

A Research on the Mainland New Chivalry from the Perspective of Media

【作者】 肖显惠

【导师】 古世仓;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 论文以2001年至2010年的《今古传奇·武侠版》和《武侠故事》期刊为研究对象,运用社会学与文学分析方法,适当结合传播学和经济学理论,从多学科交叉的视角入手,以探析新世纪武侠文学期刊的产业化及其对文学的塑造与影响等问题。“大陆新武侠”小说以期刊为载体,在十年间形成了以大陆作家为主,兼含港台及海外武侠作者的创作新格局。在新作者群中,出现了小椴、凤歌、王晴川、时未寒、方白羽等具有宗师气象与可能的作者,也出现了众多风格各异、各有千秋的作者。同时,“女子武侠”这一武侠文学新事物,也得以形成,她们以《今古传奇·武侠版》为主要聚集地,与男性作者一竞风流。此外,港台作者,如孙晓、九把刀等,也与大陆作者共襄武侠新世纪。海外华人身处异乡,武侠文学无疑让他们找到了通往母体文化的皈依之路。“大陆新武侠”呈现出了如此新特征:一、在创作潮流中,出现了包含现实主义、浪漫主义、后现代主义等因素的多元化特征,这种多元化又呈现出阶段性流行与阶段性循环的特点;二、具有了武侠类型文学的诸多新特性,从侠客形象到侠义精神,从江湖图景到女子武侠都体现出这种新特性。武侠小说期刊以媒介的特定方式,创造了新武侠文学。这从期刊的企划、编辑方针到栏目设置都有明显体现。因为刊物的不同,它所塑造的武侠文学也有所不同。期刊的特质,影响着武侠文学的存在基础与文学本质,改变了文学的生产方式。武侠文学文本从外在呈现,到内在叙事都发生了重要变化。期刊以文化产业的生产、运营以及传播,直接作用于武侠文学。作为文化产业链中的期刊,它本身还要受到行业大背景与经济运行方式的直接影响。文化产业进程、城市化进程、科学技术的提速发展,都成为了武侠文学发展的影响因素。同时,武侠文学也是文化领导权竟获的产物。武侠文学发展仍面临着许多实际问题,需要多种创新来突破其困境。深入研究21世纪初十年的新武侠文学,具有如下意义:第一,突破民国旧派武侠与港台新武侠研究的领域局限性;第二,突破期刊传播学研究的学科单一性;第三,突破武侠研究的文学与文化思维局限性。这种研究,结合经济发展环境与文化产业大背景,深入分析了武侠小说的文学性、期刊的传播性、文学的产业化等多种问题。这对于探索武侠文学的产业化经验,传媒对文学的引导与推介,以及如何提升大众文化品格等,具有积极意义。

【Abstract】 Based on the whole periodicals of the Ancient and Modern Legends-Chivalry Edition and Chivalry Novels (from 2001 to 2010), this article starts with the cross field of disciplines and explores the periodical industry and the literature periodicals’ molding and impact on literature through the analytical approach of sociology and literature as well as communication and economics.In these 10 years, the mainland new Chivalry periodicals mainly relies on a multitude of mainland writers, also attract plenty of knight writers from Hong Kong, Taiwan and overseas. In these new writers, there are not only some writers with the potential of great masters such as Xiaoduan, Fengge, Wang Qingchuan, Shi Weihan, Fang Baiyu and so on, but also decades of other writers with different styles and their own characteristics. The women Chivalry novels writers were the newest event in the development of new knight novels. Take the Ancient and Modern Legends-Chivalry Edition for example, many women Chivalry novels writers compete with men Chivalry novels writers. Some writers from Hong Kong and Taiwan, such as Sun Xiao and Nine knives and so on become involved in the mainland new Chivalry novels and make contributions to the Chivalry literature in the new century. Through Chivalry literature, oversea Chinese can find the way to their mother culture.In the 10 years’works, these new Chivalry novels feature diversification including realism, Romanism and Post Modernism. They also reflect the prevalence in a certain time and phase cycle. New features emerge from New Chivalry novels and they are embodied in new knights, new Chivalry, new situations and new power that women Chivalry novels writers express.These works were completed with the periodicals as carriers and with different literature fields based on media they differ in writers’writing environment and methods, the means of circulation and target readers. These two periodicals have impacted on the mainland new knights novels by specific mediums. The enterprise-planning, editorial policy and placement of features in the periodicals mirror the reform on literature mode.As mediums, the periodicals change the essence of literature, the mode of production of literature, and the base that the Chivalry literature exists. The Chivalry novels have changed greatly from external presentation and internal narration. The producing, operating and spreading of cultural industry plays a direct role in the Chivalry literature.As periodicals in the cultural industry, they themselves are directly influenced by the economy and industry background. The development of cultural industry, the progress of urbanization, and the boosting of science and technology have influenced the Chivalry literature. Chivalry novels are more likely to become the quarry that people hunt for in the cultural industry. Creation is the key to break through the dilemma of Chivalry literature. The Chivalry literature still confronts with lots of practical difficulties.The significance of above research lies in the following three points. Firstly, it breaks the limitation of Chivalry novels research which was confined in the old Chivalry novels in the Republic of China (1912-1949) and the new Chivalry novels in Hong Kong and Taiwan. And it makes research on the special cases of new Chivalry novels in the early 10 years of 21st century. Secondly, it breaks the sole research field of periodical communications. Thirdly, it breaks the sole research of literature and culture in Chivalry literature. This study values the economic base’s the key role in the superstructure. Combining the environment of economy development and the background of cultural industry, this article makes a deep thorough research on the literariness of knight literature, the transmissibility of periodicals and the literature industry. It is very important for us to explore the industry experiences of Chivalry literature, the media’s guiding and introduction to literature, and the way to mass culture qualities.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 09期

