

Study on the Active Urbanization of Urban-rural Fringe in Less-developed Regions

【作者】 张强

【导师】 李吉均; 陈怀录;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 人文地理学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 诺贝尔经济学奖获得者斯蒂格利茨认为:“中国的城市化和以美国为首的新技术革命是影响人类21世纪的两件大事。”当前,在新的国际政治经济格局下,占世界1/5以上人口的中国进入城市化快速推进阶段,无论是对全球还是中国而言,其影响都是空前绝后的。研究中国的城市化问题,特别是政治因素和地域差异耦合作用下的城市化曲折发展历程,将对世界城市化理论的完善带来新的实证支撑。近年来,我国的城市化水平以平均每年1%甚至以上的速度向前推进,是世界平均水平的2倍左右。至2009年,全国城市化水平达到了46.6%,全国13亿人口中有6亿多生活于城市。但是,我国地域差异明显,加上近年来全球化、信息化和知识经济的多重要素影响,目前已经形成了与自然区划完全相反的东、中、西城市化梯度递减的发展格局。一方面,东部沿海地区受多年来国家政策偏向、优势区位等要素的影响,优先抢占了我国经济发展与城市化的“高地”;另一方面,广大中西部地区深居内陆,生产力发展水平低下,长期以来城市化的推进以政府主导的“自上而下”模式为主,大多数省份的城市化低于全国平均水平,在城市化速度和质量方面均处于“峡谷”地带,出现了明显的“先进”与“落后’并存的地区二元结构。从城市化阶段来看,我国广大欠发达地区整体上已经进入了30%以上的城市化加速推进阶段。但是,欠发达地区中心城市的实力整体偏小、城市间的相互联系不紧密、城镇体系发育不成熟,导致城市化动力不足,城市化推进面临的问题较多。研究当前我国欠发达地区城市化速度与质量的双重提升,对于我国城市化的稳序推进具有重要的现实意义和研究价值。长期以来,我国欠发达地区的城市化基本上是政府主导下的城市内涵与外延不断扩张的过程。城市化现象最为激烈的区域——城乡过渡带,往往具有“被动接受”的特征,其主动决策和参与城市化的力量不强,导致城乡要素流动缓慢、城市化推进速度迟滞、弱势群体不断出现等众多弊端。论文以欠发达地区城乡过渡带作为研究区域,以过渡带内农村和农民为研究主体,从主动出击、迎合城市扩张的视角,突破传统的“被动”接受模式,提出“主动城市化”概念,在总结国内外发达国家和地区的相关经验基础上,建立主动城市化的理论研究体系。主动城市化遵循开放系统下城市化的时空演进机制。时间维上,按照诺瑟姆“S”曲线的城市化阶段性规律依次展开;空间维上,遵循城市扩张“点域空间—廊道空间—网络空间”的一般发展轨迹。主动城市化是一项系统工程,论文围绕产业协作、土地流转和政府调控三大核心子系统,对欠发达地区城乡过渡带主动城市化展开了全面的研究,以寻求主动城市化道路的“破解点”。主要结论有:①产业协作方面,需要解决四个关键性问题,即利用城市磁场找准发展“利基’创新多元发展模式和经济合作伙伴、统筹城乡发展避免“村村冒烟”、注重环境保护和可持续发展;②土地流转方面,进行了体制创新和改革探索,具体措施有:以土地利用方式替代所有权之争、以土地中介组织完善土地交易市场、重视土地流转中的失地农民安置、采用多元化方式推进集体非农建设用地经营;③政府调控方面,研究认为:城市政府的主要职责需要向“服务者”角色回归,重点任务是制定与实施城乡规划、构建城乡社会福利体系、保障城乡生态安全格局。通过政府力量的发挥,有效校正市场失灵,保障城乡过渡带内主动城市化战略的实现。实证方面,论文以甘肃省为例,对欠发达地区城乡过渡带的发展现状、城乡产业协作、土地流转和政府调控提供具体案例支撑,并以甘肃省张掖市乌江镇为例,对欠发达地区城乡过渡带主动城市化进行了最后总结,从而增强论文的实际应用价值。

【Abstract】 Joseph E. Stiglitz, the Nobel Prize winner in Economics, considered that the urbanization of China and US-led new technological revolution were two major events in the 21st century. Currently, under the new global political and economic situation, China which has over one fifth of the world population is coming to the rapid urbanization process. Its influence is unprecedented for both the whole world and China. The study on the urbanization of China will bring a new empirical support to the world urbanization theory.The urbanization of China has been developed at an average annual rate of 1% or above in recent years, which was two times more of the world’s average level. The urbanization level of China reached 46.6% in 2009. More than 600 million people are living in the cities. As a result of the important effects of the zone discrepancy, the globalization and the knowledge economy in the recent years, the urbanization level of China presents a unbalanced pattern, in which the one decreases from east to middle and west regions opposite to the physical regionalization. On the one side, the eastern coastal regions took advantage of the country’s preferential policies and the ascendant location and controlled the commanding point of both the economy and the urbanization. On the other side, propelled by the government-led role from top to bottom for a long period, the urbanization of Midwest regions owing to the remote inland with a poor level of productivity is lower than the average level in China. Both speed and quality were in the doldrums to the national urbanization. It appears an obvious dual structure of the advanced and backward coexisting regions.From the situation of current urbanization, most of the less-developed regions have entered the rapid stage, in which the urbanization level exceeds 30%. Since the central cities in the less-developed regions have a small city size, a less tight relationship between cities and a poor developed urban system, however, the potential development in the regions is deficient and the urbanization level faces many problems. Therefore, the study on the promotion of both speed and quality of urbanization in less-developed regions should have an important practical significance and theory value.The urbanization of the less-developed regions is basically propelled by the local government for a long period, which controls its intention and extension. The Urban-rural fringe, which is the most intense area of urbanism, always shows the passive-accepting characteristics and has less strength to participate in urbanization actively. This phenomenon causes the insensible factor flows between urban and countryside, the slow urbanization process and the frequent appearances of vulnerable groups, etc. This paper takes the urban-rural fringe of the less-developed regions as the study area and the agriculture and rural area as the main studying object. Breaking through the passive-accepting model, the paper mentions the concept of active urbanization from the view of the expansion of cities. Moreover, the paper builds up the theory system of the active urbanization on the basis of the relative experiences from China and other countries.The active urbanization obeys the mechanism of urbanization in the open systems. In the temporal dimension, it acts up to the rule of "Northam Curve". In the spatial dimension, it carries out the road-map from the point-space to the corridor-space and cyberspace. Active urbanization is a system attic project. This paper makes an in-depth study from three key subsystems of the urbanization which contains the industrial coordination, the land transfer and the governmental regulation. The main conclusions are as follows:①The industrial coordination needs to solve four key questions, which are finding the "niche" of development from urban magnetic field, innovating the multiple model of development and economic partners, coordinating urban-rural development and avoiding smoke in every village which stresses environmental protection and sustainable development.②The paper studies innovations of system and explores ways of reforming to land transfer. Concrete measures are as follows:using land utilization patterns instead of talks about the ownership of land, using the introduce organization protects the land- trading markets, attaching importance to placement of farmers who lost their lands, taking diversified measures to propel business in non-agricultural land.③About the governmental regulation, it thinks that the role of the city government needs to return as a service provider. Major tasks of government are making and carrying out the urban-rural plan, building up the public weal of the urban and rural regions and supporting the local ecological safety. The positive power of the government can reduce the market losses and support the strategy of the active urbanization in the urban-rural fringe.The paper takes Gansu province as an example, to provide an actual cases for the present situation, industrial coordination, land transfer and governmental regulation of the urban-rural fringe in the less-developed regions. Moreover, taking Wujiang town in Zhangye, Gansu province for example, it summarizes the active urbanization of the urban-rural fringe in the less-developed regions lastly. This way can strengthen the paper’s practical application.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 09期

