

Study on Foreign Trade Augment and Growth Relation in China Furniture Industry

【作者】 张劲松

【导师】 宋维明;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 家具随着人类社会的产生而产生,并且伴随社会的进步不断发展,只要是有人类活动的地方就需要家具,因此家具产业被称“民生产业”。中国悠久的历史和灿烂的文化,赋予了家具独特的生命力。改革开放为家具产业的发展注入了新的生机与活力。新中国成立以来,家具产业进入了新的发展阶段。改革开放30多年来家具产业取得了高速发展,目前家具出口和总产值均列世界第一,确立了中国家具大国的地位。但中国要成为家具的强国仍有不小差距。全国家具行业人均年产值为12.66万元,规模以上企业人均年产值为17.78万元,远远低于发达国家年人均100万元左右的水平。这充分说明了中国家具行业仍然是大而不强。要成为家具强国还需要家具产业的进一步发展。而家具产业的发展离不开家具对外贸易。首先是因为作为拉动经济的三驾马车之一的对外贸易,在推动产业成长中一直发挥着举足重轻的作用,家具对外贸易尤其如此。这一是因为占总产值1/3的家具对外贸易近年来一直保持旺盛的增长,有效地补充了国内市场需求的不足。二是因为家具全球产业链梯次转移已基本完成,在开放的条件,无法回避家具对外贸易与产业成长的关系。三是家具产业存的问题比如家具产业自主创新不足,粗放经营以及品牌缺失等都是涉及产业和贸易两面的问题,需要从两方面着手解决。因此研究中国家具对外贸易与产业成长的关系,探索对外贸易与家具产业成长良性互动的途径,对于促进家具产业健康成长具有十分重要的意义。目前,国内有许多学者致力于家具产业和家具对外贸易的研究,也取得了很大的进展。但只是在对外贸易或者是家具产业其中一个方面进行研究,而对于家具对外贸易与家具产业成长之间关系研究没有涉及。本文以贸易理论、产业成长理论为指导,选取产业规模、产业技术进步、产业组织和产业集群作为衡量产业成长的指标运用定量定性的分析方法,通过对家具对外贸易与家具产业规模、产业技术进步、产业组织和产业集群关系分析,来研究家具对外贸易与家具产业成长的关系。以期找出制约家具产业成长的瓶颈,并有针对性地提出对策建议,促进家具产业的健康成长。主要内容如下第一章,绪论。介绍选题背景和研究的意义、逻辑思路和研究框架以及研究方法和技术路线,并对国内外相关研究进行综述。第二章,相关概念和理论基础。介绍产业成长和产业生命周期的概念。对国内外相关的理论进行回顾,为下面几章的研究做铺垫。第三章,中国家具的历史沿革和现状。介绍中国古典家具、近代家具和现代家具。重点阐述中国现代家具经历的几个阶段。理清中国家具发展的脉络和发展特点,以便客观分析现状和展望未来。本章从家具生产、家具市场、家具贸易、家具品牌、家具集群五个方面介绍中国家具产业成长状况。运用定量和定性方法判断中国家具产业所处的发展阶段。第四章,家具对外贸易与产业规模。本章对中国家具对外贸易与家具总产值之间的关系进行了实证研究。得出结论1997年至2007年中国家具出口对家具总产值的贡献度平均为33.9,出口对家具总产值的拉动平均为7.5%。家具进出口与家具总产值之间存在长期稳定的关系。第五章,家具对外贸易与产业技术进步。本章分析了对外贸易与家具产业技术进步的相互关系,并就家具出口与家具劳动生产率的关系进行了实证研究。第六章,家具对外贸易与产业组织。本章介绍了产业组织的相关理论,运用SCP范式分析了家具产业组织的市场结构、市场行为和市场绩效。运用博弈论的方法分析了家具产业的价格行为。第七章,家具对外贸易与产业集群。本章从介绍产业集群的内涵入手,介绍了对外贸易和产业群相互作用的机理。研究了家具对外贸易对产业集群的影响。第八章,对策和和建议。本章在以上几章研究的基础上分别从宏观政策、行业协会和企业层面提出我国家具产业成长的对策和建议。第九章,结论与需要进一步研究的问题。本章介绍了本研究的主要结论及需要进一步研究的问题。

【Abstract】 Furniture emerges and develops with the emergence and growth of human society. The furniture will need whereever human being lives. So the furniture industry is called "livelihood industry". The furniture industry in China has a long history; especially with its 10 years high-speed growth China has established itself in furniture industry all over the world.Foreign as one of the "three carriages" which Stimulate economic growth, take a great role in industry especially in furniture industry of China. Furniture foreign trade which creates 1/3 the output value of China furniture industry maintains a rapid growth. And effectively fill the insufficient domestic demand.However there are several of problems both in trade and growth in China furniture industry. Such as product homogeneity, the low added value and the most of the export product are OEM and export market in a high decentralization. All these problems come from both foreign trade and industry of furniture. So discussing the relation between foreign trade and industry growth and exploring the ways of in mutual promotion of foreign trade and industry growths therefore tremendously significant.At present, our country has many scholars to devote to the furniture foreign trade and furniture growth, and they make some progress. But they are limited to one of the two aspects, and unconcerned with the relation between the foreign trade and growth of China furniture industry.Guided by the theory of international trade and industry economic author selects industrial scale, industrial structure, industrial organization and industrial cluster as important indexes for the growth of furniture industry. Though quantitative and qualitative methods the relation between furniture foreign trade and furniture industry growths investigated.The re searches of this thesis mainly include:Chapter 1:introduction. This chapter introduces the background and significance of selecting the topic and the logic way of thinking, analysis framework, the research method and technologic line. The relative literatures published in recent years are reviewed. Chapter 2:associative concepts and theoretical basis. This chapter introduces the concept of industry growth and industry lifecycle. And briefly introduced the relatively thesis, preparing for the study in subsequent chapters.Chapter 3:History evolution of furniture industry of China. This chapter introduces Classical Furniture, Early Modern Furniture and Modern furniture the three stage of China furniture history. Sorts out its trail of growth, and reveals the feature of the China furniture industry growthPresent status and the stage of growth of China furniture industry. Thesis focuses on the Furniture Manufacture, Furniture, Furniture Market, Furniture Trade, Furniture Brand and Furniture Cluster also determining the stage of furniture of China by quantitative and qualitative methods.Chapter 4:Furniture foreign and furniture industry growth of China. In this chapter an empirical research is exerted on the relation between furniture foreign trade and furniture industry growth in China. The result show that the contributing ratios of the furniture export to total output averages 33.9 from 1997 to 2007. And the driven that furniture exports to growths averages 7.5%. And the result also shows that there is a stable relation between furniture foreign trade and furniture industry growth in China.Chapter 5:Furniture foreign trade and industry Technical progress. This chapter discusses the way that furniture trade promotes Technical progress. At same time the problem of furniture industrial structure and related suggestions were made.Chapter 6:Furniture foreign trade and industrial organization in China. This thesis introduces industrial organization theory, and discusses the structure, conduct, and performance of furniture market in China. Also discusses the problem of furniture industrial organization and makes related suggestions.Chapter 7:Furniture foreign trade and industrial cluster. This thesis firstly introduce the meaning and present status of industrial cluster, secondly discusses the interaction and mechanism between furniture foreign trade and industrial cluster. Finally the problem of furniture industrial cluster and related suggestions were made.Chapter 8:suggestions and countermeasures. This thesis gives suggestions and countermeansures form macroscopic policy industry association and enterprises three aspects.Chapter 9:Conclusions and Prospects. The author summarizes the main results of the thesis, and proposes some ponders to future research direction.

【关键词】 家具对外贸易产业成长关系
【Key words】 furnitureforeign tradeindustry growthand relation
  • 【分类号】F426.88;F752.7
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】963
  • 攻读期成果

