

A Study on the Ruins Park in Beijing

【作者】 彭历

【导师】 刘晓明;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 北京作为著名的古都,遗址资源丰富,并且在城市遗址公园建设上取得了阶段性的成果。遗址公园作为北京历史文化遗产组成部分——城市遗址以及城市公共活动空间的共同载体,具有很高的人文价值、社会价值、经济价值;同时在园林艺术上具有较高的造诣。因此,以北京城市遗址公园作为研究的对象,是具有典型性和推广意义的。本研究的目的是将北京城市遗址公园的产生、发展历程、分类进行系统地梳理分析,探讨其产生发展的历史、文化和社会背景;研究它作为城市公园的园林艺术特征,随时代变迁而变化的审美旨趣;分析其与城市的关系,作为遗址保护展示空间和城市公共空间的社会价值;探究其传达的公共休闲意涵,分析其在社会大众心目中的满意度,进而提出具有针对性的改进策略,并对其未来发展趋势提出可行性建议,逐步提升北京城市遗址公园的整体品质。本文依据理论和实践相结合的方法,在研究历史文献资料以及前人的研究成果基础上,结合实地考察调研的北京现有6所城市遗址公园,采用实测、拍照以及访谈等方法获取一手的资料,并通过归纳分析来支撑本研究的成果。研究最终得出结论:遗址公园模式的提出为城市遗址的保护与展示提供了一个新平台;建设高品质的北京城市遗址公园是对城市历史的尊重与保护,是延续城市发展轨迹的有效途径,从遗址功能转化的角度而言体现出从集权向公众开放性转化,从封建文化向现代文明转化的进步,在这一转化过程中城市文脉得到了延续;以遗址为核心,以历史人文为辅助,以植物为衬托,北京城市遗址公园表达出了强烈的场地精神,沟通了人与物的精神世界,使人感动使人兴奋;这些遗址公园是具备综合性功能的城市公园,是具有极高的社会价值的城市公园,其存在和发展的必要性是社会进步的必然;实用性、场地特征和环境氛围成为影响公众认可度的本质因素,是对其进行完善改进的针对性突破口;强调历史文脉的继承与发展,成为城市的景观象征,进一步更好的满足社会大众的需求提高公众的认可度,是北京城市遗址公园所承担的时代使命和未来走向。将北京城市遗址公园作为单独的分类体系进行深入研究,站在今日的高度研其特质、究其意涵、谋其策略、谏其未来,可谓是一种特殊性和时代性的彰显。

【Abstract】 As the famous ancient capital, Beijing has rich resources. And it has made progress in the phasal sense of Ruins Park building. As a component of Beijing cultural and historical heritage, Ruins Park is the carrier of urban public sapce, which has high humanistic value, social value and economic value. At the mean time, it also has better academic attainments. Therefore, it is very typical and good for popularization to take Ruins Park as object of study. The purpose of this study is to comb and analyze the establishment, development and category of Ruins Park systematically; discuss its history, culture and social background; study its landscape artistic characteristics of urban parks and the esthetic academic value which changes with ages; analyze the social value of the display space for ruins protection and urban public space; explore its implication to convey public leisure and analyze the degree of satisfaction in people’s minds to develop strategies. And this paper also makes some feasible suggestion for future development to improve the total quality of Beijing Ruins Park.According to the combination of theory with practice, materials are obtained by studying the historical literature materials and formers’achievement, field survey of six Beijing Urban Ruins Park, actual measurement, taking pictures and interview. And the final achievement is support by the summary and analysis. Studying reaches a conclusion finally:The presentation of Ruins Park mode offers a platform to protect and display the city relics. Beijing Urban Ruins Park is a kind of respect and protection of urban history because it continues the development track of city, changes the function form centralization to public, reflects the progress of modern civilization and continues the urban context. Moreover, it bases on ruins and history, human culture as supplementary and plants as background to express the strong site spirit and communicate the people and objects, which make us moving and excited. These ruins parks are all urban parks which have comprehensive function, so they have high social value. Practicability, site characteristic and environment are all basic factors which affect public degree of recognition, so they are the right breakthroughs to improve. We need to stress inherit and develop of historical context to meet public’s remands and increase their degree of recognition.Studying Beijing Ruins Park as a signal classification system can express the particularity and the feature of the times.

【关键词】 北京遗址公园园林艺术社会价值发展趋势
【Key words】 BeijingRuinsParkGarden artSocial valueDevelopment trend

