝政府对哈萨克的态度与政策,探讨了清朝对西北边疆的基本态度。清朝统一西域的主要目的并不是美国“新清史’学者们普遍认为的殖民,而是为了给清朝居于中心的内地建设起一道稳定而可靠的安全屏障。

【Abstract】 The Qing dynasty during the reign Qianlong, was an important period that the policy of Qing dynasty to Kazak formed and established. The policy and measure on Kazak during this period, became the ancestor tradition must be followed when the Qing government dealt with affairs on Kazak. Therefore, we must investigate earnestly and elaborately the cause and effect of the policy of Kazak from it formed, developed, perfected and finalized, in order to understand and grasp thoroughly the connotation of the policy of Qing dynasty to Kazak.This thesis, on the basis of understanding and mastering the former study fruits, by reading and parsing a great deal of historical materials. try to renew and surpass the former study, and discusses the policy of Kazak of Qing dynasty during the reign Qianlong, newly and thoroughly.This thesis uses historical analytical method which is the simplest but need a lot of time to go on, that is, farthest compiles historical materials, arranges and contrasts them, on the basis of a great deal of reading notes, tries hard to return to the historical background to comprehend the policy of Kazak during the reign Qianlong renewedly.This thesis can be divided into six parts.The first part, mainly includes the origin of the topic, estimates and arrange of science history, the scope, collect, and the using of research data, and the frame of this thesis.The second part, makes a deep research on factor of Oirat in the course of the policy of Kazak formed during the reign Qianlong, by discussing the forepart gulf and first contact between Qing dynasty and Kazak.The third part, discusses the problem on Kazak’s grazing beyond the mark. Qing dynasty announced Zhungeer ley belonged to Qing dynasty after conquered them, and required Kazak to accept the fact. But the ownership of the ley always encountered Kazak’s challenge, at the first ten years of the relation history between Qing dynasty and Kazak. In 1767, Qing dynasty finally adopted a flexible way on the basis of ensuring the benefit of the government and considering Kazak’s realistic requirement, allowed Kazak to graze inside the border but outside the block of Qing dynasty, with a centesimal horse taxation. The fourth part, discusses a process of the establishment of northwest frontier defence system of Qing dynasty. With the problem of grazing beyond the mark be resolved and the accomplishment of the build of northwest frontier defence system, the relation between Qing dynasty and Kazak became more and more stable and harmonious.The fifth part, discusses the most important content of the relation history between Qing dynasty and Kazak, that was, the silk and horse trade. It was not only a simple pay tribute trade in order to control Kazak. Kazakhs horse was an unusual and necessary commodity for Qing dynasty. The purpose of Qing dynasty to develop the silk and horse trade with Kazak was to gain what they need each other, mainly pursued the economic interest. To gain a lot of cheap horses for Qing dynasty was a grand strategic significant measure, no matter when she was in the war or after the war. It can not only stabilize border area, but also alleviate its finance burden, more importance, it can get a great deal of return and complementarity.The last part, mainly summarizes the whole thesis, and discusses the basic attitude of Qing dynasty to northwest border, through analyzing the attitude and policy of Qing dynasty to Kazak in the reign Qianlong. The main intention of Qing dynasty to unite Xing Jiang is not to colonize, as those scholars of "New Qing History" in American consider universally, but is to build a stable and dependable barrier for the center areas of Qing dynasty.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期

